Jordan Peterson on The Trailer Park Boys and The Simpsons

Jordan Peterson on The Trailer Park Boys and The Simpsons

is he right?

degenerate cuck lefty centrist faggot bitch cuck shit faggot cuckold faggot cuck shit suck faggot bitch degenerate cuck bitch left tumblr reddit fag cuck shit faggot shit cuck

If you needed Peterson to tell you that absurdism and irony are the top tier of comedy, what are you doing on Holla Forums?
This entire board is dedicated to absurdity and ironic shitposting. Holla Forumseddit in CURRENT YEAR is too stupid to understand irony and absurdity so that's why you have retards taking cuckposting and DRUMPFposting seriously.

says the cuck LMAO

I guess you have to have a pretty high IQ to understand that.

He's never been right about anything.

All whites should be castrated tbh.

aww, he hurt your fee-fees with the mean things he said about trannies?


Schmidt/Schmit/Schmitt/Schmid/Schmied are top5 most common last names in germany.Its literally Smith.

True Aryans have Brown Hair and Green Eyes, albino jews don't count

Well I guess thats true. Dont mind me.



Dr. Everyone I don't like is a Cultural Marxist doesn't get low-brow comedy, the post

Well yeah, why would Holla Forums take cuckposting and DRUMPposting seriously? It's two of their favorite things.

The video is him explaining why he thinks its funny. Its literally a video about him getting it.
That's leftypol for you I guess.

Yeah, my fault for not watching. It's late. I don't want to sit through yet ANOTHER two hour lecture, today.
Jordan's a good guy, and smart. I like his videos quite a bit, even if I'm not his target audience.

Too tired to watch a 5 minute video but not too tired to trash Holla Forums with lefty shitposting about said video.
Fingers crossed that you'll be too tired to breath soon.

well meme'd Holla Forums. Well meme'd. I didn't know the damn video was five minutes. This mother fucker has a full video catalog of videos that are well over 2 hours.

You would've if you'd checked, but clearly you were too wrapped up in banging out the latest Holla Forums approved shitpost.

fuck off loser


all me

more like Judeo "Nu/pol/" Peterson

he should kill himself tbh

Hello, fellow cis straight white males.



Peterson is both overrated and underrated at the same time tbh. He's an intellectual midget in comparison to say Guenon, Evola and so forth but then he's also in many ways and gateway for mindless golems of subversion into Tradition and he's much better than so called red pilled liberals.

I bet Soros is behind autocorrect.

Because only right wing people can be dumb this is seriously not up for debate anymore. ante omnia armari right wingers are stupid, so you cannot be left wing and stupid. This is literally like HS logic.

To the surprise of no one the lefty cowers away from debate.

Yeah people have better things to do with their time instead of having already established arguments for the sake of other peoples intellectually challenged little world views.

Its called redundancy not cowardice.

If it's such an obvious truth then you should have no problem trouncing your opponent, but instead you hide behind cowardly excuses like

You're not fooling anyone user. You're just a brainlet, a sniveling little shit too insecure about their worldview to put it to the test.
Pic related; you.

his one redeeming quality was his milquetoast anti-trannyism but now he seems to be even wavering on that

How exactly?


Burgers go on >>>Holla Forums

First of all I didn't post but did post

No one cares dude. People are laughing at you every time you bring up Holla Forums or boogeyman poster of the month. Because you're not even ironically shitposting, you're the thing anyone with an IQ over 80 makes fun of.
Holla Forums is just a place for people to point out the absurdity of celeb drama or waifuism or capeshit remake #20. Occasionally, we might have a serious thread where people discuss actual television and movies that aren't dogshit, but that's an aside to making fun of the unending stream of feces that is modern entertainment, PROGRESSIVE ENLIGHTENMENT, and actors/comedions being NOTORIOUS SEXUAL RAPISTS, WHY DO THEY KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH THIS, for example.
Anything else, especially taking imageboards seriously, is also comedy, but it's not intentionally comedic. It's comedy like laughing at the retard who doesn't know that he's retarded.

You seem to be frustrated.

He's just some average nigger but when you're being shouted at by literal retards from every angle he seems like a demigod.

Stopped reading here. Holla Forums is Holla Forums's whipping boy, thinking anything else is pure delusion. I pity you.

A whipping boy is actually funny. Abusing and berating someone for comedic relief.
A boogeyman is not. When it's brought up constantly and out of context, it's not funny.

I'll give you an example. When someone posts le cumskin maymay, it's to get a reaction these days. Why? Because two or three retards start bringing up some dumb boogeyman like "sudocuck" or Holla Forums or Holla Forums or whatever.
The poster behind it actually doesn't care, he just wants to get a reaction out of retards because retards are funny.
Do you understand now, retard?


According to Varg green eyes are a sign your ancestors fucked niggers destroying your Aryan genes by taking away your blue eyes.

If you have green eyes you are no better thsn the darkest nignog in Africa.

I do care
I get a masdive kick over creating these ridiculously over the top characters, then having them bitch and argue and seeing people mark the fuck out and take pure idiocy seriously.

People actually thinking I am a leftist and attributing my bulkshit to them makes my cock hard. Reddipol still, to this day, circulates screencaps of my shitposts as proof that leftists are trying to false flag as nazis to convince the soyim to abandon Christmas. I mean holy fuck that AnTran trying to subvert /christian/ was me setting it all up and then "informing" Holla Forums and /christian/ that Holla Forums is trying to drive them away from Christ and into islamig paganism.

Glad to know you find fulfillment in your role.


Abusing and berating retards for comedic relief? Yeah.

No, you care only because it's hilarious. You don't actually "care" about the topics or things that they care about.

That's a jew drinking the koolaid, you retarded fucking faggot.

not watching all that. can you summarize it in one sentence?

lol sure thing whipping boy.

Cumskins have an inferiority complex due to their lack of strength, lack of intelligence, and micropenises/microclitorus.

No, he shills for kikes with his epic "judeochristianity" send him more patreon bucks so he can solve a Cosmopolitan psychology test for you.

Is "cultural marxist" the equivalent of "nazi" in Europe?
i.e. this mysterious group which appeared seemingly from nowhere and isn't related to any other group at all, stop asking goyim?

(((suspiciously))) nobody can ever name exclusively judaic elements of judeochristianity.
"judeomahometan values" or "judeoislam" is nowhere to be found

its a sham they started so that the major religion in the west (at the time they took it over) the Christians didn't unify against them and kill/toss them out as they did in the past instead Christians were and are used like a weapon against the people in the west due to the "israel first" shit and the "we need rapfugges" garbage they trick modern Christians into supporting.

I refuse to believe this image is real no matter how many times I see it.