When the concept for Paul Feig’s remake of Ghostbusters was first announced...

Why did you turn the ghostbusters movie into a political move Holla Forums?

Paul Feig certainly NEVER meant it to be anything more than a loving tribute to the 80s movie


You know the moron that wrote this specifically listed the black guy first because "muh diversity™"

Yes, everyone the fans couldn't imagine replacing the critical "Joe anyone" black guy character.
Bill Murray,Dan Aykroyd,etc. who cares now the random black guy he was the key.

The black guy who only shows up half way through the movie. I always thought that was weird, to be honest. We spend half of the movie getting to know the three Ghost Busters, and then there's just another one out of nowhere, and we're supposed to accept him as just as important a part of the team?

That's the point he wasn't. He was the "every man", there as a vehicle to allow the actual Ghostbusters to explain things (tell him about the twinkie) to the audience as Winston doesn't know anything about ghosts, ghostbusting,the technology, or the situation either to him it was a job he was instantly hired for due to the demand for ghostbusting at that point in the film (regardless of qualifications I might add).

it was an okay movie though. solid 7/10 kinda like Kate McKinnon

I like how the official narrative is "there is no feminist agenda on Cisbusters" while the female-only group picture of the production says otherwise.
That didn't happen.

…right after he went on Wikipedia to learn about the original Ghostbusters movie.

He denies it because his campaign to push a feminist ghostbusters failed miserably if the film did ok ( not great) he would be gloating abut how he created this cause and how the future is female and whatever other mental retardation he thinks might get him more jobs in hollywood.


It's just kind of weird that he shows up half way through. Maybe a new Ghostbuster as the fish out of water would have made a better premise for the second movie.

You voiced your opinion and said you didn't want it. Massive trolling campaign.

This is the way of distorting facts that only those "right side of history" types are capable of. Enemies of mankind, that's what I call them.


I want to fuck her.

You can keep your benis in your pants, she prefers the vagoo.

But you will forever be a neverfuck.

That's part of the appeal.

I lost my virginity at 16, at a party, with a girl I'd only met once before.

Off-topic, but was anyone else annoyed that the nigger in Stranger Things refused to be Winston when they dressed up as Ghostbusters. It made total sense and would have made it the perfect cosplay but nigger just HAD to be obstinate just for the sake of "OH, IT CUH I'M BLACK HUH? YOU RACIST."

forgot pic


I-is Feig /ourguy/ now?

exactly. Winston was the token "ride- along" character


that is one seriously ugly chimp. Truly the John Boyega of child stars.

That's what rape is for. Why doesn't anybody ever remember rape as an option? This is why white people are dying out. smh


oh well

>his Ghostbusters unintentionally turned into a “cause” he never intended to create

all kikes do is lie


gamergator drumf supporters destroyed another brilliant director's masterpiece, smh -.-

