Linkara hate thread

With how Niche the American comic industry is. Is a lot of the SJW market meltdown we see now can be blamed on Linkara? He seemed to brought a lot of tumblr feminists crowd to the comic industry. I for one happy that wider comic buying public are starting to turn on Linkara.

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Citation needed.

You have to understand the mainstream public isn't as deeply invested in an e-celeb who pretends to fight an evil robot version of himself as we might be. To even suggest that Linkara of all people is responsible for any part the SJW culture shift in comics, and not something like the multi-billion dollar movie franchise bringing in a massive influx of teen girls, is just narrow-minded. I'm all for Linkara-bashing, but let's not be stupid here. He's been irrelevant for years and years now.

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Mainstream public isn’t interested in buying or reading comics ether. American comics always be niche. Pandering to e-celeb like Linkara can do damage. Linkara probably sold more DVDs than most comics being sold.

Don't most of the e-celebs have an evil twin? Markiplier has Darkiplier. Oh, except for Diamanda Hagan, she has a good twin, Nina Galas.

Yeah, but Markiplier isn't an autistic manchild as he's legit making thousands, tries to keep it as clean as possible for kids and using the power of all the kids and autistic manchildren who watch him to make shit like charity drives, that's more than most CA assholes have done together. I don't like and won't consume what he produces but he doesn't seems to be a steaming heap of shit of a person.

He really shouldn't have used his celebrity to shill for gun control to his tween fanbase though.

Oh, don't get me wrong, he's a leftard in a beefcake suit, as if the danger hair and faggy voice didn't tip you off but he isn't a shit person, whatever stupid shit he shills is probably out of ignorance and thinks is actually better, if he really eats the "Guns kills people" cock, then the best thing he can do is to shill against guns.

Fuck off with your e-celeb shit.

Comic fans don’t have a large social media presence. Linkara does. Comics look at Linkara as a common comic fan.


Guys, its always money. Its always fucking money. When the money comes, the vultures circle. Linkara didnt ruin comics just like big bang theory and tumblr didnt ruin video games. The year video games outgrossed movies for the first time, they were done for. Likewise, when Spiderman did 117mil in a single weekend, comics were done for.

I thought everyone stopped caring for a while

Jesus Christ. Is TGWTG still around too?

Kill yourself

Yeah and the faggot know as OP is shilling them.

It's sad because its true.

How do you know this without being a fan of this schlock?

Do you genuinely, in all honesty believe that Marvel is not trying to pander the armada of social justice warriors brought on by interest in the multi-billion dollar movie franchise, that decisions made is not because Marvel is not infested by those same social justice warriors who worm into the industry and seemingly know nothing about the characters but like the movies a lot, and that the cultural shift in comics is not due to casualization, nepotism, or sites like Bleeding Cool or the Mary Sue, or part of a massive shift which has also taken over movies and video games, but because of one internet reviewer on a long dead website.

Are you legitimately telling me this is what you believe.

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Not that guy, but Marvel was actually trying to pander to the Captain Marvel, Ms. Muslim, and revamp Hawkeye fans with their hashtag books. Of course, they fucked up massively by believing that audience would want 200 titles and numerous cross-overs. They drowned out that audience, the previous editor-in-chief got fired, and now they're trying to win back the shops by bringing characters back.

You're not wrong with the whole "blaming linkara for shit books is retarded" stuff. You're just wrong about the industry stuff.

I don't believe for a moment that Linkara is responsible for this. People are turning on him? For what? He's always had a hatedom.

He's a faggot that still gives a crap about the fat fuck, there's no reason to even talk to the fucker.

OP's a faggot shilling his favorite eceleb, just ignore and report for cancer.

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user stop talking to yourself.

This time even feminists are turning on him.

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If anything, he was more of a symptom rather than the cause of problems with comics industry.
Linkara has not done anything interesting or relevant in quite a while. There just not much to talk about outside of his shit taste, shit writing skills, shit creative ideas, being a stick in the mud at social gatherings, and his erotic exploits within multiple online communities.

Only you and OP give a shit about Linkara, let the faggot fall into obscurity. Any more attention will only prolong his shitty existence.

user, you silly goose, the fans of Captain Marvel, Ms. Marvel, and the new Hawkeye stuff ARE the same social justice influx I'm talking about. People who actually read comics don't want a teen muslim hashtag character who writes fanfiction. They don't want a masculine Carol Danvers taking selfies, or whatever's going on with the new Hawkeye. That's why these books fall in the water with Iceman, Squirrel Girl and so on.

Because I don't feel like going into detail why I hate him right now, because that would take too long, I ask a question instead:

Why is it still a fucking thing with reviewers adding their own retarded stories of their reviews (we are there for the reviews, right!?) and think we care? And why do they even keep referencing it in their reviews as if it was good and not utterly cringeworthy? Are they retarded? Are they the goddamn Batman?

Your good side would be your dead side, because watching Markiplier and Diamanda Hagan? Holy shit, please die.

The answer is the same reason you made that hacky Batman reference.

Wikis, fan-made encyclopedias, shitty indie film makers who insist on putting in their bullshit opinions on comics into their movies, youtubers who make careers out of reading wiki entries to plebs and normalfags so people can feel like they understand comics, and of course, shitty internet critics like Linkara who has no wit or insight, so they go after easy target comics, go with whatever gimmick makes them seem funny, and effectively poison the well permanently.

In a similar sense, we can blame let's plays and review aggregators for making normalfags and journos feel like they have a valid opinion on games they didn't play. It's because they can get away with never truly understanding or mastering the games they take an interest in that SJWs can also pretend to know everything about a game and then pass completely inaccurate judgement on them, since the bulk of their audience who don't play games will never play those games at all to form an opinion of their own.

Christ, nobody gives a shit about your shitty eceleb OP. Go suck on someone else's dick for once.

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Stop biting the bait and report for eceleb cancer.

Ooh what did he do this time?

user stop talking to yourself.
hooktube denies views

t. butthurt millerbaby

Linkara fans unironically defend Lightbringer
You gonna deny it exist like Linkara does now?

user, nobody gives a shit about Linkara. Only pathetic faggots like you that still give him attention do.

With how often he gets praised by comic writers for being WOKE and get referenced in actual publisher comics books. With Linkara shilling for fat acceptance squrriel girl and other SJW marvel shit. We gonna pretend he doesn’t do damage to comics?

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You sure do give a shit over the fat piece of shit.

Name them.

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Don't bait on the bait user.

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You overestimate his reach.

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There`s nothing to pander, normalfags aren`t SJWs, sure they are liberal but that`s because they don`t care about politics. They like superheroes because they go in to see capeshit action comedy flicks with uncompromising plot and pretty actors, then they buy a comic and see gay versions of known characters having interracial relationship and talking about gentrification and how gender is a meme.

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user, stop talking to yourself. It isn't health.

Can't blame him for wanting to fuck this sexy beast.
Just look at that curve.

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I'm not interested in your bills Linkara.

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Just ignore and report user.

I am just and