(((Disney))) live-action remakes

Place your bets which character gonna be re-imagined as a flaming faggot.

They will ruin Mulankino.

everyone there is already a chink

Sebastian and Flounder are going to be gaf.

"In a unprecedentedly bald move, Disney presents a fist interspecies couple"

Will the female lead teach my daughter how to twerk and slut it up after she reinvents herself as a "singer" after leaving Disney?

No, she will suck off a fat ugly jew, then become a junkie and then appear on some cheap reality show.

Considering the title is literally Tink? Probably


Let's see, they did that with Britney and Miley who are two hillbillies from the South.
Who's next in the trailer trash queue?


I really hope they add a Black to Mulan. Just fuck up my Chinese box offices fam

It is funny how (((they))) turned disney into the apotheosis of kikery and degeneracy, when originally it was the polar opposite.
Walt Disney was quite a stridently moral man, and kept his work to the highest quality, to make things better, not worse.
After he died and the family was finished off, (((they))) did anything they could to snatch it away and turn it into absolute filth.
As usual, it was little by little so they didn't scare off customers - but given time they have utterly perverted the enterprise and the name.

I think these great men with great ideas should completely kill their work before they die, or at least set it to self destruct upon their death.
It should be so legally tied up that no one can touch it for a thousand years.
Had George Lucas done that, his stuff wouldn't have been corrupted either. Not saying he was nearly on the same level as Walt Disney.
Lord of the rings is next, sold off to amazon to be butchered and turned into poison.

How? Why? Nobody liked the first one, and the first one went over everything there is to go over. I don't understand.




They're find a way…




Heavyweights was pretty funny tho.

It's sickening.

Megara is hot as fuck user

I hope Disney never touches this franchise again

she a slut

probably eaten ass

She has, and she didn't brush her teeth afterwards. Not even the morning after.

I wonder how far up that equine butthole she got with her tongue.

inb4 tranny Mulan

>no zootopia live action remake?


Basically redefining pop culture from the past . Hope you aren't surprised they're going after the statues.

Are you saying there were no niggers in the middle ages? I find it hard to believe, user.

The straw man would be more efficiently used if it had some connection with the topic, user.

I don't think you know what a straw man is

Enlighten me.

>>>Holla Forums

>>>Holla Forums

take the /fur/pill ==:^)==



through a hazmat suit maybe



All of those but aladdin are shit
also the new beauty and the beast was actually great

This autist is back


Christoper Robin.

That one is prime candidate for homo.

How much do you think they'll fuck with Aladdins script as to not offend Muslim?

How did this liveactionshit remakes thing even happen? Maleficient released in 2010 and there was nothing until 2015 when Cinderella was released and even that wasn't incredibly popular. Jungle book and Beauty and the Beast released last year and this year which seems to have popularized it.


I'm sure it's gonna have a very authentic medieval muslime portrayal, will loli marriages and everything.

Beauty and the Beast did 500 million domestically.

Beauty and the Beast was a beloved classic, so that shit movie obviously did way better.


Did better internationally. Suppose the advertising budget was at least 50-100 million, it still did well but unlike all the other live action movies, I barely heard anything about it and didn't even know when it got released.

cinderella was the shit movie actually sweetie

They are all shit you dumb kike.

Well yeah, because it was the first one of its kind, not counting Maleficent which was a different beast they included in this reboot cannon after the fact. They were obviously careful about Cinderella, not to blow the horns and then see it flop. When it did good they lubed the machine.

spoken like a child

^Back to reddit, kike

Nice virtue signaling

nope, back to reddit

Is actually a shakespearean tragedy, when you consider the king a tragic hero. He spared a monster out of love, and this act of kindness doomed him. First they took his family, then his live.

Take your estrogen and shut up, missy. We don't have time to waste after your lefty tantrums

I'm sure that's what they had in mind

You mean for pedo undertones.

Emma Watson would be great as Ariel and Peter Pan

Ariel is beautiful and feminine so Emma is a no-match. Peter Pan fits more since Emma is a tranny that looks like a guy.

Nice projection there buddy


Go away with your tranny shit, autistic emmafag

Emma played Belle user and was attached since 2012 because shes beautiful and feminine, she was rumored to be ariel years ago as well. SAD!

Damn right


Go away, emmasperg


Go away, emmafag

I was talking to someone else user, you should go away and close the browser

You were talking to yourself. Now go away.

Go away, emmasperg

Ariel is a redhead so Emma won't be the best choice. The prince will be black, screencap this you know it is true. The movie would be named 'Ursula' and would pretty much be like Maleficent and show that Ursula dindu nuthin wrong or whatever.


You left out the part about the prince being a nigger…

Also, stop lying.

He will be a nigger. But Emma is ugly tho.

Some people want to force Disney to turn Mulan into a FtM tranny.

Are you implying that is a bad thing?

they stole this from Beowulf. although in Beowulf it is more like lust than love. coincidentally, Jolie played the monster in the Beowulf movie as well.


sounds kino

I stopped right there. Live action Disney is just pic related.

Stop being lazy and write new stories, there must be plenty more fairy tales to mine.

Oh boy, I can't for Disney to make tired parody jokes just to show they're self-aware