
Finally a movie that gets it right. Any other movie with such a relatable MC?


Don't forget he's also intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor.


you gay or something? that's a solid 8/10

Are you aware that people have relationships with other people not based solely on appearances? If you were aware you wouldn't be asking such a shallow question.

triggered wymyn detected >>>/suicide/

So you're telling me marrying niggers and other nonwhites is ok becase "follow your heart"? nice (((opinion))) you have there

Apples with Apples, Oranges with Oranges, m8

Top kek. How do you live through life by making such wild assumptions? Or are you one of those incels that convinced yourself that women don't have personalities? Sad

they don't

if women had personalities I'm convinced at least one of the highest paid movie stars in the world would actually be female

I don't expect a natsoc absolutist to have common sense. The fact that he married an ugly chick is proof that she has something desirable to make up for it. You only blind yourself with absolutism. Enjoy the voluntary despair

What does a woman's personality have to do with how much she is paid by producers? The highest paid actors are pretty diverse, but some of them are foreign actors from oppressed countries that still run on a majorly patriarchal system. It's not really fair that only white hollywood actresses have a chance compared to every male actor across the globe.

You're right, they don't have personalities.

Women can't feel pride or a sense of accomplishment, be loyal or smart enough for their own good, and are pretty much parasites.

That's right, i said it, women are parasites. They've been like that since the stupid women's suffrage movement, and in 80 years they've accomplished nothing beside bringing society to the brink of ruin.

Then they go off marrying blacks and spic and they reject me too, slowly killing the white race, and i'm supposed to feel sorry for them? Nigga please. Women are the lowest lifeform on earth.

My gf is more gorgeous than her =^_^=

not sure if ur trolling lel, if not, wow just wow, maybe take a break from Holla Forums lel, look at some pretty pictures instead

Found the crux of the matter.

someone needs a hug and their hand held



Don't we all

It's not your fault brother. It's the fucking kikes. They've ruined women and women are too stupid to change. The only thing that will fix society is a complete break down of the system. When niggers are raping and pillaging the weak women will come crawling back to us. I only hope it happens during our lifetimes so we can curbstomp some fucking niggers


Brown eyes though.

i know that feel

Fuck off with your shit meme
god fuck off
it wasnt the left that started this fucking bullshit gender fluid pozzhole it was imageboard shit culture and I'm god damn tired of it. It was the fucking irony. You sick vulgar perverted motherfuckers need to be killed along with the commies. All of you motherfuckers.

what meme are you referring to in the quoted post?


take your meds kid

Are you ok? what meme???

is the manga worth reading

Make me.


it's successful people having absolutely no empathy for anyone in the 10% of people with miserable lives, so they have to attribute depression to some magical condition that just falls onto people at random. Some artsy Hollywood writer has no understanding of depression except self-absorbed nihilism combined with a personality disorder.


Bet she lets him put it in her brown eye though.

Wow this exact thread again!