"I'm a nationalist and a globalist" - President Trump


He shilled out. Looks like MAGA was nothing but a dream.

Other urls found in this thread:



Well yeah, he bombed the SAA for Israel. He probably can't wait for Israel to expand.

wtf i hate plumf now, can i still vote based hillary?

When are you faggots going to realize that we aren't going to be able to vote the jews out of power.

There is clearly a big appetite for a MAGA candidate, so that is promising. What is a bit upsetting is that a man like Trump has all requisite tools (extreme wealth, charisma, popularity) to unearth global zionism, yet he does not.


Unless I see it out of any other news sources I'm calling bullshit, my heart almost stopped when I read that so fuck you OP.

Who said we thought we could? We're just enjoying the bants whilst reloading ammo and preparing for the coming civil war.

fucking alt-right ecelebs are eating it up.

Yeah I don't think this means Aryan Imperium, I think he's cucking while trying to save face so he says retarded things like this

What did you expect, they've demonize globalism so much that they can't accept any other enemy.

I read the entire article twice. He doesn't even fucking say that op you utter faggot.
Not to mention
This article was legitimately written to concern shill with, and I'm convinced every day more and more of these stories are written to allow for maximum Internet shilling by cocksuckers like op.

Well, it appears as though the WSJ's anti-Trump article worked on you. What a shame.

It's in the final paragraph

Its such a bullshit quote though. Anyone with a knowledge of how Trump speaks could have made that up.

Smartest fucking post of the evening

satan knows the score

Get lost, pussy-cat.

I'm suddenly supposed to beleive the man who said
we must reject the false song of globalism
Said that shit because ((((((((((((((Jacob bunge)))))))))))) of the (((((((((((((((((((((((((((WSJ))))))))))))))))))))))))) promises me its so? OK Moshe wtf I hate le drumpf now.

it's literally Trump's own words, are we just going to keep our head in the sand and ignore everything that he's doing

meaning that each country in the globe is nationalist, baka.

No its Jacob bunges own words.

From where?
Did he do an interview with the WSJ personally?
I mean some of the xplinations in this thread are obviously just being ignorant sure but it's the WSJ I'll trust a literal Jew who comes out as one before I trust a hidden one (WSJ)

I'll believe you if Trump tweets differently. Otherwise, it's what Trump said because he would definitely tweet shame the journalist if they lied or messed up

Anyone can tweet like Trump though. Its not that hard actually. Bunges has no evidence of Trump saying this.

(((They))) are already pushing this
Another anti Trump psy op

I wonder who could be behind this new narrative

It would be pretty funny though if trump came out and said it was true in the style of

World Powers have no choice but play a global role, whether they like it or not. I don't. I'd prefer to let the world outside of white countries to burn and only use military keep everyone else out.

That would be hilarious, he needs say something to correct such an illogical statement

We are reaching chess move dimensions that shouldn't even be possible.

Ah yes, the good old 128-dimension chess.

forgot to include this in my post

So natural and organic.

Pure coincidence

More 1488D chess, I guess. Oh well.

who here NatGob?

"false song of globalism"
remember that one?

Still better than Clinton. But even some shits go better than others.



Maybe it has something to do with him doing a 180 on his campaign promisses on foreign policy, wasting 100m worth of missiles to become an international war criminal and basicaly shitting all over his support base on behalf of israel.

Just a guess thou, its probably just ((ches)), i and the rest of Holla Forums are dumb retards, the only people correct on this ar the fine people of reddit, who are known for their political savyy and higher critical thinking capabilities


Ecelebs of all stripes deserve only the gas chamber.

nice try /r/March Against Trump

Trump 2018 : Meh nationalism is for racist white people, i'am a full globalist cuck now!

user I..
look under his spoilers

Most sloppy false-flag ever posted here, keep worshiping kike-emperor trump while he sends the last conservatives to die for israel in some forgotten sands.

he hasn't sent a single person to die for anything yet though, so why are you pretending?

Seems the shills are pouring in again, time for some smuggies.

user you're giving it (you)s, try putting a space between the meme arrows next time, gets them extra butt mad.


Trump is a kike puppet and you are delusional, period.

Video related, rabbi he had on his inauguration day celebrating him creating greater zion, on national television (pro-tip: He was actualy praying for zion, not playng chess)

Holla Forums doesn't give a shit about conservatives, retard

Are you saying you prefer Arabs to German Jews?

I'm still waiting for this shit to turn around, like it was when he was cancelling the TPP.

Though the freakout over the Syria missiles was still ridiculous.

I've noticed that a lot of Richard Spencer shills love throwing around 4D chess as an insult these days.

ok, but he asked where he was interviewed, not about some rabbi that is a jewish convert, not even actually jewish that spoke at the inaug. He wants proof, and so do I, that Trump was indeed interviewed and that those were his own words and not fabrication.

He might be playing them though.

He never said that.

All of the controlled op crowds have been coralled into the shilling. (((Trs))), tricky Dicky's fan club, filter man, all of them are convinced by basic shilling. Its hilarious honestly.







no really look it up, he is a convert

Stop funding their furry habit you faggots, break the post Id.


Hey look guys I just found a Trump quote.

Just try to keep hopeful

so the only thing you can give me is conjecture, he hasn't sent anyone to syria yet unless it was to fight against ISIS. Not a single soldier has fought the Syrian Army or Russia, or NK, or anyone else but ISIS.

there will be war
it's the only way to distract dumb Americans long enough to get reelected and forget all the flip flopping
worked for Dubya

Its funny that those cucks refuse to acknowledge that Spencer is ok with race mixing and loves the Jews as well

Can you guys stop defending every thing Trump does but also jump at every chance you get to demonize him Jesus Christ.

but he said in HIS OWN WORDS actually today, that he wants diplomatic solutions for NK, or did you not conveniently mention that to push a narrative?

It's working, though. Ever since the Syria cock-up when Trump started going off the rails, any user who dares mention his disillusionment with Trump breaking so many campaign promises gets viciously attacked and labeled a shill by chesscucks and actual shills. I barely even post anymore, it's all becoming so tiresome. Another day, another broken promise. Fuck it.

So redditors with cognitive-dissonance are now resorting to sopistry to defend kike-emperor's actions, how cute

as far as I know Greater Israel plans don't reach that far
Syria on the other hand…

You stupid nigger they get paid by reply. IG you're going to argue with them do this
So they dont get anything.

He's controlled Oppo what can you expect?

and yet not a single added step or plan for going into syria other than to fight isis has been planned. Its been completely distracted by NK

Yes, his own words, wich are exactly like obama's words, wich are exactly like Bush's words, wich were exactly like clinton's words. Do you understand now?

so are you saying that his words don't matter and its all bullshit until he acts on them?

Don't leave your identity visible in your screencaps you shitty spy.

He already acted on them, in case you missed it. He went back on his campaign platform of non-intervention, and atacked a sovereign nation, witout congressional aproval, helping terrorists and israel, and making him an international war criminal.

It is too simplistic to put all Jews in the same box. It is obvious to anyone who knows anything about Jewish history and can assess things without getting memed that the House of David are nationalists. This debate has been raging since Biblical times, don't worry.

your narrative is slipping a bit, because nothing happened with the syria incident and it turned into nothing. I feel like you are clasping now for any bit of narrative to hold onto. I would hate to have your job

Read your posts in this thread, then look into a mirror.

Unlike Syria, I'll call 4D chess on this one. It is possible that he is using his willingness to abandon the agreement as leverage to get wall funding.

Would be fun if Canada ended up paying for the wall.

Why should I support him if he's not doing anything for us? At this point, he's just paying lipservice to white America while doing the work of the Jew

yes. I don't give a fuck what someone says. I care for what they do, and right now Trump is doing the ZOG dance while pretending to be on our side


its funny because someone asked for proof of an interview and instead you are skirting around it. I think I sense desperation here.

This is going to be MUH EMPTY AIRFIELD all over again. SAGE


Yes, everyone on Holla Forums that has a problem with more war for Israel is a paid mossad shill. r/the_donald has finally cracked the case.



100% natural dog pilling, I feel like we've returned full circle shilling back to 2016 april here.
yes of course, everyone who doesn't buy your stupid shilling is from r/the_donald, how is this tactic working out on here so far?

fucking kill yourself

[citation needed]
gonna have to work harder than that kike


Don't you guys understand nuance?

youtu. be/mrNICkWcqt4

wtf I hate Trump now
Hillary 2016

how did attacking nothing directly help israel in any way. I would like some proof that israel benefited directly from the attack that isn't an opinion from a youtube e-celeb or some other shithole that doesn't link sources. I want to know what soldier also he is talking about that died for this strike supposedly, and then after you come back with nothing, or call me some other name because you can't find any proof, I would like you to gas yourself on the way out.

nice copout
the election is over and The Cunt lost
He is now the president and responsible not her

Good goy, keep repeating 'at least he's not Hillary' as Trump cucks out on us for the next 4 years.

And this is the second stage of denial. "Provide me with tonnes of sources to confirm minute details that will take hours searching around for if they even exist due to classification of military documents. Can't do it? haha you're a lying shill"

Did that specific strike have much affect? Probably not. Is attacking Assad in general helping Israel? Yes.

welp, you at least tried

I could, the information is out there. I just don't care about anyone dumb enough to still support Trump.

Assad is more of a man than Trump will ever be, get fucked redditfag.

first links I found.

well you sure showed me
and here we are, the shill loses control so he quits.

Hey new fag let me help you here

You're a nigger and nobody here is buying your bullshit. Filtered.

Remember kids dont hang out in shill threads, you're just funding the faggkts.


yeah we're totally not being raided by r/the_cuckold

It's chess, couldn't be any more obvious. Reported for being a shill who questions the G-d Emper-r

great sources


do you see what I mean you silly faggot? Instant butt rage. Dont fund them you fucking retard.

no, I want them to show how fucking retarded they are, I don't care if they are paid by post or do it for free. It needs to be pointed out for everyone to see that this shit is obvious, its a narrative, and it feels very much like back in 2016 pre-primaries.

wtf seriously I hate Trump now
Hilldog 2016, 90% chance of victory you guys

This is exactly what I mean. No matter what source I provide, you'll ask for something more specific.

pic related. You're halfway between denial and anger. Kind of sad you got emotionally invested in a political candidate, kek

Nice trips, but for fucks sake just break the post id. It'll make them even more obvious you idiot. Why fund them at all if you don't have to?

paranoia manifest

pol is as bad as cnn


you had one job, and you are failing it. The airstrip was back up and functional the next morning, verified sources and video to prove it. The supposed ISIS attack has no verified sources or video to back that up. They also speculate that they are going to attack and its going to be bad without air support, except they had their airsupport back up in literally the same day. So here we go as your narrative continues to fall apart. Next you'll tell me israel wants us to destroy isis or something stupid like that.

(((1))) post in and the game's already over thanks for playing.

Wasted dubs. Globalism doesn't mean trade between nations retard


oh, so now its just because our military is shit. Really hope whoever employs you gets their money back, might need to talk to a supervisor pretty soon here, starting to get dissatisfied with my level of shilling competency.


I was willing to listen to posts from you, but then you went and made that abhorrent post

What are you even talking about? I said at the start it didn't do much, but the principle of attacking another nation to benefit the jews is a problem.

answer me this, how long until you stop supporting Trump? because we both know he's going to keep not doing things he said, and keep implementing his neo con overlord's zionist policies. are you going to turn a blind eye until 2020? or eventually give up

Hillary can still win

yep, gonna need to talk to a supervisor
when he kisses the wall


oh and also, only needed to put hasbara in that sentence and I figured out which shill you are

Is fucking NOBODY going to mention that the quote comes from an "interview" that you can't find anywhere, at all, on an article like this, on the WSJ?

oh I remember you from the thread a few nights ago kek

www.algemeiner. com/2017/04/26/planning-said-to-be-underway-for-trump-visit-to-israel-in-late-may-as-jewish-state-celebrates-50th-anniversary-of-jerusalem-reunification/

there's no point in hoping. the countdown to the wall kiss is already on it's way

and when he does it then hes done, but what are you going to do when he doesn't, you'll be right back here pushing that same narrative. I know which shill you are, go back to the Le Pen threads you stupid nigger.

of course he will, retard
no good goy politician visits Israel without kissing the wall

and when he doesn't, are you going to keep up with the same "neocon zionist shill maymay" bullshit, or are you going to keep going on? When he does then there is no defending him, but what are you going to do when he cucks them and doesn't?

I don't care about something as symbolic as a wall kiss. He's already pushing the zionist agenda. The one campaign promise he's managed to accomplish is the planned TTP was scrapped (which fair enough, good on him for it). Other than that his first 100 days has been the same as Clinton/Bush/Obama.

I'll support him when he starts actually following through on campaign promises.

and this is how I know you aren't from around here, as if it wasn't obvious before

I am actually. Holla Forums isn't one person.

you care about symbolic things. What about Trump symbolically allowing his daughter to convert to Judaism and marry one of the chosen? :^)

The best and funnest thing you can do to the indoctrinated left is trigger them and laugh.
It shows everyone how insane they are.
And did we trigger them hard.

he will

Case Study In Kikery

This tweet is an excellent example of how Jews think and talk, and it bears study as a type specimen of the breed. It is to be hoped a detailed analysis of this tweet will better prepare you, the user, to spot the Jew.

It seems like a small point to notice, but literally everything about the spelling, grammar, and punctuation in this tweet is perfect. Jews have a higher verbal intelligence than almost any other race, and they also go to school for a million years each. This really pays off in the spelling department, and even tricky cases of comma use are child's play to your real Jew. A perfectly spelled and punctuated passage such as this is as characteristic as "Yo dog i be sayin' that some niggaz is for shit" is diagnostic of a nigger. Watch out for both.

Literally every Jew has that little blue badge. It's the modern Star of David. Sometimes they take the little badge away, but only to discipline naughty Jews who've been skipping temple Milo BTFO, lol.

The tone of this tweet is also characteristic of a Jew, and a very Jewy one at that. Rather than an Aryan "Fuck you, asshole." or a spic "Pfft. That's some bullshit man!" or a nigger's "Ima fukkin ki11 you nigga you jus watch self wen you aint watching we gon get you," the Jew uses sly sarcasm and tries to strike without making himself vulnerable to counterattacks. Calling on his ancient instinct to do the maximum damage with the minimum of effort on his own part, as well as the finely honed sense of self-preservation made keen by many shoahs kek, the Jew leaves himself a way out of the consequences of every insult. "Hey, goy! Why are you mad at me? I just quoted your leader, didn't I? {Jewing intensifies.}" In this case, rather than saying what he really thinks, this Jew has just called Trump's quote "memorable." See how that means everything and nothing, and yet we know he's Trump's enemy? Classic Jew-talk.

Jews share a hivemind. They constantly monitor what other Jews are saying and doing, and they are almost all in a high-stakes lookalike contest. Stray too far from the collective, and the wandering Jew gets punished like Milo. One consequence of this is the eerie way they all seem to have the same thoughts at the same time. You'll be reading something on the internet you've never heard of before, wince when you see a Jew's opinion of it, and then marvel when you immediately find another Jew with substantially the same opinion – all thought out and reasonable sounding and well researched, as if the kike had six months to study something that just happened an hour ago. This is just the Jew unimatrix buzzing for a moment and spitting out a kosher answer. The most talented Jews can know the Talmudic perspective before it develops, and they get promoted to rabbi for it.

We hope you have found this case study informative. You should now be capable of spotting Jew communications a little better than before. Remember they're all deceivers, and literally zero will be spared when the time comes. Heil Hitler.

like he had the choice, that was her own doing, and she wasn't going to until she was forced by kushner to convert or he was going to leave her. Trump has no say, of course hes not going to go "oh no my daughter married a kike"
If you don't understant the symbolism of kissing the wall and what that means if he doesn't do it when he visits, you really need to do some research

We'll see I wont hold my breath

I have never understood this. Shit like this and pushing shit like this doesn't help shills in the long run and just radicalizes and pushes the very people you're trying to fuck with towards open violence. I suppose this is how the holocaust will, at this point, inevitably occur then. Barring that, day of the rope. If you adequately convince people that there is no peaceful solution to their problems, they will be more than happy to take all that pent up frustration and anger and betrayal and turn it into actual violence. It honestly feels like the people on the left are the stupidest people on earth.

Yes it is and that person is me. This is chess, Trump marrying his kids to jews is chess, and Trump being a warmongering neocohen is chess.

Sup Bill Mitchell

What did he mean by this?
youtu. be/LdgGvQuXYeQ

Would you let your daughter marry a jew? The fact that he doesn't give a shit shows what kind of man he is.

Neat post

Trump is a neocohen top kek. Discord niggers can never help but give themselves away.

Why do you keep saying "kiss the wall" when most presidents don't actually kiss it? Are you hedging your bets so when he visits you can claim he secretly hates kikes because he did the same thing that every other ZOGbot except Bush did?

Now I know you're a kike. White men approve of their daughters potential mates or they send them packing.

He's not a neocon, just a chessmaster. If anyone's the discord shillKIKE it's (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((you))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))).

it's a part of his strategy. If you look further up he was ask for extremely specific details and sources. If he makes the goals so narrow the ball can't even fit through it, his world view about Trump being a secret natsoc will never be questioned

>Whites live in the plot to Fiddler On the Roof

That'll do, Yid.

how am I supposed to stop her, put a fucking bullet in her brain? Publicly out my kike hate and fuck my life up and business to hell? how do you suggest you stop someone from marrying anyone, ask those fathers whose daughters fucked and married niggers if they had a choice to stop them. You are fucking retarded, and all of you jumping and talking to each other is pretty fucking obvious, (((8a103f))) has already outed himself as the Le Pen thread "hasbara zionist" shill. You guys don't even try to hide it anymore.

Now you've activated my trap card. Bye bye shill thread.







this was a slightly shittier shill thread than usual, je suis dissapoint

your shill buddy already posted your pre scripted and "100% natural" image right here
need to coordinate better

"I don't approve of you marrying him. If you do you're disowned. No questions"
This is how it's always been done. What would you do user, if your daughter married a kike?

To further things, if he was so upset secretly at her marrying a kike, why did he appoint both to roles in the white house?

I don't even know what you're talking about anymore

drumpflets btfo

Go shill against the G-d Emper-r some more and try to say that those of us who defend him tooth and nail are kikes for whatever reason. Get lost.

sure, I'm also not a public figure who everyone looks at and reports on when he takes a shit. If his daughter married kushner and then go disowned they would wonder why
yes, this is you, you are here
you mean those roles where they get to go around and do busy work talking to people and fuck off while shits getting done. She can have her glorified position, Kushner needs to get into an oven either way, I don't care if he doesn't have any significant role in the whitehouse, he still needs to be gone. But Ivanka talking to merkel running her mouth, better then actually having any power. Guess you missed the part where the funding for state department womans rights counsel is getting defunded even though ivanka really doesn't like that.

At least you gave a tripcode to filter


Disown her faggot. No kike will marry either of my daughters with my approval or blessing. They'd sooner be thrown out on the street and forgotten.


Shill for your jewish YHVH some more, anti-Trump KIKE.

I'll enjoy my ban.

Wow you're an idiot.

Ok so he cares more about his public life than his family. You're really selling him well.
www.telegraph. co.uk/news/2017/04/10/ivanka-trump-influenced-father-launch-air-strikes-against-assad/
Kushner has a huge role.
this is far more plausable than your "4d chess, trump is a secret nationalist who really acts like a globablist because idk just trust him" theory

he's not false flagging, he's mocking you autismo

wow, you sure showed me, great refutation.

He cares about keeping an image that wont bankrupt his business and make everyone who works for him unemployed. He also doesn't like to lose.
no he doesn't his role is glorified, if anyone should have attention on them right now its mcmasters
that article is filled with bullshit and speculation, over a fucking tweet she made. Has no validity to it what so ever, almost like OPs article.
there was nothing secret about it if you were around longer then a fucking month, he was pretty open about it for 2 years you kike.

There it is, the chesscuck shills are trying to pick up their game, but it's still not us.

I want some quality CHESSCUCK OC!!!!!!!!!!!!

Facts are for faggots dubs blessed TORposter.

Eric, Trump's own son, literally said it. This is your extremely specific souce shit again.
He was also pretty open about locking Hillary up and not getting involved in Syria.
He's also been very open about supporting Israel.
Trump lies. You even say he's a business man. Lying is what business men do

Judge him based on what he does not what he says. And what he does is Bush/Obama tier neo con

Reported for HERESY. Trump(and myself) are master chessmasters. We are the thirty third degree of chessmastering. Trump's moving on a level you'll never even hope to understand.

Who cares how many whites get fucked over in the short term if we win in the long term? Read Art of the Deal you LARP.

top kek
copy pasta material

After he dumps a fuckload of proof that this shit's happening? Odd thing to do really.

Hey everybody, take a look at the chan this faggot is shilling us from.

[citation needed]
if trump lies then why believe his support for israel? He hasn't done anything near bush/obama tier anything. He bombed an airfield in syria, in which you couldn't provide any source as to helping israel. The airfield was still operational with minimal damage. These are facts. They had planes up the next day, and Trump began quickly to pivot to NK and start assaults on ISIS. Would you like to provide examples other than this that would make him obama tier? So far he has been pretty chaotic and unpredictable, kind of like he said he was going to be. Things have been getting done, and I bet you are going to say
when he was waiting for gorsech to get on the seat of the supreme court a promise he made and has already filed the appeal for both EOs that got blocked. Anything else you would like to fail at shill

Where's your OC chesscuck master?

just a heads up shills, Holla Forumss userbase mainly consists of lurkers whove been around for years. thanks to multiple exodus it consists mainly of those who truly care.
you try to play both sides, as this thread clearly proves, but ultimately Holla Forums will make up its own mind.

We have ID's here shill. I don't care where you go, but you need to go back

They're the most pro-Trump site on the internet you know.
Keep trying to deflect away from the fact you were outed already as an anti-Trump "chess doesn't real" poster.
Go suck off Bannon's dick.

I am OC. I am an Original Creationâ„¢ of Holla Forums pure and simple. I am the chessmaster and that is all there is to it. You're clearly just an anti-Trump shill KIKE who is trying to move the overt window left and drive normies away. Get fucked.

Yeah, the chess cucks want to prevent Trump from culturally enriching America. They are the LARPs who cling to old FAIL while Trump ushers in the new WIN.

citation is provided in the article I linked you. You can't just keep pretending the citations I've been giving you don't exist.
Because his actions speak quite loudly. He's been pro Israel his entire life and has consistantly shown it through action.
www.algemeiner. com/2014/02/10/donald-trump-pledges-over-100000-to-israeli-emergency-rescue-service/

He attacked Syria without congressional approval. You're right, he's not obama tier. not even Obama went this low.

Looky what we have here, some REAL OBVIOUS SAMEFAGGING.

It's real anons, the shills have descended here and want to push the chesscuck meme as a wedge.








It's called CHESS you fucking discord shill KIKE.

This. All the anti-Trump KIKEs can't see the G-d Emper-r's master stroke in the making. Chess will prevail.


Good to see someone standing up against the anti-israel SHILLS. GRANDMASTER CHESS MAN TRUMP and #BASED#MAGA Ivanka leading us to TOTAL ARYAN VICTORY yet again. Are you tired of winning yet?

jesus you argue like a kike, I have to keep up with you throwing all these baseless articles and non-sources with sites like algemeiner
and you want (((congress))) to decide whether or not he should go to war with a country? With people like mccuck and lindsey who needs congressional approval, they would have given mcmasters full approval to bomb Damascus that day, I'm still waiting for that supervisor by the way.
you sure are committed to this after you sure seem to care a lot actually.
jesus christ
MSM article claiming an eric interview, and when I looked it up covered by other (((media))) it was CNN that said "supposedly" and I immediately dismissed it after I read and saw telegraph not provide anything more then excerpts, kind of like OPs article. No video, no tweets, nothing more then a claim of an interview that may or may of not happened and I have no way to trust anything these kikes say.

You guys seem pretty cool, don't go to Temple tomorrow

Why would you do anything to a Temple? Trump loves jews?
Gotta desensitize myself before going to depose Assad or Kim Jong-KIKE.
If you haven't signed up for the draft you're a kike too.

ok lad.

I have just as little faith in congress. But I would rather have a check on who Trump can go to war with seeing as he's as chaotic as you just said he was.

I literally provided a source of him giving $100,000 to a zionist organisation. You can verify it here where he says it himself
youtu. be/PQYOvDmWqjo
have a watch over that whole video anyway. although just 4d chess, right? yeah, just a bit of 4d chess.

I've provided plenty of fine sources on Trump being a neo con zionist. You're just ignoring them because they're "MSM", although there's no reason to doubt any of it because for normies, it paints trump in a good light. I'm not even going to bother anymore. you're selectively ignoring information to fit your world view. even when the wall kissing photo comes out, which it will, you'll brush it off and say "haha, he's just playing along with it". You're not even a shill or a kike. You're just retarded.

Good job redditors, you didn't go back and showed the ebil nazis that you're loyal under any circumstances. Now follow the God Emperor in his 180 with his Jared and Ivanka, remember it's always 1488D chess.

Now is the perfect time to become NAZBOL and finally rid yourselves of the cucking.

every time


It seems to me the I'm also a globalist throw away was a defense against the claims of protectionism. America first but aware of a global market,

I'd fuck that.

Shitting yourself and laughing like a mentally retarded person isn't going to trigger or scare anyone. We're all cringing pretty hard at the fact that you all refuse to admit trump bamboozled the fuck out of you.

Normie Holla Forumsyp us worst Holla Forumsyp


Oh so the newfags who constantly capitalize the J in jews came from discord. Thanks for the heads up.

fucking discord niggers are a bunch of millenials

Fuckin this

it's just chess, I'm not really a norm*e

That is if we don't die in some ditch in WW3 or get vaporized in a nuclear blast.

probably halfchan etc. as well

We are getting raided by everyone it seems Holla Forums Holla Forums has become a proxy war between everyone and the gore is not fucking working seeing as I keep seeing the same gore pics and vids in every thread


They aren't even using good gore. Just the same tired shit.

wanna know how we know you're not from around here? Shouldn't you be finishing off Jamals load right about now?


I like 2d loli guro.

It's pathetic watching those of you in denial seriously. No politicians are going to save us. We need Civil War now.


Pretty fucking sad fam when cuckchan has more sense than this board now tbh I'm 99.9% sure this board has paid Kushber shills and controlled moderation now. You question Trump no matter how much he cucks and IDfagging Kampfy style appears to white knight for the Zionist Kike

listen b8a4a0 you're pretty obvious and we can spot you from miles away, why don't you go back to where you came from and suck that nigger dick, you talmudic turbokike.
you're not dividing the userbase, at much you're only driving away the plebbitors and discord niggers

holy shit these shills are retarded


b8a4a0 touched a raw nerve, parscale shills BTFO

We're coming for you imkikey, you and your subversive zionist neetsocs will be the FIRST to hang on DOTR.

and here comes the hasbarafag tor/pedo/

Quality post. Well done.

Do you really think this board will not break as soon as Trump will makes more moves for jewish sake?
The best is yet to come. Just continue posting everything about how cucked he is and it will eventually gather a following of people who are truly redpilled on Trump subject. Never give up. People who manipulate information hold all the power on this board.

PS - the smart ones knew this shit will be a thing since fucking beginning, when he shilled for israel and his jewish connections were revealed. Everything else was just cucking on your own behalf.
Funny, i must compare Trump to big boss. Began as a "hero" for this board, and now he's a demon he fought against.

And why would he when he can join it as a prominent force?
In one generation the entire Trump line will be Jewish.

degenerate sexual jew. No matter if they are 12 or 52, it all comes back to sexual deviancy.

Leftys are broken people. Sad.

So the last year and a half of non stop shilling for neo-conservative politics, and as we see is still being shilled here campaigning for all kosher conservatives false nationalists like Wilders, Le Pen, Orban and every other ZOG puppet in world politics.

" It was all just for bants bro "

So every thread shilling for these puppets owned by freemasons and jews was always intended to be just for the laughs?

Indeed the joke was on us and only the kikes are laughing.

Hey faggot, how much money did you spent on VPN ?

Nobody gets paid to call out and expose (((you))) lying jews, people only get paid to shill for jewish controlled opposition like you do here.

You're easy to spot, keep dumping your third world money here, mehmet

Are you some kind of retard as well as an obvious jew?

You're new, and you should lurk more

Of course I do. The Arabs aren't the ones who control our banks and push pornography on the youth. Assad is an Arab, you filthy kike. We will always support Arabs over filthy yids.

So (((you))) jews in your Tel Aviv offices have created a grid-reference boilerplate chart to identify goys who criticise the following:
Satanic kikes
jewish trojan horse kosher politicians
jewish hasbara
mossad etc

And you claim I'm the new one here, Moishe?

Since when has it become a big No-No to call out you kikes here on Holla Forums?

Assad is doing great things and WE supported him, not arabs you fucking newfag also the enemy of my enemy is my not my ally

You're really easy to spot, and you know that we created this only for you, hasbarafag

This and
are in direct opposition. Choose one faggot.

Kill yourself, retard. The kikes are using muzzies as an excuse to strip us of our rights and get us involved in bullshit wars for Israel.

Get gassed you irritating brass-necked kike

Oh btw
I wasn't replying to you, mehmet. Really step your game up. Like I said you're easy to spot

keep outing yourself hasbarafag

yes, that's a discord raid

Can you explain how I am distorting this kikes words?
He literally posted a jewish hasbara grid-reference chart used by jews online to identify anti-semites in MSM message boards, and attacks anyone calling out jews.

So he produces a chart that identifies words white "anti-semites" use everyday to call out kikes and apparently he thinks it's okay to openly do this on Holla Forums

Why did you post that chart, made by jewish internet defence force hasbara?
Why shouldn't we criticise kikes on Holla Forums?

Assad isn't Arab and Semitic he comes from a different ethnic group an ethnic group the Jews will almost be able to wipe out if he looses. Most of the "Syrian" refugees aren't even Syrian racially for why would a group of people who share ethnic ties abandon their women and children for foreigners to take, while seeking economic advancement? That's to Jewy for even the Jews.

You see Arabs like Jews are difficult to breakdown in a racial sense even though there are markers the Jew and Arab spread by racemixing with other ethnic groups, taking on their traits and then are able to cross back and forth across the line as it is useful. From what I've gathered into my studies of Semitic cultures especially Muslims is that the core Semitic group of Muslims call themselves Sunni. The rest are all ancient ethnic groups like in Yemen/Iran who were conquered and follow the rules but still stick to their ethnic groups and have never given into the racemixing ways of the Semite. You can see a similar thing with the core behind early Christian denominations.

You can try it for yourself look at all Muslim countries which are Sunni and they'll be all Arab but all the others have particular racial components to them even if they are fledgling. Take note that Semites are actively trying as a group to unite all other racial groups into one race.

That is why the Saudi and Israelis will never help any non-Semite in any conflict while not attacking each other. Also strangely these Semites seem to own all of social media and media in the world to propagate the core of their philosophy to the world.

If Syria is doomed then listen very carefully to what exactly happens to its "people", that is the same fate the Semites want for you.

This isn't even a casre of 6 gorillion chess.
He's just stating what was known all along and little CTR interns like you try to spin it as something bad.

Trump was elected on a platform of being anti-establishment and anti-globalist

So what the fuck was his promise to
No longer will we [USA] dance to the False Song of Globalism?

he was just repeating words written for him by bannon/ miller
words that were calculated to get him the white vote
he says what he needs to to get what he wants
just like all the others

Thanks for your retarded opinion reddit. Now GTFO.

It was Trumps opinion though. And remember anti trump is code for anti Holla Forums so this is a globalist board now.

some of you got way too attached.(Raid)


Based CivNatGob.

With a twist of Radical Centrism.

Kek, get banned faggot

How many hotpockets did that anchor buy you?

Why was this anchored? I thought this was a political board with free speech? Isn't commenting on what the president of the United States says appropriate for discussion?

Dr. Pierce already called him 20 years ago the next kosher republican candidate.

So are you trying to say that no one should be allowed to criticise jews on Holla Forums, or they face the wrath of you jews following them on every thread?

I have to disagree, I would have thought Holla Forums would be the ideal place to expose you jews.


It's not 2015 anymore. This is a place to be civic.

Source on Pierce saying that?

Another leftist anti-Trump shill thread.

Trump always said he was going to either renegotiate NAFTA or repeal it! That's exactly what he is doing now. He just recently said (read the fine print in the fucking article for proof!) that he plans to either "renegotiate NAFTA or repeal if they can't strike a deal."

Shills act like he is keeping NAFTA as-is. Not true, and even the article made this clear!

Sometimes he says both in the same day.

They're butthurt sh/int/skins.

come on user


Its comes from a interview or some shit that happened yesterday I guess there are just citing to avoid any issues with the WSJ.

Fam even Assad considers himself Semitic.

Look at this shit memery. I can just picture the leftist that made it sitting there thinking how clever they are for all the 'Holla Forums culture' they know about.

Upgrade your 2hus.