We memed 3D chess!!

Multiple (((MSM))) outlets finally admits that Trump is a strategic player in world geopolitics.

Emphasizing on this, this makes a two fold victory for two reasons, and a third as a consequence of those two:

1) The first and obvious reason this is a Holla Forums (white) victory is because we are becoming acceptable and shattering the (((narrative))). Trump rightfully pointed out his superior genetics (can't remember the exact interviews, but he directed the interviewer to link his success in Jew York and his intelligence), and now that this has come out, many normal whites will now question the "muh equality" myth. Following this, you now have the kikes in the fake news who have to admit that Trump is more than capable to be in the office in terms of skills (though they will continue to attack him on feels) and would give the people who voted for him a platform.

2) This proves we memed 3D chess. Now, the (((MSM))) are not calling it that, but the fact that their language across the different articles now put Trump is a commanding in chief position AND that (((they))) are pointing out that he is indeed ahead of what the average kike thinks (as though alluding to maybe a better brain) is something that highlights his strengths. People are flocking more and more into the Trump train, and having a genius strong leader (the definition of Aryan) is something that is a complete victory for the Whites of America and our goals.

3) As a consequence of these two reasons, we can conclude that all this must have been predicted by Trump since the beginning… if he would have been a book writer, he would be those rare geniuses who are able to foreshadow multiple events across the book hundreds of chapters back!

But user my fellow drumf supporters who hate drumpf now said chess cucks, so you have to hate chess now :^)

My fellow white brother, I don't think I'll ever get tired of winning.


Fuck off, kike.

fucking nonwhite shills, how many BLUE shekels are you getting paid?


Hillary was not elected. That was pretty much the only benefit you'll get from electing the God Emperor of Judea, you stupid goy.

Rand Paul?

David Duke?


Try harder, kike. Trump is a zionist stooge.

I don't see the relevance of the question. Trump is a shill whether you voted for him or not

My white allies, its not chess anymore, its fuckin Chinese checkers



man these memes are low effort and actually shit. You're not convincing anyone with these

wtf i dont want the wall anymore

I'm just saying this because OP is probably a chink shill trying to make the China move positive news.

MSM is only giving Trump credit now because he's doing what his Democrat advisers are doing.


Anyone whose not a jewish trojan horse perhaps?

Did you know when someone tells you to pick one out of two fraudulent choices, the answer is to either go to a 3rd independent who opposes the fraudulent jewish controlled opposition or none of the above and get active in the real world and do something rather than latching onto neo-con republikike conservatism and cheering on every jew that steals your taxes and takes away your rights, voting for ZoG only ever gets you ZoG.

There is no other way to understand this most simple of equations.

Trump wasn't just our best option at the time, he was our only option, and what he was promising during the campaign was fantastic. Now that he's abandoning or (((walking back))) those promises, you don't go full chesscuck and support him no matter what, you show him that his base isn't going to tolerate this shit and that he needs to get back on track.

Good, you destroy the shills with this. Also, in my country the some little vermin low information animals still using the word "Fake News" against trump instead of hillary clinton because of some news for (((google))) about "fact checking" like fact checking is read and get the corrupt partisan media that also were on hacked emails on wikileaks, their fake polls, shilling for DNC, fake news against trump trying to make him look bad and shill for garbage clinton, trying to memory hole hillary clinton, don't talk about her hacked emails, benaghazy, corruption in media, hillary clinton sick in her car, trying to invent any bullshit against trump, shareblue lies, cover up, demonization, race baiting, buzzwords, everything made for the most vermin, corrupt, mediocre, disgusting media owned by DNC and they wanting the people believe in the corrupt partisan vermin trash of DNC like some sort of bibble even with so many proved lies in videos, emails, giving even questions before debate for hillary clinton, corruption, everything of disgusting made by DNC not only with Hillary Clinton but with years of manipulation, lies, cheating and dirty tricks of DNC who i hope lose all their disgusting lobby and their party become bankrupt and destroyed and the controled opposition, traitor and shit infiltrated in republicans are destroyed too, and also created new strong parties to be a choice in case of kick out democrats party, my dream is some day see the democrats party lose all corrupt partisan manipulation in media, the democrats party is responsible for 90% of freakness in USA because they are the most dirty evil vermin manipulators for years. Everyone who become sell out for DNC will be trashed and related to shit.

You're right.

DNC shills are the ones against and they will keep their garbage and will try to shill for the next shit from DNC and show for us again their corrupt, partisan, shit media owned by democrats party and their slaves (Mediocre cowardly actors who sell out for DNC and mediocre cowardly celebrities, all of them looks bad after sell out for DNC and even make propaganda for garbage clinton) in the media trying to shill for DNC

Don't let the DNC manipulate yourselves.

Every single candidate that has had a chance to become the president for the last century was a jewish trojan horse.

Wait, so Trump isn't a complete bumbling retard? Was I mislead by TV?

Trump wasn't even an option, it seems like the gullible goy drones had little control over their own minds.
You all got sucked into the CIA-mindfuck and now every nationalist board id filled with CIA jew drones still promoting this 1488D chess fraud.

Do you have a time machine?

It's some small channel that used the word fake news against trump instead of being used against CNN like 90% of people on english internet is using, since my country is so slow to understand reality and follow old shit who democrats party invented in the past and already abandoned like the fake news meme since majority of people who speak english and are also on internet knows that this represents CNN and the corrupt media owned by democrats party also in hacked emails on the wikileaks, i unsubscribbed this channel after i discover in this video that they were left-wing low information losers who keep everything who any garbage media owned by the biggest corrupt liars and trash from DNC like some sort of bibble and dogma to be followed like a religion who are just trash from DNC trying to be elected with every kind of cheating and dirty tricks in every way, who used he failling (((NEOFAGS))) and think that CNN, New York Times, Buzzfeed, Washington Post, USAtoday, every garbage owned by Democrats corrupt party and other corrupt left-wing media in other countries only copying their trash while the majority of people are starting to ignove and feel disgust of their partisan corruption and they desperate to keep narratives and manipulation who the majority of people know that are the corrupt media of their party trying to make dirty tricks and cheating to elect the candidate of their party, and even worse when they learn about years of democrats party media being responsible for death and crime against people with their race baiting manipulation, cover up of crimes who don't keep anti-white racist narrative, and then when the people start stopping caring for their words and want revenge for years of manipulation and start doing what they were larping in begins to demonize, scapegoating and trashing any people and when all white people don't care anymore because of years having every kind of evil dirty tricks and cheating of them to make everything of horrible against yourselves, and wehn you relate any anti-white corrupt race bait corporation who tried to shit in yourselves, relate everything like industries owned by DNC, and then DNC/Democrats Party represents by default the party of evil corrupt liars, manipulators and the people start to feel disgust of their monopoly in the media trying to always manipulate and shilling for the next garbage candidate of their party wanting to make people give money and power for the next freak shit of democrats party baiting.


But of course would be so fucking horrible and sad if I'm was forced to vote for McCain or Hillary Clinton, this is the death, and the loser of McCain would be called Hitler buzzword again by democrats party media if the loser McCain is not useful in DNC propaganda and the loser shit McCain even enjoy pretending to be someone from republican party and not shit controled by DNC, the loser mccain would be trashed by DNC shilling for the DNC candidate while the loser mccain would lick their shithole, and McCain would pretend to be opposition like the controled opposition and shit who he is, the media of democrats party would say that him is sick, old, but Hillary Clinton is fine, would be horrible if both candidates were garbage.

But since Trump looked good and Hillary Clinton seems like a piece of shit candidate in a piece of shit party, without the manipulation of DNC was to Trump wins with 100% of votes even of the lemmings brainwashed and manipulated by DNC



I never would vote for nobody from DNC, and DNC need to become a dead killed party and nothing never will be memory holed, never manipulated again.


would be only horrible if i was forced to choose between shit McCain and shit candidate of democrats party, it's so sad, i don't want to vote for McCain but i never will want the vermin of democrats party, but if i become apathetic the vermin of democrats party could wins, but if i vote for some controled opposition and trash like McCain is like vote for some loser and trash traitor and owned by DNC but i still prefer someone pretending to not be from democrats party elected like the literal piece of shit from democrats party, so would be horrible, McCain is vermin but the any candidate of democrats party or anything shilled in their media i will consider vermin by default for being from DNC, would be a hard choice if i was forced to choose between McCain or next piece of shit from democrats party.

Trump was good choice.


I often wonder if letting us think Trump is a right wing success story is the ploy to quell the goyim.
We need to keep pushing right, because otherwise 8 years down the line the left will put us in the same position as if before trump was elected.

Pretty much, the left wingers in America are still alive and will remain to be a problem even with their brown friends booted out. Look at the problems they're still causing Trump with removing obonobo care and the travel ban gimping.
Whether he's really a kike stooge based on his Syria and Nork stuff as well as the suspicious sudden steam of support he's getting from the kike media (compared to the shit they were shoveling on his name before anyway) or the nimble navigator we've come to know him as during the election, we must remain vigilant and keep at destroying the leftist kike scourge wherever they're found. The we're not alt-right, but using their speeches and the autistic antifa that tries to crash their party will allow us to portray the our far right ideology as one not only followed by more approachable, healthier and all around superior people but also preferable as the reasonable voice in the sea of kike propagated insanity. We are the ones who are responsible with pushing the pendulum to the right as far as possible.

Nationalism has nothing to do with the jewish constructed left or right paradigm.

So why are there so many posters here degenerating nationalist boards into championing neo-con kikery?

Aren't you a special little snowflake? Let me guess, your plan to promote nationalism is by attacking Trump, alt-right, neo-cons, leftists and jews all at the same time simply because none of them are nationalists? This approach without subtlety is born of a simple mind and doomed to failure.

No I'm telling you the simple fact, neo-con kikery has absolutely nothing to do with "our side".
Only the CIA-niggers appear to be railroading nationalism into cheering on and championing ZoG.
Like what you're doing.

Why would any white nationalist promote Trump? He';s already shown his hand and all but a few of the most easily gulled morons has failed to recognise this, the rest are CIA-kikes pushing the 1488D chess bullshit.

That's what I'm calling you out on, your lack of subtlety.

PS - why post a random Molynjew picture?
He's part of the jewish controlled false opposition that misdirected the movement.

I don't think you're from around these parts fella. Anyway Trump was never meant to be the final solution, more of a stay of execution, a delay of open civil prank against those who seek to destroy us which would get started if Shillary had won. Through Trump's victory, we have won at least the next 4 years of gaining more support of nationalism and exposing the kikes and their golems for what they are. Instead of blackpilling yourself and everyone around you about how everyone is a kike tool or controlled opposition (with the singular exception of yourself of course), try to think about how you can take advantage of our current situation.

Which is why you shouldn't be legitimizing the system by voting.

If you need a proof who's shilling who, look no further. Trump shills are posting this exact copypasta and picture on Reddit, cuckchan, deadchan and even Funnyjunk.

Did you just get a memo, Shlomo?

Trump has done nothing positive for Nationalism, you're cheering on neo-con zionist republicans, his term has only just started and now you're encouraging others to join in with the charade and play along as ZoG deactivates any resistance to jewry.

Pointing out those working for jewry does not mean everyone is, only those supporting this obvious jewish frauds expose themselves.

Don't respond to anime posters, they don't discuss things. They just shitpost.

My point wasn't to mindlessly support Trump but to interact with his supporters and use the opportunity of being able to express far right, nationalistic sentiments to gain as much support for nationalism as possible. When in the past 10 or so years prior to Trump were we able to go outside to protest and sieg heil without fear of being ostracized and arrested? Though I suppose you're too simple minded to grasp why it's important to fight for hearts and minds of the people, and I have little patience for arguing with idiots but in your case I suspect you're a shill from a different site.
Stormfront might be more to your liking.

Triggered, are we goon?

> defending North Korea

What is it with Holla Forums and North Korea, the only thing in common they have with our ideology is isolationism and that's it. There a bunch of commie fucks whose elite only care about themselves and not their people.

You think Trump can get anything done without doing a bit of negotiation with the elites? He has so many enemies especially the US's own deep state and beaurocracy how can he hope to get anything done?
You're naive to think that just because your president means you actually have any meaningful power.

Let's vote for people who'd never win! Let's vote for people who are literally dead!
Stupid kike.

Oh hey its this faggot again.
Dont you have more antifa women to whiteknight?

Better than voting for Donald "my kids are yids" Trump. Fuck off shill.

Never, ever, never ever, get tired.

I don't really give a shit about the nork posturing that every burger president has to deal with since the gooks have to test the limits like a little child getting a new teacher. They're not important despite not having a central kike bank, I just mentioned it as one of the recent points of division.

They are huge gibsmedat rice niggers. Fuck 'em.

Are you the jew hasbara that spends all day promoting every jewish neo-con kike in world politics, if so get fucked kike.

If you can find a single post of mine white knighting any antifa, please link it.

I certainly feel no affinity for any neo-con zionist republikike the same as I look at the neo-liberal marxist filth, two sides manipulated by zog.

You're another jewish neo-con cheerleader, insisting we vote for Wilders, Le Pen or any other kosher clown you jews lay out for us which as alien to nationalism as your liberal marxists.

Its all theatre, in one of the Clinton leaks they talk about how they've had a good thing going with the North Korean leaders.

The shills are out in force today. Don't you guys have families or friends to spend Easter with? Sad!

If he went full jingoism we would be removing shitskins from america and building walls already. Not bombing syria and actually would have labeled china a currency manipulator if anything he went full neo-cohen. Still better then hillary but Rand jew Paul might have been better. OR not who cares the point we must hold Trumps feet to the fire for his campaign promises.

The solution to China fucking over the US is not to call them out on it, the solution is to stop them from fucking over the US.
People worry too much about what he says, rather than what he does.

MSM be like;

MSM be like;

Which is it?

Chess Status: Confirmed

Don't let the demoralizing shills tell you otherwise. Remain smug and remain optimistic friends. Down the path of "wtf i hate trump now" lies the depressing muck that lefties have drown their own in.

Gas yourself, kike.

SO we should just never question the good goy? THat is retarded I feel like people are getting apathetic here which is EXACTLY what the left is apathetic. We must remain vigilant always. We must push harder and harder and confront half assed bullshit always.

It never ends. Shills will never stop being BTFO. See you fags in space.

You know what my favorite part about shills is? One group/company will always use the exact same arguments, with exact same phrases and terms and the exact same style of arguing.

No one is saying that.

Questioning is not the same as what the shills are doing. They are trying to promote the idea that we abandon Trump, while trying to retroactively claim we never liked him or supported him.

It's been 3 months. The system is built in a way that would allow him to get everything done by now, and the mess that Obongo and his cronies have left for Trump turned out to be a bigger clusterfuck than anticipated. Calm your tits and examine the information available to you, but do not give into this blackpill pessimism shit because some cunt is trying to use Holla Forums against itself by acting pissed off that Trump ain't a 1488'ing Giga-Hitler who personally strangles a dozen jews a day to help achieve the goal of a White planet.

They've also started tagging on pictures with imagery like the Swastika to try and make it look like they fit in. Only problem is sometimes they straight up saved thumbnails.

A couple of them even post smugs, but really poorly.

Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds.

It's because it's like an immigrant who comes to America, and first learns English, but all the inflections come at the wrong times. You can understand them, but it's fucking obvious they're not from here.

Yep. It all checks out. Kushner's kikes are back.

Just don't mention kushner it's the banhammer.

Possibly also chink shills. Chink shills have been found on chans before.

you should have voted for Trump, But just because you voted for him doesn't make him immune to criticism. The election is over, theres no need to get defensive. Stop trying to rationalize what trumps doing and just accept he fucked up. He's done some good by pushing back against PC and through him and our memes we've become mainstream and a serious political ideology. What Trumps been doing and saying lately however goes against some of our interests. I'm not telling you or people like you to turn your back on him, but stop trying to over rationalize some "it all part of his master plan hur durr". Trump is surrounded by kikes and Neo-cons which is all the more reason we need to speak up instead of defending him.


I'm specifically referring to it in the context of foreign policy, which is where the "ratings boost" among never trumpers and neo-liberals is coming from.
That's all I'm asking for. I want the chesscucks to fuck off, and I want the rest of Holla Forums to realize that it is in our best interest to get him back on track and fulfilling his campaign promises.

Almost like a false flag.

Hang on a second..

not an argument

is used when the poster makes a controversial comment that gets a lot of replies and seemingly just leaves the thread afterward. Its meant to derail the thread or distract from something. Do you expect me to post twice in a row or something?

my post wasn't even inflammatory or negative in anyway. I'm just trying to tell you fags not to be blinded just because its Trump. this isn't /r/the_donald, Holla Forums existed before trump and it will exist after him. We supported Trump for what he said, now he's doing the opposite of that.


I'd say he exploited the movement to secure it tbh.
He gave PC it's safespace.

kys inbred




good find


I can fix this.

you forget my number moshi

Give up already kike?

If Trump were a genius, I'm pretty sure we'd have seen more evidence of it over the course of his life. I find it difficult to buy that the founder of Trump Steaks and Trump Modeling Agency who sells ties in TJ MAXX is a secret ubermensch Alexander the Great.

The word you're looking for is "author". He has multiple books, mostly generic self-help pablum, all written by other people with his name tagged on to them.

I hope he ends this degernate republic, installs himself as sovereign, and begins the Trump dynasty with his sons reigning after him. But Trump is Trump.

I'm masturbating to anime right now shut up.

Trump was the best choice by far. He is the most blatantly pro-white major candidate in 80 years. It just so happens that he's also a moderate liberal democrat baby boomer buffoon. Both of these things are true, neither is contradictory. It's just a sign of how fucked white civilization is. But if we didn't already know that, we wouldn't be on Holla Forums.


Trump was an obvious judeo- freemasonic hoax

Being pushed by all the CIA kikes in the jew controlled alt-media, and still is on here today by the looks of things.

After the 6,000,000th neo-con globalist kike was brought into his cabinet and endless bowing and scraping to jews you;d think they'd get a new assignment rather than continue pushing ZoG plan C on Holla Forums

How long can the centre hold in the face of all evidence he was always one of them?

Nigger, Trump is a clown, but he's a clown who has earned our eternal gratitude and respect a thousand times over. Look around you. In early 2015 Holla Forums supported Rand Fucking Paul, an open borders lilbertarian manlet. One year later, the entire nations was talking about banning all Islamic immigration and deporting tens of millions of brown people. Trump is cucking hard and was never much more than a moderate liberal to begin with, but as he bumbled through the campaign he did more for white interests in 5 months than anyone on this board has done in their entire life.

Sounds fair enough so far
Now is the time for you to fuck off


Or, now that Trump is going neocon, the MSM is appropriating a convenient narrative.

He's going to lose big in the midterms and won't have a second term. Pelosi will probably run against him and win in 2020.

Why does shareblue make their memes as bad as possible.

Remeber those shitty pro-Hillary, anti-Drumpf CTR memes like the one of those fat shitskin Hawaiian dudes throwing Trump supporters into a volcano?

Always look like autistic 12 year-old fanart made in paint by editing source material from Google Images

you know you fucked up when the neo-kike (((MSM))) and Holla Forums agree.

It's too early to say if he's cucked out entirely yet, though it's not looking good. But who gives a shit- these clashes with antifa are better white pills than Trumps election- the reality on the ground has changed permanently no matter what happens in the white house. People believe things now that they didn't know they believed until it came out of Trump's mouth.

He's not a particularly good strategist, he didn't plan most of this out, but Trump has one great strength- he genuinely doesn't care. He's a guy from Queens who doesn't really like niggers and mexicans. That's enough. At this moment in time, just to have a guy say on TV that not only should we not accept Syrian refugees, but that we should actively send back the ones who are already here- it woke people up out of a dream. It made them realize they were not alone, that what they believed was not something evil and bizarre and wrongness which had to be hid. This power hungry, arrogant, bumbling clown woke up the largest nation of white people on the face of the Earth because he wanted to put his name on some more shit.

It's pretty simple- if the white population percentage is lower when Trump leaves office than it was when he entered, he will have been an abject failure. If it is the same or higher, he will have been the best president in American history since Monroe. Nothing not directly related to white interests, such as Syria, is going to make actual Holla Forumsaxis particularly concerned. If we can boost the white population percentage, then ANYTHING we have to give the Pentagon in return, even war with Iran, is a good deal.

The first and the third are rather common maymays, I don't see your point.

I don't think Trump is neocon.
Which is why I think this might be a clever move.

It might be a way to persuade people that he is neocon, while he does things that are not necessarily neocon.
He's fooling his own party.

Neither do I. Right now I feel that he doesn't hold any firm political beliefs. Or if he does they're plastic enough to be modified as the circumstances warrant. He was ready to proceed on the ones he ran on, but has been outmaneuvered in some way or given an offer that he can't refuse. The pressure must be tremendous. Winning office was a victory but didn't stop resistance against him from established power structures. I had wondered how he would deal with the post election pressures. I'd felt that there would be an effort to directly engage with his public support, and he did that in a small way. Right now though it feels as if he's compromising.

Maybe one day he really will be emperor like - because nobody except Trump is making the calls.

The guy has been immune to pressure for a while.

That's what makes him "dangerous" to democracy as some put it.
Then again, ideals are so divided, his way may be the only way.

He can certainly put up with a lot of pressure. I'm also thinking about resistance to his policies, pressure in that way, like when his ban is obstructed.

Regarding moves against North Korea. Could this be seen as a continuation of the announced 'pivot to the Pacific'? If so, then his endorsement of Nato, flip flop on Syrian regime change, along with further development of the Pacific pivot would make the beginnings of an argument that he's merely picking up ongoing policies. Deep state policies if you like since they would be independent of party etc.

Fuck off shill, way to give away your cocksucking ability right there