Post christmaskino

Post christmaskino

Eyes Wide Shut
It's A Wonderful Life
Die Hard
Harry Potter (all)
Batman Returns
A Christmas Story
The Nightmare Before Christmas

Doesn't surprise me considering how much people treat Holla Forums like another Holla Forums.

It was actually surprisingly good. I recommend giving it a watch if you get the chance.




>Dr. (((Seuss)))

How is he a cuck?

not sure if its been posted before but nightmare before christmas


Trump has gone on record saying he would be fine with his daughter dating a black man. He is much more of a cuck than that guy.


This is genuinely my favorite Christmas movie.

You are retarded.


Die Hard

I could have just made the picture die hard or eyes wide shut but that would have been too easy


Gee I wonder who's behind this thread… It's still November, fuck off with Christmas stuff till December. Thanksgiving is this Thursday, not even done with that yet.


t. brainlet

Top tier Christmas kino




He's a rampant homosexual, that's for sure

First off, fuck Russia, stop saying kino you autistic bag of shit.

Also your list is garbage, here's one that isn't.

You're list is garbage, six good only

He's not a fucking cuck he's a kike. Voting for the left genuinely serves the interests of his ethnic in-group.


Ftfy. Also Trump is the most openly ziocucked president in recent history so you would be wrong even if ZOG wasn't a thing.

You're a man of high class

prepare for shitposts

