Should every star Wars fan who bitched about Midi-chlorians be kissing George Lucas butt for forgiveness...

Should every star Wars fan who bitched about Midi-chlorians be kissing George Lucas butt for forgiveness? Disney about to replace Midi-chlorians with force trees and porgs. Happy now?

Midi-chlorians were completely necessary without them the Star Wars universe wouldn't make any fucking sense because literally anybody could become a Jedi. Why bother with droids or clone troopers/storm troopers when you can teach force powers to every soldier in boot camp?

It's clear you cunts like the new movies more than anyone on Holla Forums, not as movies of course but as flimsy excuses to claim dislike or hate for the prequals is unwarranted.

Revenge of the Sith Was pretty good despite its more hamfisted moments


More people would be willing to try if there were super powers in it for them.


I never even bitched or cared about Midichlorians, shit makes sense

This. Now thanks to Disney everyone can use the force now. What’s the point of storm troopers and bounty hunters when anyone can become Seth or Jedi?

Yeah i never understood the hate. Just another blown up petty argument from the fanboys at Red Letter Media.

Midichlorians were always a part of Star Wars.
If they were inlcuded in the OT then no one would be bitching about them. The hate stems from people thinking at Midi Chlorians were the force, then there are people who say it removes the magical aspect of the force, but it doesn't do either. For a fanbase that dedicates itself to knowing everything about the series even retarded EU stuff and theories like "Bigger Luke" it is stupid that they can't comprehebd something like midi chlorians.

No. It's as bad as it was originally, someone making a worse concept doesn't make it any less retarded.

Lol, pathetic. Get a life you fucking beta nerds.

Taking a spiritual concept and bringing it "down to Earth" is poor writing. Taking a band of warrior monks/Samurai and turning them into anime fighters is bad.

George Lucas raped my childhood.

moar liek midi-CUCKlorians right XXXDDDDDD

… but does the Millenium Falcon have a spore drive?

paid for by netflix goys that don't even watch it.

What if we erased both from existence and memory holed it?
The original explanation was fine by itself.

You are forcing the sense debate into an al pervasive force that can be used to super jump, unlimited power kill move and precognition?

This bitch is 90% mouth and forehead

midi-chlorians? more like mild-chlamydia am i right ladies???


Eh, they were always there. Lucas didn't change anything with the prequels.

Eh, that isn't true.

And if that force was available to everyone, why wouldn't they use it? A fantasy universe isn't an excuse for bad writing. You still need some internal logic.

it was always canon you retards. midichlorians were a way to measure one's natural connection to the force.

Jewish rewrite of history


Idiots justify their hate for films in the most petty wrong ways all the time

this is OT yoda we're talking about, george obviously did some revising in the time between the two trilogies.