Trump is Done: Time for White Identity

This Trump incident should teach us all the right way forward. We need to ignore electoral politics (generally speaking) and focus instead on building up White identity, solidarity and consciousness in America, Canada, Europe and Australia.

Like every "minority" group does, we must collectively assert our will. We must not allow White interests and opinions to be delegitimized by being called "racist" anymore. We need a revolution in consciousness which breaks the power of the concept "racism" over White minds.

Muh strawmen


The core reason that the left has been able to keep winning is that being pro-White has been made "haram". We need to address this, now, before it's too late.

Be subversive!

Be tribal!

Be nepotistic!

And, love your people

Some More Advice:


Turn away completely from media and mainstream culture. Gain a separatist mindset. Focus on building ethnic communities. Focus on creating and spreading every kind of pro-White/ethnic propaganda. Diversify your approaches, be a state within a state. Don't identify with America. America is just a system- a system that currently doesn't work for us.

Be willing to spread the pro-White mentality through many means, just like the left has harnessed:

Be willing to attach your White political agenda to a diverse array of issues.

Think tribal, locally. Act globally. Whites/Europeans have to work together for our own interests. Only consciously White communities that are united in purpose can survive this coming storm.



not an argument faggot

It's more of an argument than "Trump is done."

Fucking tell me why I'm wrong. Don't be an asshole, there is shit we can agree and disagree on. Grow a brain, as they say.

Kek, how about no? We're raping leftists on their home turf. Why would we stop now?


I never said don't try to influence the media. When I say "turn away from the media" I mean don't be influenced by it. Also mainstream culture is fucking trash.

We should build our own subculture up first to attack (metaphorically) the mainstream. That's what Holla Forums is doing.

I don't talk with shills.

don't get mad get EXPLANATORY dumbfuck

I'm not a shill just because we may disagree. Explain why I'm wrong. Save your vitriol and pissed-off-ness for the cuckleft not for fellow nationalists you're not on the same page with.

admitting you have no argument

stay classy, user

I could sit here and argue with you but it would mean nothing. You'll just keep talking about how Trump is not the God Emperor and other shariablue nigger talking points.


trumps NOT done, hes just getting started, just because you done like his siria response doesnt mean hes dead in the water

noproof faggot please go

fine, you think that, great

the fck

I don't know 100% he's done, I just think he is.

Most of my post is about other shit anyway

I don't know 100% that you're a shill, I just think that you should blow your brains out.

nice well reasoned opinion there, fuckface

OP has a point whether you like it or not.

… I want to believe like the rest of you, but let's not delude ourselves. It is looking pretty damned likely that Trump is not on our side.

Trump is done by all evidence. He has flipped on pretty much everything.

I appreciate your post, friend, but the most important thing isn't even Trump. My post is about thinking beyond Trump. Obviously, even if Trump does a lot of good, he won't do everything we want/need as White nationalists.

Much respect, OP

I'm going to give you a polite sage, because your OP has some good ideas, but you're not presenting them properly.

These are things you're suggesting we do, regardless of how Trump is doing. I would even argue they are things we should be doing even if Hillary won.

If you have decent ideas, there's no point in bringing in things that aren't entirely relevant (like Trump). It only turns people away.

Honestly, I think it might even be better if it turns out Trump is an all-out traitor, because in that case you'll have millions of his voters extremely despondent, feeling betrayed, and seeking answers and reason. People like that, that feel they've had one over on them, are going to be much more open to the ideas that white nationalism promotes. It will make more and more sense to them in contrast to another savage American regime.

sounds like a shillfag that didn't lurk for more than 4 days before posting

gg fam

Wrong. Launching outdated munitions on an abandoned airfield isn't a bombing. It is a small, strategically meaningless strike designed to fool the media. Nice try though, kike.

I bet you think the Norks are pure Natsoc too, eh fuckface? Who gives a fuck? Nobody. You are a nobody.

Not really, but try harder next time faggot.

Yet he hasn't. Who gives a fuck if he does anyways? Bannon your daddy or something? you fucking Breitbart T_D shill.

The world is surrounded by kikes in high places. They are overrepresented in the 1% and all the halls of power. This isn't an overnight thing to be changed, this will take a lot of time to de-kike the planet and it wont start or stop with Trump.

He supports them if Germoney pays denbts. If the signatories are not paying their debts, it is obsolete. But go ahead and keep shilling your Shariablue talking points.

I agree. We need people to be disgusted with all politics as much as possible that they are MORE WILLING to turn to radical prowhite ethnonationalism fam

You know, I agree. You have a good point. I just wanted people to not put all their faith in Trump.

But, I have to say, you're just right. I'll revise this post, eventually.

Yes it is. If Assad launched missiles into the Mojave desert, it'd be considered an act of war.

Norks are one of the few nations that completely resist kike subversion, whether you like it or not.

Are you going to say "who cares?" to any argument levied against you?

There are plenty of whites he could have picked instead, yet he chose kikes. Stop making excuses.

I don't think Trump is antiwhite, but he probably thinks Jews are just odd looking Whites. I also know that Trump (I think) has Jewish friends.

Trump is an outsider goy who the kikes infiltrated a long time ago. When he began to be important in NYC, the kikes neutralized him, pretty fast.

And if the queen had a dick she would be the queen, fuck off with your "lets play pretend" bullshit.

I wont respond to any further posts of yours after this, you are a fucking deranged child. Enjoy the sage.

Why the fuck do you care so much about Bannon? That is what I asked and you had no good answer, fuckface. Enhance your reading comprehension.

Let me guess, since he didn't fire up the ovens on inauguration you just can't support him anymore? Nice talking points, Shareblue cocksucker.

Holy fucking spook.

That's an understatement, user. I'm thinking more and more he comes from a family of NY gangsters and shady dealings that has been dealing with rich jews for decades now.

Also, look at all the damage control you've produced with your thread. Good job. Keep them on their toes.

So, double standards, got it.

Nice stawman, imbecile. I said no such thing.

Because he's one of the few whites in Trump's cabinet

So, not picking a cabinet full of jews means staring the oven? Your IQ is in double digits, isn't it?

OK since 2 greentext sentences are too complicated for you to understand, I'll summarize it in one:

Why would I give up on Trump now?

Because he turned on the entire foreign policy?

I havent seen adequate evidence that he's turned around on his whole foreign policy. I see evidence of him doing what EVERY AMERICAN PRESIDENT is required to do, which is produce a show of force early in their administration to prove to the rest of the world that they WILL use force when pressed to do so. What did you want, a pacifist? Stop clutching your pearls and whining like a woman.

I hope you're right, but he has done a massive U-turn on several things now. He won on a platform that was anti-war and anti-interventionist. What we have seen is him act warlike and get involved in other nations - notably Syria which he himself made a massive point about, even going so far as to say that Obongo would have needed congressional approval for a strike on Assad's forces, which he himself did not seek. Then there's the NATO change of heart.

… I do hope you're right my friend, and I agree that during the first few months Trump seemed genuine. This past week has been a huge shock to us all, and you can call me a shill all you want but seriously - are you not a little bit concerned? I hope it is just some 4d chess, but it just seems to be one thing after another at the moment.

An isolationist that wouldn't do Israel's bidding. Both Syria and North Korea happen to be on Israel's shitlist, in case you didn't know.

It only comes as a surprise if you haven't seen Hypernormalisation, or haven't read any of the books on Psychopolitics in /pdfs/. Don't lump us all in with you, pleb.

Please do tell more then. I've seen a few people try to defend his actions but honestly most just sound like they are in denial. Lots of people saying that NATO is genuinely a good thing and that the only problem was that Germany wasn't paying their fair share!

Trump seems to be going against everything he first said, and at the same time seems to be cosying up to his kike son-in-law whilst opposing Bannon who has been regarded as /ourguy/ influencing him. And out of interest- is there anything that Trump could do that would make you stop trusting him?

Disregard this actually, we are completely derailing OP's thread. Let's take our shit to one of the myriad other threads about this topic. Sorry OP.

thanks user, I just want people to focus on the need to build White solidarity and consciousness. We need to be tribal, now.

The point of this thread is that Trump isn't the be-all-end-all whether or not he he "over" or not.


Oh look, it's Red Ice and their Vargenstein pill.
yeah technically Varg only managed to land a fanatical breeding machine half his age because she suffers from hybristophilia (pathological attraction to violent criminals) but let's just pretend that teenage women go for middle-aged men of limited funds all the time.

Black pill propaganda, notice how it is basically MGTOW with a twist - reason being that the Kosher right also invented MGTOW as a counterpoint to bound the edges of their controlled arena.

not what i said faggot

We still have a lot to gain from electoral politics and with Trump (albeit it won't be as we fantasized). The thing is you're spot on about white identity, that should be our primary focus.


Nah fuck that. Trump isn't going to solve all of our problems for us, but he will close the border and deport the illegals that pose an existential threat to our future, and it would have been fucking impossible for us to proceed under the rule of the democrats that would see us locked up for "hate speech" like they do in yurope.
Keep your eye on the politicians, vote for the lesser of evils, pay attention to local politics and run for office if you can, while we promote white identity and try to help fellow white people. We need both to win.

I'm reading Lenin's paper on Dual Power right now (inb4 Marxist gommie, it's a paper on revolutionary strategy that is fairly light on gommunism).

The idea is that out of the bolshevik revolution, two "governments" emerged. One, the official provisional government which was "social-democratic" (gommie-light, in the same way Trump is at best civ-nat lite) but was in reality still controlled by the bourgeois (jews in our case).

The second was a growing non-state government that acted on behalf of the bolsheviks. They tried to build the society they wanted using the non-state government and kept the 'official government' propped up just long enough that the unofficial government could develop itself in preparation to take over.

The unofficial government organized workplaces, got involved in the community, formed worker patrols in place of the police force (this would later become part of the NKVD), etc.

We need to start working on developing our unofficial government, our underground society to replace the current one. The time for meatspace is now. Even if it's small things, the time is now. If not now, then never. If we don't act now it will be too late. The Trump government is our "official government" that is bought and paid for by the Jews, but which can hold everything together just long enough to start organizing our new communities.


I never said don't vote, at all, just don't focus on it as your route to salvation.

Faith in the electoral system is what keeps a lot of good goys away from ethnonationalism. It's just a face

Good post, look:
A non-state govt is not mainstream electoral politics. That's the point. We should be a state within a state that is not tossed around in the wind like a plastic bag- just because of electoral changes.

Do you see what I mean?


Reposting a great comment from another thread, read this shit famm

The pendulum does swing back, but first, it must do just that.
Many people here worry that because liberalism and failed marxist teachings have pervaded over modern youth, all hope is lost. This is not the case. Ask yourself this question. How did the Jews transition America and the rest of the world from traditionalist, moral people who stuck together to ambiguous, amoral, and leftist proletarians? Years of subversion. So, in theory, the way to win it back is to un-subvert, or technically re-subvert, the next generation with the same method.
If it continues down the assumed road, this will become
The only question that remains is this: how do we come to that end without the means to do so? Well, we, as a site, are already proving we do have said means needed. The means are memes.
Ideas, concepts, notions, impressions, images. These are all memes. We simply need to shift the current flow of memes to casualizing racial realism and National Socialism; thankfully, the tide is turning to be just that, like said. Hitler jokes, holocaust gags, and the like is becoming the norm with a lot of youth today. No longer is it a taboo to talk about Hitler. Hell, a lot of times you'll find that Gen Z ironically jokes about how great Hitler was.
Remember how 4chan was when they started making Hitler jokes? It only took them a few years to realize what they were joking was the truth. And the same will happen to the masses, especially after witnessing the failures of the propped up virtue signaling ideologies of the left.

OP really delivered. This got me thinking. Are any of you anons creating real world White networks? I've got some friends and family on board, and it's growing.

Great post user, godspeed.


Thread can be safely disregarded without losing literally anything of value.

Try harder, Chaim


tell me why I'm wrong or fucking go end yourself

I've been trying to; I'm white though I do not look like it.

I like this idea.


Can't say you're wrong. Trump was always just a step in the right direction.

They do if you are in good shape.
Brad Pitt was in his 40's when Troy came out, and was playing a greek demi-god.
So it is possible to look great and attract women of ALL ages as long as you keep /fit and project a powerful masculine energy, which I'm sue a lot of us do.
t. Man in his mid 40s who regularly attracts college students.

We should continue to do both. Yes, a peaceful solution looks extremely unlikely, but we cannot just give up on it.

What the hell do you think the past three years of shitposting have been?

We already are.

We already are.

No, nepotism is how you end up with the Hapsburg dynasty.

I can't tell if you're being serious or if you're taking the piss at this point.

All of your "advice" is total non advice. Empty platitudes devoid of any real sense of strategy or reasoning. Fuck off with this shitty slide thread you absolute twat. Saged.

Good post. Just downloaded the PDF.

I dont get it, why do people bitch about chink or gook commies? Its very close to the natural state of society for these ant people, like tribal warlordism is natural for arabs and stoneage mudhuts for most niggers. Not our business (Kike business) White commies and turbo-degenerates are the enemy, and natsoc is the next step of white society. (Except in burgerland a mix of natsoc and libertarianism would work best maybe)

my new favourite term to smear the left with is loxist cuckoldry. better than saying anti-white-male.

"Fuck your loxist cuckoldry!"


Hi, Kike. Let me enlighten you on what you're spewing here.
Elections are the last, best hope of peaceful resolution to problems that arise on the political/judicial/laws of governance horizon. If we have no say in our own government why the fuck should we bend knee to obey, or protest, or adapt to a lesser "protected" status?

No, we will do what white man has always done. We shall destroy all that our ancestors had created in order to purge all that we consider undeserving of the benefits of our compassion, mercy, and altruism. We are about to ban together as white men in our march to liberate our souls and our lands from the invading hordes and their hook-nosed masters. The fire rises, and we shall scatter your ashes to the winds.

Ebin, can't believe that all I had to do to save the white race in such a legendary sounding fashion was place a tick by Trump's name.

The kikes and their brown tools are cutting off your leg and you place a bandaid in form of Trump, thinking it's solved the problem. It didn't, it only delayed the inevitable as the time of peaceful solution is long since past. No matter who's going to be in charge at the start of the uprising, we're going to have to break the law to set things right, or are such a fucking cuck that you're unwilling to break societal norms to save your race? Should the American revolutionaries have just stayed quiet and paid their fucking taxes to the crown like good little goyim, lest they broke the law? What the fuck happened to Holla Forums that would collect explosives and fun manuals for the future conflict? What happened to Holla Forums that planned which critical infrastructure could be hit for maximum unrest? Why did Trump's election make you all so fucking inert?