Be North Korean soldier

NORK defector confirm for Kino taste?


How do i emigrate to North Korea?

Be a Nigger Ball player

wtf I love North Korea now

Fuck off Holla Forums and your racist trump propaganda

The Kims just tried to help tbh.

Feels bad

It has probably been mentioned in this thread already, but soldier probably killed all of his remaining family and relatives by deserting. They'll die miserable deaths in the slave camps. Pretty selfish tbh. I understand why the southerners want to make this guy famous, but he's no hero.

Just kill yourself, subhuman commie.

Commnism is not Korea's own culture, you retarded propagandized cuck. They have already been colonized and erased.

Westerners should look up to the Norks and their valiant struggle against the forces of zog.

I'd take it over librulism tbh.

Fucking traitor, i wish he was dead

This is your brain on Holla Forums.

This, everything is preferable to neo-liberalist hellhole we all live in today

yeah, starving is so great

It rather starve and let my material body suffer than be let my eternal soul be tormented by the evils of the modern world

You guys have no idea of how late stage communism would look like. It is matriarchal, without families, compulsory physical labour in spite of it being unnecessary, under constant judgment of loyalty by strangers who can get you fucked by mob rule if they don't like you, etc…

Individualism allows you to fight for a not shit life, it is possible, while without it, it is not an option.

feel free. nothing stops you from doing that in our current system.


It isnt about me, or you, or anybody else. Its about our societies as a whole

so you want everyone to starve. fuck you.

Better dead physically than dead spiritually

Capitalism doesn't dictates culture and values, it generates progress which changes the societal conditions of people who can then choose to adopt other cultures and values OR not.

It is a problem, but it is a problem with many different achievable solutions. While communism is not any of those solutions nor it offers any choice.


It does, ultimate value - money, culture - everything that sells, it has to be cheap, flashy and for everyone so that it might sell better. Eg. fastfood chains replacing local bars and restaurants
define progress,
its not a choice if you can choose only among the evil

fuck you.

Local bars and restaurants also came from capitalism, or do you think they grow on fucking trees? If you think they were good things, then what you hate is how large and concentrated our societies became, which is something capitalism can solve as well, if we wish to (and most of us do, but we keep trying to solve it with socialism instead…).

Progress is technological, scientific and medical advancement, an invention that allows you too grow food without having hundreds of people working their asses off is bound to change what sort of family structure, breeding and numbers of people we "need to have". It becomes about what structure we WANT to have and not need.

Evil is not real.

I was with you up until that last line.

Don't you dare call capitalism "evil" and then praise some communism utopia right after.
Communism killed 100 million you stupid fuck.

I don't even mean it in a relativist kind of way, I simply don't believe in evil, there is only stupid and smart. Even people actively trying to fuck shit up do it to feel good, which is just stupid and fucks them in the end.

Juche isn't communism. Like at all and it barely pretends to be it. If anything is is a fucked up and retarded hybrid of National Socialism and corrupt as fuck quasi oligarchy with figure head representation.


It would straighten more than a couple of people out honestly.

This is why you will never get the kike's leash off you, you're unwilling to sacrifice any personal comforts in order to gain anything. As long as they keep the livestock warm, fed and supplied with a constant stream of cuck porn you will happily do whatever they ask of you.

You are just using the term as a granola eating hippie trying to get kids into drugs and underage sex.

Don't bother trying to reason with /leftypozzers/. They're the dumbest, most useless people on the planet.

you kids crying about muh communism know north korea is a capitalist state, right?



Not sure what you're saying tbh, I don't find your post coherent. I want people to reclaim their nations from the eternal kike and they have become too soft and materialistic to do it. The people of DPRK might not have it easy but they have more backbone and dignity than 99% of the west and the American occupied Worst Korea.

I'm not saying communism is the optimal choice but it truly can't be worse than librul capitalism.
No man is an island.

The only true path in existentialism is inwards.

fuck you.

The collective soul needs to be in tune with your own. As the discord grows bigger salvation also grows more distant. This modernist mindset of separation is cancer, the mind and body have the same relationship as the individual and the group. Do not neglect one for the other or the whole will suffer. There is no dichotomy, it is an illusion.

Words of truth


Living in a former socialist country where churches were guarded so you couldn't get in and *society* was throwing your kids at communist success parades, while you can't even buy toilet paper I fail to see what spirituality you can find in the hungry sad masses denied basic goods.

So why is it then, that it usually 90% leads to liberal capitalism and brutal corrupion by former communist elites?

How is collectivism spiritual? It always leads to the greatest atrocities against man.


Guess what, me too. But i aint a commie and i see the ongoing downfall of my nation it the neoliberal present

Establish rules and somewhat limit brutal free markets.
Keep religion afloat.

That should be the way, but the commies killing all that the local religion stood for and putting all their former agents into religios positions of power makes it impossible.
Then you have the guys who couldn't get a TV owning things they couldn't even imagine and going nuts.

Still you have to admit countries like ours are relatively surviving spiritually by keeping the family unit.
Perhaps poland is an ok example.

partially although things could be better
t. pole

t. loser


t. loser that thinks everyone else is as useless as him

In what way is Juche communism other than propaganda to keep the slaves in line? It is ruled by a military junta with hereditary positions and the only upward mobility is horizontal for women that are pretty enough to be taken by a party officer as his wife or concubine. It is an incredibly stratified class system defined by familial ties that can be severed in incredibly open and brutal displays of social Darwinism.

Plus it has a dank as fug memes and as everyone knows the left can't meme.

Did you ever read the communist literature? It is designed that way to instill the perfect conditions for a revolution, that never came.

Look at Poland, Russia and many other eastern European nations. Now look at the western nations that never experienced communism. Any questions? As for why it led the capitalism? It was because the judaic octopus devil that is the US won the cold war.
It builds character and makes boys into men. Seriously, one of the biggest reasons westerners flush down their inheritance and wealth into the toilet is because they're too dumb to appreciate what they have been given. How come the US founding races are slowly dying out or become mongrels while Norks for example are plentiful and pure? The answer is liberal ideology and abundance and comfort.

South korea is not mixing races either, and the reason Norks don't crossbreed is because not even african people want to go to that fucking hellscape.

It's pure nazbol tbh. It's communism in that the economy is planned.

IIRC they have laws against miscegenation. If Holla Forums wanted a fertile and niggerfree zone they'd have to go full DPRK tbh. Handing out free money to the coons is why the west is being flooded by them. I wouldn't be surprised if DPRK had lower crimerates than in Northern Europe. In Worst Korea they worship kikes and their women are huge sluts that hate the native men


No, I am neither mentally impaired nor a homosexual.

What if North Korea is actually the greatest country in the world and we're all just living in a giant prison camp

big if true


Oh yeah socialist sure attacked jews, chink collectivists surea attacked jews….not

Stalin killed way more kikes than Hitler did.

Hardship can come in any form. It does not have to be related to communism. I find it really odd that you choose that when eastern europe had to shed blood to leave that garbage jewish ideology behind.
You speak of spirituality in countries where me throwing a western colorful t-shirt in your room would send you to a labor camp that you would never leave. And people did it out of the lowest of emotions.

young generation of ex-soviet countries is the same shit as in any other. watches same pozzed tv series and movies, listens to same nigger music, watches the same porn (le blacked meme)

Paradise on earth tbh.

Well yeah, but the corruption takes longer to take root there. If they still were communist they would be watching patriotic television, listening to music free from degeneracy and not have access to porn. Norkland is everything Holla Forums aspire to be with the exception of Tradition and spirituality.

it took ONE generation and its here.

Literrally first generation of soviet sons and they are corrupted already. Look at eastern european mafia.
Look at russian mafia.
These are the old secret police members now turned *BUY OUR SECURITY SERVICES OR ELSE*.

Those weren't real communists. They were crypto class traitors hiding within the party and attempting to take it down. It is no coincidence that Putin(ex-KGB) established himself as a fascist dictator for life, or that Merkel(ex-Stassi) controls Germoney and by default all the EU.

Tip your menora somewhere else commie.


take your not real communism into gulag. fucking idiot.

reddipol needs to fuck off and take their cuckime with them.

They literally removed all references to communism from their constitution. Juche is basically Nazbol

So, you are telling me a regime that used the dream of an utopian society as propaganda to establish its power was lying and turned out to not implement such unachievable dream that can't be maintained by humans in its current evolutionary state, just like every fucking anti-communist warned them and everyone else multiple times throughout history?

I'm shocked. What evil they are! But next time, its going to be real, I'm sure of it.

What's a good nork documentary to watch anons? I've already seen the propaganda game but I'm craving for more

so leftypol

This is Worst Korea

And yet Jews only beg for BLM tier muh reparations to the Germans because Germany was actually a rich country run by rich people, unlike Russia at the time.

Kim Jong Un pretty much fixed the starvation problem.

Just feed the hungry to the higher class, problem solved.




is there a name for that thing they do with their legs at the start? I've seen it in a few Asian videos

DPRK > Kike occupied Korea

The pro-nork threads in leftypol are hilarious. Every single negative thing about them is a spook, nork is actually Narnia in disguise.

What's going on in that picture? Is that what happens when Kim "Big" Dong Un grabs Holla Forums by the pussy?

2d > 3dpd once again



What are you trying to slide?

I forget but I bet it is something like Kia being possessed by His Shadow and making a move on that delicious lizard ass.

btw are all kraut women whores?