Was this show Holla Forums personified?

Was this show Holla Forums personified?


Dr Pavel, I'm queer. I'm gay. I'm homosexual. I'm a poof, I'm a poofter, I'm a ponce. I'm a bum-boy, batty-boy, backside-artist bugger. I'm bent. I *am* that arse bandit, I *lift* those shirts. I'm a faggot-assed, fudge-packin', shit-stabbin' uphill gardener. I dine at the downstairs restaurant, I dance at the other end of the ballroom. I'm Moses and the parting of the red cheeks. I fuck and I'm fucked. I suck and I'm sucked. I rim them and wank them, and every single man's had the fuckin' time of his life. And I am *not* a pervert.

It was definitely degenerate, though I don't know about it being Holla Forums personified. I think that honor goes to the Daily Show.

so it is Holla Forums personified then

why do you hate gays?

Most of you are unwitting Jewish pawns and that's a problem.

they fuck men

so does your mom. do you hate her as well?

I don't know about yours but my mom is not a man

yeah but she fucks men

while not being a man, which makes her de facto not gay
as gay men fuck other men

This scene was kino

You are evil lunatics attracted to the smell of shit and who insist all men must be ‘turned’ gay.

yo what the fuck. they actually made a kid get his head stuck in the toilet for this?

Not gay or whiny enough.


That prank doesn't exactly work in no-knife country, since the toilet water level is nowhere near as high as it is in burgerland. Unless the flush is just really powerful, that kid is not gonna get all that wet.

That shit about homosexuality being the result of man-boy love associations has me skeeved the fuck out lately. Is it really true? The statistics are basically if you have a son and left your son in the care of a homosexual, there's a coinflip chance your boy is getting diddled and will become a faggot later in life too.
Fucked up shit, man.
Why aren't people talking about this? Why have gays been allowed to fester within the culture the way they have, when this seems to be the way they come to be in the first place? Is this why they are pushing for pedo rights now? unbelievable

There was an American version of Queer as Folk?
The pun doesn't even work in the American dialect.

Kinda does in the mush mouth redneck accent.

