Le black man in charge of resistance XD

So glad this piece of shit flopped, Gosling is BO CANCER, POSION TO THE MAX


Back to Holla Forums and leave the film discussion to actual people.

Commies aren't people

Wasn't the robot leader a white woman?

You can go back to Holla Forums any time

The only black people I remember in this film is the guy who owned the child slaves and the random guy who told him his wood was radioactive.

makes you wonder where big boss and solidus learned it from.

oh wait nevermind, you said "slaves" not soldiers

Kek, the only nigger in the film is a pathetic task master who beats children

That was a sweatshop, m8.

OP is a fucking rube

Well it kinda does but still

There's also the shady merchant guy who's very niggerly.

That's true, but he wasn't important at all. Blade Runner wasn't perfect, but complaining about niggers is ridiculous when all the main characters and secondary characters are white

A-are there 4 whites on the p-poster?

The first step is aknowledging that communists call everyone else a nazi.
The final one is realize that nazis too were just plain germans resisting the bolsheviks.

I really didn't mind him at all tbh. He felt like a natural part of the world, just like the orphanage sweatshop groid.

Joi is cuban, she's a white nigger
There was a nigger cop in the early police scenes at the station and morgue that was part of rep-detect division or whatever it's called.



The quote from Patton pretty much sums it up. He even got killed off for saying it.
