This was the most successful film of all time yet was forgotten about in less than a few months after its release...

This was the most successful film of all time yet was forgotten about in less than a few months after its release. Why did it have such little cultural impact despite its financial success?

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Because it was all style and no substance.

The story was just a ripoff of Dances With Wolves. All they did was just changed the setting.

The characters are clichés that we've seen before in better previous movies. The main hero is the most boring of them.

The villains are cartoonishly evil and are bad simply for the sake of being bad. There are no moral gray areas at all in the film.

And it's overall message is hokey and ham-fistedly presented. It's out right insulting towards its' audience.

The only thing people remember are the effects which was really the only reason this movie was made. Cameron just wanted to see how far he could push CG. Everything else was an after thought.

But there are tons of commercially successful films that are all style and no substance, with derivative plots, cliched characters, simplistic morality and ham-fisted themes which had a larger cultural impact than Avatar did. Star Wars (both originals and newer ones), Jurassic Park and Jurassic World, Titanic, Transformers, Fast and Furious series, The Avengers, Harry Potter, Frozen, Transformers, The Fucking Minions movie, these are all still relevant in popular culture in one way or another but Avatar has been left behind. Why is that? Is it just the emphasis on special effects that made it forgotten?

you realize there were a pile of scifi novels that did this before a Kevin Costner western did right? are you retarded?


Fuck off nerd

There's no way that was in the movie. It was a very one sided, non- ambiguous film, that morally decried corporations, military force, and resource gathering. If that was in the film I would have remembered it and been far more inclined to give it favorable criticism.

It should have been in the movie.

You just answered your own question.

Garbage quote. Unless they know how old the Navi are as a race then it is simply best to assume they are a younger race that needs time to develop. This is why the Prime Directive was developed in Star Trek.

It's a narrow sci-fi adaptation of a better film set in the American frontier West. The world needs "character stories" that concern themselves with important social and cultural issues, but if you're setting-up a franchise, you should probably go with tested, archetypal myth-fodder (muh Hero's Journey), not shit you and your rich friends think ought to speak to the core of the human spirit. If you really want to go the "morality play" route, you should probably put out a new story no less frequently than once a year so you can flesh out the universe and make-up for the fact that your individual stories (like Dances with Smurfs) - while perhaps thought-provoking and humane - aren't able to encapsulate the "big picture" and meta-myths the way LOTR, Star Wars, and most religions do. Shit like that resonates for a reason.

If you thought Avatar was bad, wait till Avatar 2 comes out.

Christ it's an entire planet ffs! They don't have to bring back all the good guys and all the bad guys and replay the same shit all over again, there must be more aliens, more humans, and more motivations for character development and conflict for story than just a re-hash of everything from the first film. Cameron is visionary and creative but he can't write for shit. He's built a good world, now the best thing would be to let someone else play in it tbh.

And yes, Terminator 2 is stupid.

Just like Africans, amirite?

it's a scifi movie, you fag, you can say it ripped off scifi novels, because it did, but saying it was Dances with Wolves is stupid

It's not you, butt hurt faggots. Is Dune also a rip off of Dances with Wolves? Is Princess of Mars a rip off of Dances with Wolves?

because it wasnt good


This image just proves that China deserves to take over.


You don't belong here

Oh yeah, a bunch of dog eating twats who sell each other canned fresh air will get things running smoothly.

This isn't a very good chart.

Your BO got OINKED

Explain the theme park.

It's entire appeal was having the best looking CGI ever. And surprise surprise, that ages fast.

That just makes it worse.

Chinese TV is terrible, otherwise I'd agree.
Not that it matters, Americans are imbeciles who put bigger imbeciles into power at all levels. China will rule everything soon.

He's not that old…

Go back to halfchan Holla Forums and talk about reality tv.

Each sequel will make 1+ billion in box office. Wait and see.

Explain how it's a rip-off of a rip-off, smart ass.

I know but it is a e s t h e t i c

>a feeling of listlessness and dissatisfaction arising from a lack of occupation or excitement.
Hollywood is an ever devolving stagnant swamp of marketing research and social programming. Its films are facebook algorithms designed to trigger a limbic response in a majority of viewers. All sugar and no substance.

The only time a movie makes a substantial impact is when it pulls directly from the collective consciousness, where the message resonates deeply within the viewer. A films genius isn't a matter of intelligence but of its mystical importance to the evolution of the human species. Belief is willingly suspended while the viewer enters the trance state and lives out the experience.
A fundamental part of our existence is experiencing the spontaneous. Once something becomes familiar or formulaic we rapidly lose interest as it no longer feeds our core essence.

dude, weed, lol

A well written and thought out post on Holla Forums? Am I dreaming?

Holy shit, what caused that "stupid-bomb" in Botswana

No because Africans have never developed anything of note. The Navi are not stupid and once they develop patriarchy then civilization will develop.

You just said it was,

Neither did the Navi. Everything they know was spoonfed to them by their planetary consciousness.

They're basically space Indians.

So the Navi are like Africans permanently infused with communism and therefore even worse.

Maybe a race of northern snow Navi develop civilization and the jungle Navi we see in the movie are the niggers of Pandora.

It was a preachy environmentalist-movie only relevant for the decade where Al Gore of all people became "saviour of mankind". Completely out-dated today, simply because it was a hoax and all the fucking scientists got exposed for tampering with data.

Hence why nobody but the absolute drooling retards talk about Day after Tomorrow aswell. Preachy fucking bullshit. Also hate the fact that Hollywood still believes in the "Noble-savage"-meme that has existed since the colonial-times where (((they))) thought they glorify the savage way of living, only because of how hollow their own lives are.

Well, it started the whole 3D craze

What 3D craze?

The best parts of the movie were when the humans were shoahing the filthy cockroaches, and like always a noble endeavor to liberate the planet from the hivemind Jew was sabotaged by race traitors.

The humans were destroying nature for future Jew bucks. There is no honor in that.

Exterminating savages is always a noble calling.

You are confusing niggers and aliens schlomo.

Nigger aliens, same difference.

were you living under a rock for the last 5 years?

More like 3d fad. Wew, is there anything that died off so quick? A whole bunch of money grubbers rushed in, flooded the market with a bunch of poorly done (not real 3d, that cutout 3d bullshit) 3d movies and killed all interest.

I can only imagine how the suckers who plunked down major coin for 3d 4k tv's feel.

aww how about fuck them? It was cartoonishly stupid for them to attack the precious "home tree" since the "Unobtainium" facepalm was all over the planet but seriously who gives a fuck? History is all about the superior culture crushing the lesser. Such is nature.

Which is why the niggers and mudslimes are going to inherit Europe and the spics will inherit America.

Except China already put the imbeciles in power and have been doing so for generations now.
China is literally retarded and so are you for not seeing this.

Only if the cultures capitulate.
Seriously have you ever seen a nigger/mudslime culture actually rise to prominence? Even if you hand the keys to power to them right now they will fuck it up so badly that they will lose that power in less then a generation.
Go shill somewhere else, kike.

They will win on terms of sheer numbers. It is irrelevant how strong your culture is when they weaponize your pity and come in in such extreme numbers. Do you live in a gated community? Have you never dealt with the brown races? The browns do not ever have to rise to prominence to win. Whoever races to the bottom first in terms of brutality is going to win. The niggers and mudslimes are winning soy boy. The only answer is to begin gunning them down.

This is the part where I agree with you.
However, if this falters or fails in anyway they will be crushed. In modern warfare raw numbers is not enough.

Yeah, you know, when every movie under the sun is either shot or converted in 3D. You know, just a little fad.
Considering it hasn't died and is still going, yes.
Seriously, kys.
Wrong. The unter-mensch is winning. They are seeding your Aryan women you faggot. Go out and shoot them. If you are in America every black and brown is your enemy.

The burgers will be fine. None of them are white anyway so it is no change.

lol Sweden? Fuck them, they were pussies before and pussies now. Sweden needs to burn.


I keep saying it, Avatar is a useful marker for the lowest point of american cinema. A gargantuan show of bad taste, representative of everything wrong in jewish productions, and in the retarded mindset of its viewers.

I had never laid eyes on worse movie, before. The idea came to me as a joke, but over time it has cemented with no contrary evidence.

Gee you really like Sweden? Who is the kike now?

It was the first big 3D movie released. Now every movie gets a 3D version and no one really cares. It spear headed a revolution that never came so it got forgotten.


It was completely based on emotional manipulation and the "Noble Savage" virtue signalling.
Beyond that it had no message and no thought. Emotions are useful for making and impact but they die off very quickly so when you come to think about the substance of the movie there is nothing there.

I thought the furries like it.

Yep even some capeshit like Man of Steel has more substance

China is as much of a paper tiger now as it was 120 years ago. They are trash. If Europeans don't change their thinking it will be jews or arabs that end up ruling, not Chinese.

It was watchable in the theater because the graphics did look good and immersed you for a first time not giving a shit viewing, but its bad and its getting 4 sequels that will probably be worse somehow.

Can anyone find this picture?

Visit the Spratley Isslands and say that to their faces.

You can see a lot of influence from it in games, movies like Guardians of the Galaxy, Valerian, all sorts of animated movies (from Moana to How to Train Your Dragon), etc..
It doesn't lack influence on creators, it just didn't spawn a fanbase in the common populace, other than a few autists doing photoshops of women and painting themselves blue.

it is really weird now that you mention it. All I remember is Will Ferrell dressed up as the blue alien at the Oscars. Everything about Avatar and many things from 2010 have an air of the Mandela Effect about them, There's a vague foggy almost tangible sensation that gives me goosebumps.


That isn't how nature works, retard.

Yeah, by zerosugar Holla Forums's board owner

What's with the inverted commas? Is that supposed to be some kind of ironic doom? Fucking nips can't into human words. Fuck all cuckime.

Yes it is. Time + privilege = civilization.

Bantu people

I feel like its a a scene in the last action hero

jesus fuck that's actually what they think isn't it

Fuck that "Noble Savage" revisionist history bullshit! That's the very reason things are so fucked up in the west today! This retarded meme that all non-whites were pure and innocent before we showed up has got to die!