What the fuck is happening? Over the coarse of a month this place has turned into, and I'm in no way being hyperbolic...

What the fuck is happening? Over the coarse of a month this place has turned into, and I'm in no way being hyperbolic, an exact carbon copy of cuckchan Holla Forums. threads moved alot slower and were all film or tv related. in 3 weeks its now nothing but waifu, shitpost, celebrity and blatant capeshit shilling threads. Is there a fucking psyop going on?


idk man i just checked cuckchan's Holla Forums a few seconds ago, fore the first time in months, and it is leagues better here

This place has always been much worse than cuckchan Holla Forums.

The answer is easy, Drumpfposting and Maisieposting
And BO who don't gives a shit. Expect this thread to be bumplocked



This. OP is a psyops gayniggerfaggot.

"bump…. for da drumpf….''

t. BO

I refuse to believe that BO is a pleb leddit memeia acolyte.

Been like this since february. BO woke up one morning and realized he'd wasted 2 years of his life janitoring a clone of a mongolian simpsons message board so decided to take a more active role shilling ecelebs and pushing a reddit agenda where mods are gods. Overnight all things cancerous became "funposting" while anything traditionally setting fullchan aside from the rest of the internet became a problematic target for him and his coterie of disney obsessed tumblrinas hence the continual focus on child actressss, capeshit and Holla Forums bait. If triggering him wasn't so much fun would have ditched this place months ago.


lol newfig

I don't know where you're getting this from. Aside from really off-topic threads getting anchored sometimes, there's no moderation here or any signs of any BO or mod presence.

He's only is present when people criticizes him.
And then is when he anchor the threads

Wrong. He asked me to make a metathread then banned me when he didn't like my OP. He sent me a picture of his balls in a RLM coffee mug later on that night. He's basically a sick bipolar fuck that harvests IPs for the fuck of it.

It's because people have come here from there. Now if you come here from that shithole, why would you want to make it the same place as here? Make on topic threads and fun threads not pol tier garbage and stupid reddit baits


Provide proof.

Are you in the IRC too? BO is really fucking twisted saw him dox an user from here and plant CP on his mom's hdd.

No, if anything anons here actively shit on Sony which is why you don't see 20 threads a day about them.

But not regular off topic threads, right? Off topic being subjective as to what you do or don't like eg gaming related ecelebs

Because they (you probably) closed the board logs and stopped using trips.

t. sudocuck

What exactly is there to log here? Nothing ever happens.

t. goon

Reported for seditious rabble rousing and likely reddit usage.

That doesn't even make any sense. You just posted some random word that's popular here. I'm seriously worried about how places like Holla Forums affect people's brains.

All the refuse that constantly gets banned from cuckchan somehow found its way here, where they keep shitposting the way they can't do on cuckchan anymore.

At least there aren't any pedos :p

Holla Forums is basically for posters who are such shit that even 4chan doesn't want to put up with them.

Hey we have a couple redditors who pretend to be pedosexual just because they think Holla Forums has to have some. That is good enough right?

Whatever you say smiley.

If there was nothing to see he wouldn't have closed it.


Still this mad that >>>/television/ flopped?

>>>/television/ BO did nothing wrong

Don't let them take away our home and report the fuckers so we can deport them.

Oh and btw I have just reported you for creating a meta thread.
No hard feelings I hope.

and 4chan is basically for posters who are such shit that even reddit doesnt want to put up with them

Really makes you fucking think.


As if he would ever respond. This board has no function other than to act as a dumping ground for shitposts.

He contacts me every night.
Reported for fake news.

kirsten dunst is a ugly whore

Fuck you



even that munter supreme watson is more attractive than your roastie with the thousand cock stare

NeoGaf went to shit a while back, and the Holla Forums got shitted up more than usual at the same time. It seems to have impacted Holla Forums much more and for longer though, probably because Holla Forums was worse to begin with so the drop has been more noticeable.

Bad taste in women ✓
Misogynist ✓
Reported ✓

Naw, was more relieved actually. I hated being a mod since it meant constantly having to check in clean shit up and look at reports. Was also redundant since the few weeks it was active the cancer here was actually being cleaned up. That's what I don't get: you obviously got sick of the responsibility so why not just pass the board off to someone who wants the job? Is downboating ecelebs and political talk you don't like really worth it?

He admits this is his reason for making these threads.

Not him but NAH

I've said it before and I'll say it again. Make on topic threads about a movie, a movie per thread, if you guys did that people would discuss things slightly more on topic. Just post a thread for whatever film you have seen or like.



I make strong efforts to derail all talk of movies or tv though.

Some guy made an effortpost about how he would improve Return of the Jedi and it got immediately derailed by drumpfposting. It doesn't work sadly.


I'm not OP dipshit. Pretending everyone you don't like is the same person is why you need to fuck off back to reddit.

You won't bully me into submission.

Bullying is to pick on someone with less power than you, for instance insulting user and then banning them when they insult you back. Picking on a sweet, positive natured girl just because she's handicapped is also something only a bully would do.

don't look at me, man. my waifu is completely tv-related

I keep asking you guys to send me emails about changes you want in the moderation but you never send any and keep making threads instead. I haven't changed my moderating style since I started here although I'm not on here as often as I used to be. I really do want to make this place as good as possible for all of you so if you think something needs to be changed let me know now.

Don't change a thing. OP is just being a dramafag.

Very said, may that user rest in peace.

just delete anything thats blatantly Holla Forums

