Amiens: Le Pen upstages Macron at Whirlpool factory

French presidential frontrunner Emmanuel Macron has been booed and heckled with chants backing his far-right rival Marine Le Pen in his home town.

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This is starting to sound like the Trump-Clinton story.
Didn't Clinton lose in her "hometown" in NY?



Heh. This is on par with when cucked Cruzs' thing by showing up when Glen Beck was crying about muh principles.

Trump cucked*

Wow caring about the welfare of your country, culture, and countrymen is far-right.

Isn't she from arkansas? Or is that billy boy?

One day too late. ALl the memes were already warfared yesterday for this battle. go to main Le Pen thread and join the trenches.

i think she was born in chicago

That city just keeps making cancer

I can understand spics I can understand poles but why would a company ever want to hire the only workers more entitled the Americans, Western Europeans?

A factory in France gives executives an excuse to take tax deducted business trips to France many times a year?

I don't know, just a thought. Maybe they sold lots of tubs in france and until recently there were tariffs/taxes that made it best to make them there?


Most probably Whirlpool took over some European manufacturer like Indesit (which is Italian, but it could previously had factories in France as well or ate a French company itself). Unions used to be very strong in Western Europe even in the private sector, so was not easy to close a factory. Also the quality of work decrease dramatically when moving operations in a certain areas, but the low costs with salaries, electricity, taxes offset the costs with the higher rate of defective products.

Besides, remember when a fridge or a washing machine used to work without a hitch for 15 years? Now is 5 years tops


Giving a cat ssri…………..

fuck this planet

Is this factory actually jobs being brought back to America by Trump?

Fridges don't last forever?

There is no reason not to last an eternity if properly built, does not have the same stress like a car. But now there is a new thing in town - built-in obsolescence

Is Macron the new Jeb?

I've never heard of a fridge breaking. Every time I've known somebody to buy a new fridge, it was for aesthetic reasons.


This is kinda like the Ameriflap election where Shillary was meeting all sorts of elite people in posh restaurants where as Trump was meeting the average people on the ground.

Macron reminds me of Kushner.

the unions are the people? macaroon has it all wrong. unions are self serving fascists that force employees to join and pay a fee.

Explain. Bonus points if your knowledge of Fascism goes further than "Fascism = evil".

what part of forced to join and handover a fee to the union is NOT fascist?

I seriously wonder if the French have the balls to elect Le Pen?

Hello there, newfriend.

You are right not not like unions, you are wrong in the label you give them. Lurk for 3 years, then post again. See you in 2020 user.

Trump/Clinton all over again. Gg no re eussr.

Globohomo, zionist cuckservatives all look exactly the same.

Another storm approaches.

hot damn this guy must have some amazing jew genes in him to try to pull off that level of projection

she was born in hell

thanks for the upvote

The Maytag Repairman turned out to be a coalburning nonce too.

Macarons. user.


Or because the old fridge was too small.

Oh, not (((environmentalists)))?

Duh this is [current year]

Unions are a 1920's Italian political movement?

Came here just to say that, didn't you. No worries I came here to do this, too.

Vents can go bad if improperly placed, lost two but got one free because warranty. Inlet valve can also go bad, but you can buy those from most any hardware store. It's usually negroes that dies on because they're too lazy (or too incompetent) to replace it themselves, rather pay triple the price to have someone else replace the entire unit after it fucks itself sideways.

Since the only things you can do are make it use less water or less power, any 'advancement' there tends to hit everyone at once over the same year.
I've never heard of anyone who fell for that meme, but since there's enough retarded hipsters to buy $120 million worth of $700 "eco-friendly" juicers I imagine someone has. Those literal fruits ain' the only thing getting squeezed!!!

She managed a perfect trifecta.
idk if this was posted here or T_D but I made it (but with better links, this is just stuff I'm pulling right away) on cuckpol back then. If it's new, then brace up!
>When Bill is running for election in Arkansas spins narrative that she and him 'were high school sweethearts' and her place of birth is now Springdale…oh and by the way, she had to move to Arkansas because she failed her BAR exam in NYC daily reminder every single law she's ever written and tried to pass has been ruled unconstitutional and her educational bill, ruled "sadistically unconstitutional" which was designed to place enough expensive restrictions on charter schools to shut them down over time and return everyone to the "(((public)))" system
>some time in '97 quietly changed "residence since childhood" to Chappaqua Chappakwa NY http://,8599,1254694,00.html
http:// (not even the (((media))) bought that one, still listing her as from Arkansas)

>loses actual home town by 3.5% even though they love Bill, marital hometown by 33%, and fake home town by 82%, despite showing up in person and voting there as a PR move themselves.
"Oh, right, I forgot I hated that bitch. FUCK HER!"

She blew it there, too
>Clinton County: 53.2% vs 40.6%

I don't associate with hippies.

Caring about anyone other than niggers and muslims is far, far right. Just way out there.


That's not even music. That's just autistic mumbling and asses.


Greetings friend.

Holy fuck I'm getting a flashback from 15 years ago from that gif.




Did he have his fugly ass mom wife cook him french tendies? Frendies?

I used to think this song was just an odd instance of a spic sounding retarded with his incoherent mumbling. Now I realize that's genuinely how those fuckers speak in ordinary circumstances. I work in a warehouse full of those subhumans and I'll know when Trump has finally done his fucking job when I never have to hear Spanish or see these ugly motherfuckers ever again.

unions force temporary employees to pay dues but do not benefit from any union protections.

its done on the backs of a high turnover work force so some fascists can pad their retirement accounts with extra cash.


a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

remove the leftist padding added to the definition and it fits. if I don't have a choice, it's fascism.

Meme it

reminder to post gore for the shills currently raiding us

No this has to be trolling. No one says words thisnpoorly. If there is some.mumble core scene I never heard of I actually want to find out

amen to that.

i don't think so.

It is stupid that you consider the use of force and the lack of free choice as something exclusive to fascism.

Also, it is a whole lot more stupid that you use the term fascist in a derogatory way. Explain yourself.

It looks like he survived during filming. His chest was heaving up and down, but that may have just been twitching or his body responding to the doctor trying to close the two sides of his face.

Well there's VAT. I avoid buying stuff from abroad just because of that.

Wasn't a recount of the votes in Chicago stopped by the courts because of talmudic (((logic))), or was it Detroit?

Don't forget faggots, special snowflakes and kikes

why would the guy who leads by 20 points less than a week before election be on suicide watch?

It says Poland in article.