Reasons why reddit is superior to 8ch

1. They actually talk about movies
2. They have people in the movie industry post their and answer questions
3. They are not racist
4. There are no stupid memes like "i put on a mask" or " come to dunkachino"
5. The upvote downvote system encourages thoughtful and creative posting instead of shitposting for attention.
6. The community is full of people who don't know/care about anime.
7. They can discuss superhero movies without being harassed by morons who have nothing better to do with their time.
r/movies is superior to Holla Forums in every way. Keep calling my tastes "reddit". It only proves your ignorance. :)

Other urls found in this thread:

If they're so great and we're so awful why don't you go the fuck back to reddit and stay there?

I thought they only talk about lootboxes and net neutrality

You lost me at the very first point


how can u say no to this face tho

leftypol watches a lot of tv

If the kikes had the balls to sit foot here, 8ch could have that too, until we gassed them all.

>watching (((movies)))
>caring what people in the (((movie industry have to say)))

so they're cuckolds
how is this a plus?

wow sounds like a complete shithole
go back >>>/reddit/


I am an industry insider, I know some other professionals that come here.


What kinda faggy gook name is that?

Tim Heidecker is not a professional.

I give you all of those points, but those are just more reasons NOT to visit reddit.



Some men just want to watch the world burn.


>it's (((capitalism))) or (((socialism))), goy

no, it's just capitalism if you want a system that works

fooled them good

feel free to name an alternative



doesn't work

>hurrrrrr national SOCIALISM
isn't it past your bedtime, grandpa?

Sounds awful. The rest of the points are good, though.

>>>/liberty/ and never come back

not an arguments

Neither is "doesn't work". Shame tou are too much of a brainlet to elaborate isn't it?

LOL, if unironic, the sooner faggots like you get the fuck out of here and go where you belong the better. If ironic, 8/10


Reasons why /just/ is superior to Holla Forums
1. They talk about flight plans
2. They have TheChamCham post and answer questions
3. They are not Afton
4. There are no stupid memes like >gugime or national socialism
5. The funposting system encourages watching Brendan movies instead of shitposting for attention
6. The community doesn't care about anime
7. They can't discuss Brendan movies without being harrased by former wives asking for alimony

No, they talk about the movies selected by the paid shills

They weren't left or right, they took aspects from both and held it together with racialism. The left right bullshit is just jewish poison to separate you from what really matters.

Reddit talks about movies.

Holla Forums discusses

I've yet to hear a single socialist explain how they would solve that


and it seems today is no exception

Tell that to Steven Crowder.

Reddit are a bunch of racist DRUMPFs
You're not fooling anyone with your lies


What plebs. Movies are shit.

what do they mean by this?

he's right about this, crossposters need to be banned on sight

Points one, two, six, and seven are interesting.

3 is the only reason I don't go there


Holla Forums is superiour because they don't take a bullshit fictional medium mean't for subvertion seriously.

And i bet they hate the prequels.

That is the WORST thing about reddit. Who the fuck wants to talk about gay-ass movies? What is this? The 1890s?

so who r/milliondollarextreme here?

nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger

They talk about movies in the most pleb predictable fashion possible. They like star wars and capeshit.

Kek these kids are fucking stupid, that literally means absolutely nothing.

I thought they deleted hate subreddits

MDE Never Dies, baby.

How is that relevant to anyone besides fags who get triggered by smug anime girls?

what is this picture?

…like…a reverse makeapp

Its a real picture of Sam before he started his soylent diet.

go back to reddit


They're both shit… Milliechan = Best chan :'^)



Ha ha great post! Well meme'd my friend!


You should go back then.

Reddit is great desu