Lol why do liberals always go on about muh representation...

you literally cannot refute this point.
Checkmate conservatards.

This is by far the most unattractive three people you could come up with on purpose in cinema



make app it

pls no

do it

pls do it


Colour me not* surprised.

Because they actually want power. They could be asking you of giving them just a smile and a laugh, that it would still be an effective tool of forcing YOU to make something for THEM. You've been brought into a state of accepted inferiority.

Jews and their golems leftism build nations within nations. It is an effective strategy that requires said nations to remain unaware of their planned suicide. Typically, early redpills express confusion over the blatant "mistakes" and "idiocies" performed by a subverted system: eventually they learn that the process is voluntary and harmful.

Yet people say Holla Forums is Tumblr.

You can't refute that because you're making up an argument that wasn't being used. The argument as to why the Diversity™ stuff is annoying is because:

And yes, minorities are in general less empathetic to this. Prove me wrong. When you have people bitching about Dunkirk lacking blacks and women, yes, that will piss off some white people.

OP got btfo quick in this one

Holla Forums are definitely cucks though. They'll swallow any shit from Marvel and DC as long as it isn't too pozzed.

Sounds pretty silly when you change the race from white, doesn’t it?
Sounds pretty silly

To be honest, I loved Men in Black as a kid. I loved Blade. I didn't even notice half of the cast of Red Dwarf weren't white until someone pointed it out to me. This wasn't a problem until they made it one. Until they started going out of their way to remove and demonise white men, instead of just hiring good, fitting actors.
And now they're all going in the ovens. It's clearly the only way now. They had their chance.

Tbf all of the human characters were non white to keep it realistic, it was set in the future after all.

There was one human character, so yes, that's correct.

sudoku libtards

Exactly. The vast majority of people don't care if there are non-whites/women, it's the shoving it down your throat and screeching about when there are """too many""" whites/white men in something - the insanity of people saying there wasn't even diversity in the aforementioned Dunkirk for instance. But when everything now has to be some retarded diversity gumbo, it's annoying. "Ah yes, add two gay characters, a dash of strong white wymyn, a black man to be her boyfriend, one evil white boss, a wise but oppressed Muslim and two sassy black ladies to say 'Ooooo, no he did not!'"… excellent, our movie about hunting moose in northern Canada is going to be great!

The outrage is at the hypocrisy.

Think it's the other way around and most of the last 10 years of decay are directly attributable to young white male audience dropoff i.e. people smart enough to torrent movies instead of paying $30 to watch something once that can't be paused or backed up. Same thing happened with music which is why all you ever hear anymore is country and rap: niggers and old people who don't know how to use computers are the only ones still paying for it.

it's just unrealistic that a group of people who are doing great and moral things would not be predominantly white and male.

It's also correlated to the ongoing white genocide, the white nerd, aka middle class whites are going extinct.

Challenge accepted, but I'm a classic liberal and not a conservatard so it may not count.
White men still relate to female or non-white characters, when they are good characters, such as Ripley, Ghost Dog, Jackie Chan, Maeve, etc… good characters are good characters because they are relatable.
"Diverse" casts fail to make up good characters because the creators only concern is to have diverse characters and not to have humane characters, that connect to the deeper values we all share.

Paulo's Aunt?

This would have more impact if you had used some film series that wasn't a pulsating mass of cancer.