ITT:soyboy nightmares

ITT:soyboy nightmares

Acting nightmares you mean

How is he a bad actor

Lack of emotional range, he's either pissed or confused
Lack of tools, body movements including facial ones or certain habits that demonstrate a mental state, he has none
Lack of visual flexibility, he only changes coats, he looks the same in every single role
Lack of empathy, might be seen as good, his neutral nonexistent alignment makes hard to see his action doctrine, which in group acting makes him seen as an outsider or out-of-context
He did change his accents a little, gonna give him that, but overall he talks like a bum and has low dexterity in delivering lines. But he did have the ability (or habit) to change timing and accent

Overall bad actor, but not terrible

Wtf is this soyboy meem? Been out of the loop last few days.

Statham is a good actor, you just can't understand his work.

nu-Holla Forums was triggered by normalfags using cuck, so they created soyboy, as in vegan cucks with no testosterone because of protein deficiency.
Of course nu-Holla Forums forgot that their BO and vols are soyboys themselves, and then shitposted the term on halfcuck and reddit to force the meme.

Anyone using it is a faggot that unironically calls themself an alt-right supporter, which is worse than being a communist at this point, as you're only serving to give the left a scapegoat to cry about every single time.
If they kept calling themselves "the right", leftists couldn't call them out without pissing over every single person with even a mild conservative view, which would have secured them more influence.

yeah he was very good in Homefront and Safe. he is not just muscle

I'd even argue that 2 Smoking Barrels showed his acting repertoire off. He was both muscle and perfectly capable of keeping attention on him during group scenes and winning over the viewer.

spinach > steak

lets not forget about Revolver

I don't see what is wrong with eating eggs, dairy and fish. Vegpill me please.

The white soyboy fears the mighty KANG


Looks like the soyboy is pissed.

Veganism is Aryan as fuck. I guarantee you that guy is a meatcuck.

He probably is, don't know, don't care. He doesn't have an ounce of charisma though. Which was very evident in Expendables where even Dolph F'n Lundgren of all people, wooden swede himself outshone him (and everyone else of the shitty action-actors we had been riddled with for the last 20 years).

Too bad we only got cameos from real action-stars like Arnold, Bruce Willis.


[citation needed]


Not a soyboy. I am on a heart healthy diet so I need to limit certain food. I still eat fish and dairy and start the day with an Oat 'n Onion protein powder shake.

People calling themselves the alt right never really mattered, it was started by some old scholar and then hijacked by the media and Dickie the kike, the media would have always come up with a term to refer to the new wave of far right politics so they could stigmatize it like they always have.
Their mistake really was casting their nets far too wide, even including a bunch of religious organizations that just want them to stop murdering fetuses, inadvertently redpilling the fuck out of a lot of christians.

You might as well be eating a bag of preservatives with a tall glass of xenoestrogens.

Masculine men
Men they can't compete with
Traditional femininity
Traditional gender roles
Women they could never stand a chance of mating with
Breasts in general
Sexual purity and standards
Natural beauty
Basically all that's good and right in the world.

Basically if you see someone posting a twink, a flat-chested bobblehead, a musclebound female wrestler, or screeching that tits don't matter, or anything with the word "cow" in it, that's a soyboy.

The newer term is Nu-Male Bugman, or bugman for short.


she lost
to trump



I love how the alt right picks godless rootless cosmopolitan Hollywood celebrities to be their heroes…just because they have muscles. Like that's the dichotomy, all you can be is
1. SOYBOY CUCK: a noodle armed godless rootless cosmopolitan
2. ALPHA CHAD: a muscular godless rootless cosmopolitan
No other choices. Lol, the right wing will lose in the end. It isn't serious about winning civilization. Now someone posts a picture of Ryan Gosling just because he reminds you of your autism.

can't tell if butthurt or just dumb

That why Holla Forums is the largest board on this site?

nice try mudboy


why are you making me remind you?
