John Lasseter kicked out of Pixar, accused of being a groper

John Lasseter kicked out of Pixar, accused of being a groper.

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He's returning next year.
You'd know that if you actually read the fucking article.

He's not coming back.

You are John Oliver-tier.
He says right fucking here he's leaving for six months.

When did it become rape to grope women?




Despite being a literal niggerjew Rashida Jones is way way out of his league.

Nah, she's a diamond dozen.

cuck logic.

Surprised it's not (((Lasseter)))


Underrated post

Destruction of Marvel, when?

Tbh this just confirms my suspicion that the elites have blackmail hierarchies. I'm sure most of the accused have also dabbled in CP and most likely far worse ritual slaughter of children so they feel like they've gotten out of the game relatively unharmed.

That makes too much sense tbh, judging by how little resistance they put up.


Well the alternative is getting suicided, and no kike ever wants to be seperated from his sheqels when he goes to hell.

It's not. But progressive faggots try to claim it is, so they deserve to be held to those standards.

Remember that they'll destroy your life for violating their bullshit standards but will always try to cover up and diminish it when one of their own does these things. You can't make it any worse to hold them to their own bullshit rules.

Never acknowledge their positions as correct, only force them to kill themselves with their own standards.