Wtf I hate star trek now

wtf I hate star trek now


Holy fuck, when did chans hit the mainstream Oh, oh, right, Trump But fuck, I still thought we were sorta underground. If Shatner knows about both cuckchan and Baneposting, it's pretty well ogre. although the faggot clearly doesn't know enough about the first two rules of the Internet

4chan is shit this only furthers it


tfw you will never banepost with Shatner



Retards haven't learnt that he doesn't write his tweets, just his assistant.

4chan is normie central now.

It's been that way since '09 but the slightly freer nature, and lack of name recognition and social status means it will never reach Reddit normie levels.

It is reddit incarnate

What did he meme by this?





Shatner is /ourguy/. He's one of the few Trek actors who isn't pozzed.

Who cares? We baneposting with the real CIA!

Captain's Log, Stardate B166UY-4U. We followed a distress signal from one of our USS envoy ships. We followed its signal to the Pavel cluster, upon arriving a distress beacon reached us with the warning that we should not be bringing any friends. The mystery of this crash is certainly something worth investigating. We finally arrived at the site of the USS Bane, sadly there were no survivors.

He said 4chan. 4chan is literally Reddit now. That's not a meme.

It's time we admit Star Trek 5 was kino, and one of the last kike-free movies about God.


It is ogre since like 3 years ago.

Fucking epic. The Orville beats the shit out of the NUW STAH TROCK anyways with 1/20th the budget.

wow you're retarded

He was there before Trump. He admitted to it a few years ago already.

Never understood the bane meme.


They have the most entry level, fake psuedo pleb taste ever. If you were to imagine what some 14 year old dipshit who thinks he's smarter than everyone would like, when he really only ever consumes and likes shit, thats what they like.

Somebody get this hothead outta here!


t. Facebook poster

But rules 1 and 2 were only about Holla Forums you fucking newfag. Lurk maor before you even try to fit in.

Someone get this newfag outta here