Why hasn't a good right wing TV show been done yet? Is it because it would be too cringe?

Why hasn't a good right wing TV show been done yet? Is it because it would be too cringe?

If whites want their own television maybe they should get their own country and culture.

Tv shows are never good thats why

it has, like 30 years ago.


White people do have their own television. Did you never watch Friends? That's like the whitest shit ever. It's just white and liberal.

Are jews really white tho?

Sure, why not?

white af

They have an entirely other culture, values and racial spirit even if they technically can be pale. I don't think a white show would be much like friends at all.

Of course it would be cringe-y as it would be a kosher- neo-cohen conservatism complete with idiots with a straight face using the term"judo-christian values" ,"stand with israel", and the typical bashing of the White Christian business man.
Any Nationalism would be a sick twisted perversion created by jews to push their holohoax , diversity, anti-white, anti-man,anti culture propaganda and it would also be an attempt to get the "right" to move left on issues …. see any TV show or movie.
You want a "right wing TV show" you won't get a real depiction until the left no longer holds the amount of power it does in the west.

Reality is a nazbol tv series, that's why the corporate marxists has to constantly air lies to keep the populous asleep.

Yes, I'm sure the Jewish conspiracy formulated friends in their dark minds in order to appeal to suburban whites, giving birth to early memes, and other such things. Could I be any more redpilled?

Just because they sell their garbage to whites doesn't mean it's a white thing. Whites eat tacos too, doesn't mean tacos are culturally a white thing.

What did friends push? Probably sexual degeneracy: faggots, weak/effeminate men, women riding the cock carousel riding until age 46 (all actress were old), … what else?

I don't mexican food is fucking disgusting. Also consider mexicans are fat in part because of the shit they eat.


Tacos were invented by Spaniards in the colonies. It most definitely is a white thing.

Comedy, presumably. White liberals ate it up because that's what they like. I don't know why you think people get their values from TV. That's fucking retarded.

It's one of the most effective means of propaganda, you dummy.


BASED praise kek my fellow kekistani :)


Reminder that we have shit threads like this one every day because our BO is in cahoots with Holla Forums and gives their shitposters free reign of the place.

So make a thread about leftyshows being cringe. No one's stopping you.

So I guess violence on TV makes you violent too, right?

I shitpost here because I am Holla Forums

I'm fine with it tbh. If leftists didn't sperg out regularly we would have nothing to talk about. The film industry is down the toilet. And when they stop being lazy spammers and samefaggots every once in a while they actually contribute to strengthening the right by acting as a vaccine of sorts.


Sure thing kiddo.

No, seriously. I care so little about television and movies because they're all garbage so I can shitpost here guilt-free.

He's not wrong though he basically described the plot to Netflix's the Punisher.


Do we really have to talk about your tranny emo BO sucking a cock?

thalidomide flipper

What is Longmire?
comfy show btw

The Fraiser Bros was a liberal, and the father was the only sane person.

I get that they're a vocal minority, but they're your minority, friend.

This is what you call the opposition when you are afraid of the,
You should be afraid. Remember that fear.

expect us

Wasn't one of the main actors in that show conservative/

The propaganda value of television is too high.

There was, but it got SHUT IT DOWN

I actually do look like this dude though.

hearty kek, extremely underrated post.

From left to right:

Fuck off our BO is better than your racist imkampfy vid related

But that's the vast majority of Holla Forums. People already do that.

yes, Kelsey "Sideshow Bob" Grammer is a hardcore Republican