Berkeley Monitoring Thread: Preliminary Reports Edition

So apparently, Ann has been signalling that she's gonna be meeting with fans in Berkeley, but she's totally not gonna be actually speaking or anything, wink wink, nudge nudge, say no more, say no more. Ezra Levant's lapdogs from (((Rebel Media))), Dildo McInnes and Lauren Southern, are gonna be there as well. We've got large numbers of boots on the ground, more than last time I believe, and even the Oathkeepers have said they're gonna be there.

On the other side, Jack Posobiec is saying that he's hearing 75-100 gommies.

Other urls found in this thread:

Please Kek let there be a race war tonight.

About what time is the shitstorm supposed to kick off?

Remember folks.

100 pts per Flag
50 pts per Mask
200 pts if you can guess their gender.

There better be some real bloodshed tonight. No more of this pussyfooting. There's been enough waiting.

Yesssss, let the commies hit the floor. Praise for the coming race war.


If dubs, some commie pulls a gun, and the Oathkeepers go HAM.

bump for interest
if there are fireworks today, i suspect that they will begin around noon PST
i for one definitely don't have enough monitors; i'll have 8-10 periscopes open, and will have to monitor dbl on a mixer to follow what's really happening. have a solo cue set up to take me to the window where the action's happening
my body is ready

If dubs, it'll be another fistfight.

I'm taking a half day to watch the show. During the Civil War, people used to picnic and watch the battles.

Fucking right on user. I'll livestream it all day at work today
Also daily reminder

Dont force the dubs user.
They will come willingly.
We will see some serious shit tonight.

Kek please protect /ourguys/ and guide us to victory. Bless us this day and unto you the numbers shall flow.

All faggots are going to hell

did not know that. i suspect that spectating won't be considered quite as benign compared to the late 19th century
indiscriminate violence is to be expected, and it's important to insulate yourself as you can- especially if you live anywhere near a major city. it'll be best to play defense at first and force them to come to you after about a week- once they can't get/have run out of food, fuel, or ammo
they'll be desperate and it'll be much easier to break their ranks if it comes down to that
stay frosty

The leader of Bikers for Trump will be at Berkeley. I've seen a lot of comments over a kikebart claiming to be bikers for trump saying they were traveling to be there too.

do they have periscopes ?

drop links below

If dubs, lain I real…

And kills an antifa.

Uncle's trips confirm Sturmabeilung bikers.


After the letdown of driving hours to Gainesville yesterday for absolutely nothing, I'm kind of hoping Berkeley will provide my happening fix.

Can't find the exact picture I'm thinking of, but this is similar.

Brown Shirts vs Brown "People", Kek ordains it!


I remember reading about that in middle school, how a bunch of civilians showed up to watch battles during the Civil War.

Bikers for Trump are a step up from the SA. It's a big step, too, from a moral standpoint. Yes- they're fighting people calling themselves communists who are also calling their opposition nazis, but Bikers for Trump aren't fighting for socialism. That's patently bogus. Closest you could compare them to would be pinochet's/duterte's death squads

I bet they found out minie balls go farther than round shot pretty quick.

infighting within AntiFa's ranks?

Think you mean "step down", user.

In other news, le argument man has a role call of our lightning rods for today.

Cops always stand down at Berkeley, and there'll be enough foot soldiers to make a full company on both sides. My happening senses are sounds the alarms.

Same source here. The picture I was trying to find was a black and white illustration showing picnickers watching a battle in the valley I recall seeing in a school textbook.

Berkely Cops will basically mean another free for all. Hopefully all non antifa know what's going to happen. They are smarting after the embarrassment of the last outing. Bring newspaper for some stab protection. And don't stop stomping on antifas face if you get a shot.

(check'd and kek'd
Dubs checking dubs. Good start anons lets keep it rolling.

he just painted a target on all of their backs


get as close as you can to a BAMN organizer
my ass, dude
just break their ranks and move in on their leaders on the ground before shortwave is jammed
you'll see real fuckin quick what a "stand down" looks like

They are going there for publicity, and a ruck to be fair. Everyone knows that.

(check'd and Praise'd)
All numbers be unto him.

Fake stream. Don't open it.

Any reason to put antifafags in their place is good enough.

The digits are flowing. He posts among us.

degenerate porn

Lauren Southern left (((Rebel Media))); many claim it was because she isn't larping about the 14 words.

no i don't disagree with that. nice ID btw
my issue is that more people on the left are going to be paying attention to what molymeme is saying, rather than what any of the individuals going there might be putting out on social media
in a certain way, it'd be better if he refrained from naming any of our rally points until the violence had already begun. commies won't exactly be checking stefan's tweets when they're in the heat of it, possibly in retreat/regroup

You are describing the first battle of Manassas.

Eat a gun, newfag.

Wow gtfo newfaggot. Go back to reddit you are not one of us and never will be.

it's always nice when dubs check dubs

you guys are getting a bit more hyped than i was expecting
if i'm being honest, i'd put (today being the flashpoint- not what's written in history books, but the real flashpoint- of our current cold civil war) at about 15 to 20%
it's not safe money, but i consider the chances high enough such that you'd be a fool not to be watching like a hawk before MSM and their digital media pawns spin it to look like Trump supporters instigated the violence

what? he's just posting from Tor/VPN or some other assorted paranoid parrot shit, no?

Whether happenings occur or antifags back down we will be victorious this day. Praise be unto Kek for our triumphs. Praise be unto Kek for the knowledge our defeats have brought.

A lot of pretty digits here.
The blood of the filth will flow through the streets. Commiefornia will be cleansed. KEK WILLS IT!

Damn, those are some fine symmetrical dubs.



Praise Kek and hail victory!

The people speaking are for the most part a bunch of fags, so it wouldn't really matter to me if some or all of them got martyred. Hopefully AntiFa is stupid enough to bring guns and start firing them off.

Look into wikileaks evne a little you uneducated faggot.

You're not a very smart man, are you?


smart enough to know that he's basically shooting a flare above each of their heads in case any antifa scum missed the memo before they showed up today
if they're attacked, the civil war this kicks off would be fast and unsatisfying- not really the purge that we need
the longer we have before the pot accumulates pressure and boils over, the better
you can take that to the bank

I mean, antifa promised huge bantz. Will they deliver?

i do not fear death, and you shouldn't either
there's no other way to win this
live and be the best you can today- for yourself, for your family, for your traditions, for your culture, for your ideals, and for your people; because you can never be too sure that you'll still have a front row to this cosmic shitstorm we call existence tomorrow


The people he named are fucking e-celebs you dunce. They were not flying under the radar. They have as much exposure as molymeme does, if not more.

Furthermore, another antifa riot is exactly what we want. Nobody gives a shit about these people's speeches, all we care about is the rioting.

We need pics and bios of the Antifa leaders to facilitate their capture.
The leaders are the priority. If we can get even one of them they'll get enough press for the mainstream to ask, "Why is a public school teacher the leader of a violent masked group?"

no. molymeme has a shit ton more normie/lefty aggro
that's the crux of my argument

way ahead of you

it has been willed
Praise Kek

Agreed. Anyone who might be able to intercept some chatter over twitter or whatever get on it. I know the leaders wont use it but some of the lower level larpers may not be able to resist like ol moldylocks there.

Antifa know who Lauren Southern an Gavin McCuck are. They weren't flying under the radar. There was no opsec here for Molymeme to break. Lurk 10 more years you stupid faggot.

rioting is all they've got
it'd be more surprising if they didn't
what we *really want* is for the police to stand down and for these shitforbrains to totally wreck their city- i'm talkin Telegraph alllll the way out to the bay
that's what we need; it'd give "free speech activists" carte blanche to do what they need to do in order to defend themselves- not just in the eyes of the filthy babylonians living in berkeley/east bay, but in the eyes of the general population of the US

You type like a nigger and your analysis is shit-tier. Antifa and the police are working together.

How much do those sound cannons cost? (And I wonder if they can be made easily enough). Those would be wonderful for situations like this.

I like it but it needs to be made into a flyer so the entire group of Frozen Peaches will know them on sight. Their Commissars refuse to wear emblems of rank and stand still once their troops are routed.

but the police don't like it at all. if we pressure that weak spot we may expose the mayor's collusion with a violent masked group. Violating people's civil rights using the office of the mayor is a federal civil rights violation.

i'll take your point at face value, since you're starting to get a bit
combined, about 100k followers
he's also drawing attention to females, with which i have an issue
for comparison, since you're going there:

602,838 YT
177K Twitter

223,992 YT
259K Twitter

140K YT
188K Twitter

i'd throw instagram in there, but i'm pretty sure it's on the way out just like vine
youtube is the biggest indicator for me. you might also look at their tweet replies if you don't believe me

A more useful item would be a spark gap generator for jamming RF signals in the area. This is highly illegal, however, so I'm only talking hypothetically, don't actually do it.

If you're going for a vehicle mounted anti-riot weapon, water cannons are infinitely more practical. But honestly that's LARP-tier.
You have to call for a quote, but I think it'd be pricey. A gofundme for a Holla Forums to purchase one of these things and show up at every Antifa rally would be a wonderful thing.

it won't matter if they trash every non-residential part of their city
the police will have to become paramilitary just like before the '92 riots in LA


They won't sell you one.

Speaking of which, any up yet?

you could make your own if you had your heart set on it. can draw you a schematic if you have a few grand lying around for all the parts. just blast it out of a car stereo, and ensure that you have solid insulation within the vehicle
there's no reason that an LRAD unit should be so expensive- except for the same reasons JFK and Dems made automatic weapons cost prohibitive

There is that. Still, I'm guessing that today the cops will join in on the ANTIFA side, since standing down proved ineffective, and video recording would still work fine, you'd just have to post it after the fact.

Perhaps one day I'll do this. I know more than enough math, will need to brush up on physics and have a rudimentary knowledge of circuits. I'll file this under the "some day I'll do" category. The thing is I wouldn't know where to cut it off, these things sold to Police at least have some non-lethal guarantees. Oh wait, it's antifa, who gives a fuck.

FDR^ it was fucking FDR. had it mixed up because the kennedy family was involved
my mistake

It's probably way too heavy, and the power requirements for batteries too large, but I'd love to see a miniature one mounted on a drone. Speaking of which, I wish one of these youtube streamers would incorporate a drone feed.

The Lovecraftian horrors a right wing engineering squad could unleash onto the modern "battlefield" without any international treaties or moral qualms about harming one's opponent terrify me.

worst you could do is give them a TBI, honestly
their ears would be bleeding, etc, but the worst you'd probably face is public disturbance
unless you're doing this in CA on the regular- then who tf knows they might send you to solitary
my biggest concern would be deafening myself while operating the sound cannon
sound is reflective, and cars are generally built to be acoustically sealed
again- that's why i'd make sure that you acoustically insulate around the ghetto-rigged LRAD

Can you record all the streams?

Also others please save all twitter and facebook videos you can before people delete or mass report them.

i don't see where i said to blast it out of a car stereo
400W could power a homemade unit that outputs 160dB SPL continuous easily

i'll do my best, user

Everyone get their war face on!!!

This might it be it. A real true honest to kek happening. I've been monitoring various leftist groups from within and I can tell you with 100% certainty that a good number of them will be armed today.

This is going to be the big one I think. Shits about to go down.

The Spartans were cucks, Lycurgus told them to let other men sleep with their wives. Read Plutarch's chapter in Parallel Lives on Lycurgus.

Panlendrome confirms

i did say stereo, but the 400W couldn't be tapped from there- even in a high-end bose rig
i was talking more about what the closest idea i could think of- like a PA facing out the window at a beach party
this would be your best option to get 400W continuous
just- for the record

lmao they'll get fucking rekt just by 1 of the groups showing on on our side

9811011 is not a palindrome.
That's not how palindromes work.

How much for a legal self-defense kill?

agreed. there have to be more than 100 if they don't want to be on the run from the moment they start jeering our guys from the dividers

lol pick one

Uh sauce? If you've got it verified, get it to every media outlet you can.


Show us the meaning of rage.
The American right wing has fallen for the muh pr meme, it is known. Which is why you never throw the first punch even when facing actual communists who's only goal is to destroy your country.
Tonight is the the night to unleash your inner convictions upon the bolshevik scum.

I am giving you all the energy I can muster, you will surely need it.
I am with you in spirit.
t. Larping eurocuck

Hey don't be scared brother , be excited! Work has to be done

i was telling a few friends last night that i suspect one of them will be shot, but it will be friendly fire since those retards don't know their ass from a hole in the ground when it comes to weapons
i sincerely doubt that any free speech people will be bringing a firearm
best we can do is document everything from every angle
you might lose your phone, but they can't get all recording devices
their shit would be kicked in long before that, and you'd have the evidence to show that they started it from a good few dozen people
honestly, it'd be best to send everything you can to tucker carlson, hannity, dobbs, molyneux, watson, or someone who can get it out there early to get ahead of the near-certain spin that trump supporters started shooting indiscriminately at people unprovoked

Worth doing just to see their reddit posts to be honest.

FBI is aware

Aw yiss

"Bikers 4 X" always tends to be tryhard bullshit, but what the hell, the more the merrier.

I honestly don't understand why they think any escalation will help them. Are they just retarded, or do they have some master plan I'm not considering?

if i was that grandpa, i'd take her home and explain what happened to her parents
this is uh
this is somethin else
you know for a fucking fact that she believes she's

That seems doable.

They are commies, guess how smart they are?

even Holla Forums claim to hate those fucks with a burning passion, which sometimes makes me think this whole SJW thing is basically a cultural monster that feeds on itself. It's being propped up by the fucking traitors and kikes in power and academia but it still seems the numbers are overwhelmingly against such retardation.

The master plan isn't theirs but the goal is civil war. This goes far beyond Jesse Arreguin and Antifa. Blood will spill. The "M80"s last time were for conditioning for the real thing. Its not if but when.

idk man i think their highest ideal is dying as some kind of marxist/leninist martyr
they're going to need quite a few martyrs if they want any traction in the US beyond next year, to be sure

Dubs confirm commies are stupid. As if we needed that to know.

Their leaders need to experience some Seth Rich style street muggings.

maybe. i'm convinced that the left in the US has created a monster that they can't control, but we can never be too sure that they aren't secretly rooting for these animals
look alive. we've got about an hour to go before the just-came-out-of-their-weed-coma trust fund edgelords hop on the scene ready for some action


probably. maybe all we'd have to do is spin a counter narrative that they were going to testify against Hillary/the DNC before they were murdered, and no one would touch the story

Yeah, because we can bribe the police to not investigate.

I've heard they want to bring in more niggers for their side, but most niggers don't want to identify with faggots like antifa. They're dumb, but street cred is still a thing.

so when does this kick off?
t. europoor

If they realize how deeply penetrated ANTIFA has become by Holla Forums, their own paranoia will do the work for us.

A good portion of California is supporting them. Don't forget about the California secession movement. Don't underestimate how much they hate America and what it stands for. This is how they make it happen.

The blacks realized they are all literal faggots.

You make good OC, can you give the name of the filters you used ?
off topic

Let's prepare for the rioting by watching a canadian teen girl being killed by two other canadian 'natives'.


Kek is as fed up with this scum as we are today.

Exactly how it would go down. All their mace, photos and m-80s would be stolen from them. Antifa would cry in the corner and blame white men for making the blacks do that.


if they want to secede, i just hope they know that we support them
they'd have no nukes, no military, close to a trillion in unfunded liabilities- and mexico, russia, and china would all be attempting to annex them
also- democrats wouldn't win another election for decades
the refugee crisis would also be comedy fucking gold, because ID, WA, OR, UT, CO, and AZ *hate* CA transplants
i'm out here close to the frontline of Portland, and let me tell you- it'd be open goddamn season on californians attempting to nope the fuck out up the left coast

A good 50% of their internet presence is informants or Holla Forums. Most likely even higher now that they're starting to catch on.

That's the most first nations thing I've seen all week!

Some (most?) of them would be sad they weren't raped, too.

I think I see what you mean.

Dubs confirm niggers are chaotic evil

Someone breathed a little too deeply from the bag of visions.

Turn scanner on
http:// www.

Stuffs heating up

Any streams?

i wanna believe

What even is this? Has anybody run the story?


two native canadian teenagers kill another native canadian teenager. That's the whole story. Use google.



Fuck off. California is rightful American clay. The commies can be purged, put in work camps, or starved to death before all those resources leave American hands. And the latinos there can fuck right off with their claims too

Berkeley Police Training AntiFa


They keep thinking it was Reagan who signed no-carry into law to stop the black panthers, but it wasn't until sometime in 2000 when handguns were banned as well

Only 123 listeners, get in here faggots.

Periscope pro tip: Press 'H' to get rid of their overlay shit.

that's a bit too lefty for my liking
death squads seem a bit more humane, but not by much
i have an idea: send all the lefties to EU socialist utopias, and have them send us all their "far right," "problematic" citizens
could be amazing

thanks. will do

Where are the links? Thx for the tip, those stupid hearts are annoying as hell.

Managed to find this, sounds like the same case.

It's all kinds of fucked. These girls are turning into fucking monsters thanks to brainwashing and being told you have to be "strong," completely not understanding what that actually entails.
Saging for off topic.

Yeah, a cleaner way would be to just extract the video url and play it through vlc. Maybe someone has a nice script for that.

One above.

People in stream saying feds are onsite. Any confirmation on ths?

No man you got all twisted. Leave the Europeans to start their own civil wars. Instead, send the reds to their diverse African paradises without a passport. The C.A.R. could use a few more equality minded citizens.

Europe here, how about no.

oh this gonna be fun
Bikers are on-scene, lads

/ourguys/ looking ripe and ready!

They're natives dude, savagery is in their blood.

Hear, hear… dubs of wisdom

Kek I want to see some antifa brains on some biker boots before this is all said and done

Nice, now lets see some trips.

The strategy going forwrd should be exactly this show them we know who they are and they aren't safe.

i'm not seeing it. i'll take people who are there's word for it, but feds are hiding if they're anywhere nearby. i guarantee you feds aren't going to be sympathetic to antifa if some shit starts to go down
listening to the police stream, and it's been super quiet for a few minutes


well- the berkeley police is stream is basically useless now
heard at 1016PST on
will keep the tab open and provide anything i hear on there which i think is important


Starting to think they are specifically there cause berkley PD won't do their jobs.

i mean- you don't even have to do anything. just get close, and word on the street is that they move in like you just aimed your laser sight on JFK's forehead
fucking ridiculous


This guy on Tim's stream wants to "start the fire".

Of course, but when you mix some feminist ideology into the mix, tell them they're not strong enough, you get explosive results.

well *fuck* i hope so
it's about damn time

I know it's nothing. It's just that everyone is asking for streams, when it's only 10am in commiefornia. Commies dont wake up until at least 1pm

https:// www

That waterpark murder is actually a DIFFERENT one involving the wild injuns. The webm above is a girl name Serena McKay, who was beaten to death last weekend, live and streamed on Facekike.
No wonder they cops drive the drunk ones out onto the tundra and leave them there.




This thread is looking pretty good. I think Kek wants DOTR.

Is he a big guy?

Operation Barbarossa lets go

I didn't make them. They're from a fashwave thread.

Its starting


He looked big in his bullet proof vest. Said if someone has to be shot, he hopes it's him. That way the national guard can come in.

what's wrong user
are you afraid that you might actually have to work to have a decent life?

Kek is bringing the big guys!


Reminder that if you're in the area, you have a duty to show up. If you don't want to get into legal trouble, don't do anything illegal.

Cops and Oathkeepers seem to be friendly.

Honestly, you gotta love that fucking streaming service. They were hoping for "nice" things to come out of it, but instead it's a 24 hours of the best redpills anyone could offer. And there's no way kikebook is big enough to be able to filter that stuff out.


Yeah, that's not vague at all and I'm sure the MSM has honestly reported those exact facts. Somebody worth a shit posted her name further down thankfully.

media fucking everywhere

Glad to see that shit Mark Airgood getting more public time. In few instances I posted his face as being an obvious antifa handler and instigator on both chans. Also, what with the fat transgender looking guy? He got ambushed or was their plant?

Some gifted user should make a deck of cards with HD pics of leaders (like the iraqi leadership ones). Just faces, names and occupation - FBI style.

Sounds like someone is going to die today.

You call them media, I call them targets of opportunity.

cops are just entering the area
i counted about 12
cop's can't guarantee that they'll be removing masks
but they seem like they're ready for a lot of action
streamer is prostrating a bit about how much media is there. media knows just as well as we do that this could be a flashpoint
strap in, lads

Fat guy was actually /ourguy/

Kek confirms racewar not happening tonight


I hope one of these jew media reporters gets sprayed in the eyeballs with bear mace

second stream up

The shabbos goy working for the (((media))) are most definitely not our friends.

Same thing they did last time. Showed up at the beginning then left. The way that cop was talking sounds like they aren't going to do shit.

This lift the veil guy is obsessed with Brittany Pettibone.

We're not giving up our soil or our people. Might be hard to understand for you, but that's the way it is.

love it

is that a helicopter? Roflol

ctrl-f stream

Free rides for Anti fa.

not saying they don't, but it's not quite as easy
you make your own safety net (one that's worth a damn, anyway) over here

Periscope needs to get its shit together its already starting to drop feeds.


Seems a little better now.

Periscope is so fucking unstable.

The guys here look ready to fight.

If dubs ROFLcopter makes a comeback

even the chicks lok ready to throw down were going to see moldylocks versus maga amazons aren't we?

w e w



whens all this supposed to start? We need like hundreds more people.

Spartans were homosexuals. I tried hard not to believe it, but.. yeah. Abusing their teen males during military prep was the norm (Xenophon)

In a couple hours I'd imagine. There's no organization though, so it's just whenever the people show up.

anyone said helicopter?

They're all spread out right now. Is trad workers pary coming? haven't seen any yet?

its like 10:30am there. We have a while to wait.

30-45 minutes

@1033, on

police are monitoring communications of people on the ground
@1035, on

Seems like an obvious thing in 2017, but I've never seen those address overlays before. Cool.


More importantly, have any antifa been spotted?


I wonder what happened to his eye

thanks user.

No reports yet but /ourguys/ seem pretty prepared today.

i haven't seen any, across 3 streams
here's the third. popped up just a minute ago:
he's aggregating rumors floating around on the chans, commenting on it

They are probably still on the Soros buses from other cities. Those ANTIFA buses need to be found and disabled, make them all have to pay their way back to wherever they are coming from.

And then there's this. Oy vey, goyim!!!

/ourguy/ asf

Someone was saying something about linseed oil in gas tanks but I've never heard of that before.

(((David Seaman))) lying in bed? If you're going to send me a Jew in bed, at least give me Lauren Southern.

wonder if the feds are cool with this :^)

That fucking kike is trying to glom onto Holla Forums now? Fuck that guy.

Maybe that's why there are here this time.

Even the people in the posters look retarded. Points for accuracy I suppose

Push the button snake

he's at least giving us lip service/a mouthpiece leading up to a potential habbenig.m3u
enjoy the slow/down time before shit gets crazy, i say

Someone needs a nonstop feed of Damigo. Theyre going to be gunning for him. Thats where the action will be.

More battle ready /ourguysandgals/.

Who's this qt?

I guess the diploma in post-progressive anti-patriarchy fluid gender engineering does not help much

Were gunning for them this time and we know who their leaders are.

hate him if you want
he had a few dozen people watching when he started talking unironically about how retarded antifa are for (sounds probable at this point) bringing guns
not an ally, but it was worth listening to for a few minutes before he started mentally masturbating thinking about investing in BTC earlier

That's batgirl user, can't you see?

how to rotate periscope stream?

What did Rhodes say about the Jew??

just refresh and it usually does it automatically

That's an interesting URL at the bottom. Can any information be extracted out of that?

Based cape man has a baton disguised as a flagpole lel

Don't give those kikes your name bro! oh well another redpill inbound.

They have a woman in a burka in their posters and none at their protests, that sums up antifa megacucks perfectly.

So Tim Pool is there, but he doesn't stream?

He said its jew bankers funding this and that their jew lawyers are just as accountable

yeah it's a bit strange he seems to be doing interviews right now though so maybe later.

Interesting. I called him out on his channel in regards to White nationalism and what the end goal was for the West. I wonder if he actually dug into it.

i think i love this woman

@1047, on

Fluid mechanics are only HARD because science ignores "feminine fluids" in contrast to masculine "rigid mechanics". Actual quote some nutty feminist made.

give 'em hell anons

Wasted Satan trips tbh my man

Scheduled for 2:00

This. They are going to escalate the violence slowly but surely. The sides of the civil war will be pro-immigrant cities vs anti-immigrant rural regions. The anti-immigrant side will be led by alt-right leaders - who are all controlled - who will capitulate after several months to the government when China/Russia make an alliance to take some bites out of the US.

It's all just a big production.

I'd better come back to some good shit.

Any word on mcguiness or coulter bringing security?

quote of the year, easily

Hope so. He's a good journalist.

2 local?

I have my suspicions about pretty much all of the speakers coming today.

Then we kill those fools the second they start to waver and seize control.

they'll have security. you're not going to know what they brought until they're on-scene
what's it to you?


Yeah, 2pm pacific.

These numbers!

All those speakers are ziocuck rats.

Periscope sucks right now. I reinstalled and its asking for my number and wont even work. Any other streams going on?


This. Trust none of these fuckers.

"*looks like a skinhead to me*"
(apparently means refreshing)

Just a thought but if we reclaim the military industrial might of America then we can easily liberate the homelands.

finished my last exam just yesterday. Feels good.

oathkeepers have put down their shields
@1053, on

Brittany isn't a Jew, seems like a nice girl, but she's trying a bit TOO hard to be famous. She appeared out of no where with PizzaGate, and then dropped it like a stone once Trump won the election.


lol why do you have a twitter
just browse in separate incog tabs

lucky bastard. I have two more weeks of propaganda to wade through.
sage for offtopic

forgot my sage

you're from quebec, aren't you?

I didn't say she was.

Looks like the crowd is piling up a bit.

confirmed, oathkeepers will be in Portland Saturday
i'll be standing with them, anons

Fair point, I misread ziocucks as zionists. (which even then, doesn't mean Jew).


Is that Pettibone chick really a zionist? She's friends with Tara McCarthy, who interviews people like Kevin McDonald.

This is a very good pic, none like that hard-to-read infographics. Use this to end their reign on information

So what time does this officially kick off?


You can't get much more aboriginal than that.

Don't let the memes consume you.

Yeah she had Kevin on and talked about polygamy the whole time.


She had kevin mcdonald on recently. She knows whats up with the JQ. She's good for women right wingers to listen to IMHO as she speaks and communicates like women do but for me her shows are a bit dull.

t. user from Ontario

They talked about monogamy as a special development of europeans. And they did talk about kikes also.

Yup. IE guys in general are a high value target, but Nathan and Johnny are special. Kyle Chapman too, if he shows up. Hitting any of them will have massive propaganda value.

May Kek protect them

Stoke the fire of discontent, reap benefits. The main goal is to harass Trump's base, while the other team do the important work: pick conservatives or relatively independents one by one (look at Fox scandals, and Fox was not very pro-Trump either except select few talking heads) and use commie judges to block any relevant action.

While we all watch the street show, those judges are still breathing.

Thanks m8!

Enough time for me to get my tendies and get comfy!


Freikorps NOW!

Well I think Ann is controlled but that's not a controversial claim here. They have plans for more than Berkeley.

I was on campus yesterday at a college in Los Angeles and there was a "protest" against deportation that was obviously being led by a spook. Once you've met a few, they're really easy to spot. The protest was also packed full of hypnotic triggers which leads me to believe a lot of the protesters may be mind control slaves.

They obviously have something planned for May 1, most likely to escalate the violence in some media-friendly way. Which poses the question, what would be the most media-friendly way to escalate the violence?

Maybe an "antifa" goes Facebook Live and straight up murders someone while spewing anti-Trump and anti-white rhetoric? I get the feeling recent events have been testing out the reaction by the public.

Yeah I mixed up the two words. My original point is these figures should not be trusted nobody should be fully trusted. Now lets not derail the thread with this back and forth.

I've never heard her shill for Israel. She doesn't talk about Jews, and says over and over again that she's not a "White nationalist". That said, she tweets out Holla Forums stuff all the time.

holy shit


Fair enough.

Agree. Though when she has chicks on and they go full girl talk, it's kinda comfy.


Ugh. For example.

Who is that?

If you're going to say something like that without explaining yourself, you'll sound like a crazy person.

I'm late. Any streams? Browsed through thread and didn't find anything.

One of the speakers for the event.

look a harder.



This stream is pretty good. Nothing happening so far though.


Arigato, user-kun.


I think I'm in love.

Tin foil: It's just one girl playing "twins", and one of the personas will be killed by antifa today, to start the fire.

Kinda ironic considering I swear I watched an interview with her complaining about not being able to get a boyfriend in california. She secretly just wants a fashy guy.

Amerindians are not native to the continent of America. You should know this by now.

She'd make a great wife.

seeing people in hoodies and glasses walk by even though it looks nice and sunny.




What time is it there 11ish?

We know we've won if Stefan "Non-Aggression Principle" Molyneux punches an Antifa. Bonus points if he gets beered up and murders a few Antifa like some soccer hooligan.


There's a reason kikes are called kikes: They hate Jesus.

Yeah, almost 11:30 right now. If it's supposed to start at 2 local, then we'll be waiting another couple hours.






Well, the bots and d&c shills are here.


If you find similar protests on other campuses, would be even better evidence that spooks are doing agitprop on a national level. Any other Holla Forums anons on campus now, know of any protests going down near them? Pay attention particularly to the protesters, I would assume quite a few of them are in a daze.

Stop with the capital J, read about capitis diminutio before replying.

I'm hoping to see some Umman Manda-tier sacking of California today.

Whatever she is, her views are 90% of the way there. I'm already married to a girl who hated Jews before I did but if I were out looking again I'd rather start with a woman who is only a few clicks away from 1488 than a kiked up non-political centrist woman much less a leftist. Any of you autists here could convert her to gas the kikes race war now within a month of dating.

Well you did get digits, I'll give you that.


Dubs confirm, there are no more arguments…


This is what judenshills look like.



John 4:22

Rally doesn't start until 2 pm PST

I usually don't but point noted.

The memes will me made real.

Off by one, kill yourself.

Rev. 3:9





I'm not getting any happening vibes from this, user. But fingers crossed for dead commies by the end of the day.

She's a traditional catholic, so I'm sure she doesn't hold Jews in high regard, but I think you'd have a harder time with the 88 angle. That's for the men to deal with anyways.

wtf i love jewish religion now??

Praise be our totally unique gods!


Even better! Antifa puss out, yet again!

filtered, specially 6433fb who's only posts are D&C

This is timed so that it will be on the east coast evening news, properly edited. I wonder what (((they're))) planning.

He will never be redpilled about the holohoax. Video related.

Always gets my noggin joggin

Go back to leftypol.

The man has changed tremendously.

guys this is a berkeley thread please stop with the religious arguments

Slither back to your hole kike.

Tradition holds that Longinus converted to Christianity.

He's not talking about the holohoax in that video. He literally says "facts about history don't matter" in the embed I posted.

How am I the kike when I'm posting a literal kike who says facts about history dont matter?


Holy war is a tradition user. We both know once it gets going there's no stopping until every last poster gets banned.

The D&C is curiously strong today. I'm thinking they are really scared of being identified again

You aren't even trying, we all know you're not one of us.

This is an active thread about a topic that makes the democrat machine look bad, so it is going to be under constant attack from shills.

Send them to Albania.

He already is, but the guy lives in Canada. If he comes even close to sounding like he's a holohoaxer guy, Trudeau's cucked up country will slap him with the most broad hate speech laws imaginable.

Fuck off with that autistic religious nonsense and D&C, faggots.


Agreed, but this kike shill is fucking hilarious.

They real scurred today.

Trying too hard leftypol.

Source? I doubt that he knows, or if he does, he will never talk about it because he's a Jew.

Rally the troops!




You're both fucking faggots, neither of you are making arguments and never will, it isn't on topic, you aren't going to try and discuss or argue in good faith, both of you are just shitting up the fucking thread with posts of the worst fucking kind. Either you're both goddamn retards, the likes of which has caused Holla Forums to turn to shit, or you're D&C shills here to fucking derail.

Bottom line, shut the fuck up about your religious/non religious bullshit. Take it to some other thread and stop derailing this one.

Fuck off. Stefan has already made kikes kvetch in the past.

(America checked)

I'm jealous.

Start screencapping now in case we catch people who crop up later ignore the D&C garbage. We can call each other christcucks and larpagans again when this is over


So is there a better stream than the periscope shit yet? Keeps freezing.

And how does that address what he said about facts not mattering? The caller in this embed was referencing the greatest story never told, and Stef went full kike.
It's fucking disgusting. Watch it.

Periscope a shit - any mirrors on jewtube?

Just got here
How long we been live boys

What one are you watching? This stream is working fine for me:


You haven't missed anything and the streams are kinda crap.

Seems like
antifa and gommies are here.

Anybody have the app/scripts to record Periscope streams?


you can use youtube-dl

Press H to get rid of the shit overlay. That usually helps stop the freezing

Stop fucking arguing about religion you niggers.

I don't know if a yuyope thing, but periscope rarely works for me.


Solid advice.

I already did, still a bit wonky.
Fucking Tim needs to start streaming tbqh.

Anyone have an estimate on how many /ourguys/ are there?

It is known that Antifa are Fremmasons and Soros punks. Vid related


Sorry, but pls to be of considering the idea that the user that sparked it had something productive in mind, namely, finding the flak fire…

That was 3 years ago. Stefan has changed a lot since then.

Haven't seen him in a bit wonder what he's up to.


Spread these videos!

Nah user, periscope is a piece of shit. I have issues with it too.


Oooh a kerfuffle. Lol little jon references.

I am still at work.

Any happenings started yet? I am just checking in.

Nope, but the religious D&C has begun.


Any good streams?

Some dude just got razzed for acting tought and lookign like little jon. That's about it.

Did anyone else see that nigger chimping out just now?


Yeah, you followers of his are fond of saying that. And Stef himself if fond of saying "I like to be wrong!". So why hasn't he addressed the greatest story never told again, or the holohoax in general?
It's his own fucking fault for staying in a country that limits free speech, especially when he masquerades as a truth seeking philosopher. Face it, you've been duped by a kike.

Who knows?



Where the fuck should stones be, in the air?
Literally what?


Periscope stream mirrored on JT: McInnes faggots I think:


seems legit



Nigger packs are on scene.
Race war now?



Read about proper nouns in English.

What an absolute faggot

whoa antifa carries m-80s and pepper spray every day?
holy fuck get away from this nigger

Holy shit, this arrogant nigger thinks he's smart.



funny how the media swarmed the black cunt to get his thoughts lol


That old hobo wandering around on the grass with a green hat is probably an ANTIFA scout…

Has Antifa made fun of anyone for wearing helmets yet? I feel like comparing them to retards would be such an annoyingly obvious quip, but then again I suppose that would be very bigoted.

Cap his ass and post it.

This stream is shit, apologies, some retard asshole is doing a running commentary over it.


Apparently antifa tend to arrive all at once, meaning they gather at a pre planned location beforehand.

sounds about right


They probably have less logistical hardware compared to /ourguys/ as well. Lower ratio of vehicles:people and whatnot.

Seems like if reports are true there are more than enough /ourguys/ on the ground right now.

Probably have a video chat with Soros before hand

100 pro free-speech protestors and look who the ((MSM))) swarms

In the interview he tells "all I hear from their (pro free-speech) side is negativity and hate"


He wants the dox lets put our own spin on the narrative.

Seems normal


I keep hearing about Jack Posobiec (ugh that name) in the alt right universe. But Ive never read or seen anything with him.

Finally saw him on Stefan Molyneux last night. The guy has shit for brains. He is an intellectual infantryman - the low IQ tested dumb meat shield you put up in the front lines cause they're too dull to have any other use. In his case he fights the leftist character assassins and all that while the smarter people wait for the idiots like him to lay the way outward

Maybe you niggers should stop hitting people in the head with weapons


You answered your own question and then decided you didn't like that answer therefore it should be ignored.
I could list a dozen things that are fucktarded about that statement but I suspect you already know and understand, and just don't care. Good to know that if I break into your home you'll flee at the first sign of danger, though, faggot.

That aside, you can hold whatever opinion of Molymeme you want to, it doesn't matter. I don't know who brought this up, but it's a pointless conversation. I made up my mind by being redpilled and reading between the lines on a number of his videos, and you came to yours because everything is kikes everywhere all the time. You aren't changing your mind and I'm not changing mind, same likely goes for everyone else, and even if you're correct it doesn't change anything about Moly doing what he's doing or the people watching or not watching him.

They do tend to insult anything they feel threatened by, which is everything. However, I did see some screencap from an antifag corner of the internet where they were talking about needing to be better geared. Making fun of people for having helmets, especially after U-Lock victim occurred, would be retarded as shit, but that hasn't stopped them before.


LMAO "fo REFERENCE dem helments MAKE people out here *smacks lips* a little nervous



I can't stand watching niggers

Deism - the quote

This is getting gay, someone throw something and yell wurlstar


Denial- the post

You changed my life.

My life was one way, and then you posted, and now it is another.

Go post religious D&C somewhere else fags

Guys, I live like 1 hour away, next rally I'm going. I've got to wait for a few things to show up in the mail first though…

I bet this nigger hasn't even heard of antifa before.


Table Talks are probably the best source out there for what Hitler really thought. He had a public face and a private one - big shocker.

Strawman. I am not a "truth seeking philosopher" like Stef claims to be. It is disingenuous to stay in Canada when he can't go into certain topics without being arrested. He is refusing to talk about certain truths because he is a…wait for it…

where did he say YHWH God of the Jews?

Muuh Weed!

You must hate sports then?

get down there pussy and put up proper stream

*hate watching niggers play sports

like I said, I need a few thing to show up in my mail first. I should be good sometime next week

"If we Germans will lose this war, then they will exterminate us to the last man, woman and child! The Jews will not recieve any warmth or mercy in this struggle for existence and extinction. They're untiring. God Jehovah! God's vengeance shall crush them!"
Adolf Hitler.


Xtra-small tampons for your vagina?

Hey Schlomo

Bear mace, a respirator, a maga hat, and a few flags

mfw misread an important word


Do you have brain damage?


Just go back to leftypol, moshe

That third one is cringey as fuck. The exact kind of person I would expect to be an extreme leftist, only they're for "anarchy." Their ideology is one giant "hey doesn't this sound like a good idea? let's do this unrealistically unfeasible thing that requires a whole ton more planning and logistics and problem solving than I am giving credit to it."

Like I said, pointless conversation. You're right because you say so but you're wrong because I say so. Keep on crying about it, I don't know why you're bitching about something so inconsequential. It's a youtube personality m8.

Man it hurts
like alot of these guys have valid points they just fucking suck at vocalizing their argument's
its cringe

She just endorsed the actions of antifa. Hopefully someone will make a clip of that.

Will someone please gas this old kike bitch?

So you do have brain damage.

I think you may have autism but I'll give you the benefit of a doubt

"How was that holohoax propaganda"

I bet you believe in the electric floors too, jewboy.

Nice dubs


How is it pointless? Some people here are getting indoctrinated by a disingenuous kike.

Here's a more pointed question: To you, is it disingenuous to claim that you value truth above all else, and then refuse to delve into certain topics? My answer is yes, obviously, and if I were to call myself a truth seeking philosopher, I would go to a place that would allow me to tell the fucking truth.

Why are they doing this?

The Jew cannot handle the truth.

what the fuck is that?

The shills have derailed this thread and divided us. Filter them.

Today will be ours! Hail Victory

if that happens…
(same deal for their fellow travelers who run Berkley)

Maybe it already has, maybe the Feds interdicted the Socialist Short-buses.

THIS SO MUCH. They are just talking to themselves. Pay them no mind, and wait for our lads to start streaming

It's clear from her statements that she's an antifa supporting leftist. Typical Berkeley resident I guess.

this should be good

Periscope is infuriating. Is everyones feed absolute shit (3 seconds then dead)

Jack Dorsey is a kike and his products are trash



kek'd and checked


No antifa yet? Pussies haha.

maybe they will win by not attacking their enemies

They should bar the doors and light them on fire…bill Soros for the matches and gasoline

==the plot thickens==>>9812240

Hey does anyone have links for the streams

Any estimates on the /ourguy/ count yet? Looks like 200 at least

Nice doggo.

Uh oh doggo skirmish.

why does this periscope crap keep crashing my browser

Anyone else notice the niggers eavesdropping and recording conversations?

This is fucking Holla Forums. If people are "led astray" by a youtube personality on Holla Forums of all places, there wasn't much hope for them to begin with. If you genuinely gave a fuck about this you wouldn't be here bitching like some grandma about your next door neighbor playing music you don't like, you would actually be devoting your efforts to redpilling people in Molymeme's own comment sections.
You want to make this your hill to die on go right ahead but don't be shocked when you turn around and see only a few stragglers following you.

To YOU, it's refuse. To ME, it's inability. Moving to another country is an unrealistic expectation. It's the same argument I would be making if I asked you why you haven't gone down to washington and murdered a few political kikes yet. I mean you DO hate the kikes right? You're criticizing someone for not doing something because they claim to support X, while totally ignoring any and all consequences or repercussions of doing that something. Moly bumps up against the jew question in so many subjects so often it's impossible that he doesn't know.
If you don't like the fact he doesn't name the jew, that's fine, but there's a fucking reason even the most redpilled of us don't go around in real life talking about how everything is because of the jews, even if we know it's the truth. And you're the one talking about being disingenuous? You're trying to view things in black and white binary here.

Yeah that mr. potato head lookin nig with he headphones is definitely snooping.

(((They))) want to use him as a pawn, to make it look like it's about race.

Remember to screencap all the Berkeley PD walking around, they're complicit in the terrorism.

whats a good stream

ANTIFA is dead.

Disappointing. I was hoping to see commies die today but in a more literal sense.

Get anyone who looks mildy suspicious even.

wtf is this shit?

Here's a Tim Pool YouTube livestream

I think that's exactly what he wants to do.


Everyone walking around wearing black is probably ANTIFA, looks like they're trying to infiltrate /ourguys/ to pull something off.

That was the third one i've seen doing that.
There a lot of them milling about.

I was thinking the same thing. Maybe theyre trying to get peoples faces for future reference?

building a datbase just like we are

thank fuck.

He IS refusing. He claims he values truth above all else, apparently fucking not.
Stopped there, you're making excuses for him. The moment that jew Stefan refuses to talk about anything, he becomes a fraud by breaking his own word.

stream is ded

Feed back up.

Cops have been recording protests for decades.


Get in here.

Fat scruffy guy all in black without a mask, he seems legit.

This is an Alex Jones tier graph.

Our streamer is a pot smoker. ffs.

So have they started burning any trash cans yet and really sticking it to the man?

Don't ever use the word disingenuous again you fucking jew. Why haven't you killed any jews? You are redpilled right? Same thing.

Whites in prison stick together because of RACE, regardless of religion. We are in a fucking war and have no time for this shit on a thread that has fuck all to do with religion.

All you can do is misrepresent what I've said. If I called myself a truth seeking philosopher, I would do everything I could to tell the truth, like my self given title states.

Accept that you've been duped by a kike.

I never knew berkley was such a run down shithole.

God bless that beanie wearing doofus. I should hate this guy but man does he have cojones.

please don't get them going again

antifa doesn't get to decide fucking shit

It's either autistic children or shills trying to fracture us, safe to filter them.

you should always assume liberal places are shit holes. Liberals just pretend they are utopias, because that's how they feel, not how their places actually are.

Sweet. Thanks, user.

People's Democratic Republic, what do you expect?

tim pool is a camwhore faggot who acts like an attention whore on adderal

This, right now the best way to honor your ancestors isn't to live out their old religion nor to subscribe to their new one, all you have to do is survive.

whats tim pools stream?

The shilling will now switch to Tim pool bashing as all the religious D&C material has been used up.



JewToob Live Streams

Any blue shirts yet?

I'm a lazy cunt who won't read the 600+ posts in this thread, how's it been going?

Haven't seen any yet but there's a pretty decent amount of bikers.


One minor chimpout not much to report.

Nothing happening so far. Lots of Trump supporters on ground. No appearance of antifa as of yet.


periscope streams (wackos are out edition)

What's wrong, run out of strawman arguments?

that black woman in a Trump shirt

Quiet so far, no antfails yet.

Breddy gud.

I'm starting to think they might wuss out.


They probably saw that there were black and latino Trump supporters, confusing the fuck out of them and making them re-evaluate their whole lives

Whatcha doin' Schlomo?


I live a little over an hour out, is it worth driving up then? I'm not really prepared, since I'm still waiting on things to show up in the mail

I don't give a damn about those black girls

If anything, they're being organized and briefed by the Berkeley police chief and the mayor. Probably all going to arrive at the same time.

oops didnt mean to tag some random user


Should we start taking bets if antifa will show?
i dont think they are organized enough
and i doubt they will show if they cant show up together
They scared shitless to show up with a small group and get btfod


If you paid attention to the streams, a pro-Trump black woman was talking on a megaphone bringing "we built america! america first!" etc. etc.

are any of the streams not complete fucking shit? I'm fucking furious now after doing this 2 second then cut out shit for the last 2 hours. I'm about to give up on this shit. Its 2017 and these fucking kikes still cant get streaming right.

WRONG. They are good little anarchists that listen to their political officers and follow orders.

Missing Communism and their prophets Marx, Engels and Lenin

It's so easy to spot you guys, you don't understand how things work here and you always post things you think are super edgy. Deep down you know we're right, it's why you're here. No normal person would draw the conclusion that I'm supporting this black woman based on my observation that the media would never cover her.

You guys really have a hard time when you leave your liberal bubble and you have to try and comprehend things that aren't explicitly stated for you. It really shows.

oh my god is this real

what stream are you guys watching? any good stuff happen yet?

Why would I keep arguing with you? It IS pointless like I said so many posts ago. You accomplish nothing, especially in a thread 600+ replies deep not about e-celebs. If you genuinely cared about it you wouldn't be spending your time shitposting here, so moly isn't the only hypocrite here.

refer to him talking to the kike about open borders for israel
refer to him discussing about not believing in liberalism and needing to save western civilization which is the only civ that matters
refer to him telling people "if you want to know who controls you, ask who you can't criticize" and then goes on to say "hint: it is not straight white males."

I could go on but you won't accept anything short of him going full 14/88 and like I said there's a reason all of us, the most redpilled people ever, don't do that in public. There's no reason to keep going because you won't ever change your mind.
Now go shitpost in moly's comment sections.

Everyone is mostly here:


If antifa doesn't show up, its because there's too many cameras. Too risky to pull shady shit.


event will take place in roughly 2 hours,so dont expect to see anything just yet.


Someone needs to take the megaphone away from the idiot in the big hat. She's ineloquent and rambling like a fucking retard.

muh christmas

easter is god tier

christmas meh



Thread theme song!

The black chick is way better.

They're still scared from getting their asses doxed last time.

checking your dubs
Just filter the guy, man. You're putting in more effort than he warrants, and as you mentioned this thread isn't about that. It's gonna die soon anyway. Notice how he never posts anything more than a sentence or two? He's just being a kike, relax.

All the inarticulate yelling aside, the way whatshergranny pronounces Obamma is endearing.

she's going ino tachicardia

Gas yourself.

Sadly, all the speakers are shit. We got crazies on our side.

holy fuggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg


fucking gold
also the mexican woman and the black woman yelling about how all this shit is terrible is… holy shit this is just…
good shit, user.


Looking back through the posts yeah, I didn't realize that. good call m8.

the people are waking up at an exponential pace, thank christ for that shit at least

I wonder if they're hanging back and just scraping streams for intel to harass people at their homes and work
they may have realized their ground game was lacking and switched up tactics.



You niggers are pathetic. Literal sheep.


At least we have this guy, while we wait for the sporty part

Appeal to emotion is a logical fallacy you cunt

Smash this fucking kike bitch into the pavement

rent a cop ron swanson

Would somone think of the children!


At the very least, it shows that all kinds come to support Trump, Free Speech, and America. Expect none of the MSM coverage to even touch on the racial make-up of the rally, though. It's going to be evil white dudebros like it always is.

Holla Forums and an eye



Commie bitch came with a bullhorn to cry "for the children"

Stupid cunt, probably was there yesterday recruiting for antifa.

Don't worry, she'll have fun when she goes to antifa and tells them the same thing.

Has antifa been bashing kids' heads? I must have missed that.

I'm starting to believe there's such thing as a HAPPENING flux, and it's currently directed elesewhere.

The Jews cry as they insult you

Holla Forums is watching

the Holla Forums seeing eye

A Law of Conservation of Chaos, or something thereabouts.


Guess who started usong violence one year ago, bitch


Okay who's the bigger faggot; Nathan or Tim?

Note the niggers recording/eavesdropping conversations earlier. I think they have some sort of over watch system in place. They're prepping/planning off location.

>Meanwhile, BAMN has bases across the nation and receives donations from Soros and literally buses people to these things

Tim, you can try to be a naive centrist all you want, but don't run your mouth about shit you refuse to research.

Just a head's up: those older folks with the neo-green hats are from the National Lawyer's Guild. Shill group for Soros and co for people who choose to be violent.

Romans 13:12
The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light.
Take care, brothers.


whats up with the timcast.

now I see why they used to burn witches

Eh, I'll come back later. 2 hours till the main event starts, right?

he mentioned his phone was heating up and he's walking away from the stronger signal I think.

Maybe chaos goes where it's not expected


his equipment is absolute shit and cuts out every 15 min.

Hopefully antifa stabs him.

Somebody needs to hack that drone so we can watch from above

antifa is coming, apparently
stream drops for me then
chances are they're moving in as their people to rile up are leaving
immediately before this he asked nigga from LA that was speaking about obama and soros where she was from, / going to now
be safe user

I'm sticking with Nathan, just because him thinking everybody is a plant is amusing.

Do we really want him to be a martyr?

This Nathan guy is a pathetic kosher cuckservative.


It is. It was nice when he wasn't talking though. I stopped watching Tim because he couldn't stop putting the camera on his face and ranting like we give a shit about what he thinks. Now Nathan is doing it but it's just laughable.

I want him to be dead. The cucks over at /r/the_donald will jerk their dicks over him and his "based jew" ways no matter what.

why does he have such a faggoty sign?

Remember, these are the exact same cunts who were screaming and howling that Trump accept the results of the election no matter what they were. After Trump answered "maybe" to that question in the debate last year, they went absolutely ballistic. They thought they absolutely had everything in the fucking bag and were so self righteously arrogant about it, and now, being the massive hypocrites they are, they do the exact fucking thing they were telling Trump and his supporters that they NOT do.

Stick man spotted

got a link tims stream is fucking terrible

Worth a try?

finally somethin good

I wouldn't risk it

Wake me up when something happens.

Commies being BTFO live


I like this guy. He's more level-headed and informed and capable of talking to a camera than anyone else so far.

Gonna need a new thread soon boys…

God, Lauren is cute


Is there anything happening currently?

I just got home from work? Any streams?

An aging hippy liberal douche who worships Science and wants to talk "critically" about topics, but thinks that hatespeech is a real thing.

lol holy shit this old fag. its like his mind is full of logs.


It's adorable.

someone getting new bred ready?

That can't be real

why can't americans ever hold rallies without embarrassing the entire right wing. fucking autists wearing templar flags and shit. fuck

mods change 'internet people' to 'boomers' pl0x

I can't decide if this guy is a genuine little-a anarchist who's there for the lulz or a low-energy antifa.

new bread when?

this is gay

Okay, he's antifa.

No shit dumbass.

lul wut

Why do people stream through periscope? its a gigantic pile of shit

Jesus. 3PAC died for these faggots' hoots.







Your entire continent is an embarrassment. Shut up and lurk, Muhammad.

Some autist asking Tim Pool if he knows who the Bogdanoff Twins are. Tim's just trying to get away from him.

new bred


They seriously need to keep the bullhorn away from White Hat Lady, her voice is terrible.



Always glad to hear those drums.


thats not liberation, thats invasion. you civnat trumpfags need to fuck off and die already.

Stepped out for a while, any happenings?

link to stream?


No violence I've seen, but the speeches pretty hype.. hopefully it triggers some antifa cucks in to revealing themselves.

This isnt the 3rd battle of Berkley that is may day. Come out ma 1 to smash heads.

Is this a real quote? He did know the entire SS was an esoteric sun cult right?

Is that the one where Union normies thought it was a certain blue victory, would be good times to go & watch the southerners get btfo.

Sigh is great!

yes, back then bullets and canon balls did not have that long of a range, so people would do that shit from a hill

what does >11011 mean in binary?

00011011 1B ESC



new thread?


Its full of cops there, antifas wont do anything with cops around. But, who knows.

wtf i hate cops now

just got word, OathKeepers and the 3%'ers are locked and loaded.


I cringe every time I hear that.

Damn I didn't know it was today. I wish you luck for I have shit to do and can't watch this one. Remember, don't initiate, only go after them when there is no other choice

Man can you actually prove this shit. I see so many people talking about Nazi occultism but have not once seen a single source.

This is a statistical anomaly. If post numbers were random then this shouldn't happen.

Right wing mom squad

Right now the thread has "743 replies". From that list I count 74 "dubs". The probability of dubs is 1/10. The expected number of dubs is… 74. There is no god but math.

I mean, I'm glad some moms are getting redpilled, but still, what the hell is happening? What caused this? why Holla Forums? This isn't the young angry white male demographic Holla Forums is made of.

There's something that gives me a warm feeling to hear moms loving Holla Forums. This is rad. Any moms here in this thread?

Hell is for ever!

(((They))) are trying to make it uncool. Or, maybe that's just the state that 4/pol/ has degenerated to.

Hell is a Viking myth and I lover her!

Mom's have sons.
Good moms are heavily influenced by their sons.

We are sons.
