The Thinning

Is this movie supposed to be an absurd comedy?

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Eugenics isn't racist fag. All stupid people regardless of race or gender deserve to be culled.

Apparently instead of getting killed they are instead kept them in underground sweatshops
Basically solving nothing, I would say so


Why does that guy look familiar?

Sub-Saharan Africans have lower average IQ than Europeans so a vast majority of them would be culled

True. But it's a hilarious fantasy that somehow niggers wouldn't be categorically wiped out if such a policy were in place.

Crime would decrease, although in a less satisfying (but still as ridiculous) manner as The Purge.

Its a jewtube movie starring jewtubers

But they are still using resources, which was the whole point of killing them to free up resources
The sweatshops and slave housing need to be built, maintained, guarded, the slaves need a bare minimum of food, and the public facade of executions needs to be set up and maintained

Eugenics in reality is simple shit like cutting welfare and tax breaks for having children, promoting the nuclear family, voluntary sterilization for high time preference people. It would be pretty easy to start reversing our dysgenic trends and nobody has to die, nobody would die. Killing people is a huge pain in the ass. But certain people need low IQ high time preference people for the debt economy and to control/dilute the competent population. Eugenics isn't government tyranny, it's the government doing it's fucking job. This was understood before WW2. We have laws written that explicitly stated that we need to preserve and maintain a healthy white population. Doesn't necessarily need to be white but holy shit we can't keep on these dysgenic trends. But we can never get anything done because it's always shouted down as racist or it's called "eugenics" as if that's a bad thing.

Valid. So it's doubly stupid then.
The director-writer team, btw.

Keep drinking your soy, it'll all make sense soon.


Not saying I agree with the guy you're replying to, but have you ever seen an episode of My 600-lb Life?
The movie is probably crap, but you have to admit these people could probably use a good thinning themselves.

Those would be anti-eugenic things. Welfare and tax-breaks are the eugenic measures.

How in the fuck is supporting pieces of shit with welfare eugenic?


If this happen in our real life then niggers, retards and spics would be wiped out. That means there will be less welfare leeches and save few hundred billions dollar.

They still have affirmative action. They're test scores get raised so their "eugenics" doesn't get called racist.

I'd cum inside her chin butt so quick


I can see how tax breaks for having children maybe can be eugenic, since the more you work the more you get from it, but welfare is clearly dysgenic.

What is dysgenic and eugenic is completely based on the point of view. Remember people claim hybrid vigour is a thing because mules are more useful to their owners.


t. doesn't know what hybrid vigor is

"hybrid vigor" only happens when the parents are already inbred as fuck . The term originated from Mendel's experiments with self-pollinated flowers. So unless you're a kike, ( ), it's still better to marry within your own race (as I assume your race is not only your second cousins). Although if you are a kike, I'd recommend marrying an african-american for maximum vigor .


All interference with natural selection is 'eugenic', even if one group is trying to use dysgenic strategies against another, it is to derail them from the species and breed them out, thus, selecting their own genes as superior and eugenic. No group applies dysgenic methods against the whole of the species.

They would be still sentenced anyway because of their inability to control themselves.


I'd definitely get sterilized if I got paid for it.

He's wrong but your argument against him is so retarded it makes him seem right.