Cleveland Facebook shooting: Police hunt killer Steve Stephens who streamed murder and claims '15 more victims' yet no evidence has been found so far. The victim is identified as 74-year-old Robert Godwin.

Police chief called for Steve to turn himself in.

Thread #01 -
Thread #02 -

Other urls found in this thread: pjörrt&tbm=isch&tbs=simg:CAQSlAEJk4HE1UmofEMaiAELEKjU2AQaAggCDAsQsIynCBphCl8IAxInqxWJBIQEqBVrrRX6CtwK4Aq-DNQqhTbSKtMqhjbQKo8ohDbNKt4mGjCcfH_1T5AddyCVpXVDSq2RlOjJk7K9OEVxlI3RGQhQooAyMM7NrH4atPEyAcxtnolsgBAwLEI6u_1ggaCgoICAESBGA1wvsM&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiE14enrKrTAhUIwFQKHRtsB6gQ2A4IIigB&biw=1920&bih=960#imgrc=vy44yZpx99zrSM:


First for Suicide by cops.






all retards

is this him?

Lurk 2 years before posting edition!


So is he really a robot?

Killer explains himself

Point at this newfag and laugh

I'm glad that old coon got shot.

Be on the lookout for pro-nigger shills. They have infested thread 2 and will come here, hoping this nigger evades consequences for his actions because he's allegedly only killed other niggers.

Nigger female threatening someone with a gun.

== newfag =

Sounds like it.


The times line up it

On fucking Easter.

I was pretty sure it was "Stephenson", not Stephens



Steve should go for the young ones instead of the ones who can't breed anymore.

you seem to be pro-nigger faggot.

It's a great day in cleveland, at least two niggers will be gone by midnight.

Guessing he wasn't the brightest. Seemed pretty docile, who knows, could just be the driver cap

link to the stream is here

shut the fuck up you quadnigger faggot

Nobody fucking cares. All coons must hang. This nigger got a favor if anything.





Fucking Normie, or shill!



He's old. What do you expect? Do you want him to rush the 6'1" 233lb baboon?





He Know nobody named no Joy Lane

Honestly how do you not get scared or even notice that some car just stopped and a guy walked up to you in the middle of nowhere. Should of had a CCW, nobody does that shit especially if they are black.

Learn to webbumzzz

nigger was old as fuck anyway. his time has long past. all corner store loiterers need to be shot in the head.

Rejoice, faggot.

Every little bit helps.


how long until he gets cornered by the dorner?

They said on police scanner a 20 year old white female had someone at gun point?

every dead nigger is a blessing

He actually thought he was being robbed for his savealot loot. Which, in cleveland is pretty normal. That's why he tried to hand it over, stevie wanted more than a little purple drank though!

Its a split second subconscious instinct defensive measure you retard

lol dindus about to talk geopolitics

u trippin

You fags don't recognize a joke? We're on pol, in a thread about a nigger shooting other niggers, and you don't get it when someone references an ape getting shot?

Drink heartily

I don't usually say this but for once there was a based black guy.

So far score is confirmed 1, claimed "15" total and the silverback "disappeared" in Cleveland (while streaming on a cell phone). It is not getting dark and no more dead niggers. Yeah, this is starting to get sketchy.


Your joke was gay

I must say I'm really fucking happy it was a nigger he killed. Would have been really upset otherwise.

I'm waiting for the grand conclusion where he uses his /r9k/ wizard powers to summon Dorner and the Supreme Gentleman as his stands against the cops.


Hope the white bitch gets shot, hoe shouldn't be in the ghetto

In a situation like that it's normal to put litterally anything between you and the danger without thinking about it.

Learn to IDs faggot.

Trips don't lie

Couple seconds, he was pretty old. Maybe you should come back when your bleeding heart scabs over

He might be smart enough to lay low and catch niggers during their crack hour. Around 2:00am, it's easy pickings shooting drunk retarded niggers.


Kill millions of white Christian Russians, nobody bats an eye. Kill one old nigger, everyone loses their minds.

He's 35~, but yeah seems to be him.

And here we have it, the pro-nigger shill who wants the nigger to continue being a free nigger celebrating the idea of the nigger killing a white woman.


He thought he was being mugged, he was trying to give the bag.

We can hope user, we can only hope

Why is she in the Cleveland hood?
Hopefully she is shot.

That's a better explanation

That's how much the world hates you, liberatorbro



So, I heard you guys are all about racial purity


In cleveland that shit happens all the time, that's exactly what you do when a nigger pulls a gun on you, hand over your shit and hope he's so interested he lets you get the fuck out of there.

What the fuck is this nigger's obsession with greeks? Is he a nigger-turk mongrel or something?

Yep. And killing all white women who fuck niggers. Your point?

Makes for some decent light sunday entertainment I guess

I don't really care if niggers fuck ikes.


It's Stephens faggit

Brian posted an update after cops pulled him over.

Harambe jokes are unacceptable in all scenarios, kys.

Kill yourself kike.

I've got it, "/r9kangz/"

There's a big greek enclave in nearby parma/middleburg keep on eye on those police scanners.

These new niggers on the stream are a lot less funny.

thank you for correcting me NIGGER

If she's in the Cleveland ghetto without her white husband, I'm okay with her dying. Will teach more white women to stay away from niggers.
Run along, Reddit.

Why do coal burners always look so ugly?
I've never seen a good looking woman with a black man in real life. It's always white trash in loose fitting pants and weights measuring with 4 digits.

Am I the only one who can't understand a single word when listening to police scanners ? English isn't my native language, but still my comprehension usually isn't that bad.

Damm in USA you get killed because some nigger couldn't get some pussy, feel bad for you brothers.

I swear this is turning out like an IRL Tyrone "Sheeeeeeeeeeeit" comic.


This, race traitors aren't white.

And here I thought he didn't care if someone was a candyfucker.

why is it taking so long to find this guy

never heard of cops using a "stingray", is this common now?

Hitler dubs wasted on a stream full of niggers.

For fucks sake, get your shit together user.

Probably shot himself in some parking garage

Oh shit.

Well he is a nigger in Cleveland. Pretty easy to hide in a shithole like that.

In Cleveland.

So are black dudes just more violent down in the States than they are up here in Canada, or what?

Kek, niggers with their twatter handles

Why do niggers eat so much chicken?

Go back to /r9k/ edgelord.

youtube com/watch?v=cVUlvtMM2vw


because the niggers chasing them were hauling two 500lb nigresses weighing down their car, also they had to make a pit stop to get some crack rocks.

Oh My

Cleveland police are incompetent niggers.


Kill yourself kike.

Dey ain't be about dat cooowd ass shit yall mean?
Keeps them docile.

The guy from the news report is a fucking moron.
He's filming his murders. It has nothing to do with video games. The reporter was probably a kike.

shit was so obviously fake. fucking ketchup better have been in that bag

Good Kek

They should have gotten out of the ghetto, Reddit. A ghetto is no place for a single white woman. I'm fine if the nigger smokes her retarded ass.

Of all the niggers that could be shot..

It's well known to drug dealers and trappers that cops can pick up your phone calls and texts from their cars.

t. cityanon

We memed to hard.


Just a bunch of retarded nugs who ain't doing shit.

Also, fuck pol for the permaban. I hope 8ch's shit gets hacked again.

He could be anywhere in Cleveland you fucking mong.

Miscegenators get the rope. How hard is that to understand?

My guess is that the ghetto culture is less virulent up in Canada. But criminality has been on the rise recently, or so I've heard.

It is a shame that he did kill the only black father I've ever seen. But c'est la vie. Better Grandpa Huxtable than a white man.

So only one nigger confirmed so far? damn. I was hoping to get video of all of them. We could have made it into some great propaganda against niggers.

Have you ever tried looking for a negro at night?

Wait they use a stingray to harass the cracker who was out for a hunt, but they don't use the stingray to catch the nigger who just shot someone, live, on facebook.

Keep in mind, in Vancouver we've basically got Seattle weather, it's not as cold as you'd think.

Fuck Quebec and Ontario for that shit though, I'm Canadian born and raised and I hate that crap.

There isn't even 1 billion Europeans ('whites") in the world. I'm sure 80% of those "whites" are hispanics.

Kill yourself kike.

This nigger on the stream is WOKE

She should be inside protected by her armed white husband, user.


Go back to /r9k/

This has shades of that nigger in california from a few years back that was ex-military going around killing niggers, then ended up hiding in a cabin until he got swatted.

What's that place he works for? Maybe it's owned/run by Greeks.

damn, it's not even summer yet, and the nigs are nogging

nigger + kike = niggerkike
what's your point? Besides math

Easter nigger hunt obviously.

This is not your Home

It's actually an effective strategy. Makes him more likely to miss. Best the old fuck could do.

It's like the "nigger moment" from the Boondocks writ large.

For all the confused folks who are posting comments about the killer's girlfriend being white … she isn't.

Would have been better if he shot an ANTIFA

Yeah, maybe she should wear a trashbag while outdoors as well. I bet that slut even shows ankle flesh!

lmao, the mental gymnastics you kikes will do to justify your lust for white blood, not even subtle.

Why does he always use her full name?

he looks like a fucking retard

This new niggers ain't shit tbh bring back the ones from before

They barely manage the weather in Cleveland, but you're only get the ones that can read well enough to apply for refugee status, ours were the ones so bad even apefrica didn't want them.

Nobody is making that confusion. There was a report that a white woman was holding a nigger at gunpoint. Autistic retards in this thread came to the conclusion that if she's white in Cleveland, she must be a nigger lover who deserves to die.

well it was summer weather in cleveland today, might've been all it took.

he looks like a black homer simpson

She should t be out doing a man's job hunting niggers. But according to the electric Jew, women are tough asses who hunt bad guys and karate chop things. She should have turned off the Talmudvision.


perhaps better quality video

Probably not common, per se, but yeah they have that technology now. I remember a couple years ago Apple patented a bunch of new technology that was specifically meant for law enforcement that would be able to render the camera on the iPhones inaccessible so you wouldn't be able to film cops. Not sure if they actually went through and put that into the device but the patent exists if you look for it.

I guarantee you he pulled over into some inconspicuous parking lot and shot himself hours ago. The cops and vigilantes are just looking for a corpse at this point.



Joy Lane could very well be a first name for nigs.

woops sorry

Confirmed for being white.

Dorner can't be cornered, lad


Yes user, we're aware.

Joi'Laine, a bastardized nigger version of "Jolene?"

Spread this to normalfaggots.

woke af


Who said she was out hunting niggers?

Do you not understand that plenty of white women across the country carry CCW every day?

Are you having a comfy easter Holla Forums?

It's a shopped image ffs, we already went over this in the last thread.

I said "fuck pol", not 8ch. 8ch is ok over all.
The webm didn't have sound; I didn't make it.
And fuck you.

I mean honestly, anyone used to southern temperatures is gonna freeze when they come up here at first, but it's like 56 degrees out right now and the cherry trees are in bloom.

I have one incredibly black friend who I'm pretty sure has way more tolerance for cold than I do, it's all acclimatization. Eskimos have darker skin than whites, I ain't about to get into a cold-off with one.


Thanks Kek/Jesus.

why would he kill over a bloated turd like her? Her arms look like burnt hams

Stop spreading lies, we don't want to be labeled fake news.


jesus fuck, these kikes can't help themselves, can they?

I fixed it too, numbnuts. Low IQ fluoride-poisoned normals won't tell the difference.

Shut the fuck up and stop trying to spread bullshit you fucking gnat


it's one of the comfiest thread we've had in a while

That makes no fucking sense. The closest thing to that is light olive skin, which is not even close to this mudskin.

You are retarded.

I know it's fake, but kek anyway

Yeah, and the implication is he got dumped by THAT.

I'd be pissy too if I missed fruit that was THAT low hanging.

And they should. In which case, we shouldn't have an issue. But if she's a coalburner or looking for crack in Cleveland, she deserves it. I think you have a bit of naïveté about women. If she's anywhere near where that video is being shot, she's not a pretty white princess.
t. Detroiter

kill yourself my man

When a former child soldier decides that you're friends, then you are friends. I'm not about to disagree, man.

Who calls someone by their first and last name? That's some really pretentious shit.

"My love, Joy Lane."

... pjörrt&tbm=isch&tbs=simg:CAQSlAEJk4HE1UmofEMaiAELEKjU2AQaAggCDAsQsIynCBphCl8IAxInqxWJBIQEqBVrrRX6CtwK4Aq-DNQqhTbSKtMqhjbQKo8ohDbNKt4mGjCcfH_1T5AddyCVpXVDSq2RlOjJk7K9OEVxlI3RGQhQooAyMM7NrH4atPEyAcxtnolsgBAwLEI6u_1ggaCgoICAESBGA1wvsM&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiE14enrKrTAhUIwFQKHRtsB6gQ2A4IIigB&biw=1920&bih=960#imgrc=vy44yZpx99zrSM:

don't freak out, it's shopped. someone made a funny

Getting shot by this nigger would probably be more pleasant than watching that.

Really thought it was going to be a boring Sunday, nothing but the crazy flips crucifying themselves for lels. Turned out preddy gud.


Keep in mind that names like "Joilayne" aren't uncommon in ghettos and it starts to make sense.


Poor dog.



Is he saying he has killed people before today?

If I hadn't seen it typed out I'd assume he was saying "Juhlayne" or something

He's not really a catch himself

Poor doggy.

It depends entirely on the name. Some first and last names just roll together. There are one or two people I know that I address that way.

And for that matter, most people address me using my last name only. It's a lot more distinct than my first name.


better than the google url tracking idiot

if you lose, you win.



the only way that could be made more /comfy/ would be to make it a rural setting

It's just in their fucking blood, isn't it?

Spaniards were far too kind to the natives. They should have exterminated them all.

Naw, stayed friends because he turned out to be a super cool dude and I'd want him with me rather than against me if society falls apart.




Markeshia maiii bitch


Holy fuck you are a faggot. Go back to where you came from. Reported for being a nigger lover.

This nigga woke af wtf

What are you guys watching?



So the nig is a self hating nig that has a problem with Wogs

Did that just happen?

I AM where I came from though—Canada, where we don't have the same race relations you do. Blacks are so far down the list of demographic percentage that it's not worth any concern, we're just drowning in Asians.

can confirm


I don't think it's that she dumped. AFAICT with my limited ebonics skill, he said he lost everything because she's a gambling addict.

He also compared Steve to "dat nigga Sam Hyde"

Thanks for that. Please enjoy this Filipino beheading.

we're going to take you on a field trip to the hood, dox yourself


dude seems to be based

kek, how will she ever recover?

What? Holy shit. Those nigs probably post here as whites.

Silly niggers, it's concave.


I got the impression that she left him because he's a gambling addict, but he's of the opinion that he dindu nuffin so it's somehow her fault.

>yup, I am a homophobic and a racist

based non-white, ammirite fellow /r/t_D user?

that's a shop


i like cyb comfy better though

Been there. It's Asians.

Is this real life?

dis fuggin timbeline

how long til these guys get stingray'd?

You dunce, the Earth is both concave and convex. It's shaped like a saddle.

The kikes shut down the holohood niggas' stream.


When you wanna tag somebody on kikebook, you type their whole name, but if you're smart you realize you could delete the last name, or even change the name after tagging them. I doubt this coon knows either of those.

Am I the only person who wants to know how that guy kept his shoes so white? They're absolutely pristine.

I didn't like watching the video of the old guy's family crying

Don't worry, nigger is gonna get made good because he can't into marksmanship.

Man that looks so fuckin' comfy, NEET paradise. Happy Easter family.

Seems legit

looks like a bra

y tho? It's not like this isn't abnormal behavior for apes.

He can't stream apparently

Don't want the niggers to revolt on the jews, that would be the final shoah!

Good, niggers gonna be crying a lot more soon.


Just have comfort that you still haven't dehumanized yourself and face bloodshed.

You can bet it includes the middle east as "white".
and maybe all of NA too, because why not.

Woodland Cemetary on police scanner, armed suicidal black male

I almost feel bad for that elderly nigger who got shot. almost

Also how have the police not found any other victims yet? I doubt he'd lie about killing 15 people.

Archives of previous threads:

Surprise, surprise…

Top Kek


Think again.


I hope it's just another random suicidal black male.

Color me surprised.
end of sarcasm

holy shit please let this happen

god damn niggers in cleveland are going crazy, is police radio always like this?

holy shit



its a rustbelt city tbh, they are hell


image is a repost you newfag

Yeah… about that…

Niggers will never not be hilarious.

Their broken english made me unable to feel any empathy



the jews are going to have to work alot harder to infiltrate the gooks, they don't have 1000 years to pull it off this time

Needs a plastic bag.

keep anime unreal, out of the third dimension

The plastic bag user, I know you can do it !


needs stinklines


Now the plastic bag!


Well yeah niggers lie a lot, I just don't get why he would lie about something like that.

They'd be pretty amusing if you could keep them sterilized and unarmed.


Steve Stephens is still wanted, armed and dangerous suicidal homicide suspect on the loose in the Cleveland area!

Consolidation of facts:

Claimed to have killed over 15 people, so far none of his claims he has made in the live stream are true. His only victim so far has been 74-year-old Robert Godwin.

Kikebook responded by stating:
“This is a horrific crime and we do not allow this kind of content on Facebook,” a spokesperson told CNN. This was off course after the fact and after the murder had been live streamed, he had been live for over 1 hour spouting he was going to kill people every few minutes. The FBI claims to have spotted it on Kikebook and did nothing to shut the stream down, instead they monitored it.

The police chief and Mayor have asked Steve to turn himself in.

The FBI is assisting Cleveland police, as well as county and state officers. As a precaution, officers are working in pairs!

It beginning to seem more and more likely that this nigger has fled the Cleveland area.

How am I not surprised?

So is he Dorner 2.0 ?

The only place he can go where niggers aren't immediately suspicious is another nigger town.
Jesus Christ, he could be anywhere in Ohio right now.

everytime with that meme.
Starting to get a littlespooky


Burgers are paying tax dollars so that well paid feds can lurk facebook all day as a job.


Dorner killed with a purpose.
This nigger is /nig9k/ tier.

Jesus, spoiler that.

clearly the superior pun

You can safely bet he is nowhere near the water unless he's catfishing from the bank with a 40.

Nigger-tier conspiracy theories are even beneath TLC

No, Dorner killed corrupt LAPD nigger cops and was an internet hero. This guy is just a batshit pussy thirsty killer. That doesn't mean he's not entertaining.

Is anyone thinking what I'm thinking?

If the police can't find an 60 IQ nigger that killed without any plan. What could a bunch of white organized do to a town? What if they would do it in multiple towns at the same time?

Kinda tragic, here's one nigger that actually knows his father and then it turns out he's a total nutjob

if you have a gun you can jack a boat i reckon

At least it confirms what I already knew, the flatearthers here are hwndu shitskins larping as whites.

Reminder to run with the line that CNN is an accessory to murder for covering up details which would lead to his capture.


Have you seen a nigger on a boat, user? We have to make sure he doesn't go in the water or on a watercraft. He'll be dead soon after.

A white(?) journalist driving over there to look for him got stopped in no time, only nigs get to drive around for hours.


How likely is it that he actually killed 15 persons ? Can they only link one murder to him because it's the only one he streamed or is there no other body ? Murders aren't that frequent in Cleveland that a dozen homicides wouldn't get noticed. Wouldn't they have released information ?

best timeline

Fucker better not make it to Canada, or else Trudeau cuck will give him a medal and a wife.

Better. I mean, I was still mildly spooked, but I deserved it for clicking the spoiler.

Stop comparing this nigger to a hero please.

CNN is such hot garbage holy shit.

When did a spic and a dumb nigger become "based" on Holla Forums? There's plenty of whites that have spilled nigger and cop blood, right? Dylan "Blacks in Church get put in a hearse" Roof can't be the only one.

Odds are that haven't caught him yet because he's offed himself by now. He probably killed the old nig, drove into an abandoned factory or down a dirt road and blew his own head off.

That'd actually be an interesting political situation, since ohio has the death penalty. If Cuck offered asylum and with Trump acting like a fucking child with all the recent war mongering, it could actually develop into something.


Whose going to get the 888?

ruh roh


Damn, this creature (dunno if male or female) will be stinking in a day or two, the purge fluid is already leaving his/her nostrils.


2013, newfag

Also nigs in stream simultaneously going full KANGZ and DAS RITE.

Dead jews confirmed.



those niggers holy shit


So two Jews got rekt by their half blood, retarded Golem?



Source? Is this from Sweden?

Hello, fellow rabbi.


Let's bomb all the countries without central banks!

even in cities with very bad crime, if there were 15 murders in one day within a small area, it'd be very public news.

underrated comment

this is only the beginning user


fuck why not shoot for the stars? I'm down with bombing every country.

he said he was going to start shooting "Greeks" or something to that effect in the last confession video. possible happening

Watched the first thread for a bit, are those faggots crying over the dead grandnigger still around?

Prime example of how bad HWNDU was for Holla Forums

It's much easier for a black murderer to hide, because the black neighborhoods he can hide in don't have nearly as much police oversight or police co-operation.

Of course, when it's your race being (apparently) targeted, you want all the info you can get. Same as asians getting pissed when a black guy was running around smacking asian women in new york.

Let's hope they also sell Ford Fusions and were gonna repossess. (Temp tags though.)

The only countries I'm ready to bomb are israel and turkey. Until they're dealt with nothing else matters.

Now things are getting interesting.

Kek sure loves anything to do with dehumanizing and facing the bloodshed




Might be him but who knows in a shithole like Cleveland.

I got no argument against those two first. we will retake Constantinople user


we just learned of this now?

Cleveland's finest, user

There was a lot of them, seens like an organized raid to me.
There was also a brown pill thread during the invasion as well, I'm sure it's related to that influx of shills.
Some of them might still be lurking here, keep an eye on the replies, they'll expose themselves eventually.

Holy shit he's still going?

Kek is pretty consistent on this issue eh?

Where I live this isn't on any of the news channels. Pure (((coincidence))) right?

Oh shit, timing seems relevant, those murders happened in the early morning. He would have started streaming a few hours after this in the early afternoon. Might have changed cars through their car dealership, perhaps allowing him to evade initial detection.

Police under reporting now, seems their clocking off and going to sleep.


if he were white it would be an international crisis


These niggers are pretty woke, is there a black Holla Forums somewhere in some parallel universe?

If he were white, SWATniggers would have killed him hours ago.

I checked the inventory for Mr Cars and no Fords at all. Seemed odd since they had all the other domestic makes.


Murder isn't exactly uncommon in cleveland, I get the feeling this nigger was just talking shit. Though given how easy he killed the old nigger, that probably wasn't his first, I don't him getting 14.

More and more all the time


That's something I'm curious as well, I wonder if there's a black Holla Forums somewhere.

No, we wouldn't.


Probably in an alternate universe.

blacks aren't into computers, dude.

Direct link to KANGS periscope:


Nigs don't need one, they can talk about this shit in person, even if the nigger they're talking too isn't on board it's just waved away instead of filed as a hate crime.

The Black Panthers?

There'd be five different hashtags trending.



I hate to tell you, but they post here. You probably wouldn't be comfortable knowing how many nonwhites post on Holla Forums

Those were commies user.




There's a lot of black Holla Forums's. They're all about killing whitey though, don't know why you'd be curious about that, we already know this.


I think most of them stick to cuckchan, I know there's a lot of nigs in there.


White Fusion, Temp Tags. Shots fired. Durant


I heard Ulman & Lakeview?

Welp, he killed another nigger. I give him props for that at least. Two less blacks today, what a nice evening this was.

This nigger

Requesting dindu removal robot at 102 and st clair.

Look up the Hoteps

So have they caught that nigger yet?

Does he get a place besides Dorner or is he just some nigger broke up over a thot?


ITT cuckchan

Seriously, this place had finally become cuckchan


Just some nigger, but nothing bad in wishing he gets a higher kille score against other niggers.

Come home hebrew man, we're waiting for you at bunkerchan.

Did anyone save the scanner call?

You're right, i wouldn't either. I guess when one is a half breed or they migrated to some other country and have no real racial or cultural identity to adhere to they might grow pissed off at society for allowing people to become bastardized.

I really doubt they would want white supremacy, unless they could actually argue from it from a hegemony standpoint. Statistically speaking a strong racial country thrives. In a true white society, they would be treated as second class citizens. I think the are trying to fit in somewhere, but ultimately nobody wants them.

Scanner went silent for some reason

It's just some random nigger

Who is spamming their chat with kek?

He said GTFO with this KEK shit

Did the nigger died?

cuckchan has a Holla Forums too, and Holla Forums for that matter.

lmao tru

Ahahaha oh wow

A lot of them are pissed at their parents for racemixing, sort of like how a lot of children of gay couples are against gay adoption.

You'd think kangz would know about their history.



Cops are finally on Durant investigating shooting. listen in to scanner.

Reporting white fusion car abandoned.


He seems to really hate Egypt for being pagan despite simultaneously going full we wuz.


So he's still loose and perhaps switched cars? This is good news.

Sheeeit nigga, he beez a MkekUltra woke nigga cappin awl dem niggas

Guess he couldn't resist the call of the night. Wonder if he'll get some of Cleveland's finest before they take him out.


Hes gonna keep trying to get new high streak. Seems like they are now connecting his cars temp tags to a car stolen from the dealership where they found two dead owners.

Next they'll be walking to a KFC


inb4 he gets blown up with a swat bomb diffuser.


So he's already beaten Rodge.
I doubt he will get to Breivik-tier without a rifle or explosives tho.

Now they're bragging their past crimes online. Niggers, every time.

Thanks user

get out

Scroll up you autist, it's a confirmed shop

Are you implying that this young, enterprising kang can't beat some fat whitey? smh tbh famshuandongo


And this is why you shouldn't trust new cars.

This is like that skit when Sam Hyde is pretending to be a retard but it is real.

I'm glad to relieve you of the woke niggers.

What's the cutoff point? I think it might have been mentioned in one of the various vehicle threads but I don't remember it. How new does the car have to be to be a telescreen with wheels?

Is he shooting a Glock? That's what it looked like but I didn't get a good look.
I'd say he needs a rifle to compete and I doubt he has one. He can get into the 20s just by ventilating drunk and old niggers but I guess we will see.

Old coon managed to avoid getting killed by another nigger for that long only to get shot over a sheboon he never even fucked. Not a great way to go. Not even a good target, way past breeding/nogging age.

He looks like Uncle Phil from fresh prince of bel air.

I just started a job for Toyota that tracks people down under the guise of "Destination Assist"

You need to sabotage that shit from the inside.

He had some kind of glawk with one a dem extendo clips. I guess he might barely get to 19, so he can be cucked in the high score department too.

Wait wait wait, this coon is a wizard?

Think it depends on what he's been doing all day, if he's been laying low the count will be low, but if he's been going around popping nogs it could be quite a respectable number.


ICitizenNews fell for the dark white skinned meme

BOLO for subject repeated:

White Ford Fusion driving around
Plates: E363630
social 285789300
Steve Stevens
37 Year olds
Black Male
Wearing polo shirt.

That faggot talks like a nigger

I think he's been shooting niggers all day, he's just gone unnoticed since it's a regular thing in black neighborhoods.

'Erik' is a nigger.

The one who's walking around is a nigger.

They're in Texas, Utah and the Phillipines. I could only shut down 1 of 3 at best (oy vey!)

Doubt he's a wizard as he had a girlfriend, think he's pissed about her dumping him.

Yeah, I didn't want to watch niggers killing niggers so I only watched it twice. Extended mag? Unfortunately that's probably all the ammo he has and I doubt he will be getting any more. He might not even be able to off himself if he uses it all on nogs.

dark white…

Wait, what


people are falling for the meme in real time lmoa

I would say around 2000 and even before where cars started getting computers put inside them.

Trina K Kuznik - deceased

I had a 2000 Corolla that had tracking like that.

Since Holla Forums goes on for 25 pages, and nothing expires, here.

You buy 9mm by the fifty round box, so assuming he didn't get his gat from an alleyway, he's probably get some to reload with. Considering his job, I think this nig had the money for it.

and nothing of value as lost

I need to learn how to replace a head gasket to keep driving my old hunk of shit


One hearty lel to you.

Fact that he actually has an extended mag probably means he planned this out, now that I think about it. Extended mags aren't really necessary for home defense and I think they look retarded. He probably bought the mag and ammo with the intent of doing this.
We might have a contender here.

she gave an interview about rising crime rates.

What hunk of shit would that be, Hitler?

WTF is 4chan?

They be trolls or illuminati or shieeeeet

In case it hasn't been posted, the vigilates are still going

If you find backyard mechanics, they're usually happy to do it for cheap, if you're willing to let it sit for about a month.

Had mine patched twice, both times only cost about $500, 680k miles and counting.



I don't really care much about Dorner, but the amount of ass-pain that Zimzam caused and the fact that it actually red-pilled a lot of people, plus the fact that he killed a shitty little hood-nigger makes him worthy of praise in my book. Before he got shoahed his twitter was fucking hilarious, top-tier bants.

did he get a new ride


A GM hunk of shit with the 3.8

My mechanic (who I generally trust) says just get a new car but he doesn't have the same thoughts we have. I figure I might just step up my own game on repairs.


Christ, she looks like a photography teacher I had back in high school. Imagine having to look at that ugly mug for two hours at a time.

What if she wasnt putting out, and he was a beta nigger so he didnt follow his natural nigger instincts and rape her?

They broke into a closed shopping centre just now. Not sure what's going on much though.

skullfuck a nigger before easter is over

fuck off kike

My GM 3.8 came back from the dead just fine, either shell out the serious cash to have it done, or find a greasemonkey willing to take it on as a side project. Seriously worth the investment either way.

Was this near the old man killing?


The 3.8 and 4.3 engines are the only thing GM has done right in a long time.

You'd think she would be everyday carrying if one is that woke about nigger crime rates and horrible city police services.


Think he means the old man got shot because some negress the old man doesn't even know caused some young nog some grief.

This was posted on the 15th

I know the 3.8 is good. This is the series II which has some bullshit like the plastic upper intake manifold but it's still good. I'm on the later end of cars before OnStar(tm) etc

I'm also familiar with them for 20 years back to my old Delta 88 and think I like them enough to get a bit more internal with repairs. Cant be that hard

The husband, Michael Kuznik

Just buy good head bolts and a good torque wrench. Make sure you polish and clean the surfaces where the gasket makes contact with. It really isn't that hard.

Truth, I've got a feeling I'll hit at least 900k before this fucker gives out, tranny is trash but with GM what else is new.

Mine's an '82 and still going strong. Keep the rust off the bottom and it will last forever.

If your going to maintain your own vehicle, get a proper service manual for your car. Gregorys/Haynes would be your best bet.

Cleveland's finest

Is this an inside footage leak?

What do you expect grandpa nigger to do when he's got a gun pulled on him, out of nowhere?

Are there any videos of the MSM pushing the gun control agenda yet?


Should probably be saved.

whos telling the niggers to play shadilay Kek

Old GM ones only cost like $5, it's downright foolish not to have one.

Depends how fucked that gasket is, he could end up opening it up and leaving him in a world of shit.


very nice

oh, OK! ;^)

Unfortunate. Should've bought a gun to defend themselves, even if the city's laws say you can't.

Those kids will be run through the college indoctrination machine and come out the other side apologizing for the murderer of their father.
or maybe they'll be the next Hitler

Thanks, I'm looking into it now. Car is till drivable atm with some stopleak.

I already do tuneups and whatnot myself.

News 5 Cleveland uploaded it like this, raw and spliced together for the murders.

He kind of looks jewish to me.


Spoopy check

Awesome, have fun servicing your vehicle m8!

Is it older than a '92?

anyone wanna bet on what his record will be?
my guess is 50(35 if he's lying about the 15), i'm assuming that the police is gonna be really lazy

Damn user, what do you drive?

Every pole is jewish maymay…

I just Heil'd for the first time because of that gif. What's happening to me user?

It's already confirmed the old guy is the only one he's actually killed so far.

Nigger seems to be in hiding now. Radio has gone dead on anything related to him

Probably a diesel. My Freightliner with a Detroit engine is at 1,850,000 and counting


Pathetic. Kill this nigger

That would be very surprising. He probably got spooked shooting the first nog and won't get too crazy until the cops find him.

There are a lot of kikes with Polish admixture so it's easy to confuse phenotypes.


If some bureaucratic asslicker tells you, you have no constitutionally protected natural rights to defend yourself, it's time to pack your shit and move to a State that is still America.



Digits suggest massacre.



oh mai
CLEVELAND, Ohio – A couple was shot dead inside their car dealership Friday night, police say.

The shooting happened just after 10 p.m. at Mr. Car Sales auto dealership on East 185th Street between Hiller and Schenely avenues, Cleveland police spokeswoman Jennifer Ciaccia said.


gun control, but they cut it with "muh violent video games" so it's dead in the water

Delta 88, GMs were indestructible back in the day. I'm really hoping to keep this thing on the road until I die, and it's looking pretty good.

Gas, but I'd kill for a diesel H body.


That's rad. I have a 93' Camry with like 250k, and I'd like to get 500k out of it. That little nip-car runs like a damn champ, my only complaint is the little shit that happens after 24 years. Mechanically it's super solid.

The interactive jew really should be banned.

im so upset. theres probably a little white scotty dog waiting in the window for his dad to come home with dinner and instead he got shot and will never see him again


aw man, you ruined it, now he has to fail

any good streams>?

Definitely worth having it put up on the rack for about week, let em go through with a fine tooth comb and replace all the dried out hoses and wires. Time it during a hunting trip and you won't even miss it. Should only a couple hundred bucks and makes a world of difference.

Reports of police activity in both Solon and Paynesville (sp?) outside Cleveland.

The freightliner I use for work, its a semi truck. My personal vehicle is a Nissan. I cant deny it, that Nissan has been exponentially more reliable than any of the Chevy's Ive owned. No problems, only general maintenance. I'm thinking that fucker will give me 200K miles, maybe even more.

Kek's will, I just was making a guess.

Yeah, it's disappointing. I got spoiled by fag slayer Omar Mateen and his high score. This is obviously a super low-effort nigger we have here.

If he get 49, its still good.

So even Supreme Gentleman has this coon beat, pathetic.

If dubs he gets blown away by a bomb disposal robot.

I remember the cops telling us the high score at the time. It was crazy, we thought it was going to be around 25 iirc.

only for now, i have hopes for the nig

eliot didn't shoot old men either he wasted some faggot gooks and race mixers

What about the couple in the car dealership ?


If the two car dealers are his, then he beat the gentleman.

kek, got bested by a hapa manlet with a three inch cock. Man, that's rough.

didn't gentleman kill like 7?

R2-DNDU will make a return, and it will be glorious.

I think it was two fatalities.

Killed six, injured 14.


Elliot Rodger 'The Supreme Gentleman' killed 7 adults before offing himself.

Start checking surrounding cities scanners. They are saying he isnt in cleveland anymore.

My bad. The Rodge killed 6.

The greeks are in Parma, if that's what he's after that's where you'd find him.

does anyone have the shooters facebook?

kill niggers

Kikeipedia says 6.

He might have lived like a beta but he died a true hero

oh yeah nevermind, he was the seventh kill I guess.

That was on friday. Goddamn, how long can you get away with indiscriminate murder when you're a black guy in a black neighborhood? Pimping yourself on facebook must be the only way to have people even notice.

Did he specify a reason why he was killing greeks?

Even for nigger standards, thats next level failure there.

Cures my empathy.

Police were able to interview the 19 year son who found his parents bodies and he is pissed.

By offing yourself, it should negate one. If the cops kill you, another kill should be added.

Nope, it just came out during his rant. Could be it as the oh so random ethnicity he chose, the context sounded like he was just looking for a target.

The high score works the other way though, when you suicide you gain points.

Motherfucker better stay out of New Orleans. We have a lot of criminals flee to here and Florida. Most get caught in the panhandle, and along I-10 in Mobile, Alabama, and Gulfport, Mississippi.

You'd be surprised at how the PD in Mississippi along I-10 bust massive criminals. Drug kingpins, serial killers. It's really weird. There's major trafficking between New Orleans and the Florida Panhandle.

I saw that picture of this guy with Joy Lane in New Orleans, fuck

He sacrificed his life to give us one of the best memes.

Trying to avenge his Egyptian bruthas for oppression by the Ptolemys.


As a polack I'm quite offended, my brethen have been called jews because of their surname and now we're all gopniks by default.
Fuck you all.

He immortalized in meme. Can any of us say the same?

I don't agree. I think offing yourself denies another kill because of the damage you could have done while still alive.
Making the cops shoot you is honorable enough to add a kill.
Score remains unchanged if you go to prison.

Sounds like he's heading east. Could be jew york, could be leafland. If he makes it to the border they'll probably take him since ohio has the death penalty, and I don't think this nigger is interested in a plea bargain.

He could have turkish family that inspired him to do so- lotta blacks convert to islam in the us because they think it's an "authentic african" religion (they have no concept whatsoever of the arab slave-trade, they just think mansa musa)



This incidient will prompt fresh scrutiny over Kikebooks Live, the feature has showcased a string of horrific crimes since it's debut.

Rumors are spreading that Stephens might have changed cars, police remain silent.

Cleveland Police have been quiet on updates for some time now.

Lightly oil the head bolts too. Use a chaser or an old head bolt and work the rust and filth out of the threads until the bolt bottoms out without resistance. Use carb cleaner and a shop vac to really get in there if needed. The torque wrenches you can get for $10-30 at Harbor Freight are more than adequate. I just did a head with one of those. 2000 miles later it's still fine. Just don't try to use it as a breaker bar or the wrench will fly to pieces. Use a light coating of lithium grease on all moving components in the head upon reassembly. Put all pieces back exactly where you found them. Label their location before removal to make life a lot easier.

I'm glad to see so many Holla Forumslacks can make a car last. My best so far is a pathetic 300,000 out of a Nissan KA24DE.

wtf is this nigger saying? i can understand like 1/3 of the words. hes killing people because his girl is crazy and he lost money on a bet? did i hear that right? i replayed it like 5 times and still dont get it.

Police have been using secured channels for a few hours now, shutting down any vigilantes

Are any mentioning us directly?

If the cops shoot you, or you surrender, you don't become an hero though. Unless it's suicide by cop.

The loss of a white family man is particularly tragic.

Their kids appear to be Generation Alpha (generation after Gen Z)

Welcome to niggers, you've got it about right though, that's what this is all about.

Turkroaches everywhere.

Have any links to where (((we))) are being hosted?

I'm sorry, I legitimately thought he was jewish from his appearance, I have trouble telling the difference between Poles and Jews.

Only if the bolt set calls for it. Chasing the threads is a good idea, obviously.
The reason you don't oil the head bolts unless it specifically calls for it is because the friction is factored into the ft. lbs. required for proper torque. Using oil will lessen the amount of friction, thus throwing off the required torque specs. Most of the ARP bolt sets I've used specifically tell you not to oil the head bolts.
I actually took a Henry Ford course on fasteners.

I thought that gen z was supposed to be the last generation, just like current pope is supposed to be the last pope.

his facebook mentions erie casino

The last shall be the first, user

Police scanner says someone is posting on twitter? Anyone catch that?

how does a crazy woman make you bet? does he say what he bet on? did she make him bet he could chug a gallon of milk in under an hour without puking and he lost?

why would a nigger take that bet? niggers cant drink milk.

Confirmation that the cops shoah'd his stream after pulling him over.

Are they the ones who are going to be reborn in The Purging Fire?

mfw some normalfag journalist reads my inane shitposting in this thread

I heard but I couldn't make out who it was.


The casino is a relatively new fixture to the area. A lot of niggers are breaking themselves by throwing away their monthly gibs in a single night. This is actually why it took so long for us to get one.


That's good to know. My current block uses stretch bolts and all the guides say to oil them. I wish I knew more about bolts. Most of my fastener knowledge comes from Fastenal technical documents I found by accident.

I sure have been getting a lot of off by ones.

Jesus, this nigger is worse than Rodge. This nigger is just gonna embrace his nigger nature. I wanna see this piece of shit made good.


Just when you thought Detroit couldn't get any worse, realize that we have 3 major casinos.


I want it to be known, on record, in a big publication newspaper, that, Yukari is best girl.

No direct mentions of h8chan.

Reporters on twitter are picking up on thing discussed 30m to 1 hr earlier by us. Either some of pollacks are posting this content on their social media and MSM is picking it up indirectly or journalists are here and using us as a OSINT.


Hey, journalist? You're a stupid nigger jew and I started GamerGate as a way to indoctrinate children into neo-nazi ideologies. I also worked on The Angry Birds movie.

You look jewish to me

So wait, Gen Z are strong men, Gen Alpha are good time and Gen Beta are weak men. Fug
Well I'm Gen Z so I guess I get the best of it.

I thought about this,
I just have to imagine he was a good for nothing nigger when he was younger, never worked and all that shit.
It helps me deal with seeing an old man shot in cold blood

interesting… so this nigger loses all of his money at a casino. and he blames his girlfriend? and starts killing people?

Nignog Language Translation (best that I could do)

Blah blah blah

Only if you make the best of it.

Generation X here. Bringing you out of the boomer darkness and giving you the internet.

Rustbelt is a zombie that will take more than a few more tire fires to take down. Heard there's a muzzie problem developing up that way though.

yep lots of mudshits up in the detriot area tbh

journalists please leave

We've had it for 30 years. It's called Dearborn and in minutes away from it on DotR. Gonna need some extra Holla Forumsacks and rope. It's going to be a great time when we take the most storied and prestigious city in Michigan back from sand niggers.

well to be honest, mister nigger-serial-killer here could gain the nickname of Abortion, with how much he's helping de-niggerifying the place

Oy vey, we are not Commie Antifa, remember that.

That's one nigger and two whites, and you're still trying to promote this shit?



well played

His girlfriend left him, so instead of buying a phone tracking system and a dog, he decided to go out and pop some nigs. Guessing the night at the casino came after the sheboon troubles, and here we are.

That's about the one thing that could make cleveland worse, do they thin out the nogs, mexicans do a good job of that out this way. It'll be some nasty fighting across the belt when it comes down to digging them out of their holes.

gore post user, not goatse, that does nothing to the faggot kike media that are browsing. Gaping, thats actually their fetish.




Hello fellow Gen Zer, heil Viktoria kameraden

it's my favourite image



Same here. I'm downriver now, 15 minutes from Dearborn. Makes me sick every time I go to Henry Ford Museum and you get to see who Ford was and why Dearborn was great. Seeing it full of sand niggers now is disgusting.

Journalists, why do you have to twist the story to the point to where it's untrue?

Hanging next to the rest of the useless trash on the wall I see.

Shots fired, still on the east side. Fusion was spotted.

thanks user. now i understand his motivation.

he hates his job and his ex girlfriend made him gamble so he's going to murder random people.
wew, makes perfect sense now. glad i understand. that was going to bother me.

When is Laci gonna let them big fat cow tits out?

They're probably out there somewhere.

no the muslims and the niggers are buddy buddy up here

8ch is probably the new
(((internet hate machine)))

In other words, this nigger is acting exactly like a nigger would act.

Niggers need to leave.

If you have a good pair of abs, she'll let you see them.


Someone kill this roving nigger and then kill at least 20 niggers to make up the loss of human life

I had everything that was extorted from her, but that was all saved on a (now defunct) Hard Drive


Sorry she doesnt have a penis for your enjoyment user. Perhaps is more your speed

Any full nudes?

I totally believe you user, honest.

Good, a nigger killed another nigger.


He lying user

Oh yeah, but Laci is a cow if you've ever seen one. I mean, we are talking awful levels of disgust.

Again, all the files were saved on a defunct / now broken hard drive :(

I'm not, but I don't have any proof of burden, as all the files were saved on a now-dead hard drive.

The more you pout, the more obvious your sexual frustration is for us all to see. Just admit it, you love a penis in the bum.

Shut it down, the goyim can't know about this spree killer.

Dubs confirm were on the internet, where no one ever used the dead HD story

I remember that thread. When she became famous some user said he had chatted with her a few years earlier and posted that pic. Had nothing to do with extortion.

Youre the faggot who sperged about Laci's cow tits user. If anyone is attempting to shut anything down its you in denial about his homoerotic desires ass.


I'll save my rejoice until he kills a young hivelord and his lil' nigglets.
thread theme

Kill yourself kike.

nah antifa is strictly Holla Forums hunting rights. those filthy animals are ours and only ours.


>After I hit these people on Sinclair, I'm gonna start fucking with Greeks.

A size queen I see.

that second one looks real

Typical of your sort. Besides, nothing new has come up about the nigger. Its just bants until anything new comes up. But spergfags like dont get that.

You can get relatively safe cars up to MY 2006. The next year brought all sorts of electronic horrors.

Before 2005 is better. You could still get a relatively basic car with maybe a proprietary Bosch or Hitachi computer with read-only chips and very few adjustable parameters. OBD-2 equipped cars have a little more computer control over engine function sometimes.

Before 1996 is better. There was absolutely no computer standardization and the things did only what they needed to keep the engine rotating.

If you want no computers you'll have to learn how to maintain a carburetor. But there's not much you can do to control something like a Jetronic except fry it with an EMP.

Kill yourself kike.

kys, wigger

cause it is

anyone got a source on this pic i need it

Would you really want to put your dick in that though?

+more pics

Reminder that the name tanya is a nigger name for latanya, its kangz tier and you're a faggot for endorsing a shitty fish lipped anime, KYS.

car fags have a whole thread in this one

Im just gonna bump this to trigger the moralfags

bad taste


Who the fuck is the lady doing drugs?

That's a big line

I see nothing wrong with random bullshit in the thread until some new developments arise. Until then, carfag it up, cowtit it up, who the fuck cares, except the moralfag sperglords.


It's good to confuse the journalists that may be here.

Cleveland PD helicopter trace:

She looks ready to throw down there. She could stand to split the bigger line into 2.

user, I…

Kill yourself kike.

I bet the ones complaining so hard about the banter were the journalists. They werent getting the info handed to them on a silver platter.

lacy green


Were not gonna hand you the story Goldberg. You need to actually do some digging.


she has herpes

If she hadn't been putting away that much coke at 12 years old would she still have become the great journalist she is today?