Fecal Matter to be Spewed at UC Berkeley PEDOS Rejoice!!!

Milo Yiannopoulos Plots Comeback at UC Berkeley - The Enema Tour to be a Modern Day Scat Spectacular

Yiannopoulos wouldn't say who is backing the effort, financially or otherwise, nor would he say which, if any, student group has invited him to speak at Berkeley.
Milo Yiannopoulos is plotting his comeback, allegedly to take place at UC Berkeley, whether university administrators like it or not.

"In light of recent controversies, I am planning a huge multiday event called Milo's Free Speech Week in Berkeley later this year. We will hold talks and rallies and throw massive parties, all in the name of free expression," Yiannopoulos said on his Facebook page Friday.

Yiannopoulos wouldn't say who is backing the effort, financially or otherwise, nor would he say which, if any, student group has invited him to speak at Berkeley. When he was last set to speak there in February, protesters set fires, threw rocks and attacked fans, and the UC Police Department shut down the event.

Administrators are preparing for a similar reception for Ann Coulter when she attempts to speak on Thursday even after administrators told her she didn't have permission to do so and moved her event to a different venue in the following week.

Insiders say there is much more to Yiannopuoulos' plan to reinvent himself after mainstream conservatives threw him overboard once audio surfaced of him appearing to endorse gay sex with mature children as young as 13.

After that, a $255,000 book deal was canceled, as was his planned keynote address at CPAC. He also left his job as an editor at Breitbart News, and he has been out of the limelight since.

"I will bring activists, writers, artists, politicians, YouTubers, veterans and drag queens from across the ideological spectrum to lecture, march and party," Yiannopoulos wrote on his Facebook page. "I intend to return Berkeley to its rightful place as the home of free speech — whether university administrators and violent far-left antifa thugs like it or not."

Yiannopoulos wouldn't say when his Berkeley stint is scheduled, beyond later this year, but he also alluded to a "Cinco de Milo" event on May 5 and other plans for his "grand comeback tour."


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I can't wait until some nigger kills this kike faggot.


Sounds like it'll be a right ol' shitshow. Carry on.


Expect the aut-kike to shift even further left.


Fags can't help sucking themselves off.


It only goes to show how rare a true right-winger really is.

He needs to do more videos in English or at least start subtitling them. Does anybody have a link to some English/subtitled videos of his?

Perfect candidate for antifa to shoot and get shut down

I can't believe this board of all boards takes bait this obvious. It's the things you want to hear that need to be verified more than anything.

Would be the best thing since election night.

There was one where he caught an obvious jew that I can never seem to find.

u r dum


Fuck off TRSodomite

The only way for a butt victim to go back to neutral is to kill their rapist, not to become a pedofag themselves.

Are you retarded?

Milo's not really the type to resort to violence.

Are you? no gays allowed in white nationalism, especially one that suck black dicks

Yep you are indeed retarded. Read the post again.

The media in my country says the people he catches are only faggots and the pedo stuff is a lie. I wouldn't care if they were just faggots but I like to be well informed. Are they pedos that he catches or just fags? The few English videos I've seem they all admitted to trying to fuck children.


Are you implying being gay isn't a choice? how about you kill yourself retard

Are you drunk or something?

He said that he'd get thrown of the building anyways, as a gay nigger loving jew should.

Read between the lines user, that post was written to be sympathetic to Milo.

I don't know because it's all in Russian, but from what I can gather they pose as underage (teen-range) boys looking for sexual encounters online a la To Catch a Predator.

I read it more as a comedic thing, like it just keeps getting worse and worse for Milo, and he can't catch a break.

You should get out more often user, maybe then you can tell a different when peoples are laughing with you or at you

What does that have to do with an interpretation of a post?

9 Year Old Boy Has a Vision of an Asteroid Hitting the Atlantic and a Nuclear War Involving him being a Massive Faggot

This is now a shit on Milo thread. Post your rare Milos.


nice, saved

i will never forgive that faggot for pro-circumcision and anti-waifu remarks. ally or not, faggot or not, he is a degenerate cancer that must be destroyed.

Typical kikes, promoting genital mutilation and trying to rid us of one of the main sources of our power.

This kike needs to hang.

please post more, this is almost entertaining besides the fact that the main guy seems kind of faggy himself

The one I posted is the only English one I have seen. The qt punching him is great isn't she? Would waifu/10.

because he is a faggot

Exactly, no matter what comes out of his mouth, he's still a jew, homosexual, pro-mutilation. And brobably a bederast :DDD

holy fucking shit lol

Fuck man my sides.

Has Tesak only just become known in the English speaking world? The whole Occupy Pedophilia movement has been and gone. Nevertheless, the videos are hilarious to watch.


just because you get fag raped doesn't mean you become a fucking faggot

Aside from the implied fucked up cultural norms they have there, it does imply a very fun culture.

perhaps to concentrate widespread university fucktardedness into one in order to minimize damage and maximize control/surveillance.
it's probably a bit of a testing ground.
other universities will hopefully get the hint and have some time to turn things around.

i'm not sure, though.


This, Milo getting killed would make a excellent case of a martyr for our cause

So gays are natural then? You are a fucking degenerate if you think so. No one is born gay the same way kids are not born straight, sexuality is a developed behaviour and being fucked with by an Older Man when you're 12 can seriously effect that.


He's our version of the Useful Idiot. As long as he's pissing in THEIR cornflakes, he makes their lives "problematic." After all, gays are a protected species…but he's saying things they don't like, which makes him a shitlord…which is impossible since gays are a protected species! It breaks their minds.

Now that is not me calling him a "based fag" or anything. He's a degenerate and the only thing about him I've ever enjoyed was his intrinsic ability to turn feminists into frothing animals. When he's pissing in OUR cornflakes, which he sometimes does, he needs to be dealt with.

This guy needs to take over To Catch A Predator. Chris Hanson can go fuck himself.

As you're supposed to.


sure is shilly in this thread

I don't pay attention to this e-celeb faggot; when did this pedo audio come out, and was it legit?

It's okay, after all, he's only taking about mature, consenting children. Besides, it's gay sex, which places it above any questions of morality anyway. What are you, homophobic? It's 2017! If anything, this shows it's time America started takling it's pedophobia problem head-on. After all, love knows no age! Love is love! End the hate!

I may be shitposting, but there is a growing demographic of lemmings actually warming up to these ideas. Civil War is inevitable at this point.

The helicopter will be very inclusive, all POC and LGBTCancer welcome.

it's going to be a fucking warzone. I'd go just to add to the numbers.

That is awesome. Based Poles.

Quit trying to justify your degeneracy and accept you will be purged.

Because Berkeley is a surefire place to get a lefty response, and ecelebs know that they'll get media attention out of it.

I hate the faggot Jew, but I really want to fight some pantifa, so it's a hard call on this one.

Go away sandnigger.

muh kike overlords said i cant see a naked girl until the morning of her 18th year of life, unless its in another state where its 17, or 16, whatever master says i do.

fuck women your own age.
If you're 13, fine a 13 year old is fine though tbh it's still degenerate because you are too retarded to know what the fuck you're doing

gas yourselves.

Disgusting. You people will never be accepted in a healthy white society.

Maybe you are just mentally ill.

Force concentration at the designated war zone. For now the war is still somewhat civilized. It will not last and our posters today may well putsch us into total civil war on all universities.

its ok user, maybe he's just a low test chubby chaser

I once dated a 13 year old fyi. She was fucking retarded; best sex I ever had though, I do regret our breaking up as it may have lasted but it was for the best because I was a worthless degenerate like yourself, and at least in my case I didn't specifically look for an underaged woman.
I already went to jail for it, learned my lesson; thankfully was under 18 and not a 25 year old neckbeard like yourself. Found out later on I had been suppressing knowledge of my own abuse as a child, and I was abused by a girl who was abused by her brother who was also abused. Funny how that goes eh?

You have the choice to end the cycle or not. I fully understand your "feelings", they've been poisoned by your abuse, and I'm here to tell you that yes you should be ashamed of them. If the only way to keep yourself from harming children is suicide you should seriously consider it.


Too many people here are blue-pilled faggots, including the mods. They ban people for saying that faggotry should be illegal. No wonder they love Milo threads.

Kids play doctor and games like that, pretty normal. I dont know what youre talking about, 2 under 18 year olds shouldnt be illegal, and unless you were forced, it sounds like just kids being kids. I knew a girl when I was like 5 and we played around with eachother, it was her idea. I dont think thats a huge deal. She probably learned from someone else, I doubt she was "abused"


I think he probably posted some CP or something, seemed to be the implication. I didnt see his post.

Nah, no CP, it's just the old "child marriage is the true redpill" user. He's been here since the migration pretty much, and never quits derailing everything into "marry 13 year old girls and have white children with them."

Based mods.



Well at least he's not trying to larp as a heterosexual like Implicit Dickie Spencer does.

Then start your own topic instead of autistically derailing everything else you massive faggot.

Also, if you did marry a mythical 13 year old, what would you do when she got older and you were no longer attracted to her?


At what age would you say that would be? Because you could ask the same question to anybody who marries at any age. And it's related to things said so not derailing. People have to get scientific facts into their thick heads.

No, he's trying to larp as politically incorrect even though he promotes at least some cultural marxism.

Never happened to me but…
recently attended my aunts funeral, she married at 14 to my uncle who was 17 in the early 1960's. they were married 67 years before her death. surprisingly, their family turned into the centerpiece of holiday stability. christmas or thanksgiving, easter, it never failed, they'd be 25 - 35 family members….. while I spent all of those holidays alone.

If you're only sexually attracted to women who are 13, and so autistically focused on it that you have been promoting that ideology on here for years, you in particular are more likely to lose interest when she gets older. We don't live in a traditionalist society that favors marriage anymore - when we get at least to that point then some of your points are valid, but as it is, any weakening on this point will lead to thirteen year old pornstars and prostitutes.

We all live in the same kali yuga, whether you like it or not. We need white babies. Get over your "pure 13 year old" fetishization and find someone decent enough that you can build a family and create children. None of us are going to live long enough to see the society we're envisioning come to pass, we have to work to create it.

Different times man (and they were both young and not obsessively shilling "marry 13 year olds" on imageboards.) Marriage in general worked better until suddenly everything became about "me" rather than about the family.

Wasn't a game.
Depends on the circumstances, but generally I agree it shouldn't, it also should not be encouraged either.
was forced, and later threatened by the older brother after she confided in me he was abusing her. Mind you I was 5 so I just kind of shut down.
That's nice, interesting you bring that up though like you're trying to justify how it was just 'play' with the girl you were with. Are you alright user? I wasn't talking to or about you, just sharing my own experience.


which are what? You are essentially trying to advocate marrying women a generation younger than your own like some kind of kike baby boomer fam. The quickest way to get the next generation to hate us and rebel against nastsoc ideology is to take their waifus and happiness.

Aside from the fact you're shilling for marrying children instead of allowing them to enjoy a happy childhood so they can grow up to be stable adults free of mental illness and are nearly a decade older than the women you are trying to 'marry'.

Good for them, but there is a distinct difference between a 14 and 17 year old and a 13 and lolwhoever year old. Most people on Holla Forums are over 18, generally in their 20s; that means you can assume the faggot shilling for this is around the age 25 making him nearly twice the girls age he's trying to marry. It's degenerate only pushed by insecure fags who are either extremely blackpilled on women but still want to believe in disney-esque fairytales about them muh womyn are le beautiful aryan princess i.e. a beta, or a genuine pedophile just trying to slowly erode familial values.

In either case any decent father would shoot and kill this faggot if he was caught trying to "marry" their daughter.

All of this.

the best thing that could ever happen to this thread would be derailing it. also milo is a pedo so it is
100% on topic, nigger

What the fuckedy fuck?



Homosexuality is at core narcissism user.



Sounds like an apology tour tbqh.
>sorry I was mean, to make it up to you here's some fecal humor. I know how much you jews love this.

It's not a coincidence, or even a conspiracy. They're all doing it deliberately because they see it works. Provoking an antifa riot is great for publicity.

I hope that greek kike mongrel dies

Because Berkeley is symbolic. It was the center of the free speech movement decades ago and is now one of the beating hearts of Cultural Marxism and socialism today. Going to Berkeley to speak as someone right of Karl Marx is venturing in to raid enemy territory.

He's not even greek. Please stop defaming the greek by perpetuating this lie.

That's a fucking joke. Being anti-war during a war doesn't make them a "center of free speech".

the number of faggots defending milo on cuckchan after the video came out was disturbing, he had a really dedicated base that wanted to let him get away with advocating fucking 13 year old boys. dozens and dozens of people ardently defending him or shilling for everyone else to ignore what he'd said. fuck those people.

Jesus fucking Christ just put them all in one place so they can get gassed together.

Nigger, Milo gets shit on relentlessly every time his jizz covered face pops up in a thread. If he's able to agitate antifa and we get some livestream antifa lulz, then great. Otherwise in my opinion the general consensus is he should be tossed off the nearest building for being an e-celeb and degenerate cancer.


He is deliberately trying to deter people now.

Fuck this fucking faggot. He's a liability.

it brought to light how many people are so pragmatic they would sacrifice any belief no matter how fundamental if they thought it helped them politically. it was fucking disgusting seeing a bunch of 'polacks' defending a genuine pederast, who's on fucking video, advocating pederasty, for 5 minutes straight. those people are cancer to any movement.

To be fair, a lot of that was his PR rentbois shilling for him.

i hope that's true, even though it was only 4chan it still disturbed me how many people held that same position, that we all ought to defend him over the pederasty thing as long as he was useful. with enough bastards like that around we'll be corrupted before we ever get anywhere.

My biggest fear now is not that antifa wins.
They're clearly idiots and everyone hates them. They couldn't win a soccer game, nevermind a revolution.

My fear now is that antifa is the controlled opposition. That this alt-lite monster that we have a hand in creating is actually the next phase of the plan for the kikes.

He's the definition of controlled opposition. A somewhat articulate but corrupt and degenerate turd who's propped up as a spokesman for the right. It's not really that difficult to understand.


I want to marry her

There is no reason to be upset. The problem with milo for the juden is that the guy is unstable and is going to get drugged or aids'd out on a whim. And when that happens his fans get bored go to harder non-civnat stuff. Plus I mean erytime e gets nearly assaulted by chimps it gets harder to say the left can live together in some faggot rainbow coalition. Pic unrelated.

Only reason to care about this shit is because it means Berkley will be a warzone once again. I can't wait to see more Antifa commies punched right in their faggot faces.

Links faggot. Even Jeb put in more effort in his campaign

Wy do these things turn dark so fast?


dudes a nationalist skinhead been to jail a few times for inciting hatred (cuck russia) so the hot blonde is most def also pro white. prob be more videos i think he just got out of jail recently. couple guys from his group filmed themselves executing a tajikstani and dagastani, dont think anyone was ever arrested for it.

Everyone who hates Milo is a retard who doesn't understand the media or persuasion



have fun partying with faggots and drag queens


They are natural but they are not normal. I know its difficult to wrap your had around that, but there you go.

They are "natural" in the same way that any communicable disease is natural. Faggotry is transmitted to children through abuse from older faggots. It's a communicable psychological disease.

So yes, they are natural, thank you for agreeing to that. Natural doesn't equal good. Thank you.

Get over yourself.

And we wonder why the world is going downhill.


Fecal Matter to be Spewed as thead, Hotpocket Eaters do Nothing!!!

Give a source. or just spectacularly fail shitposting again?

You do know 13 year olds aren't allowed to post here right?