Is college a worldwide jewish scam to turn the bright young minds into slaves...

is college a worldwide jewish scam to turn the bright young minds into slaves? it not only rips you off your money and time but also of all your motivation. what could be taught within couple of months is taught over 4 years and doesn't make people job ready either

It wasn’t a scam; further education has however by this point become almost entirely subverted.


Somebody posted a chart in another thread about white male college graduates having a relatively low suicide rate compared to the people who have to either live with the niggers or with their parents. So yes to the liberal arts part of it, but no to the STEM side,


Mostly yes.
There are millions of people currently in college and university who should not be there based on ability.
Universities have become what trade colleges were 30 years ago. Where those good enough to get skilled work, but not bright enough to be academics go to further their education.
Notice that everyone tries to link their degree into the "STEM" meme.
Anyone who works with a computer tries to imply they are "STEM", even if they are just designing the art for web pages, meanwhile actual solid techs who may or may not have degrees like electrical techs, mechanical techs and instrumentation techs are derided as "blue collar tradesmen."
I honestly don't believe that many millennials know the difference between skilled technical occupations and trades.
tl;dr the standard for entry to uni has dropped so far that you really can't assume a person is learned or intelligent, just from the fact that they have a degree.

Precisely. Tech trades can require a respectable amount of brain, but they are considered uncool and blue-collar. I envy the economy of you burgers; you have lots of technician jobs available and lots of colleges teaching them. Here in Australia, we don't really have many tech jobs going, and the ones generally available will probably be automated soon. We don't even have a manufacturing economy tbh. The choice between work is very stark in contrast and limited. You guys have no idea how well you have it.


It has become one due to Communistic/Jewish influence.

If you get into university here, they pay you ~600 USD per month as long as you complete your studies nicely. If you have a job on the side and make too much money (even one cent over the limit) they'll start asking for the money back.

college is 200% jewish subversion. Because of college, we have:

1) people in the prime years of their life NOT in the workforce
2) people being loaded down with 4+ years of college debt (instead of having 4+ years of pay from a job they could be working instead)
3) time spent in college means delaying not just a job, but also adulthood in general. It delays the progression to getting a house, getting married, having children, etc. And because women's biological clocks are ticking, the longer we wait until marriage, the less kids we have overall.

Now before anyone says it, I know. I know that the system is a catch-22 because you're fucked and can't get a job without a college education. But that doesn't change my point. Compared to a generation ago, we are getting fucked 6 ways to sunday, and it's because of the widespread adoption of college education.

It started off as a white thing growing out of monasteries. Now it's kike bullshit. It's outdated garbage anyway. You should never send your children away to lose their identity and marry foreigners at the critical moment in their lives. The internet lets anyone learn from home. Keep your children close, save all that money you would have spent, and have them marry their childhood friends young. Use nepotism and connections to get them work. I have a degree from a very good school and it literally means nothing unless I want to work for super (((international corporations))). Local businesses don't care.
tldr: online school

You do know that even in lower wage countries, the 4-5 years you spend in college, you'll make up the money the worker guy has been doing for lower wages (that will quite likely never get bigger unlike the college grad's) sooner than later, and the net positive is massive after both retire.

Of course, this depends a lot on the fields in question and work opportunities, but on average this is how it is these days. My friend worked since high school, got to be a store manager by the time I graduated, and my starting salary after graduation (after him working six years more than me) was double.

Yes, I am aware. But that's only because you're comparing within the same generation, and like I said, in this generation, you're fucked without a college degree too.

The point I'm making is that before the college meme took off, you could get Job X with just a HS diploma. Now you need a college degree for that exact same job. So if you compare how it is for us to how it used to be back in the day, to get an equivalent job, you have to waste 4 extra years of your life (plus additional time after this to recoup the initial investment costs for college) compared to just staring off with that job at 18yo. And this results in a net delay of reaching adulthood, which has a ton of social implications that we're seeing to this day, and are only getting worse.

ITT: Plebs

Seriously, fuckers. Did mommy never told you that studying college during the night and working at day is a thing? Or was she too busy getting railed by Jamal?

Yes, college is very jewish. But the degree of jewness dramatically increases through several factors:
- Are you joining a Human Studies, Journalism, or heck even Law course?

- Are you joining college during the day?

- Is the city where the college is in Dem or Rep?

Just work an office job during the day and do an useful degree during the night, like engineering or something. Heck, even BA will get you good jobs and its a piss easy degree.

Are things that bad in STEM fields? Back when I was in a higher education institution, a decade ago, most professors were pretty conservative.

And btw I was in a rather "soft" STEM field that was pretty prone to hippie agenda Sylviculture, Environmental Engineering and Natural Resources' Management. It might have helped that it was not in a Northern European/Anglo country and that it was not in the capital but still was an ideal target for MUHCLIMATECHANGE hippie eschatologies by STEM standards.

In my country everything in academia is pozzed exept for engineering. In engineering you only get true nerds and all we do is worry about grades and going to class. The only potentially pozzed classes (i.e: anthropology, literally 3.5 credits) are dictated by right wingers most of the semesters, since sunshine liberals can't handle the rigor and we treat them like shit, in fact most folk here (all males and some females) hate the libs that flok to teach the bullshit classes and we either don't go or we argue with their bullshit propaganda until triggering them so much that they don't want to come back.

The right wing (normal people) teachers understand that we don't give a shit about those classes because we study fucking engineering.

Outside of it however, go to any university that dictates sociology, architecture, medicine all is pozzed and heavily.

It is. Education was one of the first things that got corrupted.
Not only is the current (((education subversion ))) itself pure cancer, but your time wasted beyond repair, you are being kept in a liberal safe bubble and also always in the same age-group to top it off. And you can't do anything about it since you are forced to go as a kid. Thank god i was able to leave school with 16, and was able to get my diploma through independent online classes while working. When i was working i also realized how important it is to have contact with older/grown up people as a kid, because your temper and mentality changes drastically in such enviroment.

Worst part is that everything is time and grade based in school.
If instead you could write every test whenever you want, i would have finished highschool by 9th grade, and not just me but most kids would finish everything much faster if they knew they could finish school based on achievements. Also fuck grades, you should only pass a test beyond a 90% correctness rate. Also instead of grades you should get certificates that simply state everything you passed, for example "Person A is able to use Algebra II" or whatever.
In the times of online classes every kid could even learn whenever they wanted, how much they want and what they want, and only need teachers to ask questions.

It is not only a scam, but a cult and a cancer on society. Would be great to see a Project Chanology bring it to its knees.

t. former academiafag

Wow, what a brilliant revelation OP! Your IQ must be cemented in the temperate zone

As Hitler stated, OP is preaching to the choir. How about we get a way to deal with the problem?

Well ask your grandfather what his school was like, and then what your great grandfathers school was like. We are only 2 generations removed from a time when formal schooling was not required. Then look at their circle of friends. Then think about how much effort actually goes into disassembling networks that can be a threat to a government. Now consider this timeline in a persons life…

After gradeschool, high school, and college, then work, you have been 2 times removed from a network of friends that knew you and would have supported you. When you enter the workplace you are now on your own. You have to adhere to the workplace environment or you will lose your job. If you have a problem with this environment who can you trust? Who did you grow up with? Who has known you all of their life and would go to bat for you? No one.

College has removed you from the network that your grandparents and possibly parents had in place. It has become a systematic way to neuter the population and prevent close circles of friends from establishing influence in their communities. It also removes loyalty from the family.

I'm not sure if its intentional, but it is the reality we live in now.

BA can't get you good jobs bro

it doesn't even matter since the internet more or less completely invalidates the purpose of higher education.

useful post

so after six year you've made the same amount as him, but what about your college debts, and the extra taxes you'll pay at a higher income?

where the fuck is this? probably a social state

Do you have to footpost constantly? Have a taste of evolution!