Anti Manchild needs to be identified

Antifa manchild gets owned by black guy

He then chokes

Awkwardly stands there not knowing what to say.

Other urls found in this thread:

I couldn't decipher what the living fuck the black guy was trying to say, I honestly wouldn't know how to reply either, but whatever.
DOXing these faggots is a waste of time. They literally do us more good by existing and making AntiFa look like a bunch of hippies, pussies, and faggots.

Southern fag here. Bama native. Black dudes down here wear Confederate flags and do not like west coast faggots. They may hate whitey, but there's nothing they hate more than commies. down here we hang Communists user

Fuck off.


need subs tbh fam

The sheltered white boy has never been around real niggers like that. The nigger couldn't just stand there and let the skinny white boy be the hardest nigga on the block, so he called his bluff. Having been around Southern nogs I understand that, but this white boy does not. Hilarious.

Nothing like a rousing speech, followed by some mumbling to a vocal heckler, followed by uncomfortable silence and peace keepers with silly hats, to get you ready for a riot!


The look in that faggots eyes is priceless. It looks like the first time he has seen reality before, and he's dumbstruck by it.


This absolute sissy-twink thinks he can just swagger in like a limp-wristed Jesus and lecture hard niggers and they'll be diplomatic and obsequious, coz why-not-guys? Just more proof effeminate-loser antifa are completely out of touch with reality. The nigger isn't even in the wrong. The limp wristed potato peeler needs a thermonuclear wakeup call, like a truculent, testosterone fueled chimp wreaking nightmarish havoc on his critically low testosterone visage.

Niggers and cucks hang together

I live in Louisiana and this is completely untrue. Especially after the Dylann Roof shootings, niggers have been chimping out in all of our cities (New Orleans, Lafayette, Baton Rouge) to tear down our Confederate monuments. Our niggers have zero respect for Confederate imagery or culture and the divide between whites and blacks couldn't be greater.

No we honestly don't. Cut it out with the LARP bro.

In the antifa cucks defense. That nigger is not making any fucking sense at all.

I have no idea who said what. Can I ask for a transcription?


i think the nigger thinks fascism is Thug life cause he says "we take whenever whatever whoever"

The dorky kid is saying "we can't allow fascists to organize, because we all know what happens when fascists fucking organize". Then it gets hard to hear but he's talking about hanging up posters and stickers and flyers.

Then the nigger says some shit like "we wondering what the fuck you gonna say man".
Someone on Youtube says that means "Practice what you preach".

Then they call him a pussy ass nigga, someone yells "go back to Atlanta" and "piss your pants already".

This useless degenerate has already been humiliated. We need to find the guy who was throwing explosives.

lazy nigger

could have done it yourself lazy fgt

There are some confederate blacks in the south, but they are very rare. You will probably never see city welfare victim dindus repping the flag, but this exists in more rural counties.

Some want to deny that blacks fought for the confederacy because the only black history anyone needs to know is "SLAVE SLAVE SLAVE SLAVE SLAVE SLAVE SLAVE SLAVE SLAVE HATE THE WHITE MAN YOU ARE A VICTIM SLAVE LOVE THE US GOVERNMENT SLAVE."

It is disgusting how many people around the country have a blind hatred and denial of southern culture.

Why? He didn't do shit. Let the golems fight eachother.

Looks like a huge faggot, hold your nose and browse the gay/transgender scene in Auburn.

Your dad works at the Nintendo plant in Crowley too, right?

sounded to me like he was saying "we want what you guys got" i.e. telling him to shut his privileged white mouth because he has no fucking idea

Black guy was claiming his gang. White guy didn't know wtf to say. Rightfully so

Pretty sure I heard "if we're divided it's cause we wanna be divided" from the nog.

"we bout it if you wanna be bout it, we here for whatever"


Could anyone understand what the nigger was saying?
The little commie faggot just got his first red pill.

The nigger said if they aren't going to go loot some drug and liquor stores, you white bitches best be emptying your pockets. Nome sayin.

His first time meeting a black person who wasn't some trans weeaboo from tumblr must've been rough.

Yeah the southern niggers are a different breed.

No. I live in New Orleans and grew up north of Lake Ponchatrain. But you are beyond delusional if you think our niggers support the Confederate flag, or that we lynch commies ever.

Nice try antifaggot. He knew what he was getting into openly joining a domestic terrorist group trying to transform America into an anti-white commie shithole. I have zero sympathy for whatever happens to antifags.

What is this nigger even trying to say?

"im heuh fuh whatevuh nigguh"

I live in nigadelphia, allow me.

Basically, he was telling the cuck to tell him what he stands for 'We wan know what de fuck youse about' and the cuck gave him some brainwashed nonsense about civil rights, at which point the black dude started more or less telling him to fight or fuck off.

There's really not much else to say; the black dude was challenging the cuck to a fight, and even without the benefit of translation his body language said that incredibly clearly.

The real question is why the black dude felt the need to best the cuck down, and the answer, while unpopular, is very simple; A fair number of souther blacks, while having a nearly indecipherable accent, are not bad people. They don't want what antifa is selling because they recognize it for the horseshit it is.


Why are you here (what do you stand for)

We don't trust you and are willing to seriously fuck you up

You're out here talking loud, but do you actually stand for anything?

Clearly you don't


yup. niggas be walking around seeing whitey screaming bout something. but there aint nothing dey be sayin dat dose politicians aint said before. nigga be callin whitey out cuz he knows dis cracka aint gonna do anything to help. da "revolution" be a buncha pussy ass crackas dat be speakin for all us niggas. pussy ass nigga, indeed.

That's what I heard too, it also sounded like he asked where he lived to verify his huwhite privilege. Then again, I don't speak dindu which is why I'm here reading the comments on the first place.

After finishing reading the comments it warms my heart to see everyone has been bumping this not because it's discussion worthy, but simply because almost none of us understand nog well enough to make heads or tails of the video on our own. Thread topic may be shit but the Holla Forums comradery saves it. sage for samefagging.


Black guys here in the south are the best. They don't take this commie shit from no one especially not cringe worthy white boys hahahahaha.
Most of the ones i know voted trump and hate leftist.
The best part is living around so many black men i know my girl will never feel unsatisfied. USA number one!


this prolly is the mindset of most of dixiefags

I can't even understand what the baboon is saying.


Hahahahaha you must be a commie. I love chilling with some homeboys having a few beers. Hahahahaha.

Unfortunately I think his motherly beta-cuck mind probably thought something more along the lines of
Of course if the nigger knew how condescending this beta-faggot was in his thoughts and actions, he would have beaten the shit out of him already with Jamal and Tyrone.

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting, user.
3/10 gave me a chuckle

Kek just noticed he's wearing a women's tank top. Look at the way it's cut in the back, and how high up the arm pits it goes. Men's tanks always have an oversized armpit hole. Normies look in your girlfriend's closet and look in your own if you don't believe me. T. Cyborg.

Okay I've transcribed the pavement ape's exact words, word-for-word, as spoken and with no changes or corrections for an easier reference:

>"We want what the fuck you gonna say man!"
>"We want- we wonderin what the fuck you gonna say man!"

It really is just complete gibberish. The equivalent of a normal human's speech while having stroke. We can try and dress it up and translate it, but it really is just nonsense and nothing more. Niggers truly are animals.

I feel like you may be projecting human traits in trying to hard to explain the niggers actions.

Basically summed it up perfectly.

i think the black guy was trying to say that he was sort of with them in the fact that they go against trump and stuff like that, but he was unsure about what their actual ideology would be and if they're actually being serious or just LARPing.
the "black guy" could be considered what known as a "real nigga" who does "real nigga shit" and was maybe sort of testing the white guy to see if he had any leadership qualities or good ideas that he could get behind. the nigger only saw weakness, which was finally confirmed when he called him a "pussy ass nigga" and got no response.

we should consider ourselves fortunate that the antifascists are not capable of recruiting or stirring the hearts of men with testosterone who are actually willing to fight and do whatever it takes. that nigger would have been very valuable on the front lines of their movement, and would have added some much needed strength and vigor to their cause, but the environment that they create just cannot attract such things. this nigger was looking for a trump of the left and all he found was a jeb

They are children of middle or high income parents, the majority of them have never had to suffer living next to niggers or spics who shoot each other for a piece of chicken or giving someone the wrong look.


he's saying that he's ready to actually do shit and not fuck around with signs and flyers. he probably wants to actually set cars on fire, fight police, etc, instead of wearing a mask and hitting somebody with a bike lock before scurrying back into the crowd
aggression actually has uses, and niggers like this are likely at least subconsciously aware of the movement that is taking place among whites and/or the right, while these antifa are stuck in 2015. this nigger is antsy and eager to act. maybe he doesnt know exactly why, but he does know that he has a lot of built up aggression that needs to be unleashed onto something, and this antifa has nothing to offer what he stands for

i'm from the south and my highschool was like 95% black and i can confirm this is false

many niggers are actually willing to completely put their racism aside for whites that seem useful or respectable to them. you have to be the type that they can bring around their "real nigga" friends though. the antifa in this video doesnt fit the bill and would not be able to fit in at all. the nigger's friends would make fun of him for associating with such an individual. they just dont fit together

The hair, too. That guy is fucking flaming, probably a trap that got all butched up for the event.

It's Cultural Marxism, plain and simple.

funny video..but I don't get what the black guy's issue is?? So confused.

-1 is greater than -10

the nigger is in want of a leader or allied group and seeing if this guy and his movement is appropriate for him. the nigger quickly realizes that the white guy "aint bout dat shit"
from this video we can learn that niggers are still a threat and not to be so underestimated, and that when up against a group of niggers they will be much tougher than antifa, and quicker to aggression

So? Black men don't belong in white countries.

I can confirm that they like white people who are not cucks and say it like it is (except for being rayciss). It's a bestial mentality where they will attack based on perceived weakness, or if they think whitey is trying to get one over on them (using words with more than 3 syllables). I knew a POS nigger dope dealer once upon a time (I learned that fact later on, he was a friend of a friend). I found out it was also my friend's dealer when I learned he started doing heroin. Anyway, the nog would talk shit about him and other whites to me, talking about how much he hates white people because they will look down at the ground instead of at him. I never did that, and I realized he hated them because it was a sign of weakness to him even though they were trying not to provoke the animal by accidentally making eye contact. He liked me for some reason even though I never really liked him, but I later found out he said I was "real n sheeit". I merely said what was on my mind and kept it simple, no big words or philosophizing. They are simple beasts.
I grew up in an urban hellhole, these were the only people around and it was years ago.

Mirrors my contact with niggers. I knew a bunch through sports, friends of friends. They detest weakness and fakeness is weakness to them. They can't help but prey on people like that, it's in the nigger DNA. The only things they respect are things which they perceive as some aspect of strength.

"we wonder what the fuck you say"

Frankly we do not think you practice what you preach.

"we wonder what the fuck is you on"

We think you might be intoxicated as your behaviour is offensive.

"all these people is wonder what the fuck you folks on"

My fellow compatriots also think the same.

"fuck all the stupid shit you're saying"

We are sick and tired of your groups belligerence.

"we on whenever, whatever, wherever"

We are ready anywhere at anytime and any type of skirmish/battle/weaponry. (fists/knives/guns)

"be bout it if you wanna be bout it man, im here for whatever"

I am serious about my previous statements and I will engage in fisticuffs or further if you pursue this line of action.

"pussy as nigga"

Backing off was a wise decision as I recognized your weak traits.

Not enough gas user, not enough fucking gas

Seeing antifa get attacked by one of their pets is pretty awesome though. They don't know how to react, and with enough occurrences they will be unable to fight the memes anymore. They experience bix nooding in real time, or muh dick, or chimp outs, and they will remember the memes. Eventually something will have to give. They will live in perpetual mental agony until it does, nobody can sustain the belief that "blacks are just like us" and fight for "anti-racism" after multiple encounters with feral nogs. Those are levels of cognitive dissonance that are not possible, they only believe as they do because they are not exposed to nogs regularly.

I don't even have to watch the video. I look at the tumbnail and I can see the fear and shock in his eyes when confronted by a real nigga. I've seen it before. I felt it myself when I was a young child.

This guy will be white nationalist in less than five years. The way things are polarized now, he won't have the luxury of fence-sitting for very long.

I'm tired of the gas meme. We all know the final solution was deportation, and gas wouldn't have worked for mass murder. It also unconsciously programs us to feel we have to wait for Hitler.

Overall I'd say that's probably the best general quality about them. They are genuine.

we have bigger jews to gas than this pathetic cunt

I had an old black guy as a boss when I was painting during college summers and I was a puss who couldn't keep eye contact. He called me out on it too. It either offends them or spooks them out, I think a combo of both. They're really superstitious. Worked by here also was a slight redpill because some old Jew fuck would come to our shop on our breaks and just be a racist shitbag to everyone. Disgusting individual. Black boss hated his guts too. I won't call this guy a nog as he ran a tight ship and we got a lot of mutual respect. I actually internally thank him for it. Sometimes you gotta get called out for shit like this.

Counterpoint: he started thinking about BBC and got all hot, bothered, and distracted.

You best be of joking

No they are not, some are but they have a hypersensitivity to "getting got". Most nigs will try to scam or steal from you, they just aren't very good at it which is why they think anything YT does that they don't understand is a potential scam. They know we are more intelligent, even if they never admit it. Some nogs are tolerable, but they are far from genuine on the whole.
Remember the phrase: ==Shuckin' n Jivin'==
It existed for a reason.

fucking forgot to hit enter

Does anyone speak nignog to break down what this convo was all about?

What I got was

Is that the gist?

He had no idea what he was saying, or why he was agitated.


There are other translations too. Skim the thread, the question has been asked before.


But honestly i can't tell if mr. black man is pissed that the white devil is in his 'hood and is asking what he's in his territory for
if he himself has had enough of these limp wristed liberal faggots dressed in all black covering their faces and burning shit

either way that was hilarious because you know if it was a white guy asking those same questions the antifa-beta would instantly be all like FUCK YOU NAZI SCUM FACIST KKK

I live in Tennessee, and I agree. In Memphis. They do not like whites. They hate confederate heritage. They are by no means your friend.

This kid thinks he's rousing the sans coulottes to storm the Bastille. Kek.

Knowing this post is an obvious shill, it makes me just want to dox him even more to be honest, maybe there will be some extra cringe antifa material to be picked out