What did she mean by this?

What did she mean by this?

There's no balance, it's only self-destructive and will tear down everything around it.

It means, “I’m in your treehouse now, boys! Daddy said its mine!”

It means women are so stupid they don't realize when they're proudly wearing their insecurity emblazoned on a t-shirt.

So Holla Forums, counting from left to right, which one would you?

all except 3

Why is Kennedy’s shirt different? Is she so insecure that she insisted on something to make her stand out on the picture?

Yeah, why is hers the only one that is BLACK?

Her shirt is symbolic of her desire for whites to become minorities in their own nations. All shirts are also masonic signaling.

You eat a lot of soy don’t you?

the one on the right only

no on the left but poor panel

Nope, stop projecting, soygoy.



That's perfect.

"We will force the females"


The next Star Wars trilogy will be played by all females. Even the men roles will be female. It'll be the reverse of a Shakespeare play but more gay or less gay. Depends on the trend at the time of release.


2nd from left has nice tits. Would exert some Force down those fun mounds.

I like redlettermedia.
You're the one that doesn't.

Essentially a way for them to say they hate you want you and your ideas dead without using those words.With that in mind be sure to shell out some shekels for their new film and merch