This is breddy gud...

This is breddy gud. The few episodes I thought they would pull that leftist propaganda like Defenders but it quickly fades. This series is also triggering leftycuck media.

Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck off with your capeshit nonsense shill


The Punisher never wore a cape.
Want to call it coatshit instead?
Jacket is cooler than the Punisher. They should make a show about him. A fucking Netflix Hotline Miami original series. That should be streaming instead of The OldFuck

Jackets > Trench Coats > Capes


Punisher isn't really capeshit. He's just some guy who's pissed.

It's not like Holla Forums can tell the difference. I mean, they're so obsessed with cuckoldry they can't think straight.

All capeshit is capeshit and shit

Niggerdick on the brain.

Dr. Freud would be pleased. Now go the fuck back to >>>/reddit/


Truth hurts, faggot


Yeah, nah.

Absolutely based calling out Holla Forums and making you not realize thats how you sound

There is powerful shillery at work in this thread.

Based punisher btfoing cumskins

all these soyboys that can't handle watching the punisher

Back to cuckchan

All Marvel shows/movies suck.

When till the ebil neo-nazis strap bombs on and start blowing up?

Never, prince of darkness.

So Punisher is using guns to kill people who want to keep their guns? Really?

Confirmed for not watching the show.

Man, I can't wait to read my latest issue of GUNS, right fellow goyim?

So, will this show trigger my few Holla Forums-infested brain cells or it's safe to watch?

It's a very slow moving show. Up to Ep 5 and only 3 gunfights.

You’re trying to convince us to watch it you dumb shill.

The problem is we have a generation of soyboys who are so desperate for shit to watch they are claiming things like this or the Orville are ‘based.’

On the last episode, feels like i'm watching a teenage bitch's vlog. Angsty bullshit, no violence, no punishing of criminals, a horrible CIA-coverup plot. It's like Linkin Park wrote this shit.


I'm 4 episodes in and i don't know if i can keep watching this shit just to see Punisher doing cool things like beating people to death with a sledge hammer. Of course they can't let us just have a show about Frank, you gotta have a whole other show about these other characters that nobody gives a fuck about.

Also it's so weardy sexist that we consistently get these mary sue characters ironically their only weakness is that they're a women and therefore not confident, they're just a bitch. Why can't the mary sue who challenges Punisher in a meaningless subplot be cool and likable? Why can't she be a confident cool women who gets along with her team and actually looks cool driving a vintage mustang? Instead we get this ugly bitch who never smiles or does anything to make you like her. Why do "cool" women always have to be drab cunts? Even the blonde one who's in all these shows does nothing but cry occasionally. A cool sexy confident woman who's the renegade FBI girl who drives vintage muscle cars, that would be awesome, everyone would like that. We ALMOST got that in Mad Max but of course we live in the age. Like who's the modern Megan Fox who can act well? Put her in a pants suit and let her be cool attractive girl who duels with The Punisher in a street race. Not this bullshit.

Fuck off and go watch The Flash


how could one make this post more reddit? throwing in "awoo" and comfy would be a stretch. OP deserves some congratulations on this wonderful post.

Let me guess, that kid goes out and shoots up a school, then the Punisher kills him and gives a speech about white privilege.

The point here was that the NRA allows crazy people to get guns to shoot up schools. Crazy to think that things are so far into fantasy land that people will see this character and accept it in a serious drama. 5 years ago this kind of shit was on Parks and Recreation and now here we are.

By posting it on redditpol.
the one that has less activity than Holla Forums these days ;^)

didn't Holla Forums have a user base split recently?

Maybe between the ones that are in favor of their bo being a dicksucking tranny and ones against it.

I don't really follow the site rumour mill but is that really the Holla Forums board owner?

Here's a mod.

Either that or a vol.
Some polacks infiltrated their discord channel at some point and started collecting their photo's.
This picture is also what comes up if you google for leftypols owner.

Spoiler that shit.

Why? Does it trigger you?

Oh wow. Well thanks for the info. That's fucking hilarious.

pop pop pop
Watching Trumpcucks drop

you mean drive?


is this what capekino looks like?

is that the shooter?


Epic. It's finally time someone took down that evil racists. Never seen anything like that in any media.

Damn… so brave. Powerful. Guns bad gubamint gud

Is the guy with the Phantom Menace toy an ebil neo-nazi?

Truly, not since that Gamergate episode of Law & Order have I seen political commentary this brilliant.

No, because in Drive he decides not to go into the diner where he would try to kill all the mobsters inside.
HM is not Drive.

I'm not from reddit, I'm from 4chan, and don't get started bitching at me about that, I don't care that Holla Forums came first

except for the part where the HM devs said drive was a huge influence?

Thanks jews.

What are you referring to?
old chum

Yeah it's like what if the driver didnt have autism and killed people wearing a chicken mask instead of driving a getaway car with a completely different premise, setting and cast of characters! it's exactly like drive.

Same shit. You have to go back.

you newfags always this uppity?

here's your (You). also pic related, kys.

The Punisher is literally supposed to be statically set in the 1980s. Think about it, the guy's supposed to be a Vietnam vet. You can't have it any other way and he gets too old and raggedy in the current year of things. The Punisher needs to be a neo-retro franchise exclusively from this point on.

Frank's war was Vietnam.
It doesn't work any other way.

Netflix have really outdone themselves with this one
Probably one of the best tv series EVER set on comic book character

Are you high? They did everything wrong. I find myself sympathizing with the villain, for starters…

I hate this ugly wop's face and I will never watch this, or anything "Netflix original".


it's okay if it wasnt called The Punisher, because there's none of that outside of the opening montage.

are you fucking 5?
watch the whole episodes idiot

There is no anti-gun agenda, I'll give it that. Those anons were posting fake news.

Nigger, he explicitly kills all of the criminal organizations throughout the united states in a shitty 10 minute montage that ends with him burning the iconic coat and vest and then the story about his gay past in afghanistan starts and oh look at that, he's tying up more asspull loose ends related to his gay ass past instead of being the fucking punisher.
10/10 netshits.
knocked it outta the water park.

Now this is Podracing!

He's a kike. Bernthal is his last name.

it's not short for Berentolli?

The Punisher killing mobsters forever works for comic book, not a movie or tv series, it would get stale fast,
this part biopic dealing with the past and the present while killing mobsters who are involver or get in the way is atleast going somewhere



what ???


no one cares what you think, cock slurping shill

I thought Punisher's shtick was he hunts nazis or something?

So they fucked it up? Not surprising, can't have a good Punisher in CURRENT YEAR.

That is why despite being very cheesy 80s as fuck tbh and only loosely based on the comics, the Dolph Lundgren Punisher is still the best live action rendition of the character so far.

Niggers of the 80s and early 90s, especially showbiz niggers, were generally okay and didn't whine about muh whitey all the time.


There is only one Punisher

And it's a shame too. In his youth, Jane could have done neo 80s very well. He looks exactly like a cloned Christopher Lambert.
flushed money, what a shame.
And they should have gotten Tommy Wiseau to play Howard Saint instead of gay ass travolta. So many mistakes in an otherwise good movie, but not a good punisher adapt.

I got it downloaded but I still need to watch the lundgren version.

do you have autism? oh you're just from Holla Forums. here at Holla Forums we don't care if it conforms to your God-awful childrens comics. Perhaps your post is better suited for your own board? You might get more (you)s and people comforting you with the same retarded opinions :)

Oh nice to see the shill is still awake

what am I shilling? I just want crossposters to stop ruining my board.



I agree Travolta was not the best choice.

why are you posting a tranny sucking someone's dick?

He loves the dick.

Go back to reddit, twitter or cuckchan, negroid.

Pilot was solid as fuck, but story's starting to sag around eps 3 and 4. I watch my Punisher for punishing, not a bunch of talking. It feels like they're stalling for time to get around the central premise, Punisher going around and shooting people.

Pr…Pretty knowledgeable about the show for someone on here virtue signaling like a faggot about how they don't like it.

Every couple decades, all they do is push the war he fought in up a little bit. From 'Nam to Desert Storm to now, the war on terror, with probably a couple other minor wars in between. I think current year canon is Afghanistan. Expect a couple decades from now it'll be N. Korea.

Stay triggered, soyboy cuck.

The Orville is alright and not even liberal

The Orville is a useless show for Star Trek fans.

this is why you idiots have nothing left to watch
if theres one thing you dont like you throw it in the trash
its beyond parody at this point
Holla Forums is Holla Forums for movies

Niggers, not even once.
Daily reminder that POC stands for Pissed-Off Coon.

I'm the guy he's responding to and he's right, it's basically Modern TNG and TNG is mediocre at best

Why being so jealous?
I watch a lot of series atm myself.

Monday: Lucifer

Tuesday: The Flash

Wednesday: The Shannara Chronicles

Thursday: Supernatural . Gotham

Friday: The Exorcist . Once Upon A Time. Z



Sunday: The Walking Dead. Talking Dead

See my thread

TNG is the pinnacle of Star Trek, especially the 3rd to 5th season.
TOS was campy fun that occasionaly touches greatness, but the formula was too new to have any consistency.
DS9 would have been the greatest if the writers wheren't giant cucks and loved dream episodes way too godamn much.
I'll just ignore all the other Star Treks, because I've never heard anyone make a case about how those where their favorites.

Th…Those are US Army troops they're killing, aren't they? That strikes me as a very odd. Why not make them PMC mercs so it's at least a little bit murkier. This is almost as bad as if Frank were killing cops.

congrats, you exposed yourselves as the dumbest niggers in this thread. vietnam worked with old punisher, having been the recent big conflict and the way the character was written at the time, but every incarnation of punisher this millennium all stems from garth ennis' work, which is the tactical vigilante (hence the jacket instead of the white gloves and boots). another thing y'all forget is that the war itself is not important, it's merely the conflict within frank that awakens during wartime. you could have a WW2 punisher and still effectively go through a lot of the same story arcs.

if there's anything to be pissed about, it's bernthal being too charismatic and smiling.

thomas jane is forever best punisher.

Guys like you are beyond parody

So what's happening next?

Buncha government conspiracy shit, spooks killed Castles family because they thought he made a tape of some paki faggot getting tortured and killed that the paki bitch has a hardon for.

The kid in the picture tries to join a PMC but friendly negro, who knows the owner, cucks him out of it.

All the while Frank is half implying he's gonna cuck his kike buddy who's wife thinks he's dead.

Then Frank and Gunner kill a fuckton of soldiers who eventually kill Gunner (or just imply that he's dead) but not before Gunner reveals the name of someone connected with this Agent Orange character thats supposed to have ordered the hit on Franks family.

It's standard plot stuff, but at least it keeps the capeshittery to a minimum, currently only just started on episode 6 though.

I watch old movies that have better cinematography and pacing while not having the writing of a sensationalist Buzzfeed article.

What did kikewood mean by this?

cumskins usually aren't that bright user

Earth isn't flat you dumb retard, fuck off with that shit.

It's actually more retarded than this, user. They watch it, like it, then come on here and pretend they'd never watch it and paradoxically also hate it, just so they can fit in with the rest of the edgy faggot pseudo cool kids.

i think the only thing people on Holla Forums have actually steered clear of was cisbusters, and even then there are still those who actually paid to see it in theaters.

there is no nu-punisher, shill.



I’ve never watched any of the netflix capeshit stuffs except for a few episodes of daredevil.

sure thing kiddo.

What about him btfos anything? He has a softer personality, for starters.

and again

This tbh. I'm feelin' bait and switch'd af right now, fam.

you should read some max, friend.

I love guys like that.
I especially love the way they scream for the police when you're stomping them into the asphalt.

Jews believe we believe they run the internet.
Usually they make characters like this more into aliens and other Alex Jones tier shit, they're getting bold enough to portray their strawmen naming the kike.

Your BO was gagging on the cock of the Holla Forums BO lol.

Post more, don't tease us


Really, you where beating up comically cliché strawmen in your town while being an internet badass?

It's netflix show all right.
Took them until episode 7 to get there, but the jew can never contain his urges.

In the meantime, old racist man was killed by evil PTSD nazi because he lied about being in Vietnam, one of Franks old warbuddies is working with Agent Orange, and fucking the brown bitch and a whole lot of filler that went nowhere.

You know what, it's really fucking lazy to make the story about "Hurr durr, yet another white old man being evil"-cliché, like in every goddam movie for the last 20-30 years. You would think, with all the shit going on in the world today, even conspiracy-wise, they could make a way better show, way more interesting and unique.

It's a testament of how Hollywood is today, completely out of touch and nobody cares about them. Their time has passed.

On a last note, Jon Bernthal fucking stinks. He's no Punisher, stop trying to pretend you're edgy you angsty fucking manlet with a shitty Polish-teenager from the 90's haircut. You're not a good actor and whenever you were screaming you were sounding like a fucking retard. What the fuck happened to the Punisher? All the 3 movies made about him was vastly better.

warzone was a piece of crap but it did a lot of things right, ironically enough.

It's a shitty b-movie but eh, it's like Death Wish 3 and that's fine, because it's exactly what you wanted it to be.

War Zone is the best

i'm not disagreeing with your gif


What happened here? 2004's Punisher is vastly superiour to any cape-movie out there. Underrated to such a degree people don't even speak about the kino-levels of it. It's a modern western, a revenge-plot, a tragic story and a character arc which follows a man from having a happy family>revenge>devouting his life to punish criminals because according to him he himself is dead. It's a haunting story, with probably one of the best revenge-plots laid out where he makes the bad guy murder his best friend and his wife until the Punisher finally decides to murder his son and give Howard Saint a ray of hope in shooting The Punisher (but he really doesn't stand a chance in a shoot-out) and then he kills him by having him dragged a long a car with a bomb planted to it.

2004's Punisher is simply one of the better action-movies made since the 80's. And you know what? It's also pretty red-pilled, vid related.

Certainly looks like Punisher with poorly written soyboy cuck undertones that meld with the current year.


fuck off back to Holla Forums you dumb fuck

The movie was shit.

Thomas Jane was decent but the plot was laughably bad.

War Zone works because it doesn't take itself seriously at all

Kek, it's probably the only thing they don't run, and it terrifies the absolute fuck out of them.

I…Is that a Scottish accent?

War Zone had one of the best scenes ever.

I find it amazing the yids are so thoroughly incompetent they could manage to fuck up a concept as simple as the Punisher. At least I don't have to waste time watching this trash.

There's Punisher MAX

that was the joke you moron.

shut the fuck up you hormonally imbalanced REMF cockweasel, your opinion is irrelevant, castle only works if hes a vet not a fucking cop, kill yourself

capeshit is gay but you should be fucking stoned for talking shit about castiligione you fuckingb tranny, punisher is a genre not a character, everything since the first MAX arcs and maybe war zone is apostasy

His mother and sister must be well endowed.

you do know that the tom jane punisher is both a vet and a cop, right? there's a deleted intro that never got filmed but had some cgi and storyboarding done for it where frank is in kuwait in the gulf war with his black friend, it sets up that little watch thing they had going with each other. iirc they made him delta and not a marine. related

This is the dialog from the first 25 minutes of the first episode. Of course they'd run with something like that.



She feisty.

She wants the rape.

i'd give it to her tbh.

and then he's like "I don't give a fuck, beat it" and the tone of the show kinda makes her look stupid.