Pajeets are assblasted (literally) over white people

Designated cultural appropriation

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Why should I care?


reminder brie larson sucked off for that oscar

Typical RWSJWW.

no u

Back to Holla Forumseddit stormtween.

not an argument

is there a scene of her shitting on the street? because its not cultural appropriation if there isn't.

I wasn't making one m'brainlet.

Agree, white people should stop wasting money and time with third world countries.

How is this a cliche?

A reminder that India is literally the shittiest (pun intended) country on the face of the planet and every possible cliche and rumor about it is true. White people coming and saving it is the best possible thing that can ever happen to the shithole because pajeets are clearly incapable of doing anything themselves.

never realized what a nice set of tits she has

threadly reminder.

If there's one country that must be nuked it's Shitdia. Not even middle east.

First generation Indian immigrants GENERALLY don't smell too bad, and their 'native' children generally wash pretty decently, but the grandparents they bring over too absolutely REFUSE to bath, its bizarre. I can not shower for a week and still not smell anywhere near as bad. Little old Indian women will walk by in their sari and I will gag at how offensive they smell.

In my experiences i've found this to hold relatively true, but only in regards to your standard pajeets. Paki's and Sikh's on the other hand smell like they spend all of their free time hanging out in a cesspool no matter the age.

They usually do

They miss the real issue that this is GMO propaganda.

Second generation immigrants who've never seen India, and liberal whites being mad on everyone else's behalf, thinking the entire world looks like a white first world nation, and anything else is a racist stereotype.

b-but reddit told me sikhs are literally perfect in every way

Ha ha great posts! Well meme'd my friend!

not an argument


pajeets don't even know what that is

this is an inaccurate portrayal of indians. everyone knows that these people live and bathe in shit.

What, are you late to the race war?

The absolute state of modern journalism.

what if that one user is President Morald Yuimpf?

It's very cute that they are tying it to the actress, as well. A groomed creature so sensitive to peer review it will likely trigger them to become a rabid feminist in response or accidentally over medicate.


Ha ha great post! Well meme'd my friend!

Pajeet here. I literally agree. Sadly no country is interested enough to do it though.

Oh boy. You've smelt nothing unless you've been near those women who apply TONS OF TONS coconut oil to their hairs. The smell alone will make you vomit.

We do it once when the parents of the newborn throw them into cowdung to sanctify them. They do not worship cows, so they have to do it over and over again.

If that movie portray designated shitting streets, it would be a more accurate portrayal of India?

nobody wants to waste a nuke

A properly sized nuke upon Israel is the best option. I hope NK lobs that way with their farthammer dingus trash and kill a whole lot of dual citizens.


Yes, she's a doe in headlights like all of them but. she isn't the man behind the curtain.


I am committed to the social, political and economic liberation of white people.

You missed it yid, calling you man. You parasite. Exactly which actors or actresses do you perceive as above the noise?

Kubrick put it plainly. Absolutely forced it on them with Eyes Wide Shut.

It ends with the animal groomed harlot attempting to dissuade him from the investigation.


A couple who probably trigger you the most but whom are clearly patricians and a couple obvious ones like Elijah Wood

That's right, the rest is fallacy. I am well aware of Elija's outing of pedos. I am also hugely aware of Tolkien being with no rudder any longer.

Here on out there are two doors, which do you choose?

I doubt it would do any of that. Pajeets generally cannot see themselves in negative light. So I guess marketing would stop them from doing that.

OK. Saw the trailer. There is nothing designated in that movie. Even the top of train scene is mild. If you want to see one watch slumdog millionaire.

Street-shitting is very common in India. Just not in metro cities. You take a 10km hike from the city in morning, find a village or township, go to the field and look around the bushes and you'll find a few people sitting far from each other in their designated spots.

What is more disgusting is the common filth on road (peeing on walls, open roadside garbage, roaming cows and cowdung on roads) and in rivers or ponds (dead bodies floating, lots of flowers after worship, peeing in it, pooping beside it, washing clothes from it and drinking from it).

This bitch made her bed, let her sleep in it.

That's a muslim. But he is still from Indian Continent. No one here uses toilet paper, myself included.

A subset of sikhs look very white. Other than that they are every bit as Indian as others.

Sounds like they want it to be more accurate with the lack of toilets, diseases everywhere, and just everything looks like shit. Also I bet this is just the shit caste saying this. All the rich Indians in the high castes hate the lower castes and think of them essentially as niggers.

Pajeet stop

>selling (((GMO))) rice to save India
This is retarded. India are the top producers and exporters of rice. Plus the father of organic farming, Sir Albert Howard had come to teach India conventional farming but found out that they taught him more, that their traditional farming methods yielded healthier crops and people. This has propaganda written all over it, but these pajeets are focusing on stupid shit like spicy food and people on top of trains.

Are they growing rice in the fertile fields of poo?

They made a poo in loo movie this year and it was really successful.

Cow dung is used a lot since it is a good natural fertilizer.

But there's no way they aren't shitting there as well since they shit everywhere and you have an entire field covered in cow shit beguiling them.

5000 years of history!

Pakistan. its Muslim India that got separated and are waging wars and conflicts ever since

Just when you think India can't get any worse

and their capital is Islamabad

Theshit caste is very uppity now though. The cost system has broken down and ape tier dalit can buy their way into the higher caste. The real high caste Indians still dislike them and wouldn't want ine marrying their children but the caste system is broken now.

tell me more

All the top bollywood stars are fair skinned. Even the biggest superstar, Rajnikanth goes under hours of makeup to appear younger and fairer.

Are you for real?

Not every Indian stereotype.



What is there to tell? The system has broken down and "caste" has more to do with how much money you have than what caste you really belong to. Muslim and British occupiers are to blame. It was inevitable anyway, the people that really built India are an absolute minority now so what can be done about it? I doubt they were ever pure whites like some people claim but comparing a high caste Indian to one of the dravidian monkeys is like comparing a European to a aboriginal.


Also if you want to see the future of white nations if they follow their current course to its conclusion just take a look at India. It is way more relevant than Brazil which seems to be the go to nation for comparison. Brazil is the short term, India is the long term.


No, standard pajeets smell just as fucking bad. Even the "cleanest", most westernized ones smell like a partially well-scrubbed public toilet. I remember hanging out with a bunch of Indians at university once (friends of a friend) and my God, I couldn't bear to sit near any of them for too long because of the smell. The only ones who smell worse are bona-fide niggers from Africa.

Streetshitters are shitty people, period.

Don't let (((them))) fool you about how far along the white genocide is and how much support you have, and don't fall for a dumb purity spiral.


Its as >white as Portugal and Spain. Its not a fucking african country as the jews would like you to think, that is all I'm saying.



Based on the porn all the trannies are blonde and the guys are negroids.

I gotta say, I'm a little worried about WWE's upcoming Indian tour

what if something bad happens to Bliss?

She is hoing to get CURRIED in the middle of a shitting street.

what's with those tits?

ugly fakes.

see, that's just the kind of bad I'm talking about

This is what they do to their own people who want to give them money. Imagine what they will do to her tight pale pooper.


next person who is racist against indian POC in this thread will be personally reported by me to the authorities, y'all have been warned.


Yes, that is a shitpost for ants

moar tbh

As literaly shit as India may be
I'm 100% with them on this
for very different reasons though
subhuman negroids do not deserve any kind of salvation from superior beings, not even in fiction

Indians are very fucking full of themselves for a people where 90% shit in the streets.

Pajeet here again. Your oh-so-pure high caste is a race-mixing bunch of central asian niggers. They just look slightly fairer than the natives. You were living in mud huts until British came and built literally everything.

Who's side are you on?



Why do Indians squat?

Gee, that's a hard one IDK

Wrong. I am English and I'm porcelain white too so I don't have a horse in this race. Let me guess, you are a butthurt dalit mongrel? Your ancestors were a slave race used to build the monuments and carry out chores for those high caste folk that were "living in mud huts" so I can see why you are a fan of the British that helped to put the penultimate nails in the caste systems coffin. Do you like the Muslims too?

I didn't know Tekken's Heihachi was a nigger.

>inb4 >>>Holla Forums

Because they are right

Alright Ad?

LOL, poo in the loo, pajeet.

3rd world stagnation and collapse summed up in one image. The few lights amongst a society dare not speak up for fear the hordes gang up on them and destroy them.

My sides are leaving, (leaving) on that midnight train to Georgia…

reminder to kill boars on sight

this: how internets marketing works

oh jesus? is that who slater's actually fucking?

Pooja is prayer, you godless American

stop denying your brethren and blaming the Pakis, Pajeet

It doesn't change the fact that you have "poo" in your "Pooja". kek

"Poo" meme is so cancerous and Jewish.

Do not derail this thread. This thread exist solely for humiliating wagon wheels only. If you want to humiliate kikes, go poo in another thread, Pajeet

Then stop giving us a reason to mock you for it. You need to be the change you want to see. Stop raping everything with a cunt. Shit in toilets. Bathe in clean water. Stop drinking cow piss.

Act like humans and people will stop treating you like the subhuman animals you are.

t. Pakistani

isn't pakistan just an even dirtier India?

yes and they are muslim too which makes it worse

at least the Quran mandates some amount of cleanliness


they don't shit in the street but thats about it

the only clean pajeets or muslims are rich ones


Muslim Indians were relegated to the filthiest jobs in that society pre-kikening.

The only people still living in filth are the streetshitters. Even your neighbours are a world above you in terms of cleanliness.

Try that again but this time make it a coherent sentence.

not an argument

This. It does not matter whether they are pajeet or mudslime. They live in Indian Subcontinent which includes Pakistan and Bangladesh. That alone keeps them from pooing in the loo.

You didn't present an argument.

That's India in a nutshell.

I don't consider cucks to be white. Your grandfathers were white maybe. Your ethnicity is cuckold.

Nopes. Far from it.

Let's see. 5 pictures of temples from South India.

This proves how much you know about ancient India. Those high caste folks never lived in those temples. They worshiped there. But after that they returned to their own little mudhuts.

Statistically speaking, it would be impossible for all high-caste folk to live in there unless you consider only the highest few brahmins and discard all other caste like lower brahmins, warriors, merchants etc.

There are very few small quarters in the temple. Most lived outside or went home far away.

All of those were from South India. Which means that those were much more inhabited by dark skined people than any others.

North India. Your so called upper class people does not even have a good architecture to show for. The few that there are, looks just like a slightly bigger hut. Regardless even more people lived in mudhuts there.

I am a fan of Americans who a had a good plan and succeeded. British just did not have the guts to do it.

They should ALL be eradicated from the earth.

not an argument

I never said it was.


sucking corporate cock is the new counterculture! bazinga!

shitty bait, pajeet. You could smell it coming from a mile away.