Favorite Holla Forums original character poll

Holla Forums has been home to some truly exceptional spergs. It's time to vote and see who the best one is.

That is my favourite truthseeker meme.

Dunkaccino was pretty ebin

Yeah, but Dunkposting is more of a tradition for all to enjoy rather than a specific character.

I enjoyed tranny poster until he was proven right

Sudocuck, bad english, and cumskin are all me. Seriously not even memeing.

t. cumskin

I also like to partake in sudoposting.

That's fine. As long as you are willing to fight for black lives and against porky that is all that matters.

Lol. I made the list more than once.

Pretenders to the throne, the lot of you.

none of you are funny tbh

Disappointed I didn't make it. I try really hard to be autistic.

I legitimately find the glumpfposts funny

Where's the pigposter?


Truthseeker was the best. His comics were the best OC created on Holla Forums. Actually added to the board's lore rather than just being another autist.

FLUMPF haha lol!

Ha ha great post! Well meme'd my friend!

Where's "I love to suck bigcocklasa living in your head rent free"?

he doesn't deserve a mention

I enjoyed winding up that sperg. Great thread.

I admit to impersonating anime autist on the /cow/ thread. I don't know why I did it but I did.

He was a good friend

I guess we'll have to try harder

Sudocuck is the only worthy adversary, everyone else on that list is shit-tier. #sorrynotsorry

I want you to nominate and plead me. If you vote for me I will make you a great shitposter.

I will love you forever, even if you turned out to be sudocuck or somehow became incredibly goon-esque … idk why that would even happen.

So what will it be, Holla Forums?

Sudocuck is dross. Unworthy of consideration and fit only to be cast aside after tossing him a couple of mercy shitposts.

Was this autist on the list?


No veganposter?

emmafag is a high tier sperg.

You called?

Sorry. There hundreds of autists on this board. It's hard to keep track of them all.

Alright fuckheads, Emma's taking over this thread and you're all coming along for the ride

If this shit's worthy, then you might as well include the Camrenposter as well.

He's not amusing, he's just autistic.



I've voted for you, Blissfit:1

Also thanks for the 5 votes, whoever gave them! You are all lovely people!