The french have never made a single good film

The french have never made a single good film.


Do you watch french films? Je suis alle a Paris.

La Jette
Trois couleurs: bleu
Trois couleurs: rouge
Mes nuits sont plus belles que vos jours
La femme publique

I forgot
La Science des rêves

You know how I know you are a faggot that never watches any of those films?

I never watched white yet

i really hate godard. I really can't think of a single french filmmaker who i think is worth a fuck. trufant, marker.. i'm not sure what it is. they leave the least impression. it's like freudian psychoanalysis - something that seemed clever and subversive at its time, but was bankrupt then and bankrupt now and it just took a more honest audience with the distance of time to call it what it is.

the french are the most irrelevant and soon to be forgot on fo the continental european midcentury filmmakers

I agree.

godard does seems like stinky shit

What are you thoughts on Jung?

The City of Lost Children (1995)

… and The Dreamers (2003) that not so good, but fappable, movie where Eva Green fucks her brother.

Beat me to it.

I enjoyed a french film about a guy from medieval times being transported to the present.

can't remember the name though.


Man Bites Dog was pretty good.

Plebs, what are you doing here?

Léon (aka The Professional)

La Cité des Enfants Perdus - yeah that one is great.

kill urself pedo

That term is so watered down as to be meaningless now. You might as well call someone a nazi. Either way it has no significance anymore. It's the old story of the boy who cried wolf.

Brotherhood of the Wolf

But nazis are jew tier
as are pedos




NT: Butthurt burguers.

Then stop shitposting and watch it. Then comeback and remove the other two and recognize the king of the color trilogy. It's about a punished cuck betrayed by his toasties and his sublime plans for revenge.

Technically it is the high point of the trilogy. Cinematography, directing, lighting, sound, and editing are superior to the first without being overbearing like the third. Granted there are some elements of Red which thematically fit the oppressive nature of the film's craftsmanship, however the true basis of the story is about subversion of observation through the tenuous bonds of humanity. White is a stark film. It is cold, empty, and painful just like Karol's life.

And for what it is worth the colors are more Polish than French. Proving once again Slave are the true masters of Kino.

t. riggered frogger

The irony of burgers is rich.

Isn't it time you go to a local mosque?

At least we actually fight them from time to time.
You know.
Instead of arming them.
Like some people.

Why so triggered, Abdul?

Nice nu-american lingo Jamal.

Don't be so triggered, Abdul


Having hundreds of random civilians run over and shot by them =/= fighting tbh

Don't talk like a nu-burger, Jamal.

Stop encouraging them to come here then. Oh wait, your greatest ally wouldn't like that.

Why so triggered, Abdul

Because you adopted the cancerspeech and consider it funny, Jamal.

Bresson did Mouchette and Pickpocket, Annaud did The Name of The rose. There's few others: Resnais with Last Year at Marienbad or Truffaut with The 400 blows.

Don't be triggered, Abdul

Don't talk cuck, Jamal.

Why so triggered, Abdul

Don't talk cuck, Jamal.

Don't be triggered, Abdul

Don't talk cuck, Jamal.

Why so triggered, Abdul?

Don't talk cuck, Jamal.

No need to be so triggered, Abdul

Quality thread, guys.
Bien fait.

Why so triggered, Abdul?

Glad to see that comforts you, Mr. 60%.

Don't be so triggered, Abdul

Real talk, why are we flinging shit at each other? Shouldn't we work together to oust niggers and camel jockeys out?

lol triggered

Why don't you actually fight them fam?
Or your government tbh?
You're always mocking burgers for not revolting when you've got more of an excuse than us at this point.

They got no guns. Which are pretty important to have in a rebellion.



I hate the color white

I know Holla Forums, I know