Rank Kubrick's works

Rank Kubrick's works

God tier
The Shining
Eyes Wide Shut

Pretty great
Barry Lyndon

Full Metal Jacket
A Clockwork Orange
Paths of Glory
Dr. Strangelove

Every Nolan kino > Kubrick flicks

I love Nolan just waiting for his death to see if he will make a faux-pas, but he is already Great.

You can't be great with only 2 above-average movies (a good and a great)

shit tier Nolan

That movie is a snoresville.


The version created after they killed him is not the same as him finishing it.

I have reported you for the 15th time.

Nolan babby cry!

I won't be bullied into submission

The Shining, those room and hallway layouts are mindfucks.

God tier:
The Shining
Barry Lyndon
The Killing
Dr. Strangelove
Paths of Glory

Good tier
Eyes Wide Shut

Shit tier
Full Metal Jacket
A Clockwork Orange

I'm going to have to stop you right there, user.

Are (You) me?

EWS is one of his best

is DeepFocusLens /ourgal/?

eyes wide shut is my favourite, simply because of the courage it took for him to make this film.

It's my favorite, too, because if real sex was as cold and clinical as it is in the movie, I wouldn't be asexual.

he got whacked for exposing these sick fucks. pizzagate is basically a reminder that this shit is still alive and well.

Pizzagate's sex is/was still too "hot", i.e. lacks the cold detachment.
Not enough ritual, too many people acting like animals.

True hell is pristine, but that's not to say the things people do in this life are also not disgusting. Both must be eliminated.

She just keeps getting away with it

God Tier
Pulp Fiction
Cars 2
Star Wars 7: The Force Awakens
Rear Window: An XXX Parody

Pretty Great Tier
Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier
Get Out

Good Tier
The Big Lebowski
Cars 3

Exactly. It's more Salò than Eyes Wide Shut.

you guys do know that there's about 30 minutes or more that was edited out of the final release. the chick who sacrificed herself to save Dr. bill in the movie confirmed it recently in an alex jones interview.

Extra footage should not change the atmosphere of a movie substantially, especially with a single-vision director like Kubrick.

Do you not understand the difference between cold vs. hot? Structured ritual vs. squirming in the squalor to make sins meet? Pic related - do you think those atheists LARP-ing a Black Mass would even put in half the effort before sinking their teeth and their cocks into their victims?

Look more at the Russian pimping his daughter to see the reality of Pizzagate. (But don't look at her, she's a distraction.)


Fear and Desire

Is it really as bad as Kubrick made it out to be?

it's worse….
so much worse.

kys op

God Tier
Eyes Wide Shut
Pretty tier
Barry Lyndon
Great tier
Full Metal Jacket
The Shining
Clockwork Orange
Dr. Strangelove

really have to watch Paths of Glory


Movie is indeed garbage. The only reason it's noteworthy is because it shines some light on the pedo party shit.

How can you be so pleb? The film's tone is delicious


Every time I read Eyes Wide Shut, my brain starts playing Eyes Wide Open by King Crimson.
I've been needing to get that off my chest for a couple years.
