Holla Forumsfag here


mods of boards are no longer hiding it
Holla Forums = 4chan = reddit = facebook

he hi-jacked this site to move it towards the idea of 4chan to deliver it to (((google)))
all popular boars are compromised


Other urls found in this thread:>>9756605

No shit, this thread will be locked anyway because our vols are power hungry freaks.

although you are tripping with this 'anglokike' shit. Reminds me of potatonigger spammer on endy

in case anyone questions
here is how the "pedo shit" looked like see picture

she is a model and here is her official youtube channel

That is blatant pedoshit you retard. In-denial pedos are worse than the blatant ones. Fuck off you mentally ill parasite.
Jesus christ I advocate for a 14 AoC and you're a real sickfuck.

I wont disagree that mods are fucked and jim is a freemason piece of shit, but Trump hasn't fucked up, and there really aren't any alternatives
What do you fags suggest?

The end times are nigh goy

Oh so it's a pedo complaining about being banned for being a pedo. Nice thread


we're a month or two away from exodus, hwndu killed the board

Nah, he fucked up.
It's usable and the mods aren't kiked.
They're on NeXTCHAN now right? If they didn't leave 8ch they're retarded.

The liveposting bunker, endchan, NNTPchan, or just installing that new fork of 8ch on your own server and begging.

This. Too many 4cucks and braindead spergs from reddit started popping up right around then. They don't value anonymity and they make me physically ill.

Still was a fun time.

Can't spell raids without AIDs

No /polk/ is here, and as far as I know they're here to stay. Endchan being usable is debatable, they should rename it to autismchan.

It was fun, but the mods should have banned it the second day.















oy vey, someone triggered a jew.





No it wasn't. It was fun for the first 5 threads and after that it got b& on 4cuck because of that literal niggerfaggot who kept selfdoxing.
Then all the 4cuckers came here and started shitting the place up. The alt-right's constant shilling campaigns didn't help much either

Norks are a communist shithole, but they're a communist shithole that poses no genuine threat to anyone other than the very kike'd SK and we should not go to war with them because any war against them only kills whites and benefits Israel
And yet he did cuck out, he did exactly what the neocohen establishment wanted him to do. It's just chess though, right? Assad the ebul baby gasser got what he needed :DDDDDDDDDDD breedom ain't bree

What is it with kikes and their obsession with body waste?




If you think a fucking pedo will get support here you're completely out of touch with reality. No one wants to be associated in any way with your kind. It won't happen anytime soon but if another exodus takes place the same issue will come up and you'll be dealt with the same way.

so she's 11 years of age???
fucking pedo>>9756605

you have a mental illness lad. filtered.








Ok endchan, i'm sorry I took the bait, you're right le drumpf absolutely betrayed us, that's why we have 6 gorillion soldiers currently advancing on Aleppo as we spea.. oh.



i'd tell you to gas yourself, but eh, a good hollow-point to the head will do, no reason to waste good pesticide


Where have I heard this before?
It doesn't matter what's happening now, what matters is (((their))) plan and their plan is the Yinon Plan for greater israel which requires a war in Syria. Trump shows he's willing to comply with that plan at the very least.
It's totally chess thou right :^)

think he was literally shitposting a pedo thread mate

It's all so tiresome tbh.

until he actually puts boots on ground in Syria to oust Assad, he's not. He fucked up by going back on a campaign promise of no interventions, but stay within the realm of what really happened when criticising Trump.

JEWS is a butthurt legi0n faggot who looks like an autist and over-moderates /cow/ to the point you can't have any discussions except for autistic walls of text from armchair-psychologist trollshielding jews. Most of them are ex-lolcows themselves. Fucking IHM constantly posts there. She's buddies with the inner circle and gets them to shit on manlet tears because he rebuffed her advances. /cow/ could have been a fun board but it's turned into the group of autistic nerds who think they're better than the slightly more autistic nerds.

Pedoshit should still be bannable.

Fuckin plebbit scum just started abandoning this shit too.

Pls. As long as you can talk truth about jews here, this place is better than all the rest. All controlled by (((them))) anyway.

all the more reason to stay here and remove faggotry

You just seem like a pedo/psycho.

Due to your hysteria and lack of evidence, I imagine you're a scumbag or you're fucking out of your mind.

I really want you to explain your interest in child models.

The boots always were there, special forces, military advisors, airforce. That counts too. Destroying their airbase counts too. He is the same as the rest, face it. And criticize him, like the rest, as a kike puppet he is.

It's time to stop posting endchan.

I've been a proud warrior lad.. I almost gave up a couple of times. The nigger happening thread was a fucking cesspool first time around but it seemed like we drove out those faggots the third time around.

Yeah, but, it's going to be hard to say he's in the pocket of Russia now. And immediately after Trump did that shit, his approval rating went up. Last I checked it was at 50%. I'm suspicious of Trump, but there's still a chance he's not that bad.

which was up and running within a day of throwing missiles at it, with minimal local casualties (if any, since it's the (((media))) reporting) and no Russian casualties, fucking strongly implying Putin and maybe Assad were warned beforehand.

I'm not fucking happy about any interventions whatsoever and that campaign promise was broken, but don't imply things happened which didn't happen.

this fag gets it. Suspicious does not mean abandon at the slightest disagreement. I'm not happy, but i'd be a fucking retard not to see what these actions have done on the global arena - and they helped USA. As long as they don't escalate further, we're golden - and for now they don't seem to be escalating. /
Mods are legit
Site owner is legit

Everyone misses the fact that Putin came out

Hah well memed friend

What's the problem?

Holla Forums BO is a free speech cuck that allows anti-white faggotry to stay up, rather deal with the spergs on endchan than a site owned by czaks that has a Holla Forums where the BO is fine with 4cuck-tier "LOL FUCK WHITEY, RIGHT?" threads.

found the jew

The only thing that place does is act as a normalfag shield when people try and find .net. It's endchan tier at best.

That's an outright lie. .pl/pol/ is pretty quality and the BOs there would ban any blatant, baiting "LOL FUCK WHITEY, RIGHT?" threads. I wish everyone would move there instead of because the mods here are faggots, but it doesn't look like it will happen anytime soon.

as expected by 4d chess trumptards. scat an poo collection on your computer

sure you did. after all you are playing 4d chess

The excusing for the heeb shit is a distraction probably meant to discredit that Holla Forums and Jim likely were bought out by Kushner's Project Alamo.


Remember kids! Fucking you up the ass is less degenerate than wallowing in shit!

I mean, Holla Forums here has been shit for a long time now, regardless of what you post. I mean look, it's behind /lefypol/ right now of all places. Now sure, we can all agree to disagree with each other regarding what was posted (the example could just as easily be taken as being satire of a Jew pretending the girl is older) but quit whinging about in on other boards.

ive got an idea! what if we ask dooonald trump about morals
(video related)


Noice digits, but nobody cares.

clean this shit up

You do realize how heavily censored this Holla Forums is, don't you? Much more so than .pl/pol/.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Holla Forums is fake

did you noticed they say "punch a nazi" slogans?
and then they go and film each other punching random white people in the face for no reasons.

they do it because they are jew controlled opposition. their top tell him to punch random idiots so they can get you angry to join the trumptards.
then both of you lose and kushner kikes will win

and then you may get nuked by russia

they are not kids anymore


Pretty interesting stuff in there. Thanks, fam.

how (((8/pol/))) thinks about:

how (((8/pol/))) thinks about:

how (((8/pol/))) thinks about:

how (((8/pol/))) thinks about:

how (((8/pol/))) thinks about:


Can say for sure you're a shill now cause you obviously don't read the threads. The answer to pretty much all of those is gas or rope, or both.

if you have to ask, that's a pretty strong indicator you have to go fucking back, but since you already outed yourself as a fucking pedo, the invitation to kill yourself still stands

10-14 years is grow up woman

You've outed yourself.

NP, that guy did an amazing job of cataloging major fuckery going on around here.

gr8 work. really changed my mind have another archive to expose ((((((them))))))))))

dude come on just stay on endchan and leave us alone

awaiting the inevitable "okay so I'm a pedo, what's so bad about it"



>not >>>/islam/
Wow, >>>Holla Forums, losing touch much?

i bost irodigally doo sumdimes :-DDDDDD

>posting >>>/pinoy/

never said that. What i DID say is that singular threads - that are a staple and are not removed right now - were being bumplocked. /lit/ and /fit/ being the sole exceptions since they have their own dedicated boards.
Have you ever forgiven or forgotten? Are you, perhaps, a legion? Should I have been expecting you?
actually I think the mods here are powerhungry faggots, but that has been the rule, not the exception, on imageboards and the Internet et al since fucking forever

as soon as I see any actual censorship (and believe me, I'd know, coming from a post soviet-bloc country), you may have a case. For now, all the REEEEing is just pampered americunts convulsing that they can't have what they want since they don't own the board and that some displays of powertripping are completely destroying the board. Ever since the BBS days, 100% self-moderating never worked and never will, and powerfags are an acceptable evil until they stifle legit conversation. That has not happened so far.


Who thinks any of that shit? Show me one person?
Don't you have paint to huff?

I low-key feel for you. You've got a lot of shit right but there's a bit of neurosis that gets in the way so you jump to these really fucked conclusions.
things you get right:
things you're just wrong about
He's a /cow/ vol and gvol not a fed.
Give me a fucking break. My country has 15 AoC which is traditional, you're just looking for an excuse to pump-n-dump a girl who's as infantile as yourself.
The staff(Jim and his gimp son) are fine with boards like >>>/zoo/ and >>>/islam/ - the userbase of Holla Forums by and large wants to see the users of those boards hanging from lightposts, and finally


1 person? fine
lets start with your mods

you are under your own

by that logic, Holla Forums is full of pedos who should be sent to the gas chamber

Stay mad, Schmuley.

If you're new - Holla Forums was made an official board for all of one day. After that there was a BO who appointed coonphy and moonman - he had to get a job or something and gave the board to faggettts/Heil who actually listened to the users at first and said he'd look into the mods.

Instead of doing that, the mods went into hiding on some IRC channel and Heil just appointed new ones. These new ones were Zs and Nacht who were active for a few months and all was well.
Then by the by kampfy and coonman started showing up again and by that stage the moderation had devolved into an IRC circlejerk where Heil did nothing but boss his gay little underlings around.

You can see this all in the mod PMs hosted on endchan's /8leaks/



I had noticed that there were many similarities to the fall of 4chan occurring here, peaking recently.
It does make sense.
They don't want us spreading to the four winds where they can't control us, so they gradually dilute the quality of the board, boiling frog style.

sage goes in all fields

Oh, no. It's a post that claims everything is fucked and I better move someplace else. A lot of red text and hand drawn arrows on screenshots prove it beyond reasonable doubt. This truly is the end of Holla Forums. And all that happens on Hitlers birthday. smh fam

Btw, pedos and hebes belong in the same oven as kikes.

Honestly as a flip myself I'm not sure why they're being so butthurt about Duterte. I admit that I was quite disappointed that he is advocating for Chinese interests but it still feels like he does care for my people, because he is quite modest really.

Stopped reading right there.

Fuck off endchan.

eat a brick an die you ass bitch
right now today Holla Forums is wiser than your board was combined for several months in row

for the recent months all you were dong is screaming kek adapting to newfags from reddit and 4chan.
has Holla Forums learned nothing over the years?


Have fun getting your information handed out to the Feds then. Such a dense retard. I'd tell you that you should migrate, but you'd lower the quality of where ever to as well.

what is op sec?

you, your post and your family are represented by a man with a pink penis in his mouth
you are faggot who does not only not reproduce you also spread orally stds to healthy people.

pedos at least have a lot of children and a healthy birthrate.
you have a lot of stds and a pink penis your mouth.

all people now know you are a faggot with a pink penis in your mouth and you have stds

guys listen to wise advise and stay away from or you will end end up like him with stds and a pink penis in your mouth

Capped. Great post m8. It's like you're using google translator but I know you don't. Bonus points for reddit spacing.

Is it that time again?


shut up nigger your not funny

thank you autistic user form 4chan. i can tell by that picture you are from over there and ended up here. good… fine here the story. may of us based anons warned the moderation from people like you - we constantly told this will not end well:
"this people arent able to use nor kek nor they are qualified to do so, they will all that fancy memes and our board and turn it into scrap until the boards starts to collapse."
you resemble kind of like to your garndma when she wears your sneakers - no wants to war that brand after it was seen on your grandmas feet

well for viscous reasons greedy poltard administration took people like you for real humans because they wanted traffic on their site.
i mean i cant call even woman with high iq as half of a human but imkampfy takes people like you serious.
and there it all went down. you guys attracted then viruses like /leftypol and reddit and facebook and 8/pol/ turned to 8/poo/.
and jim quietly was happy because he is a cia plant who bought this board from a disadvantaged and naive but highly talented man.

i mean right now whats the purpose of this site now? we already have 4/pol/.
8/pol/ and 4/pol/ is literally the same now

people would argue

is say 4x0+8x0=0

look at my instruction:
take a calculator: type in 4x0+8x0 and dont forget the to hit the "=" button and get surprised
previous it was 4x0+8x1=8. it was not infinite like promised but at least it was not nothing.

respect man you did! now try that in real life and see your teeth rolling in different directions

What the fuck is this nigger even talking about?