Just a reminder there are nonwhites trying to subvert Holla Forums

-"Muslims" are the real enemy
-Nonwhites in the west should unite with whites to fight jews
-That legal immigration is okay and only legal immigration is the problem
-That immigration is bad because of jobs, not because of race
-That conservative nonwhites who support Trump are "based"

Our enemies are, and always have been, anti-whites. This includes all jews and nonwhites, and a select number of whites. If you see a post that is not calling out anti-whites and talks about "commies" or some shit, REPORT IT. Report any post that glorifies Uncle Toms also.

Other urls found in this thread:


*-That legal immigration is okay and only illegal immigration is the problem

Yeah his name is imkampfy, or his new faggy username "resurrectedreplayer"

Nice try, Ahmed.

Anyone who claims jews aren't there root of the problem in any way should get a public ban out of principle will never happen because imkikey himself is one of the shitskins you mention

Muslims aren't a threat.
Nonwhites are a threat.
All muslims are nonwhite. If they converted to christianity or atheism, they'd still be the same trash. I don't care what they worship.


Imagine if this sign said "KILL THE JEW!" and it was America.

People have been responding to and legitimizing them, so it has to be made clear.

Im very much in support of this plan. But the distinction between the kike and white needs to be established in nog minds, which can be very difficult. To nogs, everyone not nigger is white.

Of course we ship them all back home to da muddahland as soon as the kike is removed.

There's no "plan". Nonwhites are the footmen of kikes. There's no working together, and nonwhites will NEVER be against jews. NEVER.

As a group, they definitely are easily manipulated by kike lies because ultimately the kikes project, and the non-whites want the same shit the kikes do. SO ya, I hear your point. Its been shown as true forever.


please don't ever say "leftwingers are the real [insert leftist insult]"
it sounds pathetic and submissive

Natsoc isn't on the political spectrum, its a third position


This is a nonwhite trying to push "all races must unite against jews!" shit. Report him and get his shitskin ass banned.

The jidf is this scared

Kike shill detected. Even Revelations says a lot about the false prophet, christianity is a lot better than islam and you know it.

Define west then, europe? america? america the country or america the continent? is Russia part of Europe?
Kids, if you use propaganda as facts your "message" will lose all meaning.

Definitions again, Japan has legam migrants, yet they arent japanese, like happas. Read a book please or your posts will be used against you.

Its about genetic pool, iq, etc… "race" isnt cientific, we have 26 definitions of the word specie and negros arent the same specie as whites or asians.

…definitions again, any pajeet raped by muslims will support trump, thats not being based, its called having a functional mind.

You are just another stormtard shill shitting in proved facts with propaganda.

Nonwhite detected.
Report him.

You guys should deal with Antifa, Jews, and any retards with white guilt before starting a race war. You won't get very far if you're constantly fighting with other whites at the same time.

Wew, i didnt noticed the first time
You already can feel the heat of the ovens?

Nope. I'm white. I want to purge you all.

Opposing anti-whites IS a race war.

Wow, you figured out that I'm replying to people in my thread! Terrible job at fitting in, you fucking shitskin. Reported.

You're a joke.

They are. So are the jews. It's not mutually exclusive, I don't know why you fucking kikes can't get that through your head. Fuck kikes and muslims.

No arguments, i even supported some of your points, i even said that you are just shitting in your own words using buzzwords instead of scientific data, according to some definitions it isnt a "race" problem, it is a specie problem, according to science you are a shill.

Kek, i will hang around this thread becaus i love to see kikes working their asses off trying to prevent different grups to unite to kill them..

Tell me moishe, so if a black guy want to kill kikes is that good or bad?

Feel free to bite this pic bait

If you think muslims are the problem, then you think a christian or atheist arab in Europe or the US is acceptable. It's not. They are all trash. I shouldn't even have to think about what religion they are, they shouldn't be here on a purely racial basis.

Nice logical fallacy there sonny

I agree with just about everything in your post. Its all civic nationalist cuckoldry thats bound to fail. I am open to accepting mixed breeds into our ranks though as long as they have 50%+ European ancestry.

Please kill yourself immediately, you braindead sack of shit. Kill all jews, kill all muslims, kill all faggots, kill all trannnies, kill all nonwhites, and kill all communists.

You're not even fucking literate in basic english, plus a cuck image
Go the fuck back to 4chan you foreign trash.

Allright why is there even a discussion here this is obvious as fuck.

Everyone has their country to unfuck, and we can work together to get rid of the kikes.
However in the end, everyone has their own ethnic country to go back to.
Allies are temporary, if people refuse to go back to their own country afterwards, they become the new enemy cause they'll be doing the kikes work for them, thats all there is to it.
Also interbreeders are not allies, even if they think they are.

Why is this so difficult

And why are muslims invading the west?

You do understand that the swastika was shooped, right?

Some strains are, literally, endangered and others are plagues, the solution? castration on plagues, do you want to gibe moni plis on yurop? cut your balls first.

I smell shills tru/pol/

and they smell like disinfo shit

It's not difficult, user. Large amounts of shills are just trying to spread disinfo, and newfags are lapping it up.

Kek The feds on ironmarch are here

If a nonwhite supports nationalism, HE WOULD HAVE ALREADY RETURNED TO HIS COUNTRY.
We don't need to fucking baby them and buy them plane tickets. If they stay on our soil, they are an occupant of a foreign legion. What do you do with occupants?

No doubt ironmarch is here

Thats explain a lot.


could you please explain that organization?

I'll be hugely appreciative
are they part of the Pally Group fascist from Italy?

This guy gets it

I think you may have mis read the OP or I'm mis interpreting your post.

He's trying to argue against civic nationalism.

He is op, see the ID

I dont know what "civic nationalism" is, but i know what specie and race are and that guy is wrong on that, btw, he isnt giving a fuck about christianity being replaced by islam and "racism" is just propaganda, we reject the destruction of civilization, islam is a destroyer of civilizations.

foul and irrational inference

Civic Nationalism is the cornerstone of modern civilization and leads to true renaissance and prosperity

History proves me right

nice try ahmed. Don't worry, the oven is not exclusive to kikes, but every shitskin on this planet.

Couldn't agree more

Kind of a ramble but this is where I'm at personally.

We carry more weight for our size but are still just a drop in the ocean of the vast internet. So, I don't have a problem with having a broad base as we can reach more people. If you're an American especially, you'll have a hard time articulating what your demands are. Not just a revision to a former system but actual progress. As I see it true human progress is technology essentially. I cannot think of any step-change improvement in our lives that was not enabled by our inventions.

What I'm getting at is I believe genetic engineering will enable solutions to the racial questions we're facing. I'll make a prediction and you can take this to the bank. There will be more blondes in Asia than there are in Europe by the end of the 22nd century. A marketplace for genetics where the most desirable traits can be selected. Consider the demands of the current plastic surgery capitals of the world; South Korea, Iran & Brazil.

Also, consider the Roman Empire. At the time of the fall of the Western Roman Empire, slaves outnumbered private Roman citizens. A jawbone of a black woman was found inside a Roman style home in Britannia. That civilization was multicultural and had shockingly similar symptoms during its decline. Even so, today the Italians are essentially genetically the same.

I'm firmly in the brown pill camp and believe a lot of what we agonize over is smoke without fire. We're more than capable of having good productive lives if we put forth enough effort. I'm not sure if idealism is a healthy mindset.

Except all semites are the enemy

Like how Stormfront subverted Holla Forums?

It doesn't matter what race anyone thinks the poster is, OP. All those talking points are just objectively wrong and/or silly. I didn't think we had that many newfags to necessitate this particular thread.

This. The root of every problem we have is Jews.

Shills always respond to other shills. "Jew lauds Jew" is an old Russian proverb.

*tips fedora*

Harping about "muslims" is about as useful as talking about buddhists. Religion is a red herring. Arabs in Europe don't rape and kill because the quran tells them to, they do it because it's racial war.


Qran actually tell them to rape and kill.

I'm not a shill, The only websites I even use are youtube and 8ch essentially. If you have a problem with my post I wish you would throw a counter argument my way so we can discuss it.

this post is illegible. Wtf are you even saying m8?

I don't want non-whites in Europe or and white country, I was merely saying SOME mixed breeds, not black people or hispanic people but People who are predominantly white, who share our ideology should be allowed to be absorbed into the gene pool.

Germany has a lot of atheist Turks. Guess what? They still fucking do it. In fact, christian niggers have higher crime rates than many arabs. The religion doesn't fucking matter at all.

basically Ironmarch is where feds radicalize teenagers into retard idiots in the name of national socialism in order to stop it to spread to a more wide range of people.
Every time you hear any idiot screming that whites need to genocide absolutely everyone pretty sure is a IM hacked teenager.
Also the usually attack other white nationalists and dox them for not being edgy enough

no offense but is English not your first language?

"we" reject the destruction of our race, our civilization, and our way of life. Im not christian, nor am I religious, But christians are ok in my book. Many are pozzed beyond belief today but so are many white people…

I know. I'm adding more examples of shit that shills say. It makes as much sense as saying Holla Forumsacks are the real cultural marxists

See above

Wew, i didnt noticed the first time
You already can feel the heat of the ovens?

meant for

Look at this desperate cunt

Reported. Fuck off of Holla Forums, shitskin.

Is that what your friends at TRS told you? Because I wish IM was as redpilled as you seem to think

Stop trying to distract from the Jewish problem.

stop fellating black dick. No other race is worth unifying with

He's a nonwhite himself. He thinks that he's entitled to live in white nations as long as he opposes jews. In other words, he's an enemy.

You're really missing the National in National Socialism, user. Let's take shit one step at a time.

Kek, you see this, their idiotic inter forum dramma was what killed Holla Forums quality. The whole trs idiotic bullshit was orchestrated by IM, if maybe you fucking idiots can stop using Holla Forums as your faggy tennager battleground it will be perfect.

The Holla Forums userbase that dont hang around in your grindr chat rooms will appreciate that you keep your inter forum hate outside the board

civic nationalism is bound to fail because behavioral traits are genetic. IQ disparities are real. Doesn't matter if you get an entire nation to unite under a shared ideology because it won't last for more than 2 or 3 generations. Ethnic diversity means you'll never reach a fully cohesive nation. It will be like a piece of wood with a crack in it. Apply enough pressure and that is where it will fracture.


lets lynch every nonwhite instead

Do you really think we can't tell you're from TRS? Because it's ridiculously obvious you are

cheers thanks mate

any possible connections to:

Here we go again with the idiots on Ironmarch, you already shared this thread on your grindr chat room?
I dont give a shit about the kikes at TRS and the kikes on Ironmarch, jus t fuck off whit this idiotic dramma, dont drag the complete Holla Forums userbase in your idiotic bullshit. The rest of Holla Forums userbase don care about you retard namefags and your childish inter forum dramm, just stop

You're the one who brought them up out of nowhere retard. They're TRS's boogeymen, literally no one else cares about them.

In the prisons they radicalize hispanics and blacks to be muslim, the white guys are then indoctrinated into white supremacy,

the feds and the seventh floor operatives are trying to incite civil race war by going along with this divide and conquer strat



video bump for the fuck of it
I want the shills to witness this, because I do genuinely love all of you nu/pol/ faggots and tru/pol/ alike

Leave you civic nationalist cuck and take your retarded friends with you

"gibe moni plis" is a racist insult, the rest is shit tier biology.

Even satanics said that they are christians, a lot of pedos marry other pedos…

You dont need a bio major for this, black africans kill their childs every time they sound too smart because they are witches in their "books".

The NOG serial killer thread was full of them
They are way too obvious.

Nice false dichotomy there fed bot

Shut up faggot.

At least you stopped pretending to not be from TRS. Stop shitting up the HAPPENING! thread too please thanks

"Haha X non-whites are pretty cool I guess so we should have them as allies haha, also how do you do fellow Holla Forumsacks?"

Muslims are a threat.
Jews are a threat.
Christians are a threat.

Because all SEMITES are a threat.

Race before all.

Hey there Shoahstein

Let's think of an analogy. You live in nice orderly house you built on your own with your family. One day a strange man forces your door open against your permission and invites wild animals into your home. The animals trash the place and attack your family. The man tells you it's for your own good and if you don't like the animals you're evil. What should we do according to you?
We should remove the man holding open the door, shut the door, and now live with his "gift", the wild animals. After all, getting rid of the animals would be cruel and counter productive.

What should be done is you remove both the man and the animals, retard. Don't start counter-signalling against people who want to remove animals. All you are doing is accepting the fate the jews have brought us.

Common spic please go

If you were paying attention to the OP I'm pretty sure that guy on the bottom of the second pic wouldn't pass the "zero tolerance for non whites"




Kill ourself faggot. I will unite with ANYONE who wants to get rid of the Jew. I do not care their race.

I am white.

Once the Jew is taken care of, everything will fix itself.


Hotep understands. Nation of Islam understands. It is up to them to spread propaganda to their people.

I do not think we should waste an enormous amount of effort trying to convert blacks. Redpilling whites is far more valuable.

But if non whites come to us and say they want to help us fight the Jew. We would be utter fools to not ally with them.

Once the Jew is taken care of white peoples will be saved. The Jew is behind everything.

Fuck off nigger. Nice reddit spacing.

Ok schlomo. This is the plan that will work. Only a fool would deny this.

The Jew will turn all non whites against us if we always adopt the "kill all niggers" rhetoric.

The Jew is most afraid of the entire non Jewish world turning on them.


Christ alive, this thread lured out every bit of bullshit on this board. This is just nauseating. So much arguing, so few arguments.


Niggers are already against our existence by nature, whether they actively intend to or not, be it through genocide, crime or simply breeding in White countries. You won't go anywhere trying to push weak bullshit likw "jews r da reel slave owners".

I haven't seen that one in months.

I've never seen that one here. This is just another pointless 'meta' thread.


For what? So they can live in our nations? That's the main reason why we hate jews in the first place.

Pol can't even come up with a definition of what is white. And we want to sit here and pretend we are going to unite and take on ALL non whites and Jews at the same time.

Hitler had non white allies. It is all about what is going to get results, what is going to help us win, and what is best for the white race.

All I'm saying is just because someone may not be 100 % white doesn't mean they cannot help in the fight against the Jew.

No. We should use them and then when the fight against the Jew is over, then we can focus on regaining our lands for ourselves.


Hes saying get rid of the man first. Deal with the wild nogs, I mean animals, after the hooked nose man is removed.

When the fuck have we ever advocated for this? Fuck off OP, I've been here since the begining, as if this D&C is going to subvert anyone, Nationalism is for everyone or whatever it was to etch out your own existence.

Man, this is pretty good bait, I guess the shills caught on to the fact Holla Forums isn't exactly the top stereotype of super skinhead tattoo neo-nazis and are actually full of people fed-up with kike bullshit that have been here from Holla Forums and the older Holla Forums pre-GG and Exodus respectively.

Sod off, thinning the ranks never did any good, and all it leads to is D&C.

Too easy.

It makes no sense to argue about cleaning schedules when the house is on fire.

Lmao'ing at your life
Weak bitch plebbitor, oo so scary. Fuck off if you don't like it here, we will never bend to your will.

Reading over this thread again, I noticed a few more trends. Take a look at the above-average number of spelling and syntax errors (a common fixture on any part of the internet, but it's much worse than usual in this thread). Moreover, notice the frequent references to Stormfront and Ironmarch (this shouldn't require an explanation).

We are either being overrun by Hebrew-speaking shills who can't speak English, or underageb&s from cuckchan (maybe both). Either way, this thread attracted a veritable army of people who stick out like sore thumbs.

They already are as per nature, no nonwhite can ever advocate pro-white interests because nonwhites will always be a detriment to us.

Fucking retard, this is how I know you're nonwhite. White = European. Nonwhite = anyone else. That simple. Why do you nigger-loving freaks always use >reddit spacing
Is it because you yourself are a nigger and can't comprehend properly formatted paragraphs because of your double-digit IQ?>>9731484

Then I guess I am. I wish to divide nonwhites from white nations so that whites can conquer their own nations back from jewish control.
Nonwhites are a tool of jewish control, the jew(and their nonwhite pet) are the only ones that benefit from having shitskins in white naitons.

Nonwhites in general also have garbage English.

Hey guys, non-white here.
Just dropping by to say Hi. Hope you all had a good Easter!

Or just nonwhite scum that came here from 4cucks and stayed after we mistakenly allowed HWNDU threads.

A bit on >>>/hwndu/ :
I strongly hold the belief that the He Will Not Divide Us "art" project was a psyop to convert would-be national socialists and Trump supporters to a more tolerant and multicultural worldview and nonwhites living in white nations.
The stated premise of the project was to repeat the mantra "he will not divide us" into a camera. Think about this, the human psyche cannot process "not" so they go for the opposite institutionally - he will unite us
That is the true message behind HWNDU - Trump will unite "us"

Now ask yourself - who is us
Us would be "All Americans," not the White race, not those who seek to secure the existence of the white race. "All Americans" includes niggers, beaners, and all kinds of disgusting mudskins that have no place in a white nation
The players on the pro-Trump side were all very visibly nonwhite and I believe Shia(or his handlers) knew this would be the case.
That's why the chose Jew York the most multicultural city in the US, that's probably why he chose New Mexico for the second installation - because he knew that any potential pro-Trump people would be nonwhites.

It is the same "accept diversity" faggotry you see across the board in all other forms of media. The same ideation behind almost every commercial on TV featuring an interracial couple. They want YOU to accept the presence of nonwhites in white nations.
They show nonwhites doing things that if a white did would be wholesome when in reality nonwhites are parasitic by nature and cannot contribute to, assimilate to, or be productive to a white society. They have no standards and seek to bring those who do down to their level.

Seeing this prevalent in HWNDU made me realize that it's a pure psyop to accept alt-right talking points and nonwhites. Even Mike Peinowitz showed up to shill for his aut-right honeypot.
Do not let this sway you though, no nonwhites can ever advocate for truly pro-white ideals because they themselves are not white. They have no clue what it's like living in a nation that's supposed to be homogeneous but has been invaded and destroyed by communist ideas like equality and tolerance.

every time

Yet hitler allied with a bunch of chinks. You are a fucking JIDF faggot.

It seems the jew fears the embarrassment of being locked in the oven by brown hands.

>BASED afrika korps existing means EVIL NAZI H*TLER was really BASED and let niggers live in white Germany

first thing a shill would say. no spoiler, something doesn't add up.

>BASED niggers who want to gas kikes somehow aren't niggers anymore
ebin. guess the white race should just lay down and die then. fuck you.

I am white. Half Northern European half Southern European. Dutch English Italian Greek. In b4 not white enough. In b4 spaghetti nigger.

I am also typing from my phone, so I am prone to make mistakes.

Hitler allied with chinks and even Arabs at points in ww2. You are saying to not even ally with these people when hitler did it. We are in a far worse position now than in ww2.

How'd that work out for him?

Is that what you tell yourself, spic?

Yea, you remove both. But at different times. First you remove the person who won't close the door. Then when you get rid of that person. You can start removing people from your house.

I believe you, nobody would ever do something as insidious as lying on the internet. I couldn't fathom a world where people were snarky cunts to eachother online ;_; I am glad we're all h'uite, tolerant individuals here.
>implying you can inb4 without a meme arrow :^)

Stop posting anytime, reddit spacing faggit.
I shiggy diggy doo.

I'm saying I don't want them in my country.
There's a difference between political alliances and "lol accept those based nonwhite parasites that are currently screwing white nations all over the world over because they put on a Trump MAGA hat xDD" and I don't think you see that. It's the difference between supporting Assad's government and taking in all the refugees his civil war created. You want to support Assad, you don't want his countrymen running rape-trains in your city centers.

I give you the official alt-right seal of fail and AIDS for your posts, keep them coming.

So let's adopt a much tougher strategy and fight off more people when we are in a worse position. Great idea user. Or shall is say JIDF. We will definitely succeed with your plan of killing all non whites and Jews at the same time. Brilliant strategy.

As opposed to your plan of allying with those based nonwhites and letting them run amok in your countries?

Why the fuck have all this artillery and bombs then? Sandniggers have fuck all if it weren't for Americans. But even then America could wipe them clean off the map if they so wished. Oo, who's gonna stop us, Baboonzill?

I'm saying we fix one problem, then we fix the other. It's a process, and it's important to take one step at a time. I don't want them running around in my countries.

Because our government funds the wars in the Middle East. Seriously, how stupid is Holla Forums? You want to end immigration, get rid of the Jews. Also, why is is Holla Forums so afraid of muslins? We practically agree on almost all their stances on homosexuality, women's "rights" and family pecking order. At least Islam didn't bend the knee for the kikes, and advocated killing off their entire kind. Hell, why are we even fighting against them anyways, so we can defend our little Wehrmar 2.0?

But you're okay with it as long as they're BASED' ones that are down to fight the jew, right?

You're clearly missing the point on purpose, its why we don't cooperate with civicnationalists
Its all about RACE, shitskin.
Fucking faggot wasting my precious time. Wew, kill yourself you genetic deadend.

lol is this the best the white man can do, tell people to go kill themselves while screaming autisticly on a Mongolian tapestry website? Enjoy your Kosher nationalism, retard.


"Gas the Kikes, race war now."

It's not really that complicated. It doesn't say "race war later".

Imagine someone is having their pitbull rip into your abdomen, tearing out your bowels, while at the same time, the guy is pissing on you.

The nu/pol/ reddit civic nationalist is watching this and saying "Hey, you should ally with that dog who has a chunk of your lower intestine in his mouth; you guys can wok together to fight the dude pissing on you. Look, some of the piss is splashing on the dog too!"


The impact of mass immigration upon race cannot be separated from its impact upon race whatever you mean by these intentionally vague claims, deliberately vague enough that you can shape-shift and avoid any criticism later, no doubt.
Immigration has no direct impact on race per se, the damage is done through its various effects.
And primary among those effects is impoverishment of the White family, in particular the White working-class man.
Mass-immigration's effect on "jobs"[sic] is one of the primary causes of White genocide.
To raise a family, a White man requires a healthy income.
Mass-immigration impedes this process by:
Without a job, a White man cannot raise a family.
With wages depressed, the potential family size is reduced.
Extortionate rental prices cut into funds which should be used to raise his children.
And so on.
When we talk about "White genocide", we are not referring to death camps but the process just outlined. A gradual attrition of White numbers as insufficient Whites can afford to reproduce above replacement level (2.1 children per family.)

Mass immigration drives White genocide REGARDLESS OF THE RACE OF THE IMMIGRANTS.

A people can survive robberies, murders, sexual assaults and acts of terrorism, it can survive and recover.
A people CANNOT survive generations below replacement level fertility because there will be NO ONE LEFT TO SURVIVE.

Well spotted.
Keeping their various enemies fragmented and at each other's throats has been a primary objective of the fake right since its inception, and a very noticeable preoccupation of the online Kosher right for the past year and a half.
Of course, anyone presenting reasoned points against the Ironmarch "1488 BOOTS ON THE STREET, ALL NIGGERS MUST HANG, FIRE UP THE OVENS, BOOTS ON THE STREET ZIG HAIL [sic]" crowd is instantly barraged by a list of accusations pulled from a common armory which is shared amongst these controlled opposition shills.
You will be called a civic nationalist, a Jew, a leftist, a mgtow, a cuck, a weakling, a coward and so on.
Out-grouping and dissuading others from expressing similar opinions through practical example of what happens to dissenters, are the objectives.
The left operates in identical fashion, high profile examples of public shaming and threats of ejection from the group are used as whips to keep the rest in line.
Shocking and violent imagery presented alongside bottom-feeder slogans, serve a dual purpose (as all Jewish operations do.)
Firstly gratuitous violence and crude language acts to titillate and excite frustrated young men, who find the hypermasculine imagery alluring; associating themselves with it (reposting etc) they hope to project an image of power and strength to their social circle.
More importantly however, the repulsive low-brow nature of these slogans and images serve to maintain nationalism on the margins, it acts as a repellent to thinking men who may be perfectly sympathetic to the causes of racial nationalism and fully aware of Jewish behavior but whom are completely turned off when they see who is claiming to be its representative.
Instead of joining the fight, they stay isolated and keep their beliefs to themselves, for who wishes to be associated with dog-headed stormtroopers with glowing red eyes and whose primary tenet in life is "ALL NIGGERS MUST HANG"?

Daily Stormer, Red Ice, TRS and any number of largely offline "street marching" groups such as National Action are Jewish defilement operations designed to prevent Nationalism from gaining popular acceptance.

Holla Forums is and always has been a white board, prior to 2015 we rarely even used the word "nationalist". Scotland is "nationalist" and it's the most pozzed place in the U.K., which is no small feat.

What exactly are you idiots trying to defend? Your entire government has control of both the right and left wing candidates. If you honestly think reducing immigration will end all the white man's problems, you're gravely mistaken. I wonder what all you "remove kebabers" will say when Hitler was a great admirer of Islam. youtu.be/_fo99fIsMOI

No it isn't.
The SNP is not a nationalist party, they are Marxists.

There's already evidence of a cryptoWhite playing their usal shitskin games trying to trick us into an alliance. They cannot be trusted, they won't be trusted, they'll all get gassed and so will you. Just because you write a wall of text doesn't mean you're smart or clever. Faggot spic shitskin. Reference:

>"Gee fellow h'wites, why do we hate Muslims? We agree on everything! Even kill infidel"

Yes, yes, yes.
Brings a tear to my eye knowing that the entire board isn't brainwashed.
Thank you.

I don't think anyone disagrees that lying and subversive action can have a purpose. You don't need to say out loud that all blacks should be physically removed from white countries- but if you genuinely don't believe it, you don't belong on Holla Forums.

((( )))
What you doing there rabbi

isn't this why we have /polmeta/

The furry diaper scat board where moderators do absolutely fucking nothing about any grievance because they’re literally paid kike shills, you mean?

I bet half of Holla Forums is non-white, we know at least that much from HWNDU. I'd start a survey or something about the percent of different races on Holla Forums, but everyone is too paranoid about datamining like it makes a difference in the eyes of the government or media; we're all on some kind of list just for posting here.

a good lie has some truth in it, which is why i think this is shitposting.

your other thread "what %white is acceptable/kill all mixed whites!!!!" seems to have been deleted.

is obnoxious! full! retard! posting! a new tactic now?


All that is evidenced here is a renewed Jewish desperation to prevent their enemies from collaborating on the project known as "let's do away with Jews once and for all."
And this effort does not only cross racial barriers, the Jew (like you) require Whites to be shattered into a thousand fragments in order that we are too weak to finally deal with them.
Hence the contrived Berkeley nonsense. Organized shills play both sides, they pretend to attack one another, they make sure that the "heroes" of this staged fight are dressed in memorable ways, as Captain America, or suited and booted like Agent Smith, and that the "opponents" are likewise fully prepared to be turned into memes (AIDs Skrillex etc.)
Keep young people divided into left and right, make each side look as alien and "othered" as possible to one another.
Use humour and ridicule, make the targets as monstrous or ridiculous, as caricatured as possible to ensure the uptake of the meme.
These people are all actors.
It's one big stage designed to keep the Goyim at each other's throats.
And it's working because people will not question something they want to be true.
And what could you want to be true any more strongly than young people dressed like Hollywood representations of the radical left and right?
Oh yes, you better believe that just as right-wingers are given comedy material featuring "leftists", so are the leftists given their own versions, MADE BY THE SAME PEOPLE.
Milo protests by bouncing fat girl, AIDs skirllexes etc? Staged.
Richard Spencer being punched wherever he goes? Staged.
Poor defenceless girl being hit on the head then cared for by Police, actors and secret service dressed up as Trump supporters? Staged.
This is one of the biggest psyops in American history, because we are at a critical juncture and the stops are being pulled out.
Just be aware, you can't fool everyone, especially those of us who have been around for a long time and seen it all before.


There is in fact such a thing as harmful purity spiraling- but it's very, very difficult to buy the idea that threads which were completely commonplace for the last 6 years up until Trump are now suddenly fed honeypot d&c tactics. They haven't changed. They're not new. It's the "based nigger" colorblind civic nationalists who are new.

I mean come on man, you're on a board of autists who have spent 12 hours a day here for the last half a decade, people can feel when something is out of place like a spider feels a fly in their web. And there's a big, /r/the_cuckold shapes fly who has been kicking its legs for the past 10 months.


The white race, something a shitskin like you could never understand.
Exactly, and who's fault is that?
I think that reducing the amount of nonwhite immigration as well as the number of ninwhites in white nations to zero would solve a damn lot of them.
I wonder what you will say when you realize he was speaking of nonwhites in nonwhite nations and said nonwhites could not apply for NSDAP citizenship. It's almost like you're a braindead nigger who doesn't understand what he's dealing with.

Quit the "chemical enlightenment" user.

I said OPs standards.

It's hilarious to me, that you are so entrenched in your scripted way of replying, that despite your tactics being enumerated in the very post you're replying to, you use them again regardless.
TRS meme brackets and accusation of being a Jew, while ignoring the content of the post.
Do you really believe that your tactics aren't transparent by now, as more and more anons wake up to your activities, or are you just incapable or forbidden from acting on your own initiative?
Try again, choose some different words from your "list of terms to use on Holla Forums to out-group problem posters."
Try "mgtow" or "fag".

Fighting an uphill battle here these days but thanks for still trying. I gave up a long time ago.

Of course there's a reason that the cops appeared to stand down in Berkeley and we get the same fucking controlled opposition streamers over and fucking over with streams that cut out or go 20p mode every time anything interesting happens, with photos provided later to fill in the gaps

Accusations of mental illness/drug use while completely ignoring post content.
Does it get more Kosher than this?

Finally someone talking sense. Can you believe there are some newfags here who actually believe California is a real place

Bolshevik tactics never change.

You might also notice that in some of the photos of the skank that got punched, she has a "broken nose" going in to the skuffle. But did not have one posting before the event that she was going to take scalps. Blonde guy looks too obvious (like that meme from the talk show with the blonde guy disgusted with a fatty), but has tats under his disguise.

You're going to discount the idea that non-whites that live in the US and across the globe aren't posting in this thread as we speak?

The content of your posts is erratic as all hell and should be ignored. The first one you've made is the only one that makes any semblance of a point, and that point is vague at best.

You do spout narratives that drug using "dude aliens lmao" tier individuals espouse, it's fair I accuse you of being one. Specifically this "everything is fake" narrative which completely ignores the possibility that jewish social conditioning leads to real life events. I can understand shit like 9/11 and Sandy Hook being hoaxes or cover ups but a protest in an area that's historically been prone to violent protests even in pre-COINTELPRO America? They don't need to hoax that shit.

Do you think hippies all living in communal rat-nests is a hoax too? These people are brainwashed, not actors(even though they might as well be). Play the same games LSD-addled lolbergs play, get treated like an LSD-addled lolberg.

Bolsheviks were crisis actors, never existed. "St. Petersburg" is a soundstage in New Mexico.

Nice italics.
Nice Red Ice stylography.
Come back when you can address the content.

Your desperation is showing.

I'm not qualified to address schizophrenia

I see where you're coming from but this pathological skepticism stems from the fact that we dedicate the majority of our time for information, including excepts from movies and film giving us the illusion of life intimating fiction instead of the other way around. Although you're still gay for wishing to ally with the civnats.

oh…. sorry.

You've demonstrated your qualifications.
Namely a specialization in linking nationalism as a whole, and dissenting posts in particular, with widely discredited concepts such as the flat earth and alien abducation.
In fact your choice of tactics here provide a good example of just exactly why the fake right is so insistent about besmirching right-wing beliefs by association with flat earth, giant prehistoric trees, the glass dome surrounding the earth, holographic moon and so on.
It is a central weapon in your coordinated attempts to discredit nationalists and keep us marginalized.
Pic related, the typical qualifications of a typical shill.
Videos related, examples of ideological contagion through intermingling of nationalist topics with fringe conspiracy theories.
Once again, as already stated, your tactics are becoming obvious to more and more anons.
Thank you for giving us yet another opportunity to showcase your behavior.
Favourite projection, video answers "why is that?"

What? You literally contradicted yourself in the first two points

Reported, saged, hidden, called the cops.

Skepticism means reserving belief until presented with evidence.
Video footage provided by known shills, of a laughing woman, surrounded by laughing people, with no visible injury and no evidence of injury provided after the event, despite the massive propaganda coup it would be to interview an attractive young woman after her head was split open by a violent leftist is not ample evidence, in fact it is evidence to the contrary.
If you believe it then you are suffering from pathological credulity or wishful thinking.
Show us the wound, show us the scar.
You can't because there is none.
There is none because the event is staged and the persons are acting.
Show me where I said that.
Quote the specific sentence where I state a wish to "ally with civic nationalists."
Be precise.

Not a single one of the /x/ things you mentioned was posted in this thread- not a single one of them, not once. The only flat earth type thing mentioned here is your assertion that the huntington fight was a all a staged performance- your evidence being some red circles you drew around people. But you're so passionate about it that I think you're just genuinely paranoid rather than a shill- I consider yours like you to generally be allies, 99% of what you think you find is nothing, but occasionally by shear nature of probability you find something real and it comes in handy as a archived post 5 years later.

In this thread you can see your average FED braiwashed teens from National Action, Ironmarch and American Vanguard.

American Vangard thread (archive.fo/QYsih)

Typical hacked teens acting like fucking idiots in order to stop the spread of national socialism.

Here the raw implanted kike chip taking control

on spot

pol is full of spics, indians and niggers. Some understand their place and some others don't give a fuck and would fuck a white woman if given the chance. This taken into account, some simply are trapped between having proper education but their people/race being trash, thus feeling lonely. They know there is a 1x10^-12 chance of ever getting a non-white woman in the west that holds nationalistic traditional views. It's a pityful existence, but given the status quo we're not in very better place.

The "larpers" aren't heard enough so we get lots of people coming here for laughs and "muh fun". Here people come to shitpost and post anime and shit content. We used to have /natsoc/ which had good serious discussion and the mods had standards. pol is a cesspool but you do get the good thread from time to time. I'm not that old of a lurker but since i've remembered pol was full of non whites shitposting and "having fun" so I always wondered that pol wasn't for true serious discussion. Anyways, since now "concern trolling" disarms the validity of any concern, I'd suggest you get a new board.

Help me revive /natsoc/ ffs

You keep posting shit like this. Please explain, specifically, the actions you believe should be taken to end and reverse the decline and marginalization of white peoples in their historic nations. If you think it's beneficial to ally with alien subspecies of primates, you need to provide your side of the argument, rather than simply poisoning the well of your opponents by saying they're all federal agents.

shitskin here, i swore by my life not to project my white fathers mistake (coal burner) onto pure white peoples gene pool, and im currently in a relationship with another mulatto like me, whom i have redpilled.
So its all good, but still, i would really appreciate if people here on this board could stop accusing me of supposed subversion.
Im doing my best trying to protect the blood and value of my white ancestors and to be honest i wont be pushed into a courner by paranoid faggots like OP.

What does he expect me to do ? betray my fathers race and start fighting against it even though i dont want to, just to fit into his enemy picture ? No, fuck that and fuck you OP.

I never said they were. The references made to topics of the same ilk, aliens, 9/11, Sandy Hook, being under the influence of psychedelic drugs, implying schizophrenia &c are just variations on the theme of contagion by association which is so often used as the examples shown.
No, the circles aren't the evidence.
Even when cornered, the shill will keep using the same allegations.

I wonder how many of the posters are actually kids who have been mind controlled and how many are astroturfers playing the role in the hopes of finding recruits here.

I do believe that the kid who was caught spraying the Synagogue last week, Dylan Mahone, 20 years of age, is a victim of such a group. Turned out his graffiti was promoting an outfit called Aryan Underground, which had all the hallmarks of a Matthew Heimbach operation, their Twitter account only follows around 30 individuals, but includes Heimbach's Traditional Workers and Red Ice/Renegade affiliates like SeventhSon.
Let me see if I can find the screenshots.
You remember Heimbach and Michelle K have been running a propaganda operation for about the past year, where they upload photographs supposedly showing them defacing university sites with stickers and posters.
Well Dylan Mahone has also been charged with a flyer crime at one of the institutions they targeted.
The whole point is to lure gullible young men into committing felonies, usually through appeals to their (already insecure) masculinity.
You've heard it many times I'm sure:

It's this kind of shit that make me say you want to feel part of this. You should try to be your own man and you shouldn't care one bit about your abstract conception of what pol consensus is about you. You shouldn't give a fuck. I made reference to people like you, when I said "some know their place". I don't see whites as superior, to me we seem to be but I don't truly care, we are absolutely degenerated and we must work ourselves to the bone to overcome it.

OP is right in his thinking, he fucking knows that it isn't all non-whites. But he also knows, that the best thing that non-whites will do, is what you did. It is noble and admirable, yet you are going to have kids anyways, right? You're still going to live in a white country, won't you? You aren't immoral or bad for doing so, but given our situation, every single non-white that is born is acceleration to our demise.

As I've said, we are in deep shit, we have to sort ourselves the fuck out. You do understand where you are? You do understand that if you live in america or europe, in the ideal Holla Forums solution you'd be deported from these lands, right? You should know this, as noble and effortful as you are, that's what whites will need to do in order to achieve a real enclave in the world, instead of slowly drifting into nothingness.

I can only speak and work for myself, that's the best realisation I've made. I always told myself that if only Hitler had won, I'd be living among such a great society that would push me to be the best version and whites would be "great again". I understood that this is idiotic, only the individual can better himself, through an intimate understanding of this notion you realise that it is right now, immediatly that you must start to better yourself. Once all whites have done this, or a substantial portion of whites, people like you, mulattos spics etc, will have to leave our lands. To where? you might ask. We will not care, those moral and ethical notions of being just with those "alien" will have been eradicated.

So you may feel nice and comfortable in this board, but remember that the ideal reconstruction of white societies would mean the just for us but harming for you displacement of your people.

Good some understood. The problem to solve will be territory. You cannot live among pure races without being an involuntary vector for Jewish influence on culture. Infertility and isolation could solve the problem in a human way, and those willing could even work for the cause through anonymity. But not every mixed will play along and getting denied the possibility for recreation might be hard to accept. There need to be a cleansing, but who decides who to cleanse.

The number of nonwhites that can be trusted with such a task is so miniscule it's negligible. It'd be like wasting time on the mythical good kike.

i am going to keep it short.
bassically this guy already addresed it

i am going to go further.
Kikes have almost taken over the world, if humanity have a single chance against kikes is by finding common ideolgical ground in the struggle agains them. I am not telling Shitskins need to be alwed to stay in white contries, everyone need to go back. What i am saying is that, if all groups can put their differencies aside and can find a common ground in siding agains kikes that would increase greatly the chances to get rid of the kike scourge.

In the end the only interaction with nonwhites should be throug the online movement against kikes. This has been happening any way here on Holla Forums (see the HWNDU case)

Wow, you're a fucking faggot jew. You know what I meant yet you attack my English and move away from my point yet AGAIN without attribution. I don't give a shit about the wound, I didn't even open that thread up, I only ever gave a shit about you saying how its oh so strange how we're all splitting into groups that bicker at eachother, take this shit over there we are speaking about shitskins on Holla Forums.

Please give a specific example of an action that you would like to see happen which incolves whites allying with sun-saharan, aneanderthalic negroids. Don't say "united against the kikes"- I know that's what you're proposing, I'm asking for an example of a concrete action which would be taken after the unification occurs.

What the fuck is wrong with removing both at the same time? In practice, the only thing your "method" accomplishes is telling people to stop being mean to niggers.
So fuck off.

thanks for referencing /natsoc/ i was wondering where the hell i could find real national socialist to talk with.
I will lurk there and redirect real Natsocs there to revive the place

Implying Matt Heimbach is a fed. LOL no.

The very fact that posting a fucking flyer somewhere can be considered a felony is an absolute disgrace.

This is precisely what the shills are here to prevent.
They will call anyone who presents a danger of reducing the chaos and focusing diverse racial and cultural groups into a coordinated effort against the Jews, they will attack such people with every kind of defamation.
on, and on.
They know that the day the races temporarily put their own disagreements on hold to tackle this perennial problem which has dogged mankind for millennia, is the day the Jew meets its end.
They will do everything in their power to prevent it.

As predicted above.
Your actual response to my first post was this:
Another example of the behavior described above.
Notice how the shill attacks then claims to be attacked, all the while ignoring the content and focusing on personal attacks himself.
Your sudden explosion of anger is probably related to my posting the link between the arrested kid and known Jewish shill Matthew Heimbach.
Carry on.

Please list some concrete actions which would benefit the interests of the white genetic in-group which can derive a net-benefit from allying with sub-saharan negroids. You're just making vague references to Jews and saying that whites uniting against non-whites is a bad thing, without attempting to offer and argument explaining why.

This describes, down to every detail, every post you have made in this thread

Because the Jews will turn them against us. Non whites are the buffer between whites and jews. If the non whites aren't there, they have no protection. They only have mercenaries.

You ignored my content twice, once knowing what I meant and then dismissing it, and then second time when you knew very well it was in reference to your paranoia based on some shitty thread that has NO relation to this shit. I don't think you're a kike or a shill, I legitimately think you're a jew
Then ignoring my other point, take this dumb shit over there you have no proof of all of Holla Forums being subverted into hating shitskins based on one unrelated video. Fag jew.

He is a federal agent provocateur, yes.
He is also Jewish.

The very fact that despite this being the case, Matthew Heimbach recruits gullible autistic teenagers to commit felonies which result in them being locked up is more disgraceful.
Video related, it's Matthew Heimbach running defilement on Trump during the election.
A staged fight between a black accomplice and himself, always with the MAGA hat, of course.
The message: "Trump spreads violence and racial hatred."
Too bad that despite your efforts, Trump got elected, you must still be mad about that.
Defilement through contagion is easy to spot once you know what to look for. Thanks for reminding me, I will post more examples to help anons learn what it looks like.
Basic formula:
Show the person you wish to defile, alongside violent or repulsive imagery.
Clad a mass murderer in the target's merchandise.
Modify the target's slogan e.g:
Crude but effective.

You don't seem to grasp how this works.
Your thesis is that attacking non-Whites will facilitate casting off the Jewish yoke.
Explain how.

Random accusations of mental illness and conspiracy theories aren't relevant content and you shouldn't expect anyone to waste their time defending against your slurs.
Address my initial post or don't expect a reply.
See the pattern lads?

I agree with you on everything you said, forming an alliance (or at least not blatantly targeting non whites) but Matt Heimbach is not a jewish shill. He seems to be the exact type of "Nationalism for all peoples" type of person ramzpaul is, and he also talks about how he has a lot in common with Louis Farrakhan. Youre right on a lot of what you say but you are wrong about Heimbach.

If he isn't a jew, he is certainly doing his best to mimic down to the letter the description givn of Jewish argument tactics in mein kampf. Maybe it's a performance art piece.

well the way you talk about non whites make me doubt about if you are really interested. Anyway i will give it a shot.

Well dude, have you ever browsed /sg/ (Syria Generals) on 4pol? thats a fucking confy place to see interaction between people of all races and backgrounds cooperating in a common goal against the kikes ans their isis bots without giving a fuck who the other guy is coming from. Those autists have already coordinated several airstraikes against isis locating their campaments greotracking them by the videos the isis idiots upload. Thats the cooperation i am talking about.

Well the only action needed is stopping this rabid hate against nonwhites browsing this place, becase as the other anons said here there are a fuck thon of non whites browsing but they mostly go silent because they are non welcome by the most radicalized elements of Holla Forums

If this people don feel rejected, and they feel that they have a place in the community they will stop using this place just as a news source and will start engaging more actively in all propaganda actions and initiatives. The number of active users will increase and the range of action of Holla Forums will increase in the same way, and things l that happen ins /sg/ will start happening here. As you see this have nothing to do with civic nationalism, this has more to do with a ==global hivemind==.

this, second pic related

Im kind of working on taking the ironpill myself now and sustaineability for me or my future family will not a problem, never mind the global location, especially due to our priviledged financial situation.
Besides that do I just not really see my position in society being threatened by heavy change anytime soon, but if the day comes I as a native established public speaker for my local bavarian conservative party will be sure to march alongsides my white brothers.

Even in the very unlikely scenario of a november 1938 like purge of nonwhites, the friendship with my people and meinen Kameraden is a great one, i look at the future in optimism, for both my people and myself.

You claimed an event which most likely isn't fake(no reason to fake it when you could incite the real thing) and I assumed you do the same with other events.
What is "red ice stylography" I was accusing you of being the red-ice tier faggot and you just keep proving my points by doubling down on everything instead of asking yourself: "am I posting erratic and irreverent garbage? "

If you hadn't noticed, this thread is now about your verbal diarrhea and not subversion, if this was your intent good job, you're a top-tier shill. Either way kill yourself.
I am the guy you replied to, just a different ID

In your mind, is Trump a stepping stone or the ideal we want for America?

fucking kek'd. fuck right off.

Again, I'm asking for one- literally just one- example of a concrete action that would derive a net-benefit from whites allying with non-whites in our home countries. Saying "engage" or "unify" isn't an example. Engage in what concrete, tangible action?

I've asked two of you this question 3 times now, and despite your walls of text, neither of you have even attempted to list one single, solitary example.

Those retards have already bombed isis so.. there is that

Ramzpaul is a Jewish shill. In fact he's a colleague of Heimbach's.
I know that it comes as a shock to discover that every last one of the e-celebs are actually working controlled opposition but that's how it is.
They give the impression of being independents but they are linked out of sight and behind the scenes.
Cross-promotion is the easiest way to tell. Ramzpaul cross-promotes people like Sinead Mccarthy, Evalion, Millennial Woes and vice versa. His major kick is yellow fever and during the election cycle they were all promoting the Asian porn actress Tila Tequila and trying to link her to Trump.
But this is tangential and outwith the scope of this thread.


You don't provide evidence of anything. If anything, you sound like Sinead, accusing every single person other than renegade broadcasting of being a jew.

So how about them based niggers and homos, right? God, out of all the people you're the ones proving CommonCuck and Sinead fucking right. White nationalism is for whites, take this "let's be a diverse right! We're totally not like the real racists, the left!" and shove it up your pozhole. We fucking hate the aut-right for this reason. Niggers and homos serve their own interests, not ours and as they should be. We must serve our OWN interests, before we can serve anyone else's. Do you aut-right faggots think Hitler is a meme? We are serious about NatSoc and Fascism, go back to your little commie larping meme playlist on Jewtube, we can talk about actually raising family and help the white race here.

What about based Jews?

Because he is nonwhite, and a cuckchanner that knows deep down nothing himself or his muddy buddies could do would benefit the white race.
His post reeks of PRcucking, mediocrity, and pic related

So? They are cuckchanners, they are the bottom-of-the-barrel trash that stayed on a site that actively hates anything and everything good in the world. They are the scum that stayed after gamergate showed that the mods there are compromised as all fuck and most hold SJW sympathies. Nothing they could do would change who they are

leave that board-ruining kike alone ;_;


You're delusional. You have no proof of anything, just blanket accusations.

Ramzpaul is part jewish. Like 0.1%, according to his 23andme. So I guess you're right there.

well dude sorry to dissapoint you, i never said that you should ally with the shitskins that already invaded white countries, you should not ally whit them even if they say they are based.
You need to learn to differenciate between non whites in real life and non whites in the internet, if you came to the internet to hate non whites as a consequence of the non whites IRL thats where you have the mistake.

In fact, nonwhites online are worse because they are de-facto using a white man's invention they could never hope to comprehend. At least some IRL muds just hang out in their little backwaters and fester in their own shit.

If you're talking about finding common ground with non-white foreigners, that's completely different. That's simple erhninatinalism. I don't have a problem with non-whites in their own countries, although eventually we should strive to maintain the capability to dominate and outcompete them should a competition for resources ever occur.

That's very, very different then people proposing that it's okay or desirable to have non-whites in historically white countries.

Omg side pic of Jared taylor his nose is somewhat slanted down. MUST BE A JEW. GOT EM.

You're a jew man spouting this bullshyt. Ernst Zundel a Jew? Anglin a Jew? hahaha

Fuck off faggot

I don't think he believes what he's saying, it's just pure derailment; roads to nowhere with only the most shallow veneer of coherence.

Well i never said something like that, may be you confused me for someone else


literally a reworded version of the Lefts excuse's for allowing Mass immigration into Europe.

Indeed, the tactic is a staple of the controlled opposition.
Notice how my posts about Heimbach have triggered a flood of responses, this is because he is a high rank shill and must be protected to ensure the integrity of the operations he runs.

The "real thing" can't be fully controlled.
The "real thing" costs more to conduct.
>muh diarrhea Jewish fecal obsession seeping through, as it always does.
P…please say something that I can use to out-group you. to a tee, hilarious, predictable, scripted.

It's right there in front of your eyes and hundreds more examples can readily be found if you bother to look.
But controlled opposition shills will deny any amount of evidence, afterall they must defend their operatives.

Where did I claim Anglin is a Jew?
Where does it say that anyone in that montage is a Jew?

Please fucking tell me that image is ironic.


Why can't we want to mix race in a way that benefits humanity? Whi cares if your white with a 70 IQ, you might as well be a nigger.

1. That Turk/Persian in the image looks white
2. Hitler was in a war, you start to stop giving a shit what race is your allies are when you yourself are securing a future for whites in your own country. Hitler would never let these brown allies in his own country, just as we shouldn't let in shitskins in our own board.
Aut-kike faggots like you are the reason we doxxed TRS.

Hate to say this but 4cuck at times recently has been better then this /r/the_donald refuge board. The quality of post lately are really suffering.

but they where right user. You just didn't listen.

You might as well fucking kill all slavs at that point. We don't save whites because they're smart, we save them because we are white ourselves. There is no higher purpose, it's just genetic preservation. It's like your family, if your idiot brother that drinks too much was in a fire, you would still save him because he's your brother. Anyone who wouldn't do that is weak.

It doesn't need to be
It clearly doesn't, because you can just create the conditions that lead to the real thing and plant one guy with a cell phone, the other way requires staging, actors, NDAs, and a way to keep the native population away(or is the entire state of california fake as well?)

Thanks for proving you're the type of person who should be rightfully out-grouped. Let me guess, you also don't want to "out-group" shitskins? Top kek.
Nice derail.

Nope, the entire population of 4cuck are scum that willingly stay on a site that actively hates them. They stay on a site confirmed to have cucked mods and do nothing to better their situation.
The mods allow blatant anti-white shit there too, bet you're perfectly fine with that kike.

If you keep letting in "based" niggers and fags they will be.

sounds just like 8/pol/ recently too be honest. The problem is there is nowhere else to go.

look a class A Edgelord of kikemarch here

They still won't be, and if you hadn't noticed I'm very anti-nigger and anti-fag.

8ch is cucked as fuck too, ever since the hack I've been using endchan and another more experimental site almost exclusively.

hello TRShill.

Yes, it clearly doesn't cost more to police thousands of rioters or repair the damage and civil disturbance they cause, and process them through the criminal justice system, than it does to hire a few dozen actors, most of whom are already employed by the state.
Yes, that makes total sense. You have a great grasp on how things work in the real world.
What do you imagine that my declining to answer your question "proves"?
Expecting someone who you have just insulted, tried to out-group and then told to kill herself, to take the time to answer your questions tells us a lot more about your mentality and its tenuous grip on reality.

Yet more D&C. As I stated up the thread, you people aren't content to keep persons of different ethnicities who share a common objective divided, you actively work on instilling hatred for even our most closely aligned and racially similar cousins.
Thanks for demonstrating it.

Nature is such a fucking edgelord

Then fuck off to 4cuck. Nothing stopping you

And this is exactly the sentiment the shill wanted to generate.

Typical JIDF shill.

This is the typical Jew tactics. Speak half truths, then throw in two faced kike lies, like Matt heimbach and ramzpaul are Jewish agents.

I actually agree with you about focusing on the Jew instead of the non whites. But you are either batshit insane with everything else or a jidf agent. Most likely the latter.

Anglin is s fed. Jared Taylor is s fed. They're not caucasians! They're all Feds!

Anglin was mentioned on the congressional floor by a sitting congressman. A lot of those guys you posted are listed on the SPLC hate watch website, and were explicitly listed as groups of people the SPLC says donald trump must disavow.

i just joined 8ch but fuk I spend way too much time here and I need to leave. Fucking jidf pieces of shit are everywhere.

So the dozen or so members on their forum convinced Kike Eunuch to marry a jewess 7 or 8 years ago, and then forced him to bash "1488ers" and "purity-spiralers" while pushing the kosher "fashy libertarianism".

Have anything to back that up?

why would you use a Nevada based controlled opposition honeypot full of Hapa's, Jews, Haitians and leftist LARPing as national socialist?

Dude, read the post history of f10c8d; there's nothing there, the only way you can deal with an endless walk of empty words is to not respond. His very first post is what derailed this thread. It's not a person, it's a box that opened up and isn't going to close. The only way to win is not to play.

Your "I actually agree with you, but" tactic is wearing rather thin.

I agree that way too many accusations are flung around, but Ramzsaul and Jared Taysachs are absolutely jewish agents.

So was Hal Turner.

kek you allready shared this thread in your homosexual chat room? Actually i dont give a fuck about TRS kikes, for me every namefag is the same, TRS kikes are just the same as kikemarch idiots, keep your idiotic teenagers out of this board, we dont want your drama here


Considering the police stood down, and the damage lies on the buisiness owners and private citizens to repair your point is yet again moot.

Funny coming from the faggot who thinks everything is fake.
Only someone who's okay with nonwhites in white nations would think that Trump is the destination, your denial to answer proves you think this.

kek, now you're the one using those same leftist shaming tactics you accused me of using. Jesus fuck.


moot point, 8ch is hosted in LA. There is no imageboard without pozzed hosting, .net has RaceQueen, .pl is in Moldova which has hate speech laws, and NeXTCHAN has decent hosting but pozzed software.
Also where is sauce on that picture, I've encountered exactly zero hapas there

I think this is a lie because you used 'edgy' as an insult and only TRS faggots do that, if it's true then we're on the same page regarding namefags.

So that is why all the posts there seem like the ramblings of schizos they are all just genetic defects. It really has the old noodle going.

Even post-hack cripple is better than most options. Maybe vivchan or vivichan or whatever they call it is alright? Don't know if it has enough traffic for critical mass.

Personally I'd like to see everyone just head back to cuckchan and drown out the redditors with sheer numbers, but that's mainly just for sentimental reasons.

You're trying too hard, and your autistic lack of creativity really gives away the fact that you're a TRSodomite.

At least call them "zionmarch"

you derailed with a bunch of irreverent bullshit. Get out.
For you, it's about muh jobs, for us it's about preserving the white race at all costs.
"White genocide" refers to demographic displacement which you seem to think isn't happening. Fuck off and die.

The SPLC list is used to provide controlled opposition with an air of credibility.
It should stand to reason, and be obvious, that any controlled opposition of importance will be added to their list to provide the "street cred" needed for successful infiltration.

Because there was no point in them being there.
Because it isn't a real battle.

I shit on all idiotic namefags, Ironkikes and TRSkikes are the same scourge, their fucking drama almost kill this board, get the fuck out, nobody cares about idiotic kike namefags

I think the Paul guy is just a boomer being genuine. Plenty of people feel that way, while also having enough of a basic survival instinct to see the writing on the wall for their genetic in-group. I could be wrong, but I think those posts are just the sign of a life-long liberal baby boomer who grew up with 2 newspapers and 5 tv channels.

Jidf faggot. jidf jidf jidf jidf jidf

You're so obvious brah. You're evidence is shyt.

thanks for making this m8, been wanting something like this without the bastardized swastika.

Exactly, it was a skirmish at best and in an incredibly leftist city where they weren't prepared for the possibility that the 'free speech' faggots would actually defend themselves.
They wanted another san jose where anyone pro-Trump got their shit kicked in, or do you think that's fake too?
You probably think every instance of nonwhites hurting whites is "fake CIA nigger shit designed to get whites riled up against 'dem BASED hard-working AMERICANS"

the kikemarch homosexual team to the rescue, go and find a proper place to sow your hate for TRSkikes nobody cares here about namefags, fuck off

"P…please ban, p…please mod, notice my cry."
Never made that claim. Either you are deliberately ignoring my point, or you're too stupid to understand it.
Confirmed for not knowing what "White genocide" means.
Genocide refers to any deliberate policy intended to reduce the target population, including measures aimed at reducing births.
Flooding a country with mass immigrants with the intention of depressing wages and taking jobs, which predictably leads to lower income amongst the White working-class, which inevitably leads to lower fertility rate, less children and population shrinkage, is White genocide.
"Jobs" and "race" aren't isolated factors.
You are a very angry kike.

I agree, but the post quality has been shit lately. It's got better today at least. The Berkeley event has lifted peoples spirits and gave them a focus which means less infighting and ideological cannibalism as everyone turns their attention towards RWDS.

No he took a pic with a Jewish girl.

He's a Jew! He's a fed! Don't listen to him!

Interesting tactic.
Notice how the shills can make any accusation so long as they preface it with "you probably think."

Spotted the nigger.

Here are some other variations.

Who he invited to Dicky Spencer's fagfest.



lad, I don't care about the vols here nice one calling them 'mods' cuckchan cancer
they have demonstrated time and time again they have no interest in upholding pro-white sentiments on the board. Kampfy is a faggot and moonman is some moecuck autist who bitches about tfwnogf on anime boards.
What you just described(minus the jobs bit) is demographic displacement, which is white genocide. This is directly tied to race because they specifically target white nations with nonwhite immigrants. You're going in circles here you massive faggot.


Notice how I can recognize a pattern and follow basic logic to ascertain your belief and value systems? You are fine with the existence of nonwhites in white nations. Fuck off KIKE.

but user non-whites won't be a threat once jews are dealt with.

Smells awfully Iron March up in here.

There's not enough gas in the universe for you degenerates.

Oh rite. Spencer said we shouldn't you know at this point in time chuck fags off of buildings.

He's a fag! He's a queer! Gas the faggot!

You go from one shit piece of evidence and then jump and make a ridiculous conclusion from it.

Fucking kike nigger gtfo

Nonwhites are the tools of the jew, once the jew is gone they will be tools without any use, simple refuse polluting the American gene pool that will get violent the minute you stop pandering to them and enabling white genocide.

Non white here. I love how you think we're some sort of existential threat to your kind, it makes me feel powerful.

ironkikes detected

We don't care what you feel, nigger.

>reddit spacing
every time

TRShill detected

Makes it real easy to spot you, Moshe.

No, he said homosexuality was a "kind of last stand of implicit White identity", and invited a fag who "fucks men like they're women" to speak at his conference and teach autistic manchildren about masculinity.

Jared Taylor repeatedly calling jews "h'White" and being defended by an AIPAC benefactor are "shit evidence"?

You're trying too hard.

You are an existential threat if you exist in a white nation and could potentially poison the white genepool or exact violence on whites that shouldn't even be around you.

Why the fuck do you even come here? Just to laugh at all the whiteys you want to kill? Fucking pathetic ape.

And yet you sill took the time to reply. You're not very convincing.

Well kinda, you guys are almost like life's punchline.

I have such a laugh when subhumans fell for the white genocide psyop to get non-whites to openly show their hate for whites. Good job playing yourselves tho.

if its found in ifunny.co is because your movement is a joke kikes, nobody give a shit here about your idiotic forums, go and circlejerk about your over inflated ego in your faggy sites, same for all namefags included the homosexuals and kikes on TRS

like clockwork

Of course you'd think that. You're the one being promoted by the fucking kikes while whites are either painted as evil or incompetent. Typical fucking shitskin. Go kill yourself.

You seem to care an awful lot for someone who doesn't care.

You realize how insane you sound right now?

want to know how i know you are below 20?

you forgot to change your IP idiot

Go back to reddit

I saw it a while ago, and I've never learned it's origins. I used it ironically, and that's all I can say

eat shit nigger.

fuck off already, you do want the last white man to die because you are perfectly fine with and encourage the idea that whites should align themselves with violent subhumans who are incapable of advocating pro-white interests.
Funny coming from the guy who speaks and conducts himself like a forum-using egofag.

I didn't, you're the one who forgot you aren't on your forum and doubleposting is a-ok here.

Try harder shitskin

It must suck to live in a world where everyone is out to get you. I recommend therapy.

kek stay mad fucking ironkike cancer, remember you are ust the same as the TRS kikes idiot, all namefags must hang

look another ironkike just arrived

user, you quoted the same guy twice.

All non-whites need to get the fuck out.

These fucking shills are tripping over themselves and its hilarious. As long as niggers stay in africa, the poo in loo in india, the chink in china, the spic stays in central america, the BRs in BR, the sandnigger keep to themselves in the middle east and jews stay in the oven and is welcome nowhere… Peace will make itself. The white man must once again take up the burden of civilizing the other races to ensure that white lands stay white.

I don't even understand why non-whites would WANT to browse Holla Forums.
I mean maybe they live in non-white countries and support ethno-nationalism in their own countries, then I guess I kind of get it ?
But honestly, it would be like me joining the nation of islam or going to Israel and hanging out in an orthodox jewish community.

Why hang out with people who hate you ?

I WANT /r/The_Donald TO LEAVE

Must suck to operate under the delusion that there are any other kinds of worlds.

For shits and giggles m8. The more someone hates you the more they admit you have power over them, it lifts the spirits.

Ya…. that's not really how the world works, but whatever floats your boat.

It's worth mentioning that as the reincarnation of Goebells, Miller gets a pass

wow you sure showed me


Holy shit finally I understand this comic


Must suck to be a subhuman with a bare-bones understanding of the language you speak. I recommend rope.

>implying the vast majority of niggers, spics, and arabs aren't a problem
We tried that once, this time it's all or nothing.

I WANT /r/The_Donald TO LEAVE

Look at how people have responded to me, they call me nigger and say I'm a threat to the white race. Imagine me, one guy, being a threat to an entire race or people. I feel like a super villain.

I hate pedophiles and kiddie diddlers, the power they have over me is awe inspiring. But you're a gook right? Raping children is par for the course over there


Rothschild Fractional banking

See, you are just an egofag. YOU aren't a threat to the white race, YOUR PEOPLE are. Why is this hard to understand?
oh right, you're a nigger of some sort

meant for

You only say that now that I've pointed it out.

Not really, you're a nobody.
By your logic, national socialism is the most powerful ideology in the west because we're universally feared and hated.

You're taking the philosophy of cheap motivational posters and shitty illogical quips and basing your life on them. If you take this logic any further you'll end up becoming Justin Trudeau "If you kill your enemies, they win"

kek you idiots are hillarius, here have this one

No, you misunderstand annoyance-sama, you are more similar to a flea we are trying to shoo away. A germ cannot take credit for the infection of the body, and you cannot take credit for being a threat to white survival. Now shoo shoo jungle gook

Wait is he a gook or a nigger

Or both

I thought it was some breed of mulatto and I was going to recommend moving to the Caribbean- if you're black and asian I really don't know what to tell you, maybe make Papua New Guinea Great Again?

I may be a nobody, but I'm getting a lot of replies. Feed me more delicious (you)s nazianons.

dont have all night to respond to you, as I don't get paid to post like a jidf faggot like yourself does. Must be nice getting paid to sit on a computer all day. Typical Jew.

In conclusion. Your evidence is shyt. Every alt right figure is a fag, a Jew and a fed molded into one gigantic Jewish faggot, according to you. Wasted too much time on you already. Enjoy you stay and money.

And yes, I did only say it after you pointed it out because I was operating under a different assumption before and responding to you accordingly. Now that I know why you're doing this I can stop operating under that assumption and just tell you to fuck off heh

just head straight to the cuckposting, Moishe. We know you're dying to unleash that based niggerdick.

He types like a mud, not an asian and so do you.

They can fight for the same goals and we can even respect them as allies, but they can not ever be one of us. That is the way blood works. Only a genetic failure or a mongrel would accept letting in others.
mongrel, I assume


He's a gook trying to find meaning in his tiny life on an cambodian shadow puppet forum.

user getting (you) from civic nationalist from /r/The_Donald is not something that you should gloat about. Try asserting yourself. This low energy bait is just not activating my almonds.

I'm not a gook, I'm a half white. I only study nip because I like to be able to read my hentai.

(you)'s *

Half white and what's the other half?
Don't go fucking Japan up too.

That part isn't important, the important fact is that a white person had sex with a brown one.

That part is the only important part really.
Only because that mud's culture was pushed as the predominant one and the white was a self-hating sack of shit that wanted weak children that look nothing like them. I bet your family's a really happy, healthy, and functional one heh. That's why you're on imageboards getting off on other people's hate for you.

heh fucking masochist nigger almost wants the rope

I'm going to be completely honest with you: if you're coming on here to feel hated that isn't healthy. Hatred from others can make you feel powerful because they exert energy instead of ignoring you, but the truth is that feeling of power is actually detrimental as their words and feeling start to influence your own. Someone will always hate you for something, but nobody is forced to love you.

No no, I'm not self hating. I love white people, their inventions are so entertaining.

Meh, I'm just drunk and bored. This place has gone so downhill that the only thing left to do is shitpost on Holla Forums.

Niggers posting and not getting b& is a big reason for that

And who is to blame for that?

It's an anonymous imageboard. They're not going to get hate unless they post they're not white. Aside from that, I've always interpreted Holla Forums as a general politics board, not strictly a white nationalist board even though its a popular idea here.

These people were a sídeshow in WW2, stop glorifying them.

No stupid, I mean that just as we want to maintain and preserve white lands, if they just kept to themselves there would be no need for conflict. But I can see your point of view as well.

bump. They have no idea how large the majority of readers are who intuit this, even if they don't post.

Your efforts are wasted


kek this is just sad, even you know you're a parasite who cannot create so he latches onto the creations of others.
You'd do well to take this user's advice

And I never claimed you were self-hating, nonwhites rarely are(why would they be when the entire media and political establishment pushes their "culture" as the predominant one?)
I claimed which-ever parent of yours who is white is, which they are - because no stable white would dilute their gene pool for any reason.

So who is it? Self-hating white father seems like a good candidate to shit out a weakling like yourself, and your mannerisms seem feminine which suggest you were raised by your mother(who probably looks a lot more like you - as you said "brown" but as I say "mud")

Until they run out of food and start begging whitey for aid, only when whitey doesn't cuck out this time they will create the conflict.
Remember Rhodesia and imagine a white Africa.

OP r u wite?


And with that, we are officially leddit


Rhodesia was brought down by kikes, through trade embargoes and rival nigger faction paid by commie kike money. Without their interference Rhodesia would still be the jewel of Africa.

Why on earth are you so interested in me user?

Because you're an invasive element on a site I like to browse and participate in discussions on, I'm interested in getting rid of you. Do you feel in charge?

Our mods are subverting Holla Forums

You do know at least half of this board is nonwhite, right?


You mean outside elements that hang out on this board and have no real place on it? Fuck right off.

You aren't, nigger.

And yet I'm still here.

And that makes you feel powerful? Hanging out in a place where you're unwanted?
Fucking kek dude you're fucked in the head.

It seems to be making you pretty upset though, which is entertaining. How does it feel to know that I can continue to post here as long as I wish and you have no ability to stop me.


kek, doesn't that kind of defeat the purpose of filtering?

I have around 90 tabs open and am in about four discussions, you're the equivalent of a retard going "god I'm fucking retarded doesn't having to be around a retard piss you off?"
It doesn't "upset me" It's just shitting up a thread that could be used by whites to discuss how to improve their homelands.

Why do you niggers always think that a white man who wants you gone is "upset" by your presence?


Its mostly because I keep getting replies.

So, just an attention whore? Typical banal nigger desires.

There is literally nothing wrong with shi- I mean attention whoring on Holla Forums while the mods are sleeping.

There is something wrong with being a fucking mongrel though.

This thread isn't about that though. OP started the topic about reporting posts that may not explicitly violate any rules, but do indeed go against his personal ideas that may be shared by some portion of the posters on the board.

Doesn't it sound stupid to tell a poster to fuck off, when you can't even tell who they are outside of the thread context nor really know if they truly went away? It's like a girl being told "tits or gtfo", and she continues to post in other threads or even the current one (especially if it has no id's).


I'd imagine you would have personal experience with that, so I'll take your word for it.

Stop having a conversation with nonwhites. You are denigrating the prestige of the white race by stooping to their level. They don't deserve it. Just report them.

Thanks for shitting up the thread yourself, and feeding an obvious troll.
The only thing it takes is someone implying they are nonwhite- text only, no photo or verification.

Fuck off took.

True, report all liberals and civic nationalists too.

No :^)

If anyone here has experience being a mongrel it's you - the guy who admitted he is one.

Oh definitely Muhammad.

Hey, this guy actually has half a brain. Color me shocked.

The road is hard, agreed OP.
Situational allies against the jew, are not blood allies like other Europeans that know the 14 words.

This too, just filtered it.

Where did I admit that?

NT: everyone is a jew

Yes and they try to say that muslims aren't the real enemy

No they don't. They are fervently anti-Islam because it's the only issue they can really try and get white supporters on. They have absolutely nothing to lose from it as long as you keep the energy wasted on the religion.

Here we have shills.

We have the 14/88 race war now people
Implicitly white, befriend the blacks and kikes PR people

A real white nationalist is anti-gay.
A real white nationalist doesn't befriend blacks.
A real white nationalist doesn't befriend kikes.
A real white nationalist doesn't encourage pulling the trigger too early.

A real white nationalist doesn't extreme-man the position of people who refuse blacks, kikes and fags as 'trigger pullers' to present a false and schizophrenic (Jews are schizo) dichotomy of being either "support fags and kikes or go kill niggers right now"

No white nationalist thinks having niggers and kikes on their white board is okay - since they inevitably try to plead for compromises that help the kike. So called 'white allies' actually don't realize the amount of struggle that's taking place and that every little victory is necessary and extremism is necessary, because we're dealing with extremist kikes.

Plenty of Trump supporters were celebrating early and acting like the weight was gone. People who knew plainly that Trump could be ZOG held back their excitement, however tempting the celebration was.. There is no nostalgia for these people about Trump's victory - or there is very little.

Trump support and parading was a necessary evil at the time because the culture is filled with nihilists. There is no more campaign. Trump is in power. Right now is an uncertain time, leaning towards Trump being another kike golem. Many buzzards will take advantage of this time to get you to radicalize into one decision or the other. He's made one mistake. If he makes it again, it's pretty much confirmed he's NEO-ZOG.

I see the media lightening up on him and Trump acting like everything is good… dandy… Trump going with the neo-zog motions. This is an indication that things are turning worse, not better.

Holding onto tension and suspense, longsuffering, is the most difficult thing to demand of a person. Kikes have billions and billions of dollars of cash to throw into keeping the suspense up for the left, for keeping them outraged and always 'progressing'. Right now, we need young people - young white men, specifically - to be informed about the origin of all of this. There should be history and culture threads up every day to keep 19 years old informed about the history. Otherwise, they lose sight of that and their old expectations ends up being the kikes' news/normal.

If there is no education, there is no depth. Some people are keeping that depth alive, but what about when they die or they can't do it any more? That is what culture is all about. Being told about history and using past experiences to counter the new ones.

There is an article I suggest for historical perspective on what led up to what is here today. I know 'alt right' isn't a good label, but it's the most comprehensive article I've seen. If you're a young white man that's new, read it - and imagine that the people who are the base of this movement had only ever seen token blacks when they growing up - and lived a life where their parents were undivorced, they played on the streets, with unlocked doors and maybe even were anti-gun Democrats when they were young teenagers. Some were even liberal white rural people - yes, an actual thing - up until where this article historically starts off (they aren't 'liberal' socially any more, obviously): dailystormer.com/a-normies-guide-to-the-alt-right/


Good post until you linked sperglin, almost capped it.

If there's a way I can sum up what needs to remembered by every young white man, it's this:
We tried the 'equality' deal. We tried 'libertarianism' and 'classical liberalism'. We extended that hand. We gave the opportunity and it was rejected as 'racist'. At that moment we realized that it was no longer about justice, but about revenge, power and tribalism. They chose the very conflict they pretended to be against - and with such a depraved lie, there was (and is) an equally deep outrage.

To emphasize the direness of the situation, I now understand why people invented Gods, Devils and mythological beasts to represent their struggle. To emphasize to their youth how much effort was exerted.
We are dealing with a modern day, money driven hydra of kike power that has infected even the minds of our own fathers. Our own fathers who cannot understand the situation because they still believe there is reasonableness to be had with non-whites. Our forefathers thought that lifting the boot of discipline off these groups would lead to gratitude - but its only led to entitlement and resentment; which made them bite the hand offering peace. So, then we learned that we had no option but to make peace the other way, instead.

Flip here, if I know one thing here in this board is that anyone can be a National Socialist and you don't have to be white, but like you said the whole point of 14/88 and White Pride World Wide is for White Nationalism, wanting a homogeneous society in countries intended for whites. I've never hated whites even before I was redpilled in my life, I knew that more than 90% of inventions in this world were invented by whites but it consfused me by the time I searched the definition of white people on Urban Dictionary, most of them were so bitter and self hating, but later on I searched the definition of white guilt on the same site and surprisingly it was quite redpilled for it's time. Through my normalfag years I did notice that a lot of people on the internet do hate Americans and most of them were Europeans and other self hating Americans, but there hate was for the wrong reasons, these Europeans hate them because they are supposedly "racist dumb gun-toting rednecks" as they speak, and as it's pretty obvious they are all Left leaning, in there eyes they don't like America becuase they think it's not as Marxist and multicultural as Europe. I also noticed that there are lefties out there saying that you shouldn't hate all liberals beacuse it's the "regressive left" that's making them look bad, well let me tell you I still think the "non-regessive left" are no different, a leftist is a leftist. These types of leftists are basically marixst egalitarian oppurtunists that hate SJWs. Honestly I can't really call any of them "liberal" because if they are truly liberals they would believe in race realism.

Are you referring to Holla Forums?
Isn't the board owner a Turk?

Why do you both have a terrible lack of proper capitalization and spelling? You're either two retards or one retard samefagging.

nah, english is just not my first language.
why do you even bother though, are you gay or something ?

But my family migrated to here from Poland, making me Slav.

Do I have to go back too?


Why do we need to unite against jews with all other races? jews are a world minority. All of their power is a illusion. We don't need allies we just need people to wake up to the reality of the situation.

There is so much muh based niggers/arabs/gooks/nationalist jews/ shilling here lately it feels like cuckchan. We need a purge.

This whole thread is so obvious.

Non whites on Holla Forums isn't new. Just look at the HWNDU videos and they're almost all non-white. Just different shades of shit.

who let leftypol out of their cuckshed?

Same with me, English isn't my first language and though I actually try to write properly and I thought I did, is complaining about pol not being capitalized? People sperg out when you write Pol, even if it is at the beginning of the sentence.

They come from cuckchan. Cuckchan Holla Forums has been neutered ever since the exodus. Have you even seen the state of cuckchan post exodus? It's getting worse by the week and mods only encourage it. Call out shitskin and kike enablers and don't let newfags here think that "it's ok because not all x".

National-Socialism is international. Every man that wants freedom for his blood and kin has the right to join the cause and fight, no matter his ancestry.

The whole point is, that there should be clear separation and friendship through isolation. If there are nigger NatSoc, who want Liberia 2.0 for nogs only, it's their right. Why wouldn't anyone be okay with nogs moving to an African homeland and trying to be self-sufficient for once?
Anyone refusing fellow goyim the right to fight the Jew, based on their ancestry is pretty much a D&C shill.

If they're redpilled and haven't already moved to Africa, they've made their decision that they want to stay as an occupant force. They will be treated as such.

Please answer my questions you giga kikes.

It's piss easy to ignore shills. Shit will only affect you if you let it, it's that simple.

Rooting the shill infestation by permafucking their foundation like in CTR's and TRS' case worked breddy well.


To do what, get fucked by Shlomo? To be fair Africa is getting fucked hard by liberals, they are pressuring African countries to accept LGBT rights and Rotschild banking.

The fight against the Jew should be commenced where the Jew lives. These niggers are in the same position as you, for you are all cattle for the Chosen.
Afterward we should help them all move to Africa and ever see each other only when we trade. White countries for whites, Asia for Asians, Africa for Africans.

Because races you aren't united with will be used against you. On the other hand a joint fight for a nationalist world can start friendships between nations founded on fair competition and trade, instead of the common financial slavery.

Nah, fuck off nigger. There's no "le once we win we will buy their plane tickets"
Either they go on their own accord immediately or they are an enemy. Simple as that.


That's the way Hitler would do it. That's the way Hitler would liberate non-white nations.

If you declare them as your enemy now, you will have to fight them, while the Jew rubs his hands and packs his shekels to move to another host.

The only real enemy out there is the Jew, if you can't comprehend that, you can't win.

Niggers will never want that because niggers don't have the mental capability to be NatSoc. They don't have mental capability to be empathetic and you want them to be NatSoc? If after countless thousands of years of living in the breadbasket that is the jungle of Africa, all that nigger has to show for himself are huts made of shit then they will never improve or want better things. They are an animal like other apes. They will not stand with you against the jew, because they are just too dumb to do that. They'll see that hard times are ahead and will bail on you.

There is no such thing as a 'noble savage'. Niggers and most of other shitskins are physically incapable of deeper, greater thoughts and actions. Do not come here with your cucked shit "oh but why wouldn't you be okay with niggers fighting for self-sufficient homeland?", because that's not how it works. Cats don't bark, pigs don't fly and niggers are not human like you or me. If you want you can call me a jew, but before you start sperging over "but muh based niggers" I dare you to live for a month in a 80%+ nigger area, any area - Africa, Detroit, whatever and come back here to spew the same cucked shit with a straight face.

It's probably from reddit. They unironically hero-worship cuck/pol/ there. Whoever made that image was probably serious.

Only about 95% of them. There are niggers who want to work, have families and strive to improve themselves. We aren't in any position to decline a whole race a right to seek their own destiny, especially seeing how they've been hit the hardest by the Jew, since they lack the intellect and the dedication to resist it effectively.
What we can do for them is to make it possible to seek their own destiny in their own homeland according to NatSoc ideals, freely and independently. How that works out it's up to them. In return we can use them in our fight. It's pretty much a win-win.

What I'm saying is they are not us and they should stay away from us, but they can be our allies based on the shared ideology.

You have never met a nigger in your life and you don't know what you're talking about. Either that or you're intellectually dishonest.

Eh, the kikes created the whole thug culture, based on crime, violence, drugs and promiscuity, then exported in to Africa. The kikes created Rap.
Then they imported crack into nigger ghettos to fund their South American shenanigans.
Basically niggers are the perfect goyim, enslaved by degeneracy and consumerism for the political and financial gain of the Jew.

I just want to give their race a chance to chose their own path. That's what Hitler wanted for them.

And it's not like you can't clean them up it the whole homeland thing fails.
Niggers aren't jews, they don't spread and infiltrate like cancer if you miss one cancer cell. Their destruction is pretty easy and straightforward.

He's obviously a nonwhite. Just report and filter him.

But if they hate jews already why would they fight us?
All your doing is pandering to shit skins. Its sad and pathetic and we really really don't need them.

Hi Holla Forums. Go back to your containment board. Niggers were shit and always have been backwards savages. It doesn't matter where you go, niggers are always shit. It has nothing to do with culture.

I'm not telling you to not fight the ones fighting against you, I'm telling you accept the ones who come to you to fight against the Jew. It's up to them what they chose.
If there are NatSoc niggers, who come to you to build a black SS squad and you turn them down, that's pretty retarded.

Maybe you should read Mein Kampf and see what Hitler wanted for the colonies before posting here.

Get the fuck out with your psuedo-cuckservative shit, nonwhite. If 15% of Germany's population were Africans and they were raping and pillaging their people, Hitler wouldn't have politely asked for their help.

I'm not talking about Europe. The ones in Europe are traitors, who left their countries and their people to pursue unearned riches. These should be exterminated.
I'm talking about the American niggers, who are as native to America as you are.

No one on this board is white. Especially your Turkroach mods.

Fuck off, shitskin.


I guess Hitler was a shitskin too then. God, do I hate you larpers, who have no idea about the actual National-Socialist philosophy.


We don't tip toe in line with Hitler 1:1 fucking ugly scum, we aren't stagnant, our version of radicalism includes murdering all you animals. Dumb nigger.

Sure you meant (((we))).

Nice argument you cultural revisionist retard. Our culture is superior so you defect from liberalism and come to us, you'll be equally hunted after you help us rise to power just like all those lower tier commie scum who didn't listen to the Boshleviks above and tried to water it down, same with all the "MUH FEELINGS" Fascists in Spain who tried to downplay their wrath, your use in life in empowering us once when we achieve political power through numbers then once more and we take your life in town square and strike fear into all crypto fascist faggots who only pretend to be so to save their skin, who felt nothing living amongst shitskins and even welcomed it before we became the dominant force of the internet. You're a pawn, a faggot zealot who knows nothing but repeats, as evident with your gaslighting attempt of "B-BUT MEIN KAMPF!".
You're second in line, scum.

Thats Mark Holla Forums's BO at the top right and that image at the bottom is photoshopped. The rest were supposedly from 4 chan.

This needs to be stickied.

very interesting read there.

But that part about swords is probably off.

(1) "the one without a sword should sell his cloak and buy one" (Luke 22:36)
Ignoring the context of Apostles + Jesus expecting to be treated like wanted men that night. It's why in the verse after next
"So [Apostles] said, “Look, Lord, here are two swords.” “That is enough,” [Jesus] answered."
(Luke 22:38)
This did mean real physical swords in the literal sense. In this situation Jesus isn't telling humanity at large to always carry a sword, just the Apostles for that night.

(2) "Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword." (Matthew 10:34)

This does go along with the general "Not Nice" version of Jesus that image talks about, but it's a not a physical sword He's talking about in the literal sense this time. When an Apostle uses a sword and attacks someone, Jesus rebukes him, says that famous line "He who lives by the sword, dies by the sword", and then heals the person that got attacked. That's what Jesus did around physical swords.

As for Jesus' sword that He will bring to the world, well there's only one time Jesus is ever mentioned holding a sword, and it's symbolism is as subtle as a brick thrown through a glass window. Check out Revelation 1:16.

But yeah, it's defiinlty along that "not nice" version of Jesus version. Dude, these are the words he spoke right after that
"For I have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law, a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household" … "Whoever does not take up their cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it"

Yeah, that's definitely not nice stuff, but he's talking about spiritual / emotional bonds, not physical.

Very interesting read nonetheless

Retard, I was NatSoc and a member of extreme right scene before you knew it means. You are just an "aryan brotherhood" type zionist golem, who thinks that wanting to kill all non-whites makes him cool and only blondes with blue eyes should be allowed to fight the jew.
You kind will be first to go when actual NatSoc will take the streets, because division among ourselves is more dangerous than the confrontation with the jew itself.

Fucking kek, no they aren't. They were imported for cheap labor just like all the other nonwhite scum in this country. Learn your fucking history - the kikes have been pushing this cheap labor meme to destroy homogeneous nations since the dawn of time.

Niggers, even in the US, are an invasive subspecies. You think a horse born in a pool is a fish now? Niggers will alwaysbe niggers. There is no difference between "based negroes" and niggers because they all hate whites on an instinctual level that no amount of persuasion will be able to rid them of

I cannot believe there are faggots on here defending the tools of the jew that are currently driving the quality of life in every white nation on the planet into the shitter. Niggers are not redeemable and never will be, there is a genetic component to this that you simply ignore - probably because you yourself are nonwhite and incapable of understanding it.

There's a difference between advocating genocide and advocating a separation of whites from nonwhites who reside in white nations.
Wanting to preserve your race doesn't make you a fucking LARPer, goddamn retard. You can't even call yourself NatSoc because you're perfectly fine letting niggers continue to exist in America. Fucking scum.

The point is that you're a descendant of immigrants from the white homelands and they were brought by the kikes from the black homelands around the same time. That makes you equally native.

That's why the right thing to do is isolate them in Africa.

And that's exactly what I'm advocating for. Sending them all back to Africa.

The point is, why shouldn't native American niggers, who WANT African homeland be allowed to fight alongside the NatSoc?

Do you want a medal? This is Holla Forums fucking deceptful jewish scum, fuck off there and continue sucking nigger cock it doesn't concern us because we hate niggers and it'll NEVER change.
Nice double think, deceptful jewish scum, you're a crypto liberal trying to shut down anything I say with buzzwords as usual, what's next? Racist?
Yes, only that . Absolutely nothing else. Fucking jewish menace, you're lying and you know you are, and it doesn't hurt you on the inside, you lie so boldly and its another reason why you deserve death. It doesn't hurt you on the inside to lie for your own gain. Filthy ugly shitskin scum.

Just report him bro. He's not even arguing.


Exactly, from white homelands. Those from other homelands should not be given equal treatment.
Wrong, because the people that founded America also came from white homelands.
Because NatSoc is about preserving everything niggers wish to destroy. Niggers have no culture so they assimilated to the judeo-masonic American culture of "im gwine getz mine an' fucc whoever be in mah way yahemi?"
Niggers who want to rise above that mentality are unable to due to their genetic predisposition for being low-IQ high-violence chimps - this is why they are such ideal tools of subversion.

Now let me pose you a question:

We are talking about niggers trying to get their race away from that. We are talking here about a possibility of rehabilitation of the negro race in an isolated environment.
We are talking only about letting them fight the same fight as a neutral-allied force. It doesn't mean that you carry any obligations to them beyond sending them to Africa when it's over, which you would do anyway.
The real question is, are you ready to condemn a whole race or would you give them a chance to rebirth, when freed from the Jewish control and culture?

Because schizophrenia is not a race. If it was a racial trait, they should be allowed to do so.

No doubt the FED brainwashed turbo idiots at kikemarch still here

This whole thread is d/c. I'll continue it's tradition.

Might makes right in the long run. Violence of action is the only thing that people ever remember anyway

Nice spacing, "oldfag"
CONQUERORS, "extreme right" senior. (Deceptful jewish scum)
Pics fucking related, LIAR. Especially the confederate flag, guess why it features the usually Muslim moon and star but that doesn't offend the kikes like the cross of St.George did; its their DOING, a bid to moloch, nigger tier bigmouth autist.
So its okay to ruin the lives of some Africans but "d-dont you dare touch my brothas!"? Those who'd have their land taken did fuck all to America, the American pavementape DID.
So which "point" is it, deceptful jewish scum? No, no its not your point, you're a bold fucking liar justifying their cognitive dissociation with bold lies and cultural revisionism.

/r/ing pic of jewish slave owners and their role in the American slave trade and their attempts at stopping Britain from banning it.

I was the one who popularized this here during extreme shilling, fuck off parrot fag. You know nothing, this isn't new, speaking like a newfag then asking for action is.

And that rehabilitation cannot occur due to genetic factors you completely ignore.
It is a genetic factor, much like race.
So in your opinion - no matter how backwards or dangerous a race is they have a right to exist?

And NatSoc can never be a "neutral allied" force - it is a force for preserving racial homogeneity, tradition, and promoting national prosperity. These things cannot be achieved if you "ally neutrally" with niggers.

How fitting that a gaggle of cuckolds promotes cuckoldry "ironically"
Fucking kek, go back to 4cuck

Fuck off turbo kikes, go back to your FED indoctrination homosexual forums, you idiots are not Holla Forums, you are fucking cancer, all namefags are cancer, go back and never come again

Eugenics exists for that exact purpose.

It should be given a chance to find it's own destiny, yes
Hitler tried that even with Jews, that's why there weren't exterminated. Which was a mistake because Jews are inherently evil and it was proven even way before Hitler.
There should be a chance, but it should only be given once.

There are nigger groups preserving racial homogenity, trying to rediscover their African tradition of bead carving and striving to prosper as a race. I'm not talking about "we wuz kangz" type niggers. There are some out there.

Nobody give ashit about TRS kikes, nobody give a shit about Kikemarch fuck off already idiots, you killed Holla Forums with your gayfest drama, dont use this board as your faggot battleground

>everyone who doesn't cuck for based niggers is a namefag

Anyway, I'd take IM's FBI-tier extremism before I'd take TRS's cucking for based niggers and Israel any day. Fuck off with these baseless accusations.

Halfchan believes that a lot of those raiding us and them are Richard Spencer supporters. There was a thread on halfchan in which some newfag posted his twitter handle by mistake, and it turned out that Spencer fags were involved with /r/MarchAgainstTrump.

Christ Mark really let Holla Forums go to shit as of late. Its only slightly better than halfchan's Holla Forums.

They aren't hiding it. Spencerfags declared Trump a globalist puppet.

Where the fuck do you think "light skin niggas" come from you retard? It only ever helped them use a gun and hate us more proficiently.

You're a proven liar liberar retard. Fuck off scum you're not worthy of my time proving you wrong again and again, you're next in line.

Start arguing or get b& for derailing.

And eugenics can only work on a genepool that has potential. A thousand years of spearchucking and then several hundred years of jew/mason indoctrination has ruined whatever potential may have existed.
Fucking idiot lolberg.
If you hadn't noticed - Hitler lost because he was too tolerant
And niggers aren't? Very telling you think that, shitskin.
And you don't think ~200 years of their "free" existence in the USA is enough of a chance? how about around 500 years of being "free" in Africa and only being able to exist because of all the gibs whitey(in the case of Africa christcuck humanitarian NGO whiteys) throws their way?

They had a chance, and they blew it - again due to genetic factors you completely ignore.

There is nothing to preserve, therefore we should not align ourselves with people trying to preserve something that is not worth preserving. Fuck off and die nigger.

I definitely give a shit when I find a bunch of namefags shitting up an imageboard - sounds like you only care if it's ironmarch doing it.
Notice you are the one baselessly accusing anons of being IM simply because they will not cuck for niggers - sounds like you care a good lot.

Reminder it's a goon tactic to claim one doesn't care about something one clearly does care about.

Spencer and his blackpilled band of followers are traitors to the MAGA movement. They've stooped so low as to ally with Holla Forums and rally behind a Democrat shitskin

Its obvious but good luck getting people not to fall for such obvious b8 since this is a big fracture point like religion. No one will acknowledge it since both sides will call him various buzzwords.

Remember this from MAT? It was a psyop by Spencerfaggots in order to draw attention away from them and onto Shareblue and Holla Forums

They're not evil in the same way as the kikes, simply because they lack the intelligence for it. The nigger is a hopeless case, nothing can be done for them, and they can do nothing for us or anyone else. If left to their own devices they'll simply build mudhuts and kill each other, instead of make international cabals set on enslaving the world.

Gas em anyway, but simply because they're in the way.

go back to reddit already.

I don't remember niggers ruining white countries before the Jews brought them there.

Up until the 50s there was a genuine improvement in niggers. You can't deny that. Then the kike liberals came in.

What's up Richard?

his statement wasn't even edgy. it's basically what most of Holla Forums believes.

The time and money spent trying to uplift niggers would have been better spent doing absolutely anything else.


who are you talking about kike?

Africa is the same as it ever was.



Oh and check out the other founder of Iron March. STILL a fucking furry. They haven't changed a bit from their furry commie fanfic days on deviant art. Sad.


Where did I say that, kike? Point it out, go ahead. I said Holla Forums hates shitskins and always will, I never stated a belief, strawmanning plebbitor.

All examples of shitskins ruining nations that were either rightfully conquered by whites or natively inhabited by whites. Get fucking real - niggers ruin their own countries and then seek to ruin white ones. That's about as evil as it gets.

No there wasn't, there were just uppity niggers who could act civilized begging the kikes for muh civil rights. Any "improvement" was carried out at the behest of whites and did nothing to rid niggers of their genetic predispositions for violence and anti-white thought.

Say "God" I fucking dare you.

and then I was the implicitly white homosexual civicuck

Why do you think I'm defending IM with that? I dislike all namefags. In fact, your post made me like slavros a bit more because he made that liberal degeneration video and I remember seeing that in our webbum threads.
And again, I'd take slavros - a nonwhite living in a nonwhite nation - over Mike Enuch and his kike wife - both nonwhites living in a white nation and actively subverting WN movements - maybe I will check out IM now.


I see you, nigger.

>I don't hate those based invasive subspecies
fuck off reddit.

You're already reported for derailing without substance, I'm not wasting my time with you further. Cuckchan has a rule against racism, fuck off there, this isn't politics this is politically incorrect and loving niggers isn't, shitskin spic.

I didn't follow enough of your posts. But yeah, dude consider the following: Slavros lives in Moscow and always has. His father is/was someone at least a little important in the Russian government. Russia has speech laws regarding nazism and fascism that entail jail time. Iron March has been up since 2011 and its no secret who owns it. How has Slavros not been bagged by the FSB?


Everything is D&C shilling or based black maga hat dudes. Remember, Judaism pushes a dialectic view of the world and uses false choices to mold others behavior. These false choices propagate so thoroughly through the culture that the 'goyim' will start supporting one choice or the other of their own free will, not realizing it was a false choice to begin with.

Here in this thread we see the same tactic. It may be kikes themselves, or possible just those subverted by kikes. Either way, you're either a kike or a kike stooge.

As a so-called 'third position', we must call on ourselves time and time again to reject the false Jew dichotomy and choose our own path, the path forward for our people.

Hello election scum.

You've just given yourself away.

Amazing counterargument. You forgot to call him a cuck though. If you are going to virtue signal, then go all out.

We are talking about niggers specifically here. What do they have to do with crusades?
Zimbabwe and South Africa is the fault of the Jews, who paraded Rhodes as tyrants and terrorists like Mandela as heroes. Niggers acted against their own interests, because they are easy to control.
Any by the way SA is a more complicated matter, because most niggers there are invaders from the West Africa and should be exterminated when they started moving in. The native Khoisan bushmen were pretty alright for savages and now most of them are exterminated by the niggers, the irony.

Bretty good post, agree.

Yes, the purpose of the "counter jihad" movements is to leverage the anger against muslims and then redirect it towards the M.E so that Europeans will do the jews dirtywork to help them establish greater israel.

That's why these "defense leagues" will shout about islam all day, but won't give two shit when a christian negro, arab or otherwise rapes someone, because their narrative doesn't cover that. It isn't intended to cover that because that is not in the interest of the jews. Their only interest is to sway the public opinion to justify wars in the M.E.

Nigger are you stupid or something?

Want to know how I know you're one of those "intellectual skeptics" fresh off the reddit-wagon?

They don't enforce those hate speech laws as much as other Euro countries but I see your point. I don't think he's government as much as somebody the government allows to exist so they can threat-index and datamine his userbase. A lot like Identity Europa in that regard.

Study them and find out, or are muslim north-africans somehow no longer niggers in your mind?
Niggers always act against their own interest because they are the equivelent of an out of control schizophrenic. They only respond to sensory stimuli without any thought and many nigger babbies can't even pass a turing test.
I love how you're always ignoring the whites that got killed by both Khoisan bushmen and the west-african niggers. It's all the jew's fault isn't it? Never the fault of the nigger for being braindead animalistic subhumans.

pic related, kike.

Nice empty words
So transparent. You won't be tolerated here anymore, kill yourself.

Thanks user. Him being a cuck doesn't even have to be said.
How is me hating niggers virtuous? Oh right, you're both a buzzword spewing liberal retard and a passive twiglet numale faggot.

You have no idea how the race or geography works, do you?

Eh, khoisan bushmen were too few and armed with literal sticks. The kikes only got some of them to front the anti-white movement (Mandela family and co) to give the whole revolution at least some legitimacy.

So you are advocating for an extermination a whole race? Am I getting it right?

Exactly what I'm accusing you of doing. Fuck right off you subversive KIKE.

The kikes didn't need to do anything because of the nigger's natural hatred of whites, order, and civilization. When kikes do the same to whites, we fight it, niggers just go along with it because their natural state is a destructive one.
Abbos burned down all the forests in AUS - that something you really want to preserve and let reside in your nations?

Whole separation at all costs. No more nonwhites in white nations, no more aid to undeveloped shitholes because muh human rights, no more cucking for the third world.

Trump did nothing wrong.

Watch out for shills who will say reasonable things then also out of the blue mention unrelated topics in favor of their agenda. Not saying your a shill though, probably just a over reactionary retard.

If anyone's the shill here it's you. nice >reddit spacing

I didn't even mean to post that pic m8, it's right next to my bypass. I don't regret doing it because it pissed off faggots like you though



No fuck off. They can form their own black SS squad in their own country instead of leeching off of our supplies.

In fact why do you care so much if they are national socialists? I would gladly ally myself with other types of government if they were ideologically similar.
If a nigger wants to be a nat soc in Africa thats fine by me but get the fuck out of my country.

k. Easy to spin shit now after I told you what it meant, kike.

Hey, hold on, its either that Brazilian spic or Kikey! What's up, shitskin.

Yeah, its more than reason enough to stay the fuck away from Iron March and any admins and groups that spring up from it.

like Holla Forums mods?

But thats not what reddit spacing is you fucking tard.
All of your arguments for this have been thoroughly debunked every time yet you keep posting. The shills have successfully used paranoia against you.
Did he ever actually promise not to attack anti ZOG nations?
I never even called you a shill, just a retard because that what you are. Prove me wrong, keep posting non arguments.

Now you're better though, so there's that.
Specifically Syria, yes. Let's not let Trump bullshit derail this thread. I've fully turned on him and nothing will change that - Syria strike was the straw that broke the camel's back. He was never the ideal, just a band-aid and vector for spreading minor redpills.

Holy fuck man. Now that I think of it there was some half Paki thing on twitter calling himself COMMON SIEGE claiming to be a mod here.

we must destroy antifags

antifascist are evil commi9e scum

dox him

That's the problem TRS faggots mass reported him and twitter nuked his account.

why lol

no shit ironmarch and Holla Forums mods where on the same side banning eveyone they accused of being TRS

TRS stands for?

ThouRoughly Sodomites


Seems like a convenient scapegoat to me. IM is a forum dedicated to the discussion and propagation of Fascism, of course there will be feds just like on this board and in this thread.


Right, and I don't particularly care how destructive a given group is. The fact that Africans tend to be so destructive is simply an entry point into the ridiculousness of our enemy's message, particularly now that they've doubled down with shit like
We just often start with that because it is a contradiction. The goal that any sane person would have is for their people to have their own countries and living space, as Whites have always had. We always fought with each other to establish a pecking order, too. None of this was the kikes' business, and they have done an egregious wrong in ever entering Europe or ever bothering our people, to say nothing of how they've fucked over everyone else.

Take the Sub-Saharan Africans, for example. It does not help them that the Jews have artificially inflated their population. It is actually preventing them from evolving, which is particularly bad, seeing the state they are presently in. Generally, no one notices these things. This is why it's up to us to say them. White Genocide will always be the biggest thing in recorded history, in all likelihood.

and only their own
Dammit all this guilt everyone else around me has, they're ready to give everything they have to anybody but who looks like them.
