I'm very happy Trump was elected and happy we won in Berkeley, but I think we need to be honest about the state of affairs. Since the election, the left has gained a ton of ground and we have lost ground on the cultural front. Whether this is due solely to the fact we are shadowbanned/censored by the establishment is irrelevant. We should discuss what needs to happen to reverse the tide. Also if there was anything that could be done to neutralize Twitter or Facebook that would be excellent.
The left is winning the culture war
Other urls found in this thread:
Remind everyone that Facebook and Twitter were made with pedophile money.
I don't think you understand what's going on right now if you think we are losing.
How? Trump shattered the barrier of political correctness. Without that they can't do much. All they've done since the start is double down on everything. Facebergs attempt at shutting down "fake news" is just backfiring on them as CNN gets drowned in reports. Twatter can't ban everyone. We beat the shit out of antifa and radical leftists every time they come to visit. We aren't losing Chaim, we are winning. And I'm not tired of it yet.
They ain't winning shit, they're getting desperate.
Hence to up take in violence and doubling down on Marxism.
Uhh I don't think so Tim.
We have to grow up and move to the next phase OP.
Trolling the net can only go so far.
Pfft ahahahahaha. Lying to make yourself feel better only works in the short term, Holla Forums.
If that makes you sleep better, Holla Forums…
Fuck off with your defeatist garbage, we are winning so much, we're winning the most! We're winning bigly, believe me, we're winning!
Have you been living under a rock since 2014, OP? We haven't won yet, but we're taking ground everyday. I now openly talk about White Nationalism and people listen to what I have to say. Our movement is going to be even bigger than Hitler's because we have the lessons he taught us from both his victories and failures.
who the fuck are you kidding?
but yes, it important to keep fighting and not be lulled into a false sense of security or winning
there is still a lot of work to be done
Total removal of the insane intelligentsia that run our schools and media. We must march on their campuses and defeat them; preferably with rhetoric.
Kek I'm not even mad at your shit thread leftyfaggot OP. You sound so ridiculous it's genuinely amusing.
Thank you for the entertainment, now kill yourself.
What has happened is Anglosphere conservatives have grown complacent now that we have control of the Govt.s in the U.K./U.S.
We need a rallying cry to motivate people to continue defending traditionalism in the culture war. Politics doesn't really matter right now, but the culture war goes on everyday.
What the fuck are you talking about? We're not only winning, we're dominating. The Left is going about things as usual. All the changes and shifts to extremes are occurring on our side. Our people are finally becoming proactive. Not just in the voting booth anymore either. People aren't shutting up and hiding their opinions anymore. Right-wing is becoming mainstream, and all the attempts at censorship and the Leftie Antifa shit is their attempt at stopping us. They're reacting now. We've got the momentum. We're taking charge and they're responding to us now. Eventually we'll be in control.
Reminder that if there was a danger of us losing the culture war, libshits wouldn't be so fucking bad at making memes against Trump. Vid related is supposed to be making fun of Trump.
THIS. Liberals still have a stronghold on college campuses and in jobs related to media, entertainment, and tech. Imagine if we got a bunch of right wing professors into most college campuses in most major areas of study. This whole cultural marxism bullshit would end in less than a decade.
Trump is a zionist kike.
I'm sure those 10 whole shekels feels great. Thanks for correcting the record, friendo!
Oh no, OP, whatever will we do!
Are funds drying up? Can they no longer afford the top quality shills? Or are you actually doing it for free?
Don't forget to include:
If this is losing what the fuck did winning look like?
I will admit the liberals still some sway when it comes to the media war, but they are losing ground and rapidly when it comes to the public view
Try looking into any liberal community that has tolerated the existence of leftists in their community and seeing how in disarray they are after these recent antifa outings, the liberals and the leftists are eating each other alive over muh PR and all kind of petty privilege olympics bullshit.
Reminder that the silent majority is us, most people who hate antifa and fucks like them don't know about websites like this and they are allowed zero representation in mainstream media, so it may seem like their are less of us than they are, do not give in to that blatant demoralization tactic.
In my dreams, RWDS wear a backpack with a small computer and a needle into their bloodstream, releasing adrenaline and amphetamines in meticulously controlled doses, and dopamine when they comply with their orders (for example slaughtering dozens of leftists).
I dream of a squad of "human robots", chemically controlled so they become perfect tools.
People hate the world because the world is shit, regardless of their inability to see the reasons why.
Trump is in charge now, meaning they dislike conservative ideals more every day things aren't fixed.
Keep the focus on Liberals fucking things up until things are fixed and the culture war will work out fine.
good night, shareblue
Thats not what the culture war is and the fact you dont understand that is why you are loosing
This is our opposition.
This shit is just getting sad now.
Do you guys remember when they tried outsourcing their shills to india? Those were good times. Before then, I had no fucking idea what a Pajeet was much less what a designating shitting street is. Ah Pajeet, sad little curry niggers didn't even understand what the fuck they were shilling, much less anything we said.
You don't seem to understand that by all conventional methods of measurement, the left won the culture war decades ago when they gained control of schools and mainstream media. So, the fact that we exist at all, much less the fact that we are exerting any influence at all, is clearly a loss for the left given their lop-sided advantage.
How? I'm surprised anything is backfiring if it's significant, considering that's such a hardy opposition.
pffft the culture war was lost long ago, if anything we've just started gaining ground.
Can you guys believe they're paying 15 bucks an hour to this person to make posts like this? What a waste of money; I'm amazed you haven't been fired yet.
That's a good idea, but I have a better idea.
Sell the universities for redevelopment as luxury condos to pay for the teradollar student loan debt. Have kids get apprenticeships out of high school. College is a disruption in the lives of our young men and women.
Can we use this?
Even if that's the case, the left has been winning the culture war for the last 60+ years, so not much of a change.
If there was ever a thread to dump it, it is this one. Spoilered, please.
You can even get it yourself. Most of her stuff is freely available ironically.
How do you guys feel about either subverting the furry fandom, and pushing them right, or else making the left engage against them?
idk, it was fascinating.
all of that hair.
it still puckers my asshole i can't find a shill job.
This. The odds are still massively in the left's favor, and we truly haven't won anything until white birthrates tick up in more than a few of our countries. But as you said, the sheer fact we exist at all is a remarkable thing, and evidence of our never-say-die attitude. Even when things look hopeless, we keep going, and that's how you win.
Definitely. I know a few anons in another thread identified her friends and family and were working on sending her porn photos and videos to them.
those tits look breddy good though
Such a shame
She was a very good looking woman before the toxoplasmosis got the better of her.
No, the left has lost credibility as a political narrative and as the right choice. You can only believe that the left is winning if your only source is MSM. There are many points that you need to ignore to believe that the left is gaining traction: the growing lack of trust on MSM after Hillary lost, the questioning of doublethink language that also might be related by the growing sales of the 1984 book since Trump won, the rise on violence by the left without caring for their PR, and so on.
What you see is a small group of very vocal posters that are trying as hard as they can to keep their movement working. The switch from making demonstrations and public acts to getting involved in random violence is a sign that the left feels how their political power is shrinking. Just as the hippies of the 60's moved from peaceful protest to mob attacks on the 70s, the left moving toward violence is a sign of the stressful reality that they are losing ground.
What's more sad, is that they brought this to themselves. They had enough time to argue, discuss, and get a common ground with the milder elements of the right while keeping fringe elements out of the equation. Now we are past that point and there's no way we go back without struggle. Outside campuses the reality is taking a quick turn.
Oh shit you're right, and just look at those polls how will Trump ever win?
Oh yeah, we did win and are continuing to win. Chad Nationalism wasn't exactly the future I for saw but it's one I'm enjoying.
This is what I had in mind.
The only thing that would backfire would be to find out her parents and fronds were the free spirited type and would care less about moldie's hairy beef curtains.
Worth a shot though
A lot of unintentional faggot shills on here are demoralized cucks who are so used to losing that a part of them despises winning. They don't want their ideas tested, they can't handle the pressure - it's all a completely new experience for them; so instead of pushing for victory they sit around and whine. They wanted the glory and if someone else nominally on their side is bringing glory to our people they become completely envious and turn against them so they get to be the underdog again and continue to talk about how their ideas have never been honestly tried or aren't pure enough.
In reality they're confused shitlibs; they share that mindset. You'll see this happen most often among the e-celeb crowd. There's more than enough shitlib kike skulls to smash, don't get caught up fighting each other over superficial nonsense and never trust anyone who is offering strategic advice but has no skin in the game.
They shall do this.
I think she's in need of a little 'grounding', if you know what I mean.
And just by the way, I think it's a shame what (((leftist))) ideology makes with people.
She could've easily been a 7+/10, but then all of this impurity, both ideology-wise and physically happened (what a coincidence, kek).
But anyways, "enjoy".
What a shame that her brain is … ach whatever. :DD
Can't hurt to try. Worst thing that could happen is it just wouldn't stick; that she was going under an alias in the first place though lends credence to the idea that she REALLY did not want people finding out she did this. Guess we know where tuition came from.
Checked. It really is a shame, there are a lot of woman with natural beauty that are just eternally spoiled because of the state of their mind. Leftism absolutely destroys your mind. How the hell does a woman grow hair like that? I almost want to say she's roiding. What the fuck.
fuck off nigger
Hello Jessie!
Another rally soon?
Print out loss of these and sow them around the campus on where she goes and the town where she lives.
Who going to mistake a scrawny white girl with dreads with another in town?
Send them to her family and also on her steinbook list. Everything.
She has left her dirty little secret wide open just like those hairy legs to exploitation.
Hopefully she will rope herself.
Fascinating indeed.
But most of them look that way.
We just never get to see 'em like that.
For good reasons.
That will be her final form.
Oh dog :D
How many posts do you have in your parallel universe?
Embedded is a video of the public unanimously and enthusiastically cheering on a riot gear clad police squadron as they take down antifa in downtown Portland, OR, the most concentrated hive of SJWism, feminism, post modernism, etc., in the US other than possibly San Francisco. This would never have happened at any other time in the last several decades.
And big sticks user, that is the best bit
Maybe, but over the last few years we've been gaining a lot.
I think the solution is to be on the offensive. Having your own meme in office naturally puts you on the defensive, as you wait for Trump to do something, they attack, and you defend.
We should forget about defending Trump. Focus on areas where leftists are winning and attack them. Meme academia to death. Make being liberal in comedy a joke. This would actually be pretty easy, seeing as comedians like to be edgy rebels, and right now you can joke about Trump no problem but you can't even misgender an androgynous landwhale.
Laugh at anyone who's leftist, online or in real life. Don't bother debating unless they seem like an open-minded person. Like Mollyjew said, the time for arguments is largely over. Now is the time for shame tactics. The left has fucked up too much, so point your fingers at them and make them feel small.
It's our culture now. They're just memeing in it.
Pffftthahahaa wat?
I think you just proved we are losing as you have 500+ pictures of a hairy Jewish roastie on your computer.
OP is shitposting
What ground has the left gained?
You mean all the antifa disrup-oh wait
You mean Maddow totally owning Trump on his tax re-oh wait
You mean how we've totally gone to war with Russi-OH WAIT
Fucking lel.
Why are Dragon girls such sluts?
good. it will be their undoing.
What's wrong with her pussy?
OP is kinda right, though. A large part of normalfags went into revolutionary mode. Antifa wrecking shit has become a common occurrence and the media is lying more than ever. Trump's win has been our last victory, this has been half a year ago. What now?
That is nothing! Throwing in some recent degen shit to add to the theme.
Why does this still make me chuckle everytime even after this long?
Also sage because shit effort thread for demoralization.
I know how you feel, I would shill the fuck out of halfchan for $5 an hour and make a cool $20,000 a year.
Have some more degen shit.
OP is 100% a nigger. A nigger spouting kike ideology. Dope as fuck to know that these retards think they can influence this site though.
Oh I know exactly why I have this boner.
The actual fuck. I thought that was just a meme! Oh well, At least these will be spoilered.
Well …
Someone had to do it.
Who, if not me?
That Paul Joe Watson guy fits your description to a fucking t. He immediately threw a bitch fit when we bombed Syria. I did not agree with it at all either and I still don't but he really just made himself seem like he was waiting for the first sliver of opportunity to stop supporting Trump. I'm sure he has a bunch of libshit buddies he wants to hang out with again. Those who stay will be the ones who really, truly despise the current status quo. This society is suffocating.
Saw this on /leftyfur/.
Is 1984 anti-communist? I read it a long time ago and don't really remember it, but I do remember it had an effect on my political views, and I was creeped out by communism and globalism ever since.
Paul "Jews don't own the media" Watson.
The Left was winning for 80 years because the cucks would not fight. Since the right has actually started fighting we are winning
Really? I'm curious about this.
Well …
Its a critique of Stalinism and Leninism from a disillusioned communist sympathizer. Basically shows how things would become worse for jolly ol' England if they adopted a Soviet style system.