Rip toy freaks

the kikes at jewtube shut down toy freaks, why can't they stand the sight of a white man providing for his family?

Nice freedoms there

to protect the children we must take the income that goes to feeding the children

fuck off pedo kill yourself

fuck off jew

I hope Annabelle and Victoria are okay.

look at that insane fuckers eyes on the left, there is zero doubt in my mind he rapes that kid every night

I sincerely hope you are wrong.

stop projecting

all he did was make funny skits with his family

Did they ever do any videos that featured spanking?

"Slime pizza", you guys. Honestly.

It's totally not a video, aimed at kids, of someone eating a plate of shit and bugs. (jump to 3:35, and also turn down volume, this is asmr bullshit and the chewing sounds are amplified and obnoxious.)

What the even actual fuck is this shit?

Shiggy diggy

What kind of fetish is this shit? Glad they shut it dosn

No, this one hasn't been shut down. It's a whole other channel wit vids like "eating dirty sponges" and "eating cigarette butts" and the vids seem to find themselves in children's feeds.

user, Kid youtube is a disturbing fucking rabbit hole you do not want to fall down. Pissing videos, vomit, gross out food. They're just creepy as fuck. And i'm sure it's purely (((cohencidence))) goyim all this degenerate shit finds its way in front of our kids.

t. pedo


a private company has the freedom to not do business with someone they find disagreeable, yes

classic youtube


Or the thousands of Finger fucking Family videos.


This is retarded. This guy used to do exercise and lawn care videos before some other lawn care jewtube guy started fucking with his business. He's harmless. His wife left him, and the cunt decided she wanted the house and furniture and not the kids. This is how he makes a bit of extra cash on the off-season, making bright and colourful skits for toddlers. He's not creepy in the slightest.

people who are obsessed with their lawn care are very often psychopaths devoid of any real life or hobbies actually

Only white men care about lawn care. Are you a shitskin, user?

Nigger detected.

fucking pedo shill. His vids literally had songs about kids eating cum. retard

I've never heard of this, it's not something I would watch because it sounds normie-core to me.

But now I am curious, did the leftist thought police decide to remove his channel just because he gave his kids candy, and scared them with a mask?

Couldn't be further from the truth. You're the ultimate autist robot or whatever if you watch that shit.

I wouldn't know, and can't now since they were taken down but typically vids about people's kids and "crazy" cats are only a hop skip and a jump away from BuzzFeed videos.

Actually, they might share degeneracy. Didn't Buzzfeed do "semen shots" before?
Anyway, you really missed out on some great pizzagate kino complete with songs about swallowing semen and smearing food paste on young girls' faces.

I thought we found the person behind those f’ed up cartoon videos


No, you want to end up in jail or something?

Those videos of Peppa Pig stabbing her eyes and crying while Hulk shits in a nappy

That makes no sense, user.

Neither does being in jail. smh

cumskin with no life detected

I used to watch this guy make lawn mowing videos. He was even a source of inspiration. Then he deleted all his videos to make this fucking crazy ass pedo channel. I was pretty upset. Glad this fucker is going down.



Worth a mention:
He's not a pedophile, autist or insane man, he's just very clever. He datamines his audience in the comments, references peaks in viewership, length of view before turning off, skips made by users etc to better identify what braindead retards and children are most receptive to.
These millions of views are mostly from children given free access to YouTube, so he dumbs everything down to basic elements with familiar objects (like pacifiers and food) so kids connect with it, raising his viewcount.
But yet, he is abusing his children by doing this all to them in the end.

As for those other video channels that do similar things, they too target their videos to very young children and use autistic amounts of data analysis to raise viewership.
It's not some brilliant Jewish ploy to dumb down children, it's a few people gaming YouTube's recommendation, payout and tagging system to make a shit ton of cash.

Truth, you should be using your land to grow produce.

He wasn't crazy about lawns, he was just a landscape gardener and made money on the side by showing idiots how to do basic garden care.

How weird was he then?

You cannot go to jail for asking a simple question. You are being silly.

Not that user, but he wasn't weird, just quite shy.

He was dedicated to his job and improving himself. He wore braces to fix his fucked up teeth and started lifting because he was a skinny faggot. He sometimes posted his lawn mowing stories as vlog type videos which were always fun. His mowing channel was completely different from his toy channel, which is creepy as fuck. It took me by surprise and I actually got upset when he stopped mowing to make the pedo videos. He even threw away all his tools and said he would never mow a lawn ever again. I thought he liked what he did but I guess that was just a ruse.

DAE le elsagate XDFDDD


It takes a few minutes to find that information. Don't get ahead of yourself, Sherlock.

That's fucking weird, man.

He sounds like a little boy in terms of maturity.

strong projecting

yea this looks like a sane individual
kill yourself pedo kike

he's just havin a laff m8

I want to hire him for my daughter's birthday party. He looks like a lot of fun. Maybe he could even help us out with bath time?

He looks too messy. I'm adept at bathing and discipline.


Good goyim. Your ISP is a private company with the freedom to censor any content which questions the truth of the 6 trillion.

Good news

