Tfw you literally cannot stop jacking off to traps


back to Holla Forums faget

soyboy suck it up my dick is hard

Tell you're dad your gay

Do us a favor and kill yourself.

#TrapsArentGay and even if they were and for some reason her penis wasn't sufficiently feminine for you it's perfectly okay if you remember to say #NoHomo afterwards.

It's okay if they have a feminine penis

reminder if you wouldn't smash this you are objectively a massive flaming faggot


Traps are literally the most Holla Forums thing ever. Half of the actresses on Holla Forums are trannies.

literally looks like my ass except mine has hair, this is a normal dudes ass

No, they aren't trannies, most actresses are not goddesses thats all fgt

hair removal isn't easy, who shaved his balls once and never again
also you don't have a cute feminine benis

lul wut
they have been a Holla Forums thing sine 09

I want him to sit on my face tbh.

You are gay tbh.

Well Holla Forums is the new Holla Forums…


yes, her (male) feminine penis

That feelio when the site of a tranny makes your dick shrink in horror.


It's not gay if the balls don't touch tbh.

trannies = god awful abominations
traps on just the right amount of estrogen so they look like cute tomboys with puffy budding breasts and little feminine penis's = sent from G*d


Get out.

Both are men wearing dress so they are the same.

One mutilates themwelves to fit unrealistic and unhealthy body obsessions while the other one cooks and cleans and doesn't mutilate themselves

Fake hormones are no different than fake tits. Your "trap" is chemically mutilating himself.

I don't know a single trap that didn't do plastic surgery.

By that logic taking vitamin supplements to help achieve a specific body aesthetic is "chemically mutilating" yourself autist

Do they get fake asses too?

trap are kino