This is awful

This is awful


that's just it, I'm watching it, astounded with just how cucked this truly is. Micro tried to show Frank his penis because Frank could fuck his wife. Frank didn't fuck his wife because he's a male feminist.


what part of that made you think there was any chance of it not being awful?

violence, however it's sparse. This is a soap opera.

Isn't the punisher supposed to be tall, imposing and scary?

Watched the first two episodes. It's not nearly dumb or campy enough. Punisher should be over the top to the point of absurdity.

its pretty fucking good, op is moron whos feelings got hurt cause he cant stand criticism

it was actually good, the sjws messages were at the beginning but I enjoyed it and would recommend it.

like me fucking your wife if she was pretty and if you had one?


starring a literal potato as Punisher

with that logic you might as well start hating every movie and tv series, there are jews everywhere, be scared be very scared little boy

He could play DoomGuy.

Are you new here?


Loved the show but your comment is funny 8/10

They are?

and what criticism would that be?


The punisher is such a good character and the actor turns in such a great performance that it saves this otherwise shitty show. Like everything about the execution besides those two things, and the actors for the villains (cia guy, rival soldier, and an hero soldier kid) was fucking awful but the great shit raises it up to be just mediocre. You could make a really great show from this but this season was not it.

I was worried he was going to be a caricature but he was pretty good.

I, too, loved the Punisher, which is available on Netflix, which has produced such award winning content like House of Cards or Orange is the New Black. It is a grade-A show with a great cast which is true to the themes of the comic, namely character drama. Some nazi-cuckolds may say it has ‘SJUU’ themes but quite honestly those are just a few references only hypersensitive goyim would catch. Hey, chan culture is all about challenging preconceived notions, so I’m all for some progressive thought-challenging. It’s about time we start holding up a mirror at white heteronormative christian society!

Yes, the episodes lack gunfights or violence or anything some would say would cost substantial money to stage and shoot, but people who expect the Punisher to be about such things and not about serious social issues and character drama just don’t understand the Punisher or what Netflix is trying to accomplish.

So don’t be a cuckolded cumskin! Reject the hugbox of redchannit and watch this program. It will prove you are a good person and open minded. This show is important. You have to watch it. It’s good.

cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck
A yid and a manlet.


I tried to warn you. This board is under constant invasion. Just look at all the Marvelshilling and "DUDE WARNER BROS SET TO LOSE 1BILLION" posting

fight me in the open, I promise you good sport and a certain death.

This goy should've been Frank

stay in your containment thread on your containment board. Or just go to reddit you dense fuck.

Just because your BO sucked off the BO of Holla Forums doesn’t mean you can decide what gets posted here

by containment board I meant 4/tv/. But good to know you're from Holla Forums that's how most redditors found this site. What year are you, 2015 or 2016?

It was before you were banned from Holla Forums. Holla Forums was good then.

yeah because Holla Forums ruined Holla Forums, wasn't the massive number of newfags from the election for sure. Keep on keeping this board great Holla Forumsfriend.

Holla Forums dindu nuffin wrong though


he is right.

and whatever number they got is insignificant compared to the thousands of people who visited here during the election campaign

all of those are Holla Forums

leftypol spotted and reported

looks like that Holla Forums mod Frankenstein tbh

Holla Forums doesn’t consider this a bad thing.

Wow who could have guessed


for effort

leftypol I will kill you.

All me

Retarded shitty joke, always has been

Anything below 6'8" is manlet

It's like everyone involved in this project said "oi vey we can't have a show about a cool white guy using guns to kill people in 2017!" So they made Frank an autistic faggot who cries, barely have any violence. Any violence that is done is for the sake of minorities and is the people he kills are always white. Of course Frank needs the assistance of a woman and a jew to get anything done. Then you have the whole NRA lunatic and crazy white boi plot which is so insane that i don't even know what to say about it.

Is this show doing well on Netflix? Are normies liking this shit?

That doesn’t really matter anymore. What matters is if you can find (((investors))) to bankroll it, and if they like it.

because people love investing in things that aren't in demand, amirite?

But this was in demand. Punisher is way cooler than any other capeshit Netflix is producing. People really wanted to see this. Everybody loves watching badass white guys killing people in spectacular ways, it's a whole genre of movies. Punisher is the capeshit embodiment of that. He's a rogue among rogues. He has a skull on his chest and uses the coolest weapons we all wish we had ourselves to kill criminals. Even in the show this is what they use as the hook to keep you watching. I tried to keep watching after he beat some guys to death with a sledge hammer. But the levels of subversion and faggotry ruins any enjoyment you could get out of this.

What did you expect? Even his comics are awful

People don’t have to like it, investors do. Think of this as partly indulgences and partly modern art. People spend millions on shitty painted dots to hang on their walls, and most businessmen are either kikes who want to destroy whites or eternal anglo descendants who want to prove how moral they are by supporting ‘important’ projects. Punisher is probably being sold to Jewish investors as a power fantasy where nazis get killed. As long as it satisfies them, they’ll fork over shekels for it.

Holy shit the whole combat scenes are retarded, the shooting, the fighting the lighting the whole setup. This just feels like some liberal who knows nothing about combat or violence writing a white man kills the noble muslim scene.
A complete fucking joke.

you should've seen Frank pull the hammer back on a 1911 as an intimidation technique

what the fuck are you talking about?
he massacres a dude with bare hands while the red, white and blue plays
do you watch something for 5 seconds and turn it off?
fucking retard

Do you ejaculate to the RIP AND TEAR Doom comic?

It wasn't awful.

Good one, user.

6'8 is freakish.

There are plenty of girls who would love a 6'8" boyfriend but that's nothing to brag about because those girls are damaged goods.

It was awful

So like Punisher Warzone?

You mean Frankencastle?

I'm not surprised honestly.

I can't believe there are people who don't like War Zone

I watched the whole thing through to the end and the action did pick up towards the end I guess. The last fight scene was pretty brutal but made no sense for the punisher character to do that. The military flashback was the best part as it had the least to do with the dumbass plot. 100% agree that the action was edited and shot like shit though, at least we got some cool wrestling style moves in there but those come off as almost comical.

Also I really liked the performance of the crazy vet shooter guy. The part was written like fucking trash but this guy played one of the most convincing ptsd stricken vets I've ever seen. kudos on turning shit into wine kid, too bad it was in a nothing show everyone will forget about in a week


funny you should mention that it was a canon run too