Justice League could lose $100m at the box office



Watching capeshit die is enjoyable.



Would have been better if the right wing retards flipped out over the kiss and Cap beat them. Still ok but it could be better.

What the fuck does that mean? It’s pretty definitive if you like a tweet.

You click like and then click it again. So you've liked it for mere seconds

Using art for your own political agenda is the best, isn't that right fellow liberals cuckolds?

It's Falcon who took up the mantle


Then shouldn't he be Captain africa since the US is like only 10% black perhaps Captain Detroit?

None of these faggots run their own twatters

isn't that Black panther?

Coon Panther hates africa except for his own country


doesn't make sense for nigger to be "Captain America" as they hate America, should be something globalist-y like Captain Equality or "Equality human" since the rank of captain is too noninclusive.




What's his power?


Don't you mean "Hollywood loses again"?

stealing TVs and shoes,selling drugs, throwing poop, rioting the usual nog stuff.

How will jews ever recover

What the fuck does it even mean?

They're trying to make light of any reaction to their bullshit other than complete submission or silence. They can eat shit.



Before it’s 300 million. Now it’s 100 or 50 million. I have a feeling Justice League wasn’t a flop journalists are making it out to be. They are just desperate to make justice league look like it preforming worse than it is

Wouldn’t this be considered rape if it the gender was reverse? Falcon clearly never consented to the kiss.

Are you retarded?


I liked the added Joss Whedon jokes.

Nah, at this point Panther is more like a Black Doctor Doom than anything.


Warner Brothers/DC would have sued them very publicly if that were the case.

It's some idiot that's mad he keeps being mocked every RLM thread.


You're a jew, louie.
not white.

Except that's not the case.

Justice League had a 300 million budget, and that was before the massive reshoots they did so god only knows how much they spent on that.

Then they spent upwards of 150 million on Advertising.

When you get into the money they dumped into this movie, it would have to pull near a billion to break even.

Unfortunately when bad movies fail before real audiences they like to claim they succeed through retard sales, also known as the international box office.
Which essentially requires big explosions and flashing colors, jingling keys on a screen draws in the international audience.
It would be hilarious to sneak in ghosts or ghost like imagery to all these films so they're not allowed to air in China.
Cisbusters tried to pull the HAHA WE STILL MADE MONEY INTERNATIONALLY move only to get their shit slapped by China banning a movie about ghosts.

But burgers are the dumbest audience that likes that more than any other country. So that strategy makes no sense.

Why is China so afraid of ghosts?

Showing them is a shamefur dispray of their ancestols.

What if they are someone elses ancestors ghosts?

Even shamefurer

Good. JL was complete shit.

I saw the pirated version and I still want my fucking money back.

Leftists screwed up everything in comics with this cucked logic that as long as a nigger dresses up as a superhero then he's that superhero.

Imagine being this jewish