Pedowood Burning! Another Pedokike Bites The Dust

Reminder all actors are fucking pedophiles and rapists. It's not even up for debate anymore.

Hes gotta beat her head in now if he wants to be taken seriously


woah tbh

These kikes must feel pretty stupid right now.


What a fucking creep, if that was my daughter i would bash his fucking skull in and piss on him.

Fuck off you fucking fuckwad. I can't believe i enjoyed your fucking movies. I hope they tear down that fucking statue of him in Philadelphia, that fucking piss-ant pedophile deserve to be hauled down main street chained to a tractor.

Pedo Disposables

And another one gone
And another one gone


I have band news for you user, you might want to clear that browser history

Well, it was well known that Stallone and his daughter fucked, but outside of it now?

Why is one daughter hot while the other looks autistic?

Genetics are a lottery.

he's right though, 16 isn't technically pedophilia and is legal in most places, doesn't make him not a rapist though

except in u.s., where he lives

Also, are you seriously gonna play semantics in a case of pedowood being exposed?

Absolutely unacceptable

Who'd have thunk it?


i kek'd

Really makes you think.

It's a good case in any case.
If they are true, kikes & co burn.
If they are false, feminist rhetoric burns.

who cares, let them all burn then we deal with the left manually

Words have meanings. Distorting language is top tier kikery.


Which is exactly how we're gonna deal with them - with their own weapon.

The anons outside looked from kike to Holla Forums, and from Holla Forums to kike, and from kike to Holla Forums again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.

sounds very jewish, user

Their weapons are specifically designed to advance their agenda. So you're just advancing their agenda. It's one thing to learn from their strategies and use what you've learned against them, it's another to do EXACTLY what they're doing.

Good. We use that as well. Let them think everything is going according to their plan. Do you even into Machiavelli, user.

I get enjoying watching the chaos unfold, but none of us actually believe these stories, right?

How retarded are you? This has been known for years, decades.


No, m8. Something like 60%-90% of all rape accusations in the US are bullshit.

most of the ones since Weinstein have been bullshit. The Al Franken one for instance you can find out is bullshit from 5 minutes on google.


what's been known? most of these cases are celebrities complaining about feeling mildly uncomfortable or just pretending the were objectified as in the case of Franken. Meanwhile Hollywood pedos go free and the pedo narrative has been hijacked by "lol corey feldman is weeeird" to mislead people.

A. Nobody in pedowood is innocent, let them all burn.
B. Do you expect them just starting busting hard pedos? The ground has to be set up for that and all these mild scandals are doing exactly that.

No, m7+1. Any second now it'll all come tumbling down. Any second now. Just you wait. Any second now.


The club keeps growing

How is Holla Forums so fucking retarded?

lol america

What do he did agian?

Just googled and there's a pic of him groping a sleeping grill who he also admits forcing his tongue down her mouth. Is that just like a hebrew greeting or something?

The real point is does anyone actually care. As far as I can see everyone is playing along because it could mean dead kikes

And really isn't that what truly matters?

except each state has different ages of consent, and it's 16 in most states, you're misinterpreting what the media portrays as fact



it isn't they are still in high school and thats creepy you shitskin

The only reason it's illegal in some states is because of social conventions. Do you think the drinking age should be 21? It's the same justification as that.


So what? They are in prime breeding age.

you shouldnt be knocking up a 16 or 17 year old again you are a fucking shitskin third worlder

You absolutely should. They are designed to be knocked up at that age. It is their purpose in existence.

what about actresses?


Source? Your Holla Forums screencaps and infographs don't count as proof btw.

It's because of faggots like you that women think they should wait until they're nearing 30 before they can settle down and start a family. Do us all a favour and kill yourself. I'm not even trying to be edgy here, just fucking do it.

Kys famalam

They are not ready mentally to have children and nor are you at that age nor do you have money. If you cant wait one more year and knock up 18-30 year olds its your fault.
