Who would win?

Who would win?

An autist or a sociopath?

A good movie

fuck off back to /reddit/

Autista is italian for driver.

Nightcrawler had to manipulate events to get someone killed, Driver outright hunted down and killed all of his enemies

I thought they were both autistic

Well Billy, that's because you're a dumb little shit raised by the internet to think everything is autistic.

Are you autistic too?


Yes but that's not the point.

Only an autist would butt in and impersonate another user.

Says the autist.

Only an autist uses "no u" unironically.

the driver isn't smart, he's just a sperg.

jake's sociopathicness would have some crazy calculating strategy in which the driver would get ran over or shot just in time.

What should the sixth film be?



Boku no Pico

end of evangelion

Baby driver, except it's smaller, more compressed, and covered in shit emojis

It worked for Gary Numan