Is JIGSAW the last true horror icon? 2010s almost over. We still haven’t had a iconic new horror character

Is JIGSAW the last true horror icon? 2010s almost over. We still haven’t had a iconic new horror character.

Was he autistic?

Annabelle doll

Slender Man

Implying crooked jack wasn’t more conjuring Kino

How the fuck did the conjuring get a popular cinematic universe?

Its the only competent modern horror film franchise around.

That’s pretty sad

i stopped watching AIDS rutger howard after the second one of these

slasher movies are crap anyway, what do you care?

creepy pastas count as horror kino now?


creepypastas are a better entertainment medium than horror movies

Too bad 95% of them are absolute garbage.

I just want good short-form horror stories that aren't badly written overly detailed tales about haunted video games

still a better ratio than horror movies, especially if we talk about slashers

Why people didn't liked the jigsaw on steroids ?

Because the collector was a home alone rip off

not to mention the dozen movies we've had in 2010s without a clear villain but still better than any the trash before it

Cabin in the Woods is a comedy

it's also a classic horror subverting all the common horror tropes. Scream is also a horror ut inferior imo because it's very dated.


Black Philip from the VVitch.

Pennywise from the 90s


Lol you are one braindead clown.

Because the first one was good and the quality in the second one plummeted through the floor.

the goat

No user to be a horror icon you have to be relevant nobody gives a shit about the saw movies truly nobody gives a single shit

Engineer is more of an icon


Never saw one person with it on halloween nor does that even matter, nowadays people dress like superheroes.

Engineer had an ounce of screen presence and plebs that didnt like him made him disappear from the sequel. Some peopel thought he was alright.

Plebs dont give a shit about this old nigger. therefore more people probably do care about engineers than saw dude even though its only about 200 people

Say what you want about Victor Salva but The Creeper is one of the best ideas in American horror

The Collector was pretty well-received by the horror community

Freddy rip ord


No, creepypasta is worse than anything, it's lower than gay erotic fan fiction

Read a book nigger?

No, there is another..

Unironically yes

Soon It's in production

Victor Crowley.

Checks out.

The actual reference is that Netflix had accidentally listed "The Babadook" in the LGBT section instead of horror and someone noticed this then posted a screencap to twitter.

Baghoul from the Sinister movies.

I hope for more dark, gritty horrors. A lot of newer ones are too "clean". I thought The Ritual was alright though.


the genre
porn-quality writing included

Is that a chipped tooth?

The face you see before you die.

It's like an alien trying to mimic a human smile.