For real, what's up with this guy?

For real, what's up with this guy?

What race is he?

I've never seen a human being that looks like that.

Seriously Holla Forums, explain why he looks the way he does.

He isn't any single race. He's some sort of mongrel. This is the future of Western Civilization if something isn't done.

Really makes you think

found the nigger!

Italian and Hungarian. Basically the master race of Europe tbh

He looks like your typical horsefucking hun. Lurk /turul/ until they have another self doxing thread and you can see how they all look like that thing.

Mud kid for you, remember lads you will always pay the toil.


looks like an average american to me

it's another thread about Holla Forums going far up its own ass.

I bet he will turn out to be a super hot chick and you will bite your tongue for having snubbed her as a kid.



>>>Holla Forums

It's like that thing Lovecraft was talking about.

No, pol is 100% pure maga I think you mean >>>/brit/


it's called not looking like a fucking Chad you asshole piece of shit. fuck you

he's a modern american.

Dare ye enter the lair of the snakeboy?

So he's Jewish.

I don't care where the stormweenies go, they just need to leave.

lol, you call that a bj check out our BO's skillz

She really should have gotten a superior BBC instead, then we'd see her true abilities. I would lend her mine but she'd have to dye her hair blonde first.

wow, racism much???

Yeah, it boggles the mind that there's still racist stormweenie losers out there. I guess they never got the memo that we only pretended to be racist for fun back in the 4chan days, must be r/dahnald newfags.

my favorite

Shoo shoo you poor mans Elliot Rodger.

>>>Holla Forums
Go home, aut-right.


Self unaware Holla Forumsacks are the worst, truly.


You're telling me comrade.

He's still going.

I don't tolerate coal burners in my life.



LOL nice try Holla Forums

I don't really care about Marx, I just want to trigger as many teeny weeny cumskin babies as possible and make them return to their containment zone. This is not a right wing SJW safe space!

Haven't seen that one in a while.

Really makes you think.

The only one being triggered here is you about your cumskins boogeyman.
I mean, we could delve into your inferiority complex based on your asian mother and white father, but somehow I doubt you'll do anything but scream how posting interracial porn will somehow keep away those evil nazi's.

America by 2050, and it's beautiful.


Since this is the relevant thread, does anyone here actively try to convert a gf/wife/sister/friend to a BBC whore? I only ask because I've been subtly (and not so subtly) trying to get my sister interested in black dudes, and I wanted to know if anyone has any tips or tactics they used on someone that worked, or if anyone here is actually into the fetish enough to try something like this.

As it stands she's (to my knowledge) still a total virgin at 18, probably a kissless one, and not because she's ugly but because she's shy as fuck. She doesn't have much of a body but she's pretty enough that I'm sure if she tried to dance on a black guy he'd go with it, so I've been able to make a sort of inside joke with her that if she ever decides she wants to learn how to dance, that her first step is to go to a party/club and find the biggest, thuggiest, blackest dude there and ask him to teach her how to grind on a guy. The first time we actually had any talk like this was because she wanted to know how to dance for her first party-type dance (not a prom), but this particular dance was greasy as hell so I told her it's pretty much all grinding, and that her job is to get the guy as hard as possible and then keep grinding on it. Now it's more a joke where I offhandedly mention something sexual to her any time a black man is brought up in a conversation, or if my mother/her friend says a guy is cute and he's black, I'll say that he'd be too much for her and would shatter her pelvis before their 2nd date. She gets embarrassed but laughs almost every time, so I'm hoping that this'll subconsciously carry over to college where she really starts to get surrounded by the party atmosphere.

So, tl;dr does anyone have any tips to slowly get the idea of BBC into a girl's head?



shit nigga, I better contribute

these are pretty good lol

Not even, this guy comes around every couple days, same gifs, same stormweenies/cumskins lingo, ranting and raving about his crusade against Holla Forums.
The only thing you can really do with it is enjoy the brief glimpse of a psyche so autistic it believes it's fighting a war against internet nazi's by posting interracial porn on a board for discussing television shows, for years at this point.
If anything the sheer anger and dedication of this guy to a pointless cause is amazing.

Wrong imageboard m8.




Really annoying

Which story?

Judaism in action.

probably FAS
meme all you want, the fact of the matter is the kid is 100% white. He's just fucking ugly.

top left in your image isn't American, and bottom right isn't a mixed race.

patton oswalt race

What do the cat images have to do with anything? fuck off with the cats.


What the fuck is wrong with the cats? Are they on drugs?

You're the one who seems triggered, dude.
White people exist. Get over it.

It should really be "crapped" if you're the guy making these.




Pureblood American

He keeps shitposting on Holla Forums, something about living rent free. I don't know but if you keep shitposting you too will end up looking like that

It will be noted that the joke was made.

He's probably the sam hyde autist too.

Butthurt Amerimutt detected.

The curly hair and niggerish nose tells me he is at least partially Jewish

My roots are dutch-english. There's nothing wrong with whites getting together. America worked until the 1965 immigration act.

… and Polish, Russian, Lithuanian, Italian, Greek, Slovak, Serbian, sub-Saharhan African, Swedish, Irish, &c., &c., ad nauseam.

the admixture with whites really isn't that high in America.
seems you bought the myth of the slavefucker.


An ms paint doodle

The most effective Holla Forums memes are edited and repurposed from existing Holla Forums memes, and even then they are too verbose which reduces the effectiveness significantly. They also think that simply repeating a forced meme over and over will make it take off, which shows that they don't know anything about memes in the first place. Not surprising coming from people who think that Marx economics are the perfect utopia while it is simply a fanfic of capitalism with a different, even more uncontrollable master.

some warren ellis nonsense

race mixing is still race mixing user

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