Nothing But Trouble - re:View


No thanks.



>(((Kike Cucklasa)))

Actually excited about this.





The clip has been reversed, morons.


Sho thang

JESUS CHRIST, I remeber this movie from my childhood. All the makeup effects stuck with me. I had no idea who was in it or what it was called. Thank you based RLM.

>(((Cucklasa))) fat jewish cock living in your ass

No. Just imagine being in the same room as the person who made this abomination of punchable smuggness.


Even though he's sold out to sjws in recent years, this makes me wish Dan Akroyd had directed more films.

What's worse, guitar beardfat or aidsjpg

Beardfat by far

That's the worst thing Jack and Rich have ever done.

Shut up aids moby






not today

underrated post

hey cuck I saw you getting blown the fuck out in that stickied Holla Forums thread, still not had enough punishment?

Beardfat is awesome the fuck is wrong with you?

All these fucking replies and only 2 about the film mentioned. I hope ruining this board with your shitposting was worth it for whatever """statement""" you were trying to make.

I always thought this film was really stupid and gross and this Re:View helped describe why I felt that way. Akroyd is not a man that should be given free reign. He makes UFOlogists look bad and that's saying a lot. This film was a dumb badly-written waste of time.

I don't even post on Holla Forums so no you didn't. The meme is catching on bit people are using it wrong so I dont know how to feel about that.



Mike barely ever appears on Re:View because he doesn't know anything about storytelling and he doesn't take film making to be an art form in an way.
He only likes Star Trek, shlock, and tired formulas that need to be adhered to because, according to him, that's what it's all about - ironic when you consider that all they ever fucking talk about is how repetitive Hollywood is… yet one of Mike's complaints about Episode 7 was that Rey and Finn didn't make out and that there wasn't a romance angle.


Tbh i find it quite funny

fucked around and got a triple double



Woah it's literally me

Not everyone here is a Drumpf voter fam


Ha ha great post! Well meme'd my friend!