Justice League to Lose WB $100 Million


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Why does capeshit have a 'stache? Has he been getting grooming tips from Maisie?

WB knew this would flop. They won't learn their lesson.

How many costs a razor in USA vs how much to remove it visually?

Aquaman real name is Ronon

That’s nothing for blockbusters. Power rangers 2017 lost way more. It made a billion dollars thanks to toys. Why are journalism making a big deal out of a 100 million dollar lose?


Just make Harry Potter sequels with the trio

Why are they not milking the wizardshit for all it's worth? They actually have this successful property and they're not doing anything with it.

To get a movie made you have to make it appealing to investors. The money spent on the movie -which totals like 500-600 million- all came from different investors. They're looking at return on investment and prestige.

Movies like Paranormal Activity get made because they can spend like 100k and make like 100 million. That is a HUGE return on investment. This is the same way romantic comedies get made.

Super hero movies and stuff like Star Wars requires a way bigger initial investment, but if it's successful the reward is much bigger.

100 million loss means the investors aren't getting all their money back, which means a hit for the studio and that the investors will be far less likely to give them money for future films. If you gave a studio 100 million expecting a return of like 300 million, and they came back and told you "We can only return you 75" would you give them another 100 million? This is why sequels tend to have smaller budgets.

Actually they are. That "fantastic beasts" thing is intended to be a brand new franchise, it's just audience reaction to it was kind of weak. Nobody liked the main actor.

I though Fantastic Beasts was way more interesting than any of the Harry Potter movies. It was still dumb and had a good shake of modern progressive garbage but it was at least a good story compared to the nonsense in the Potter movies. But of course normalfags didn't respond to it.

Remember when the first Potter movie came out? That shit was like international event in the west. I remember buying the VHS from this huge merch area in our Kmart

So even 13-yolds aren't interested in tolerant racially inclusive gaycuckoldery with capes anymore.

Maybe they'll start writing scripts again instead of using comic books written by/for retards. Some day I mean.

Capeshit in general would be way more interesting and watchable if they were based on actual comics. Even Snyder had a hard time ruining a direct adaptation of Watchmen.

The kikes have a plan to make it back real easy though; release forked cryptocurrency with catchy capeshit name, soft launch it a month or two in advance, make the new cryptocurrency a central plot device of your new movie, normalfags flock to it, PROFIT!!!

He looks like Ken Freeman tbh

You mean a Niggerstein?

Someone graduated from the School of Redundancy School.

His real name is Roman Rains he fights in the MMA.

Too fat

Italian Supaman

He grew a beard for some upcoming mission impossible movie and was contractually obligated to keep it, agreed to play as Superman and they wouldn't let him shave it. His face was cg'd a fuckton in justice league and its awful.

you're a retard, according to you every DC movie the last 5 years has lost 100$M. If that were true they wouldn't be fucking making them. Kill yourself you soulless cunt.

t. DC undercover agent

they aren't making them anymore though…the snyder era is over.

If his alter-ego had been 70's porn superman they could have just left it alone… which brings me to my next question… is it even possible for a mortal man to break Wonder Woman's hymen?

Do you think they regret killing his daughter so he’d relinquish control and Joss Whedon could be installed?

You disingenuous faggot. The toys come from the kids show, not the dark gritty reboot for adults. I seriously hope no one on here falls for obvious shilling.


$150 marketing budget seems pretty cheap. They advertise in a small town paper?


If you tie her up with her lasso then yeah I guess.


Capeshit is flopping just like AAA game poz loads.