Now that his twitter is un-verified, who is going to play him in the inevitable biopucci kino?

Now that his twitter is un-verified, who is going to play him in the inevitable biopucci kino?

God twitter is such a joke

What does the verification do anyways?

it's a vestige from when people still thought anything on the internet could be trusted. It was twitter's way of saying they were pretty sure it was the twitter account of the celebrity they claimed to be.

Michael Fassbender

They're like vindictive teenage girls.

I can't wait for the Phalanx scenes.


Twitter is weird. Also slightly dystopian.


Holla Forums kino

Life is suffering

Whats this guys ethnic background?

Lol, no.

Thats a schizo
t. schizo pro

She's funny tbh. She also isn't a kosher nationalist which puts way stove people like Richard Spencer.

Maybe, but she has a crazy look in her eyes

Who is going to play Spencer's Jewfu?


Richard Spencer is literally /ourguy/

i honestly think twitter is worse than facebook and tumblr at this point

Dugin shill detected.

He has a tranny wife?

There is literally no evidence of any doogin connections.

Then why is he hanging out with weebs?

What is Spencer's ex-wife.

Get fucked atlanticist
There is nothing wrong with Dugin

Doesn't that mean he faps to BLACKED?


Why do they all look like traps.


Because Spencer only likes nationalist cuteboys.

Because they are.

fucking hell you fucking bitch