Massive fraud in French elections

Massive Fraud in French elections due to "computer error"!

Despite leading in the polls for Round One, The Express reports that a monumental computer blunder could cost Marine Le Pen the French general election as 500,000 citizens living outside of France have the chance to vote twice.

The election has become extremely close with just 4.5 percentage points separating Macron, Fillon, Mélenchon, and Le Pen…

Which is why this shocking error in election procedures could be the swing to crush Le Pen's hopes. As The Express reports, half a million people received duplicate polling cards in the post, which would allow them to cast two votes at the first round of the election, held on April 23.

French authorities confirmed they would not be investigating the potential electoral fraud until AFTER the election, when retrospective prosecution may take place.

We are sure this is a simple 'accident', but (((coincidentally))) (for the establishment), this could crush Ms Le Pen’s dreams of surging to power, as most French nationals living outside of their country are not right wing - demonstrated by the fact many feel they depend on the European Union (EU) to guarantee their stay in foreign countries. Far left candidate Jean-Luc Melenchon, who has surged in the polls recently and threatens to break into the leadership race against Ms Le Pen and Mr Macron, could also benefit from this catastrophic error.

Voting twice is illegal of course but in a year four candidates appear to have a fighting chance of making the second round including the extreme right Marine Le Pen, far left Jean-Luc Mélenchon, independent novice Emmanuel Macron and scandal-hit François Fillon, some voters appear tempted to cast two ballots.

“This year is the first time I am asking myself the question of whether I should take advantage of the system and vote twice,” a voter named Cecile told Europe1 radio.

During the primary elections for the left and right candidates numerous voters and journalists reported that they had been able to vote twice in two different polling stations. But the electoral roll bug has not just resulted in duplicate ballot cards. It’s also apparently resulted in some foreigners, who normally wouldn’t have the right to vote, being send a voting card.

Including a Swedish woman named Alice, who lives in France. She too is tempted to flout the rules. “I do not know if I will go and vote and but I am really tempted, I really want to,” she told Europe1 radio. Those who do vote twice risk a heavy punishment: up to six months in prison and a fine of up to €15,000. Despite the huge numbers of duplicate voting cards, the Ministry of Interior is not worried that the result of the election could be invalid. The actual scale of how many invalid voter cards have gone out is not known, it seems everyone has received a voter card and those who moved homes got two.

They are confident the stiff penalties will put most people off, even if many will be tempted in order to see their candidate through to the second round runoff vote.

Voting twice is a crime, but police will only find out if they run a check on the individual through their computer systems. This has to actually be government mandated to be ordered to actually check by illigal voting, we Holla Forumsacks are inclined to believe they won't be checking anything when the EU puppet gets installed.

Holla Forums was right again, when Democracy does not suit them, they play foul.

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Here's to hoping Le Pen Wins

This is mirroring America's election almost to the T.

So what exactly happens if La Pen wins? We know Putin loves Muslims and Globalism as long as it benefits Russia.

We know Jews planned on filling up Europe and America with shitskins then CLOSING THE BOARDERS, in order to induce race mixing liberalization of extreme groups like Islam.

So what's the end result? America closes its boarders, AWESOME! But we're still filled with so many shitskins the country wont recover.

That's the scary part…

Good joke. Only reason he hasn't started committing genocide against them is because (((they))) constantly pressure the rest of the world to view them as the enemy when they don't even do anything.
Doesn't matter if Le Pen wins. Brexit's going to happen, Le Pen will most likely pull France out of the Union, and after that it's just one after another until the union dissolves.

w w

" A computer bug in France’s electoral roll has meant some half a million voters could in theory cast two ballots. And some are tempted. With the first round of the presidential election just over a week away (April 23rd) French voters around the country have been receiving their ballot cards through the post as usual.

But many have received two – in fact some half a million voters could cast two ballots thanks to the bug, according to authorities. The duplicate voting cards were sent out mainly in the cases where people have moved homes since the last time they voted.

Normally the electoral roll is automatically updated when people register their new address but for some reason the system has not been working. Voting twice is illegal of course but in a year four candidates appear to have a fighting chance of making the second round including the extreme right Marine Le Pen, far left Jean-Luc Mélenchon, independent novice Emmanuel Macron and scandal-hit François Fillon, some voters appear tempted to cast two ballots.

“This year is the first time I am asking myself the question of whether I should take advantage of the system and vote twice,” a voter named Cecile told Europe1 radio. During the primary elections for the left and right candidates numerous voters and journalists reported that they had been able to vote twice in two different polling stations.

But the electoral roll bug has not just resulted in duplicate ballot cards. It’s also apparently resulted in some foreigners, who normally wouldn’t have the right to vote, being send a voting card. Including a Swedish woman named Alice, who lives in France. She too is tempted to flout the rules.

“I do not know if I will go and vote and but I am really tempted, I really want to,” she told Europe1 radio. Those who do vote twice risk a heavy punishment: up to six months in prison and a fine of up to €15,000.

Despite the huge numbers of duplicate voting cards, the Ministry of Interior is not worried that the result of the election could be invalid. They are confident the stiff penalties will put most people off, even if many will be tempted in order to see their candidate through to the second round runoff vote. "

Poll picture for non-ants.

Yeah, no. We don't know yet. In France everything is done with voting cards & paper ballots, there are no voting machines. It's therefore harder to commit vote fraud. If the results are too close then the possible double votes of the half a million french citizens living abroad will likely be investigated.

That's not really my experience, I'd say the french people I've met here in Canada are 50 / 50 ethnomasochists / nationalists. You just need to give them some alcohol to drink and you'll know if they like the arab invaders or not.

Just computer error :^)

Ok do is anyone going to do anything about it? Did LePen just hope they would play fair? No safeties in place?

Quebecaans want their own french state away from Canada, that is why you are tasting that nationalism tinge.

Nothing will be done until after the election and it's just too bad if the wrong person won :^)

Is not, read what happened

And you don't need machines to commit fraud, what kind of logic is that?

They did it in Austria, and they are doing it in France the same way. This is like convenient suicides or unfounded rape accusations, you can see an obvious pattern

French constitution of 1793

Consider the following:
What's the outcome in a civil war where both sides wave white flags at each other all day?


Just one of these would be justification for full scale rebellion. Why the fuck are we all such pussies about this?

Mustn't be fascists.

Despite France surrendering quickly to Germany in WW2, the SS Charlemagne defended the Führerbunker until the end. It's almost as if fighting for kikes or for a cause makes a difference on the people's will to fight.

Holla Forums and 4chan Holla Forums and the French are too stupid to explain JEWS DID COMMUNISM : 120 Million deaths and try to start a WWIII.

I'm sure the Germans are waiting to attack Poland while the Swedes hide, the Belgians pretend not to know about shit, the jddjfjfigk

Before this, EU sent thugs to ransack her headquarters.

This is the "democracy" they loudly and desperately praise.

Lads Kek is speaking to us.


They're not even trying to be subtle anymore.

Because apathy runs deep and we're also sated with food, drink and entertainment. Bread and circuses, user.

Wow, an election in a major country looks like it's not what it appears to be. Wow!

Putin is a gigantic faggot and has throughly entrenched musliums as the ruling class of russia. Fuck off larper


Keep reposting it kike, you might catch someone one day.

Everyone forgets the non-Axis countrymen who fought alongside the Germans, such as the French SS Charlemagne or the Spanish Blue Division.

Not to preach to the converted or anything but the nazis were legitimally the most diverse army or one of at least the world has ever known

Yeah no not all of us are massive retards who have never been to Russia. Putin was a faggot who got into power bent over backswards and took up up the ass from checyans so they wouldnt leave Russia and submitted to every and all demand. One day we are going to hang you neo soviet putin faggots and the muslium dogs from lamp poles side by side.

Ooh, he forgot to kill leftist losers like you, wait, whole russia is leftist losers, what can you do? :(

Epic meme my fellow national socialist.
Tune in next time for British teeth and Polish toilets jokes.

You westerners are and have always been complete fucking sheep

GEE what a convenient coincidence, I'm sure the new government will do everything in its power to check the legitimacy of those votes after it takes the reigns of the state :^)))))))))))))))))))))))))

Something very similar also happened in the Brexit vote. A whole bunch of voting cards had been sent to people who were EU citizens and couldn't vote.

She'll win the first round and then get kiked by tactical voting and rigging in the second, same story every time. She will never be president.

You mean kikes, kike?


top kek

Nice black pill there faggot. If people actually gave a shit and spread this information like wildfire then the beaurocrats won't get away with it. But becuase even Holla Forums a place that aparently cares about saving the white race is too lazy to do anything. How do then expect the equilivent of French joe breadstick to give a shit?

Nihilism is a tool of the jew.


They did it in the UK too, only instead of fucking with computers they just made the delivery of postal votes for are nige's constituency EIGHT hours late while the tories went over the spending limit multiple times.

nice merchant!

The French need to start chopping heads off again.

I don't see how she could. The opposition will team up against her in Round 2. She needs more than 50% support to win and she doesn't seem to have that.

Reminds me of the 596% voter turnout rate in Austria, which got a revote not because of blatant fraud but because voting booths were still open after the deadline

We all know deep down our countries are completely fucked. In truth World War 1 was the nail in the coffin for Europe and the Anglosphere was already on a downward trajectory. Our job is to continue the legacies and genetic lines of our people, to survive so that something new can come into creation in the future.

Don't you know America was founded on the principle that the centralized power knows best and we should just shut up and give them our taxes? Come on, Spirit of Liberty, you know better.


Remember Wikileaks leaked how CIAniggers were going to fix the French election

What did Kek mean by this?

Yes, 2 bloody and horrible wars and Ramzan Kadyrov being a underling to putin in fear of being wiped out by russia is really taking it up the ass.

Also how they're super duper concerned Russia is totally going to hack something. I can only hope in this political atmosphere they do something sloppy enough in front of someone pissed off enough to blow the lid on their scam.

What a surprise.



Amusingly, both supported Trump.

Do you really think it matters who they really are if the vote is based on an electrical system?
They'll simply claim that everyone outside voted agaisnt her and that's it.
The few frogs that actually will speak up will be labeld as the nutcases or whatever they use currently.

inb4 (((french))) news outlets tell them it was le doity russians and le pen is a russian asset

I wonder where all these election related computer errors come from. burgers, hands off pls


She has a shot against Fillon (I've seen polls putting her at 47-53, within the margin of error).

Maybe against Melenchon as well but that'd be a lot harder. In that case Frexit would happen even if Le Pen lost though.

But that's the colour of the French flag though?

We're just trying to not give up. Le Pen winning is a small step in the right direction, it doesn't fix everything all at once.

Putin didnt win those wars faggot, he did so fucking bad that he had to paid them and continues to have to pay them every year or they will rebel. They also got to ethnically clense chechya of Russians after the wars but none of you faggots talk about that shit.

It's tough to watch. England might as well go back to the EU and request a big fine for disobeying the jew.

They used to do this in Canada before you needed ID.

It's really (((common law))) they hate.

Many French people must have changed because their former neighborhoods were "culturally enriched" with the new Somali neighbors. That may be a positive result for Le Pen.

just let everyone else vote twice too.

That is one possible solution. It's sad that the attitude being taken is "let's wait and see if the voting fraud is in our favor" rather than " let's try and make sure the election is fair". But it is an EU country, after all.

Prepare for the wall of links explaining why every nationalist figurehead is a jewish puppet and every nationalist organization is a honeypot and that there is no hope left just stay home and wait for Hitler

I can already feel the shill furiously copypasting in his room somewhere in the eastern Mediterranean..

Time for a march on Paris imo.

This. Le Pen-Melenchon is the best second round.

I'll take it. Who knows, maybe under the far left, the far right of France will be galvanized and grow for the next election.

No I'm talking about french people from France. There's a lot of them in Montreal

Melenchon is of the same kind as Tsipras. He won't do shit and bend over to EU.

They say there's some glitch in the computer system which means the list of addresses hasn't been updated since the last election or something, which means up to half a million of frenchmen living abroad could receive two voting cards: one at the previous address and one in their new address.

"The duplicate voting cards were sent out mainly in the cases where people have moved homes since the last time they voted. Normally the electoral roll is automatically updated when people register their new address but for some reason the system has not been working."

But if these people moved into a new home they won't necessarily have two voting cards because they would still need to go back to their previous address to physically take possession of the 2nd voting card. That's what I understand. And voting twice is still a crime.

"But the electoral roll bug has not just resulted in duplicate ballot cards. It’s also apparently resulted in some foreigners, who normally wouldn’t have the right to vote, being send a voting card. Including a Swedish woman named Alice, who lives in France. She too is tempted to flout the rules. “I do not know if I will go and vote and but I am really tempted, I really want to,” she told Europe1 radio. Those who do vote twice risk a heavy punishment: up to six months in prison and a fine of up to €15,000."

I'm not sure how this can be exploited on a large scale because as far as I know you still need to show some kind of ID before you're handed a paper ballot and you can vote. And early / absentee voting is complicated too. There's no voting by mail, it was abolised in 1975. If you want to vote early you need to give a good reason why you won't be available to vote on the day of the election and you need to mandate someone else to vote for you, and you need to fill out the sheet and sign it in front of someone who verifies your identity. It's more complicated than you think.

I'm not saying it can't happen in France, I mean I don't know the system from inside, I'm not french but I speak the language and I read the information on absentee voting and I'm saying it looks harder to inject a lot of fake votes than in some other countries.

>Do you really think it matters who they really are if the vote is based on an electrical system?

Not really, in France there's only paper ballots. If I understand correctly thousands of voting cards were sent to the same people twice but not necessarily at the same address. You can't automatically conclude that half a million random people just got an opportunity to vote twice and they're automatically going to jump on the occasion despite the risk of getting caught. I mean you still need to show an ID card before you can fill out the paper ballot and put it in the box.

My guess is that if there's going to vote fraud it would need to involve the local election workers too, they would need to allow people to vote twice or something like that. If I was french I would videotape the voting process to collect possible evidence of fraud in the voting centers.


Explanation from a French user who happens to own two polling cards himself.

First, this has existed for decades and nobody ever gave a fuck.
This has nothing to do with a sudden 'computer error', thing is in France when you move to a new town and register there, new town confirms old town so they remove you from their lists.
French administration being what it is, sometimes old town isn't notified and you find yourself registered in both.

This happened to me.
But how did I find out? Because I left from my parents' home and they still live at the same address. It's the only reason I know in the first place, and have access to the material vote my former town keeps sending at my parents' address.

Once when I was visiting my parents on an election day, I went to the town hall to notify them, showing them my new card and the vote material they sent me. The guy took my name and I thought this was settled, but at next election it turned out they did fuck all and I'm still registered in both towns. I stopped caring.

Anyway, in order to vote twice even if you were stupid enough to disregard the serious legal consequences
- You'd have to be aware of still being registered at your former address, and have access to the polling card they sent you there : it happens only to people who moved from their parents to their own place and still didn't move again (or very rare cases when people who moved at your former address are in touch with you)
- You need to show up physically at both places, lot of effort unless you moved not far from your old place, a lot of trouble for something so risky. And also you need to be sure no one from former place recognizes you

The fraud risk is actually virtually inexistant and I'm sure nobody in this case ever went through the trouble and stress to vote twice.
They feign to suddenly care about it ONLY because it would be a reason to invalid the election and they push the narrative it should be a legit reason for it
When in reality, even if they had concerns, the administration could just do their fucking jobs for once and cross-check their lists right now. They make it sound terribly time and effort consuming to have an excuse
How hard would it be to launch a detection of doubles in lists? Computers do most of the work

Once again the establishment is making up a pathetic excuse to try casting doubt on the election results in case it doesn't pleases them

Speaking of massive fraud in the French elections



"Video not available in your country"
Sorry, shill
Anyway when it comes to a choice between literal ZOG and patriots that some fringe guy accuses of being puppets of ZOG 'because of video'
I'd take my chances, you won't make me vote for literal ZOG in any case

next they're going to claim the russians hacked the french government computers

Asslineau is a massive cuckservative:

L'Union Européenne est une construction RACISTE et RACIALISTE


What a strange coincidence, I wonder who could be behind this? Must be those Russians or those Right-Wing Hacker Squads.