Antifa on Reddit Admits to Posting Interracial Porn on 4/pol/ and 8/pol/

Was scrolling through a thread Jim linked when I noticed the OP of the thread posted about how he was one of the people spamming interracial threads on 4/pol/ and 8/pol/. Thought it was good to have evidence of this sort of thing we can whip out in the future whenever these fuckheads do it. I bet this nigger posts on Holla Forums.


Other urls found in this thread:

and we are suppose to be suprised…why?

You're not. Just rare to get evidence for this sort of thing. Leftypol likes to pretend we actually like this shit.

Not even mad.

I stopped being surprised when the truth is eventually confirmed after pretty much everything that has been touted by conspiracy theorists for the last three decades has been validated more or less as truth.


Bestiality porn is sickening, but do they really think it does thing other than make us filter the post?

They must be incapable of learning.

he posted threads here maybe 3 times before getting b&

They're shitting their pants hard because Clanton got caught and will probably do hard time for his third strike. They're shitting their pants hard because that faggot mayor or Berkeley got proven to be involved with their terrorist organization and will probably do time over his calling for cops to stand down. They're shitting their pants hard because his chief of police will probably do time for that as well. They're a target for the autists since they started directly challenging them. So that's got them shitting. They're getting the shit kicked out of them when they attack people. Then they're shitting their pants because their leaders are starting to be looked into.

They're all already dead. They just don't know it yet.

Huh, didn't know Marx was a purveyor of BLACKED.COM

memes, edits, pls

By spamming cuck porn on mongolion cave painting shitposting sites? Yeah you really showed capitalism who's boss huh?

Not in the slightest surprise though. Pretty pathetic actually, but I guess it's really easy to spam cuck porn if you already jerk off to that shit and you don't have to look far for that trash.


And I wondered where did all this Jew interracial porn started popping up on my porn trackers.
Cuckchan faggots are pretty awesome.

That's always been a thing on 4chan though. I remember on Holla Forums a long ass time ago, a thread was posted about this kike bf video recording his kike gf getting fucked by a nigger, and then in the middle of the video he tries to stop it but he just subsides and shuts up and keeps recording. That was pretty funny.

I like how they love niggers fucking whites, but once they start fucking Jewesses, well that's too far and it's antisemitism.

Are you going to post photoshopped discord pictures as well? This couldn't be more obvious that it is OP larping.

You're doing a terrible job in the other thread too. Might as well quit your job user, I don't think you're getting paid.


Oh I'm starting to feel fucking smug anons.

So many vanishings.

That's the power of weaponized autism.

They should've just left our nation and our people alone, but no, they wanted to play big boy games, we're gonna play big boy games.

Just wait till they start shooting each other, that's going to be a fucking hoot.

What's sad is that this has been nonstop for the last 22 days since 8ch was hacked, where we've had outsiders posting """evidence""" of outside manipulation when it is clear that those people posting the evidence are in fact the ones trying to manipulate Holla Forums. Holla Forums used to be better than this. 90% of the people here now are either shills or dumbasses who can't see through deception (like yourself).



We do it for free too. And we do it better.

Under Budget; Ahead of Schedule.

Cry REEEEEEEEEE and let slip the FROGS OF WAR!



I've stolen this meme.

The sad one guy on that board who isn't a complete retard.

Don't forget the (((sex trafficing))) Davids.

That's so bigoted. It privileges the white woman and places her in a position of power. White women get too much and their position in the progressive stack reflects this.

BM/WF porn is fucking ignorant as fuck, and if I see another racist nazi posting that shit I will literally punch them in the face.


So is this a good thing or not? On the one hand it stops jews from having a pure bloodline and lets us subvert their youth, but on the other i saw a thing here just today that said jew ancestry was matriarchal, so they could blend in in a few generations. Itd be better if they were completely gone and not just crypto and diluted

>it turns out to be a big weapon for us

It triggers the jews and makes them reveal their hand.

We'd be better off memeing kike chicks want white dick… because they do and it empowers us. Why make niggers seem desirable to anyone?

the matralineal thing is jewish law, not genetics - in other words its some bullshit jews made up not a real thing

Oh my, thats just beautiful on at least two levels

We need to push this shit.

how did you get this retarded? of course we don't want a bunch of white guys fucking kikes and making a bunch of crypto kikes

Gas the jews, spics, niggers, muslims, chinks, et al. and I might consider anarchy.

I like where this is going.


I fucking love you faggots.

Why do you have degenerate porn trackers user?

Oh. You are one aren't you?

this HAS to be somebody from Holla Forums
there's no way a kike that stereotypical exists


No one cared who he was until he put on the mask. And when Holla Forums took it off, it was extremely painful. Seriously, you Holla Forumslacks who managed that one are amazing. I can only wish I were strong enough to pull off such a masterstroke of autistic power.

user, I…

As I am aware, no aryan porn trackers yet exist.



Because I'm not some degenerate who has sex outside of wedlock.

Fuck off back to cuckchan you pathetic failure.

Is this really worth a thread?

Feminist NoFapper detected.






I think it works too, I think I'm brainwashed I actually secretly find it arousing. fuck I need help.

Of joy I'm assuming? Because anything else would be very racist.

You need to stop watching porn nigger, or else you'll end up like pic related

Holla Forums trying to get screencaps

That's pretty sad.

I'm visualizing you struggling for air as you dangle from a tree

This is a great meme.

Just for you guys who have free time to post on leddit, make a separate account, post dumb commie shit on dumb commie threads, but
upvote demoralizing posts like OP
Mods wont have reason to think its brigading if upvotes are coming from regular shitposters
On that note, make passable shitposts. Don't be a strawman, normies don't go there, so there's nobody to convince, just people to demoralize. Hell, if your sockpuppet became a well known/liked poster, you could subtly cause serious damage (if you're not a retard). These communties tend to be smaller than your dick, so it's not hard to fuck with them ib this manner.

this, start the blackpill spam and make it really hurt. Make them wanna die.

Post in other random subreddits that have nothing to do with politics too. If you're laughing at funny cat videos or dank tumblr memes your account looks more legit.

What in the fuck


So the commies admit to posting their cuckold fetish collection on Holla Forums. Who would have imagined it wasn't your fellow Trump supporter posting them?

I hate seeing wasted Blue Eyes

Please kill yourself, m8.

Do they realize that German and Italian propaganda during the war showed how Americans were mongrelized fucks who used their niggers as biological weapons? If anything, the Germans losing the war proved them right in every aspect of what they said. All their worst horror stories about what Jews would do to the world and European race have been proven to be correct.

Enjoy laughing at some more of this faggot's neuroticism:

im fuckin dying here

According to his own posts he's a nigger. So basically a nigger is spamming interracial cuck porn on Holla Forums and believes that it will somehow damage white nationalism…kek

They're colored contacts.

Funny how no ever gets brown or black contacts.

and /gif/ 24/7 service


Most 'white' porn girls who fuck nigs are jewesses, usually with some plastic surgery

Underrated post.

Biology doesn't give a fuck about some jewish voodoo shit.

This. Most pornstars that do interracial cuck porn are actually jewish. Why do jewish women love nigger dicks so much? How can puny pathetic jewish """men""" even compete?

Push Jewish men to fuck Arab girls and push Jew girls to fuck niggers and Arabs. We can play this attrition game they've created and wipe them out because we have the numbers advantage to get there prior to outright banning this shit once we're finally in power. If anything it forces them to respond about why pushing interracial cuck porn is wrong and blatantly show their hypocrisy on why it's good for the goyim but not for the chosenites

Can we do more than just meme this, but also get the major porn sites to move on this through popularity? Meme'd on kikebook is one thing, getting an industry on board to move off white woman and push for jewish yids is another.

Even having a pregnant jewish woman with a black dude husband should be pushed.

Pushing nigger/kike racemixing should be incredibly effective because it uses the kikes' own mass brainwashing against them. Every populace has had racemixing pounded into their skulls since childhood; it must be accepted, only evil racists oppose racemixing.
When the kikes oppose being racemixed, they will instantly become evil racist villains in the eyes of the goyim, which will break the "jews=victims" conditioning. With careful planning, it should be possible to convince the civilized world that Israel is an abomination that needs to be purged.

Why wouldn't they, the mods only give it a few day bans here, while good posters get banned for a whim.

laughed pretty heartily

Holla Forums was right again!



And this is supposed to do waht excatlly?

Do they even know what a chan is?

One Antifa pointed out that the left has created a monster they cannot control.

That's some top fucking tier blackpill. If he's an operative he deserves a promotion.


I still cannot believe how masculine Michael looks.

Be honest, is the 5th pic shopped?

michael robinson is jacked



Posting niggerdick is always cancerous user. Kikes don't care because their women always pass on jewishness.

He seems to be missing a critical reason why people wanted to find him

honestly arab man / jewish woman would trigger them harder, they hate arabs much more.

palestinian would take the cake, but i guess that's difficult.

So what? It just means the "high Jewish IQ" will tank once kikes get more and more negroid and they won't have the intellect necessary to swindle the goyim.

I see anons usually says it's because some Jews are dumb enough to believe their own bullshit. But I think it's similar to Muslim Tagiyaa: Lesser Jews can be as openly degenerate as they want as long as they're doing it to server greater Jews by using that degeneracy to weaken the goyim. I don't have a specific word for this like Taqiyaa. It's probably in the Talmud. It probably "is" the Talmud.




100% rock solid proof that kike knows hes pushing white genocide, because he knows how bad it would be for kikes if the same thing happened to them. People like him need to be rounded up (by interpol!) and executed (under genocide laws!)

Totally legal to say that, btw. Execution is the punishment for promotion of genocide, in every country. You can openly demand he be executed, and its not pushing for murder or anything, because hes actually a criminal. Its like saying "executed X mass murderer" or "execute Y child rapist!".

So go ahead, demand he be executed, its your right, and its the right thing to do.

Should we make a new thread for the operation "cuck the kike"?


This is really an amazing idea. Mulatto kikes won't have the ability to shapeshift.

So this is the power… of Marxist thought…

1.) Niggers aren't desirable to anyone
2.) How the fuck is making more Jews supposed to help us?

Anyone is desirable if brainwash the target audience well enough.
Niggers don't have neanderthal DNA, if we mix kikes with niggers, we will just more niggers.

Why so butthurt, Shlomo?

their ability to subvert will lessen after their genepool gets polluted by niggers

Eh, didn't read the post you were replying to.
You're right, you should never mix with a kike, because if you mix kike with aryans you will get superkikes. But if you mix them with niggers, kikes will disappear.

Niggers are never desirable to anyone but I suppose we should push it on Jews. My question was in regards to the retard who said more Whites should get with Semites.

This is getting as bad as the "sceptic" community. Keep your reddit browsing history to yourself.
Death will set you free.

redditor detected


That account was created yesterday. Also had another exclusive that was posted here. These threads exist to slide actually interesting topics and you're all worthless.

… and?

OP is posting a screencap to his own thread.

why are Antifa pro-anarchy but a part of an organization that is highly structured?

I thought anarchy was an anti-structure concept.

And? OP gave us a very good idea about the kike racemix propaganda.

Nothing pisses me off more than modern anti-whites and how they fail to understand literally anything at all. Hitler was right about literally everything, and it's ridiculous to argue anything else.

Indeed, and you can tell because they still look…off. There are very few Whites, even the brainwashed normalfags, that are willing to actually do something that nasty.

have you considered purchasing the domain? might be some shekels in there.

Imagine admitting that. Everyday you do what now? hahaha. These mental defectives are so fucking pathetic that I feel each one will be a mercy killing.

Top tier

needs a little help, not enough promotion

These people need to die, seriously, that's all they deserve.

what a disgusting freak
that "hair" is repulsive
every feature is repulsive

So these are the people killing good threads. I love how they admit they can't win even in their own hugbox.

Maybe it's /ourguy/ playing them like fiddles?

It's About That Time

It's about that time.
Time for the so-called Jewish people to talk about their privilege.
Time for the so-called Jewish people to talk about their past.

A white dominating class.
A system of bigotry based on puddle-deep differences.
A system of hate, of mindless hate, of atrocities and forced sterilization.
Of destruction, of depression.
The appropriation. Colonization. Demoralization.

It's about that time for the fist to be uncurled.
It's about that time for the hand to be extended.
No longer will we wait for bullets; to subside, the hate.
We stand. The Sacred Chosen of this Holy Land.
Our people brought the Walls of Jericho down.
You erected them anew.

We yearn to live in the land God gave.
You crave to kill in the land you stole.
But still, we do not hate. We will never hate, though it may be righteous.
Because God gives.
And he will return to us Our Land.
One way.
Or another.

It's about that time.

A poem by Miriam Brown.
Feminist. Activist. College student. Barista. Mother. Sister. True Israelite.

good for them, they found your actual weakness, you do get too mad when that happens, thanks for bringing the new here, now learn from it

this guy is trolling the fking universe ain'y

This s how I picture every american male born past 1990.

My ideas of people posting cuck porn

self-hating whites who have get off on the racism aspect off it

You know the type im talking about, the ones who watch anime and are practically white in their mannerisms (they tend to larp as a black chad, a "tyrone")

insecure about wm/af (rightly so IMO) and try and attack whites

feel free to reply with your theories

I know this isn't the place to request things, but I'm looking for that meme of the ms paint poorly drawn The_Donald reddit page with the gay black trump supporter spewing memes like "Democrats are the real racist" and other shit.

If anyone can find it, thanks.


Internet koolkids who hang out in their IRC/reddit/whatever and go "lol i juts posted cuckporn on pol those losers get so trigered its almost too easy lol fuck politics im chaotic-neutral racism is p gross tho".

Thanks user! kek be with you



…you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: "I've been found out."


Those females are trannies.


Look up the pornstar "Naomi Russel". She's the daughter of a rabbi and has done plenty of nigger porn.

I commented before seeing the third pic. Oh well.

with niggers, its always

They think they are doing something by posting that shit…hahahahaha.

They are just pissing younger white teens off and driving them towards us.

we are the nazi chat room controllers

coalburner diploma
perfect career fit



I've always said that's the funniest part about all this shit, the irony in what those faggots are doing is off the charts. They're only insulting themselves by saving this shit to their hard drive

You know, pic related. Karl Marx was a jew. Why am I not even surprised


Western Buddhism is a cancer but god damn if it isn't a solid, easily available litmus test.



That thread is fucking hilarious

Topkek. It's hilarious seeing communist apply their marxist bullshit to fucking internet memes.

God damn, I love you Holla Forums

This shit is fucking great. They simultaneously think we're just neckbeard NEETs in mommy's basement while simulaneously being Literally Hitler(tm) with super-secret nazi facial recognition technology in our hidden antarctic strongholds.

Also, the very concept of asking marxists to have better opsec is laughable. The thing that fuels these people is their ability to post on their kikebooks, bragging and virtue-signaling how revolutionary and badass they are. They NEED to do this. If they couldn't brag to people and let them know they were hardcore anarchists, they wouldn't bother doing anything in the first place.

So either these people continue to brag about being antifa online and end up getting doxed, or they stop showing up and doing any IRL "activism". It's mutually exclusive.

This was a poorly calculated move on their part.

indeed, it's an intractable problem
but worry not, as Logic is oppressive and the work of Old Cis Straight Hwhite Men, they will find the energy to fight against this oppression, and they will require REQUIRE from Facebook the ability to have bragging clubs that are simultaneously widely open to their peers with easier access for the handicaped, and filtered against the hordes of Literally Hitler(tm) Hackers of the far-right
all the while without the need to have to put any effort in any kind of OPSEC because this would be oppressive to the computeringly challenged

but you can bet that Things will be Done

failbook's response will be to do some ineffective shit with pompous advertising proving how good they are
then when they realize how useless their shit is, some liberal elites will push for passing a law against doxxing that will be so badly written that it will bite a huge swath of administrations and journalists in the ass, and it will be dropped when some lobbyist realizes it fucks up advertising profits

and then everyone of them will congratulate each other for being there

To be honest I never really knew Marx was a jew, I was just curious and happened to stumble upon it, but gotta say I finally get it now and I know where all this shit stems from. It's no wonder Hitler hated the jews so much

You don't have to go full nofap to have a problem with porn. The majority of porn producers in the west are jewish. And at the same time, mainstream culture is working hard to normalize girls being in porn and men using porn, acting like it's just normal to masturbate to porn every day. This isn't good. Porn fucks up your brain. Masturbate as you please (though IMO it should be limited to once a week) but stay away from the porn, it's jewish poison.

Why did they need masks when their cops and mayor are on their side? They're being hunted by the proles now not the state.


Plus no one will relax around them long enough for the inevitable backstab.

how can white bois even compete

*takes b8*

Fucking Kek'd irl

>>>Holla Forums1622519

This is pretty old.

It's not genocide if it happens to white people, user. Because they're oppressors.

Remember, innocence is not enough in this world, with these courts.

What makes it even more funny is that Ashkenazi mtDNA is 100% European; literally no European Jew has an unbroken matrilineal line leading back to Israel.

Wait wasnt Marx against this shit?


it's satisfying seeing that bullshit == cultural appropriation == turned around on those faggots

Yup, I verified this. It needs to be meme'd. It actually triggers them. (Not mentioning where so they don't get it traced back here)

Nothing is effective without links or archives. A screenshot is easy to fake.


Does anyone got anymore screencaps of /r/March Against Trump?

/r/Anarchism is a fun place to hang out. It's sometimes hard to tell who is legitimate and who is Holla Forums in disguise.

Porn has nothing of value, I recommend all of you to stop watching it if you haven't already. I stopped once people younger than me started making videos and realized that (((capitalists))) were employing children right out of high school at eighteen for their disgusting videos. These images only further my opinion that degeneracy only begets degeneracy. If these women were not allowed to enter this field as a career, they could have became very honorable people. I can only pray that the women I saw and those who soon will be people born after 2000, will find god and be saved from such degeneracy.


welcome to Holla Forums